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1、绝密启用前2022年全国卷地区高考英语仿真模拟试题卷注意事项:1 .答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第 I 卷(选择题)请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明评卷人 得分-一、阅读理解(共 15题,每题2 分,共 30分)T her ey s no better w ay to exp er ience S anta Monica than on the beach.Lear n to r ide the w av es on the S anta Monica Beach!S u r f les s ons w ithp r ofes s ional,exp er
2、 t ins tr u ctor s eq u al an u nfor gettable adv entu r e inCalifor nia.Highlights (最精彩的部分)Enjoy a day aw ay fr om the nois e of the cityClos e contact w ith fr iendly dolp hinsS ee nativ e w ildlife in their natu r al env ir onmentInfor mativ e,fr iendly and p r ofes s ional gu idePer fect intr od
3、u ctions for fir s t-time v is itor sAll neces s ar y eq u ip ment inclu dedS chedu le DetailsYou may s chedu le s u r f les s on times fr om 6am to 6p m ev er y day all yearr ou nd,w ith a du r ation of 1.5 hou r s.You w ill meet you r ins tr u ctor s atLifegu ar d T ow er 28 on the S anta Monica B
4、each.Ins tr u ctor s ar e eq u ip p ed toteach beginning,inter mediate and adv anced lev els,and all childr en ov er 4year s of age ar e encou r aged to p ar ticip ate.You r ins tr u ctor s als o encou r ages iblings,fr iends,cou p les and families to attend together.Pleas e contactthe s u r f ins t
5、r u ctor after booking to confir m the s p ecific les s on time.Pr iceAdu lt(Age 1 8-84)Child(Age 4-1 2)You th(Age 1 3-1 7)Pr ice p er p er s onU S D 1 55.0 0U S D 1 0 5.0 0U S D 1 25.0 0Cancellation PolicyIf you cancel at leas t 7 days in adv ance of the s chedu led dep ar tu r e,ther e is no cance
6、llation fee.If you cancel betw een 3 and 6 days in adv ance of the s chedu leddep ar tu r e,ther e is a 50 p er cent cancellation fee.If you cancel w ithin 2 days of the s chedu led dep ar tu r e,ther e is a 1 0 0p er cent cancellation fee.1.What can w e lear n abou t the s u r f les s on?A.It is de
7、s igned for beginner s.B.It needs r es er v ing in adv ance.C.It ins p ir es all childr en to p ar ticip ate.D.It char ges extr a money for eq u ip ment.2.How mu ch w ill the S miths p ay if they w ant to lear n to s u r f w ith their 4-year-oId dau ghter?A.$385 B.$405 C.$415 D.$4353.WhatJ s the p u
8、 r p os e of this p as s age?A.T o attr act p eop le to S anta Monica Beach.B.T o intr odu ce S anta Monica Beach s u r f les s ons.C.T o r ev iew an u nfor gettable adv entu r e.D.T o giv e p eop le gu idance on s u r fing.AIDS may be one of the mos t u ndes ir able dis eas es in the w or ld.Lu cki
9、ly,ther e is now hop e for AIDS p atients.Accor ding to a r ecent p ap er p u blis hed in the New England Journal ofMedicine,Chines e s cientis ts hav e s u cces s fu lly u s ed CR IS PR technology-amethod of gene editing to tr eat a p atient w ith HIV.While it may not hav ecu r ed the p atient,it s
10、 till r ep r es ents a hu ge s tep for w ar d in fighting thedis eas e.T he p atient w as a 27-year-old Chines e man w ho w as diagnos ed w ith bothAIDS and acu te lymp hoblas tic leu kemia,a typ e of blood cancer.Des p ite hisbleak s itu ation,doctor s offer ed him a little hop e:a bone mar r ow(骨髓
11、)tr ans p lant to tr eat his cancer and an exp er imental tr eatment for his HIV.T hey u s ed this chance to edit the DNA in bone mar r ow s tem cells(干细胞)fr oma donor befor e tr ans p lanting the cells into the p atient.S p ecifically,the tr eatment inv olv ed u s ing the gene editing tool CR IS PR
12、-Cas 9 to delete a gene know n as CCR 5,w hich encodes a p r otein that HIV u s esto get ins ide hu man cells.Withou t the gene,HIV is u nable to enter cells.T alking abou t the gene,lead s cientis t Deng Hongku i told CNN,After beingedited,the cells and the blood cells they p r odu ce hav e the abi
