六年级上册 (英语)学科集中备课.pdf
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1、(六)年 级(上)册(英语)学科集中备课备课时间2014.10.13主备人刘瑞红主 备 人所在单位城西小学复备时间201 4.1 0.1 3授课教师李翠枝授课教师所在单位羊头崖小学课题Unit2 Mascots(Part 5)课型看图说话课时分配共7 课时 第4 课时上课时间2014.10.项目内容修改栏教学目标知识能力A.知识目标:1.巩固运用有关m ascots的单词.2.学习运用句子:has got.B.能力目标:看图说句子。程法过方1 .小组合作2.Chant情感态度价值培养学生能大胆说英语的勇气。教学重点学习句子第三人称单数的表达:has got教学难点学习句子第三人称单数的表达:h
2、as got教学、教(课件)准备Tape,pictures教学流程评论或修改教学环节教师活动预设学生活动S te p l:W arming up1.Listen to the song andsing it:Mascots2.Show the word cardsand read and spell them.3.Say the chantListen to thesong and singSpell the words.Say the chantHave you got a pet?Yes,1 have.Have you got a pet?Yes,1 have.What have you
3、got?教学环节S tep2P resentation/Practice1 .Guess a riddle:Toby has got a nice face.11 has got two big eyes.11 has got a very big nose.11 has got a big mouth.11 has got two round ears.2.Ss look at the picturesand say by them selves.FangfangMr Brow n3.Choose some pupils saythe sentences.4.Make some senten
4、cesfreely in groups.Step 3.productionW rite a text about havegot/has got.I n focus:I have got a schoolbag.He has got a red pencil.-Have you got a new car?-Yes,l have.(No,l haven,t.)Ss:Toby thetiger.S1:Fangfanghas gotA pencilcase.She has got aschoolbag,She has got twopens.S2:Mr Brow nhas got a redcar
5、.He has got a bighouse.学生练习havegot,has got 的问句及回答方式。Have you got.?Yes,l have.No,I havent.Has she/hegot.?Yes,she/he has.No,she/hehasnt.板书设计Unit2 Mascots Part 5He has got a red pencil.-Has he got a red pencil?Yes,he has.No,he hasnt.教学反思通过这节课地学习,教师在课堂教学中要关注学生地情绪,充分调动学生地学习积极性,尽量用学生感兴趣地内容来完成教学,这样才能取得较女子地
6、教学效果.在教学过程中,教师遇到问题时要及时调整自己地教学方法和思路,结合自己地特长找到合适地解决办法,并且为今后地教学打下基础.备课时间10.16主备人冯瑞萍主备人所在单位东关小学复备时间10.16授课教师李翠枝授课教师所在单位羊头崖小学课题Unit 2(6)课型Story课时分配1课时第1课时项 目内 容教学目标知识能力1.通过本课的学习,学生能够理解故事内容,在老师和录音的帮助下,学生能够分角色有感情的读故事。2.在故事中情景理解并正确朗读新句子:Dont forget thepotatoes.M y head hurts.Stay here.D am n.M y new jeans.I
7、 wantto sell this necklace.过程方法1.通过看老师表演理解本课新句子的意思。2.通过体验式学习感知故事,激发和保持学习的兴趣和欲望。3.通过分解故事内容,培养学生认真观察图片的能力,激发学生对故事探究的兴趣,提高自主学习的能力。4.通过合作读故事的形式,深化理解故事,表演故事。情感态度价值观1.让学生明白:成功的取得应取决于努力,不能依赖吉祥物。2.通过各种活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点通过看图、听音、阅读主要故事情节、图片排序等理解故事。教学难点模仿故事人物的语音语调读故事,并在学习故事的过程中感受故事的内涵。教学、教 具(课件)准备自制的多媒体课件、新句子的
8、词条、头饰、卡片等教学流程教学环教师活动预设学生活动A:Warming upLet*s sing a song(part 1)B:PresentationL师生对话导入T:I feel easy,1 feel free,because m y mascots write forsing the songtogether.节m e .A r e th e m a sc o ts i m p o rta n t?(指问学生,然后表达老师的观点)N o ,I d o n t th i n k so .(出示项链)Wh a t sth i s?(生答,同时让学生认识 T h e g o l d e n
