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1、绝密启用前2022年全国卷地区高考英语仿真模拟试题卷注意事项:1 .答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2 .请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第 I 卷(选择题)请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明评卷人 得分-、阅读理解(共 15题,每题2 分,共 30分)How It Feels to Floatby Helena FoxIf yo u re lo o kin g fo r a mo vin g sto ry that ex plo res themes o f men talilln ess,g rief(悲痛),an d lo ve,pick up a co py o f How It Feel
2、s to Float an dfo llo w B iz as she co mes o f ag e.This mo vin g n o vel w ill stay w ith yo u lo n gafter yo u fin ish readin g it.Two Can Keep a Secretby Karen M.McManusPut o n yo ur crime-so lvin g cap an d g et sw ept aw ay in this thriller abo uta g irl,a bo y,an d a strin g o f un so lved mur
3、ders.A s threats an d clues pileup,yo u 1 1 be burn in g the midn ig ht o il tryin g to fin ish the bo o k befo re daw n.Forest of a Thousand Lanternsby Julie C.DaoThe first bo o k in the Rise o f the Empress series takes the bo n es o f atraditio n al fairy tale-a po o r g irl fated to have po w er
4、,an evil queendetermin ed to sto p her,lo ve fo r so meo n e w ho do esn,t lo ve back an d mag ic 一an d g ives yo u a richly imag in ed East A sian settin g.Duneby Frank HerbertIf the Star Wars mo vies have made yo u fall in lo ve w ith the space o pera,even tually yo u re g o in g to read Fran k He
5、rbert*s mo st famo us creatio n.Thesto ry o f cen turies-o ld po litical plo ttin g abo ut w arrin g factio n s(派系)battlin g o ver co n tro l o f the ex tremely valuable plan et A rrakis 一 is a classican d remain s a w o n derful in tro ductio n to the larg er,mo re co mplex w o rld o fscien ce fict
6、io n just beyo n d the Star Wars trilo g y.1.What is How It Feels to Float main ly abo ut?A.The murder o f a teen ag e g irl.B.A g irl s space adven tures.D.A po o r g irl w ith specialC.Challen g es o f g ro w in g up.po w ers.2.What kin d o f bo o k is Two Can Keep a Secret?A.A fairy tale.B.A scie
7、n ce-fictio n sto ry.C.A lo ve sto ry.D.A detective sto ry.3.Which bo o k is abo ut battlin g fo r co n tro l o f an o ther plan et?A.How It Feels to Float.B.Two Can Keep a Secret.C.Forest of a Thousand Lanterns,D.Dune.E-cig arettes lead to as man y lun g diseases as to bacco pro ducts,a n ewstudy h
8、as fo un d.The repo rt fro m the Un iversity o f No rth Caro lin a at ChapelHill co mpared saliva(唾液)samples fro m to bacco smo kers,e-cig arettesmo kers an d n o n smo kers.Researchers fo un d that e-cig arette smo kers w erelikely to develo p dan g ero us pro tein s asso ciated w ith lun g disease
9、s such asCOPD an d cystic fibro sis.The study adds to a g ro w in g bo dy o f eviden cepro vin g that e-cig arettes mig ht n o t be the perfect altern ative smo kersaddicted to to bacco are lo o kin g fo r.Last year a Surg eo n Gen eralJ s repo rt claimed that the use o f e-cig arettes amo n g a cer
10、tain g ro up o f peo ple jumped 9 0 0 percen t fro m 2 0 1 1 to2 0 1 5 an d mo re studies w ere carried o ut to research their side effects.Thatsame year,the FDA put e-cig arettes in the to bacco pro ducts theadmin istratio n mo n ito rs.Previo us research fro m UCLA has pro ven that e-cig arettes c
11、an cause lifelo n gdamag e to o n e*s heart,an d that o n e puff(吸一口烟)o f an e-cig arette isall it takes to in crease o n e s risk o f havin g a heart attack.Fo r the n ewstudy UNC researchers o bserved 1 5 e-cig arette users,1 4 cig arette smo kersan d 1 5 n o n smo kers.The smo kin g status o f th
12、e participan ts w as co n firmedw ith a urin e(尿)test.The study revealed that e-cig arette smo kers haveraised levels o f n eutro phil-ex tracellular-trap(NET)-related pro tein s intheir airw ays.NET pro tein s fig ht o ff patho g en s,but in creased levels o fthem can lead to lun g illn esses.The p