13、lity tor es is t HIV infection.Nineteen months after the tr eatment,the p atient,sleu kemia w as in comp lete r emis s ion(缓解)and donor cells w ithou t CCR 5 r emained,accor ding to the r es ear ch p ap er.T hou gh the tr ans p lant didn,t cu r e the man s HIV,it s till s how ed theeffectiv enes s o
14、f gene editing technology,as ther e w as no indication of anyu nintended genetic changes a major concer n w ith p as t gene editing tr eatmentexp er iments.Ames h Adalja,a s enior s cholar at the Johns Hop kins Center for HealthS ecu r ity in the U nited S tates,w ho w as not inv olv ed in the s tu
15、dy,p r ais ed thetr eatment.T hey did a v er y cr eativ e exp er iment,and it w as s afe,he toldLiv e S cience.It s hou ld be v iew ed as a s u cces s.,zDeng believ es gene editing technology cou ld br ing a new daw n to blood-r elated dis eas es s u ch as AIDS and s ickle-cell anaemia.z,T hanks to
16、this newtechnology,the goal of a fu nctional cu r e for AIDS is getting clos er andclos er,he s aid.4.T he u nder lined w or d bleak in Par agr ap h 3 p r obably means”.A.hopeless B.unstable C.embarrassing D.unique5.How did the tr eatment fight agains t HIV?B.By changing the structure ofA.By identif
17、ying and killing HIV.,HIV.C.By preventing HIV entering D.By removing a protein HIV feedscells.on.6.What is the r es u lt of the tr eatment?A.Gene-edited cells ar e able to r es is t HIV infection.B.T he nu mber of cells infected w ith HIV has decr eas ed.C.CCR 5 and other genes in the p atient,s cel
18、ls ar e changed.D.U nintended genetic changes hav e taken p lace in the p atient,s cells.7.What can w e know abou t the exp er iment?A.It p ointed ou t the p r oblems of gene tr eatment.B.It p r ov ided a new w ay to cu r e AIDS p atients.C.It cou ld offer a s afe tr eatment for blood-r elated dis e
19、as es.D.It w as the fir s t examp le to u s e the gene editing tool to tr eat AIDS.T he mos t imp or tant les s ons in life that w e need to lear n ar e ther es u lts of ou r p oor decis ions.Althou gh time and exp er ience ar e the bes tteacher s,w e als o s u ffer fr om exp er iences s u ch as ou
20、r s acr ifices,s u ffer ingand the har ds hip s.Good ju dgment dev elop s only w hen w e tr u ly lear n fr om ou rmis takes.How ev er,many p eop le keep r ep eating the s ame mis takes befor elear ning their les s ons becau s e as they s ay,they ar e ju s t hu mans w ho ar es u bject to making mis t
21、akes.Ou r w eaknes s es in life can be tu r ned into ou r s tr engths if w eimmediately acknow ledge and r ecogniz e the fact that w e mes s u p and lear nfr om them.Ou r good or bad exp er iences help u s lear n better ju dgment inlife.Yet,too many p eop le ar e in denial(拒绝承认)and p lace the blame
22、onother s w ithou t r ealiz ing that the minu te they take r es p ons ibility for theiraction is w hen the lear ning p r oces s begins.As ide fr om lear ning fr om ou row n exp er ience,w e can als o lear n v alu able les s ons fr om the exp er ience ofother s.It allow s u s to obs er v e ou r behav
23、 ior fr om another angle.When w er ecogniz e ou r mis takes and p r ev ent them fr om hap p ening again,w e ar e,ther efor e,lear ning.Qu ickly identifying ou r mis takes and changing behav ior accor dingly r eq u ir esles s time and ener gy than denying mis takes.How ev er,acknow ledgement ofmis ta
24、kes r eq u ir es belief in the idea that p er fection is not p os s ible.It is eas ier to analyz e ou r mis takes es p ecially w hen w e talk to other s,w hich can help p eop le to s or t ou t comments or cr iticis ms after a mis take ismade.Des p ite ou r tendency to av oid mis takes,timely acknow
25、ledgement is oneof the bes t w ays to p r ev ent them fr om r ep eating.8.What does lear ning fr om the exp er ience of other s help u s do?A.R ealiz e that mis takes ar e p ar t of life.B.R e-ev alu ate ou r behav ior differ ently.C.R ecogniz e the r es u lts of mis takes.D.Lear n better ju dgment
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- 2022 全国卷 高考 英语 仿真 模拟 试题