9、 n e c k l a c e )T h eg o l d e n n e c k l a c e te l l s us w e sh o ul d n t th i n k m a sc o ts a reto o i m p o rta n t.D o y o u w a n t to k n o w th e sto ry?T h i s l e sso n ,w e w i l l l e a rnth e sto ry :T h e g o l d e n n e c k l a c e .(板题)2.I f y o u w a n t to un d e rsta n d th
10、 e sto ry ,y o u m ust f i rstun d e rsta n d th e si x se n te n c e s.D o n,t f o rg e t th e p o ta to e s.M y h e a d h urts.S ta y h e re.D a m n.M y n e w j e a n s.I w a n t to se l l th i s n e c k l a c e.T h e te a c h e r d o th e a c ti o n s to h e l p stud e n ts un d e rsta n dth e se
11、 se n te n c e s,a n d th e n g e t th e stud e n ts to re a d a f te rth e te a c h e r.T h e n L e t th e stud e n ts re a d to c o l um n .R e a dto g e th e r a t l a st.2)Pl a y a g a m e :(传话游戏)3.教师引导学生理解故事1.Ask th e S s to l i ste n to th e sto ry a n d th i n k h o w m a n yp e o p l e a re
12、th e re i n th e sto ry .2.T h e te a c h e r p re se n ts th e sto ry o f th e c h a ra c te rs.(把角色编号1、2、3、4、5)T h e stud e n ts re a da f te r th ete a c h e r.T h e nre a d to c o l um n .R e a d to g e th e r a tl a st.S s l i ste n to th esto ry a n d th i n k3.L i ste n to th e ta p e a n d t
13、h i n k w h a t J o e i s g o i n g to d o .h o w m a n y p e o p l e(听完后,生回答,接着老师引出约翰在买土豆的路上发生了什么事呢?从而引出下文。4.Ask th e S s to re a d th e sto ry b y th e m se l ve s,a n d th e na re th e resto ry .i n th ed i sc uss th e q ue sti o n s w i th i n th e g ro up s:Wh o f o un d th e g o l d e n n e c
14、k l a c e f i rst?S s re a d th e sto ryb y th e m se l ve s,a n d th e n d i sc ussth e q ue sti o n sWh o th ro w s th e g o l d e n n e c k l a c e?Wh o f i n d s th e g o l d e n n e c k l a c e se c o n d l y?Wh o se l l s th e g o l d e n n e c k l a c e?w i th i n th eg ro up s.6.S tud e n ts
15、 re a dH o w m uc h m o n e y?th e sto ry w i th i nth e g ro up.(学生有不懂的地方可以5.T h e te a c h e r c o rre c ts a n sw e rs.(串讲故事时,可以师做动作,生说句子)问老师)C:Pra c ti c e1.T sh o w s th e p i c ture s,S s re a d th e se n te n c e s.此处给图片排序分三部分:F o un dn e c k l a c e b e f o re2.S tud e n ts d i vi d e th e s
16、to ry i n to th re e p a rts.F i n d s th en e c k l a c e3.R o l e p l a y.D:C o n so l i d a ti o n a n d e x te n si o nD i vi si o n o f p e rf o rm i n g a sto ry,l e t th e stud e n ts g ue ssAf te r th ro w i n gn e c k l a c eth e C h i n e se,a n d i m i ta te th e te a c h e r s sto ri e s
17、.既让学生巩固了故事,又使学生对故让学生根据老师的表演去创编故事,比如把项链换成其他吉祥事的理解更加条物或一些学具都可以,来开发学生的思维,培养了学生的想象里,为后边的分角色表演故事做了铺能力。S um up:T h e g o l d e n n e c k l a c e te l l s us w e sh o ul d w o rk h a rda n d sh o ul d n t th i n k th a t m a sc o ts a re so i m p o rta n t.E:H o m e w o rk1.L i ste n a n d re a d th e sto
