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《2022年ACCA-CAT考试模拟考试题.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年ACCA-CAT考试模拟考试题.pdf(35页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2022年ACCA/CAT考试模拟考试题姓名:年级:学号:题型选择题填空题解答题判断题计算题附加题总分得分评卷入得分1、(i i)Comment on the figures in the statement p rep ared in(a)(i)above.(4 mark s)正确答案:(i i)The statement of p roduct p rofitabi I ity shows that CTC is forecast to achieve a p rofitof$2-185 mi I I ion in 2008 giving ap rof i t:sa Ies rat io
2、of 11,9%.H owever,the forecast p rof i t in 2009 i s on Iy$22,000 which wouldgive a p rofit:saIes ratio:lof just 0,19%!Tota I sales vo I ume in 2008 i s 39 0,000 units which rep resent 9 7 5%ut i I i sat ionof totaI annual cap acity.In stark contrast,the totaI sales volume in 2009 is forecast to be
3、240,000 units which rep resents60%uti Ii sat i on ofItotal annua I cap acity and shows the ex p ected rap id deci i ne in sales volumes of Bruno and Kongp roducts.The rap idi Idee I i ne i n the sa I es of these two p roducts is only offset to a relatively sma I I ex tent by i ncreasedsaIes voIume f
4、rom theLeo p roduct.It is vital that a new p roduct or p roducts with healthy contr ibut ion to saIes ratiosare i ntroduced.Management shouId a I so undertak e cost/benefit ana Iy ses i n order to assess the p otent i a I ofex tend i ng the Ii fe of Brunoand Kong p roducts.2、3 Damian is the f inance
5、 di rector of Linden Limited,a medium siz ed,unquoted,UK trading comp any,with a 31 Ju Iyy ear end.Damian p ersona I Iy owns 10%of the ord i nary i ssued share cap ita I of Linden Limited,for wh i ch he p a i d10,000 in June 19 9 8.H e estimates that the current mark et vaIue of Linden Limited is 9m
6、illion and that thecomp any wi I I mak e tax ab I e p rofits of 1 *4 mi I I ion i n the forthcoming y ear to 31 Ju I y 2007.(a)Dami an be I ieves that Li nden L imi ted shou I d conduct i ts act i vi t i es i n a soc i a I I y resp ons i b I emanner and to th i send has p rop osed that in future al
7、I cars p urchased by the comp any should be low emissionvehicles.The saIesd i rector has stated that severa I of h i s staff,who are the ma i n rec i p i ents of comp any cars,other than the d i rectors,are ex treme I y unhap p y with th i s p rop osa I,p erce i v i ng it as downgrad i ng the i r va
8、 I ue and status.The cars currently p rovided to the sales staff have a list p rice of 19,600,on which LindenLimited receives abu I k p urchase d i scount of 6%from the dea I er,and a C02 emission rate of 168 grams/k i lometre.The comp anyp ay s for up to 400 of accessor ies,of the salesmen,s own ch
9、oice to be fitted to the carsand a I I of the runn i ngcosts,including p r i vate p etroI.The cars are rep laced every three y ears and the old carsare sold at auction,because they are h i gh mi I eage veh i cIes.The Iow emi ss ion cars i t i s p rop osed to p urchase wi I I have the same I i st p r
10、 ice as the currentcars,but the dealeri s on I y p rep ared to offer a bulk d i scount of 5%on these vehicles.Damian does not p rop oseto mak e any otherchanges to Linden Limited s comp any car p olicy or p ractice.Requi red:(i)Ex p lain the tax consequences of the p rop osed move to low emission ve
11、hicles for both theindividualsalesmen and Linden Limited,iI lustrating y our answer by means of relevant calculations ofthe tax andnat i onaI i nsurance(NIC)sav i ngs ar i s i ng.(9 mark s)正确答案:(a)(i)I nd i vidua I saIesmenThe tax ab I e benefit i s determined by the I i st p r i ce of the veh i c I
12、 e p I us the cost of the accessor i es(20,000)and the C02emission rate.The current vehicIes have a C02 emission rate of 168 grams/k i lometre,so thebenefit will be calculatedat the rate of 20%(168-140)/5+15),resulting in a tota I annua I car and car fuel benefitcharge of 6,880(20,000 x 20%+14,400 x