13、ro tein s are asso ciated w ith COPD an dcystic fibro sis,bo th o f w hich make it difficult fo r patien ts to breathe.E-cig arette smo kers also have in creased NET levels o utside o f theirlun g s.This can cause cell death in tissues.The study s autho rsasso ciated this in crease w ith diseases su
14、ch as pso riasis,lupus an dvasculitis,but they said mo re research n eeds to be do n e to co n firm thislin k.A dditio n ally,the an alysis said e-cig arette smo kers have an in creasedrisk o f sufferin g fro m bro n chitis,asthma,bro n chiectasis an d w heezin g.Study autho r Dr Mehmet Keismer said
15、:There is co n fusio n abo ut w hethere-cig arettes are safer than cig arettes because the po ten tial adverseeffects o f e-cig arettes are o n ly beg in n in g to be studied.Our resultssug g est that e-cig arettes mig ht be just as bad as cig arettes.z/Dr Keismeralso stressed that e-cig arettes co
16、me w ith their o w n harmful risks alo n gw ith tho se lin ked to to bacco,w hich challen g es the co n cept that sw itchin gfro m cig arettes to e-cig arettes is a healthier altern ative.A citizen n amed Dycln a said,“The e-cig arettes pro bably make yo u co ug hless,but n o bo dy g ives a w arn in
17、 g abo ut yo ur lun g s.Fo r man ufacturers,it sjust a mo n ey thin g -it s just abo ut g ettin g pro fits fro m it.The pro blemis that o ur g o vern men t just stan ds there w ith its han ds behin d the back.4.Why did the FDA list e-cig arettes in to mo n ito red pro ducts?A.It mig ht realize the h
18、arm o f them.B.It w an ted to impro ve their quality.C.It aimed to reduce their illeg al sales.D.It mig ht be w arn ed by the g o vern men t.5.What harm do es the in creased level o f NET do to peo ple?A.Leading to psoriasis.B.Spoiling people s appetite.C.Making breathing hard.D.Speeding people s he
19、artbeat.6.What do es Dr Keismer thin k o f the view that e-cig arettes can cause sideeffects?A.Critical.B.Doubtful.C.Approving.D.Indifferent.7.What do es Dycln a main ly w an t to ex press?A.E-cig arettes are safer than reg ular o n es.B.E-cig arettes can o n ly ben efit few peo ple.C.Man ufactures
20、make a hig h pro fit fro m e-cig arettes.D.Go vern men ts are to blame fo r e-cig arettes?co n sumptio n.Fin din g time to en jo y life is beco min g harder an d harder.A s the averag ew o rkw eek len g then s,leisure time dro ps.Y et so me o f the w o rld s busiestpeo ple are able to develo p rew a
21、rdin g careers an d also make time fo r familyan d leisure activities.Here is their best advice plus that o f timeman ag emen t ex perts:1.Use yo ur peak ho urs w isely.Peo ple ten d to be mo st alert in late mo rn in g an d mideven in g.A ftern o o nbrin g s an in crease in sleepin ess.Use yo ur hi
22、g h-efficien cy ho urs to han dledifficult jo bs o r en g ag e in creative thin kin g.Fo r lo w-efficien cy times,co n cen trate o n clean in g up o r so rtin g yo ur mail.B y adaptin g to yo ur men talco n ditio n,yo u can acco mplish mo re in less time.2.Make a plan.Just 2 0 min utes o f o rg an i
23、zin g can save an ho ur o f ex tra effo rtrememberin g w hat must be do n e.Do n t try to carry yo ur life aro un d inyo ur head,“says Lucy Hedrick,autho r o f FiveDaystoanOrganizedLife.aWrite thin g s do w n so yo u can free yo ur brain fo r mo re in ven tive pursuit(追求).3.Disco urag e dro p-in s.T
24、he perso n w ho w elco mes every visito r w ill g et plen ty o f co n versatio nbut w o n,t acco mplish much.The trick is to develo p harmless w ays to pro tect yo urself fro m min utestealin g in terruptio n s.David E.Levy,a public-relatio n s co n sultan t(顾问),uses an altern ative to the o pen-do
25、o r po licy by keepin g his do o r halfo pen.The messag e is clear:he really do esn,t w an t yo u to co me in,but yo ucan if it is impo rtan t.4.Tame(驯服)the telepho n e.Few devices save mo re min utes-o r w aste so man y mo re-than thetelepho n e.Sig n al the en d o f yo ur co n versatio n w ith a p
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- 2022 全国卷 高考 英语 仿真 模拟 试题