18、ry.2.R e c i te a n d w ri te th e i m p o rta n t se n te n c e s.垫。板书设计U n i t 3 A sto ry T h e g o l d e n n e c k l a c eD o n t f o rg e t th e p o ta to e s.M y h e a d h urts.S ta y h e re.M y n e w j e a n s.I w a n t to se l l th i s n e c k l a c e.教学反思这是一节故事教学课。课堂上孩子们首先通过看老师表演理解本课新句子的意思、;
19、然后通过体验式学习去感知故事,同时激发和保持学习的兴趣和欲望;接下来通过分解故事内容,培养学生认真观察图片的能力,激发学生对故事探究的兴趣,提高自主学习的能力。最后通过表演故事的形式,深化理解故事。这节课上孩子们活动多,积极性很高,学习效果较好。备课时间10、19主 备 人雷海燕主 备 人所在单位东关小学复备时间10.21授课教师李翠枝授课教师所在单位羊头崖小学课 题Unit 2(Part 7)课 型对话课课时分配一课时第 一 课 时项目内容教学目标识力知能学会使用Have g o t句型程法过方Ask and answer.情感态度价值观正确认识M ascots,不要迷信。教学重点Have
20、got 句 型。教学难点1.Have got 句 型。2.Educate Ss not to have a superstitious thought.教学、教具(课件)准 备P P T,实物。教 学 流 程教 师 活 动预设学生活动教学环节Stepl.Warming up.Sing the song Stickers1.Step2.Presentation.1.Say:I have got many stickers.Ask:Have you got stickers?Then show many mascots.Ask:Have you got mascots?What have you
21、got?or:What is it?What colour is it?Can I have a look?2.Ss ask and answer in pairs like that.3.Make a survey.Sing the songtogether.Yes,I have.Yes,I have.Its a shell.Its brown andwhite.Yes,look.Work in pairs.Ss hands up.Ss work in pairsasking andanswering aboutHow many Ss have got rings?How many Ss h
22、ave got shells?How many Ss have got soft toys?How many Ss have got friendship bands?Educate Ss not To have a superstitiousthought.Step3.Practice.Books open.Part 7.1.Fill in the chart.T works around and helps those who are inneed.2.Act out their small dialogues.Step4.Development languageAsk Ss to mak
23、e up their own dialogues.Then ask them to come to the front and acttheir dialogues.Step5.Homework.Make more sentences using Have got.school things.Ask and answer.Ss Act out theirsmall dialogues.Work in pairs.Ss act.板书设计Ive got.What have you got?I havent got.Have you got a.?教学反思本节课学生先阅读课文一遍,然后教师出示重难点
24、词句,要学生讨论汉语意思,师生共同核对答案,最后让学生大声朗诵这些重难点词句。备课时间2 0 1 4.1 0.2 2 主备人赵娟主 备 人松塔小学复备时间2 0 1 4.1 0.2 3 授课教师李翠枝授课教师所在单位羊头崖小学课 题U n i t 2 M a sc o ts pa rts(8)课型pra c ti c e课时分配共 7课 时 第7 课时上课时间项 目内 容教学目标知识能力A.Kn o w l e d g e a i m s:1.R e v i se th e w o rd s o f m a sc o ts:2.M a ste rth e d ri l l s:h a v e/
25、h a s g o t R i n g/n e c k l a c e/sh e l l/f ri e n d sh i p b a n d si l v e r b e l l s/so f tto yB.A b i l i ty a i m s:1.R e a d a n d m a tc h2.F i n d o u t w h a t e a c h c h i l d h a s a n d w ri te过程方法R e a d,m a tc h a n d n u m b e r感度值情态价观B e a c ti v e i n th e c l a ss a n d l o v
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