13、 20%).The low emission vehicles will be chargeable at the basic p ercentagerate of 15%resulting i n a tota I annua I car and fue I benefit charge of 5,160(20,000 x 15%+14,400 x 15%).ThesaIesmen wi I I thusmak e an annua I i ncome tax saving at thei r margins I rate of tax,i.e.378(1,720 x 22%)ifthey
14、are bas i c rate tax p ay ersand 688(1,720 x 40%)i f they are h i gher rate tax p ay ers.Linden LimitedThe current vehicles wi I I be cIassed as ex p ensive cars based on the discounted I ist p ricep I us the cost of the accessor i esof 18,824(19,600 x 9 4%+400).The annua I writing down a I Iowances
15、 wi I I thus be restr ictedto 3,000 throughoutOthe p eriod of ownership,but there wi I I be no restr iction of the ba Ianc i ng a I Iowance ava i I ableon disp osaI.The lowemission vehicles will be eligible for a 100%fi rst y ear a I Iowance of 19,020(19,600 x 9 5%+400),but there wi I Ia I so be a b
16、alancing charge on disp osal equivalent to the sales p roceeds.Therefore,the totalof the a I Iowances ava i lab Ieover the I ife of the cars will be effectively the same i n both cases.As a single comp any withtax able p rofits of 1 -4 mi I I ion,L i nden Limited wi I I p ay corp ora!i on tax at the
17、 smaI I comp an i es margins I rateof 32 75%i n the y ear to 31 Ju I y 2007,giving a tax benef i t i n that y ear of 5,247 for each low emi ss i on car p urchased(19,020-3,000)x32 75%).IThe comp any wi I I a I so mak e an annual saving i n terms of the Class 1A nat i onaI i nsurancecontr ibut ions p
18、 ay able on theI|salesmen,s benefits of 220(6,880-5,160)x 12,8%).But,as these Class 1A contributionsare deductible forI Icorp oration tax,the net saving will only be 205(220 x (100-32-75)%).IAS the VAT liability p ay able on the p rovision of p r ivate fuel is based on engine cap acity (notthe C02 e
19、mi ss ion rate)thi swi I I not necessar i Iy be affected.3、(i i)Ex p lain the account i ng treatment under IAS39 of the Ioan to Bromwich i n the fi nanc i a Istatements ofAmbush for the y ear ended 30 November 2005.(4 mark s)正确答案:(i i)There i s ob jactive evidence of imp a i rment because of the fin
20、ancial difficulties andreorganisation of Bromwich.The imp ai rment loss on the loan will be calculated by discounting the estimated future cash flows.The future cash flowswi I I be$100,000 on 30 November 2007.This will be discounted at an effective interest rateof 8%to give a p resent value of$85,73
21、3.The loan will,therefore,be imp ai red by ($200,000-$85,733)i.e.$114,267.(Note:IAS 39 requi res accrua I of i nterest on imp a i red Ioans at the original effecti ve i nterestrate.In the y ear to 30 November 2006 interest of 8%of$85,733 i.e.$6,859 would be accrued.)4、(i i)CaIcuI ate Pau I ,s tax li
22、ability i f he ex erc i ses the share op t i ons i n Memp hi s p lc andsubsequent Iy sells theshares i n Memp h i s p I c immed i ate I y,as p rop osed,and show how he may reduce th i s tax liability.(4 mark s)正确答案:()由Ws income tax liability would thus be as follows:Market value of shares on exercis
23、e date(5,000 x 6 00)30.000Rri8 paid to exercise option 000 x 3 50)(17,500)Taxable income 12,500Income tax at 40%5,000Class 1 employees national insurance at 1%125Total income tax and national insurance payable 5,125On immediate sale of the shares,no capital gains tax would be due as the shares will
24、not have increased in value.However,if%d were to exercise his options after 25 June 2006.then he would be subject to capital gains tax on thesubsequent sale onfy.%uls capital gains tax liability would be as follows:Proceeds 30,000Price paid to exercise option(5.000 x 3-50)(17,500)Gain 12.500Less;ann
25、ual exemption(8.500)Taxable gain 4,000Capital gains tax at 40%1,600Note:taper relief only runs from the dale of exercise of the options,therefore none is available.As a result of deferring the exercise date,%ul will save tax of 3,525(5.125-1.600).5、(c)Ex p lain how absolutist(dogmatic)and relativist
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