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1、老友记口语笔记第1季1集 NO.1 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate记得刚起先看时,有个问题总是让我困惑,即为什么每一集(episode)的名字都叫做"The One *",后来终于搞清晰了,原来它是the one with. 或者the one where,或者the one which.的意思,有时候甚至简写成TOW,呵呵,怎么样,明白了么?OK,让我们进入正题。第一集是试播(Pilot),主要情节如下,瑞秋在教堂抛弃未婚夫巴利、逃婚到莫妮卡处。莫妮卡和调酒师(Wine Guy)保罗约会,此君伪装成离婚后一蹶不振的薄命人,
2、靠博取怜悯来骗女人上床。罗斯婚姻失败,因为他的老婆被证明尽然是同性恋,所以心情低落。乔伊劝慰他说,女性的种类与Ice Cream一样多,离婚未尝不是好事。大家一同看西班牙肥皂剧并信口瞎猜剧情。罗斯自中学起即仰慕瑞秋,此刻死灰复燃,提议和她约会,瑞秋答应了。这一集肯定是整个Friedns的基石,所谓pilot就是假如播的不好,立马cancel的那种,所以无论剧情语言还有表演都特别精彩,这一集里面六个人都露面了,我立马就喜爱上了一脸坏笑的"幼兽"Joey(嘿嘿,一看就是我这种类型嘛),憨忠厚厚的Ross, 未经世事的Rach, 直爽坦白的"商贩"Chandl
3、er,成熟而又略带神经质的Monica,以及童趣无邪的Phoebe….以下是我觉得有意思的一些词句,一一讲解。1 Chandler :So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?这是Chandler挖苦Paul的话,意思是:他有驼背么?有假发的驼子?2 Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around myneck.这段
4、话是不是很熟识呀?对,大话西游里面一起先孙猴子发狠就是这样子讲的哦,不知道是谁抄袭谁,意思不用我说明了吧,这里Ross用来形容妻子Carol是Lesbian并同他离婚后的心情。3 Ross:Why does everyone keep fixating on that?这句话很好用,意思是为什么你们总是提起那件事呢?因为Joey又提到了Ross妻子Carol是lesbian的事儿,Ross特别恼火,于是冒出这样一句,我们平常生活中也可以用一下。Remember:fixate on sth.4 Joey: Strip joint! C'mon, you're single! Ha
5、ve some hormones! "Strip joint"是脱衣舞场的意思,Joey意思是Ross现在虽然很受伤,但是正好复原单身,可以去脱衣舞场去, "have some hormones"直译就是你要有一些男性荷尔蒙呀,翻译过来就是你该去(脱衣舞场)找乐子去。5 Rachel: I realized that I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry! And then I got really freaked out, and that's when ithit me:
6、how much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head. 这句话里面有三个词组须要说明,第一个是turn on,也就是打开的意思,比如turn on the radio,这里是指让某人更兴奋激烈的意思,想一想,平常在路上走,这时候有个sexy美女路过,你就可以说:wow,the gal really turns me on.其次个是freak out,这个词组很重要,几乎在每集都能听到,频率高的吓人,看来口语中很好用,在论坛上我看到以下几种说明,觉得不错,a.have an extreme reaction to sthb.act abnormally (under
7、 the influence of drugs) c.make sb feel extreme plaesure or unease,也就是表达焦躁胆怯担心等心情的意思。第三个词组是Gravy Boat,这是一个调味汁瓶酱油瓶,经常下面还垫着一个小碟子,特别精致的,所以Rach才说它给她带来的兴奋比Barry还大。6 Joey: You got screwed.这句话值得记住,意思是你受骗了。7 Paul: No, it's, it's more of a fifth date kinda revelation.这句语法结构不知道怎么分析,意思就是,这该是第五次约会时候才说的事
8、儿。这一招要学会,我发觉这个酒保的确很会泡妞。8 Ross: I assume we're looking for an answer more sophisticated than 'to get you into bed'.这里有一个词语须要强调一下,即sophisticated,在中文里面是世故的意思,其实在英文里面,这个单词是褒义词,说明人特别成熟有魅力。9 Monica: It sucks.这句话很常用,意思是"很残酷"。10 Ross: Okay. (They split it.) You know you probably didn
9、39;t know this, but back in high school, I had a, um, major crush on you. 这里又有一个经典的词组,have a crush on sb.对某人一见钟情,Ross在这里加上了major,意思是特别喜爱的意思,呵呵,抓紧学会了去对喜爱的人讲吧。最终写完101的了,虽然写的不好,可还是花了几个钟头,真累阿!关于上述笔记的探讨(enrollee)4. "have some hormones"我理解的意思是:to be manly,有点骨气,等等。翻译的字幕里说“别觉得丢人,你单身,有性需求”,觉得与joey说
10、话时的口气不符。5. turn sb on: 往往有make sb sexually excited的意思,不是一般的兴奋。 记得就在本论坛里,好象有人提起过。6. get screwed: 是受骗了的意思,但强调钱财方面,即“被别人以不正值的手段骗取钱财”。9. it sucks = it is very bad. 依据上下文这儿可译成:(尽管)这个世界很恶心。10. if you are a crush on someone, you are in love with them but do not have a relationship with them. 这儿ROSS说他是a cru
11、sh on RACH, 意思是他“曾暗恋过”RACH,往往有一种事过境迁后的自嘲味道在里面, 说“一见钟情”是不太精确的。假如你现在对你喜爱的人说“i have a crush on you”,嘿嘿,说不定他/她会理解成:“噢,原来你曾经一度呆傻般地痴迷上俺,不过现在已经不把俺当回事了。”1. while you're on a roll, if you feel like you gotta make like a Western omelet or something.on a roll:顺便,一次连着做什么事情。我有不同的看法,on a roll 的精确意思是做事情很胜利的意思,
12、这里是joey在说rach所做的coffee。2. I was laughed out of twelve interviews today. 这里laughed out oflaughed out of : 是Rachel面试表现太差,太出糗,被轰笑出了面试官的办公室。enrollee’s刚才一边看juliaqiu整理的antique的101笔记,一边就起先吹毛求疵地跟贴。跟了几个后又觉得自己的行为不好,应当激励这种共享行为,所以抓紧看看101的剧本,补充几个自己体会,欢迎大家批判。1. Joey: Listen, while you're on a roll,
13、if you feel like you gotta make like a Western omelet or something. (Joey and Chandler taste thecoffee, grimace, and pour it into a plant pot.) Although actually I'm really not that hungry.on a roll: undergoing or experiencing sustained, even increasing good fortune or success (手风较顺)另外这个western
14、omelet(西式煎蛋)很棒,是用火腿片、切碎的青椒、洋葱片撒在摊开的蛋上,用平底锅放在小火上烤出来的,我还喜爱在蛋里撒些cheese丝儿,哈哈,不能说了,我起先滴口水了。2.Paul: Ever since she walked out on me, I, uh.Monica: What?. What, you wanna spell it out with noodles?walk out on someone: 将someone抛弃spell it out: explain it3.Paul: No, I'm telling you last night was like umm
15、, all my birthdays, both graduations, plus the barn raising scene in Witness.barn raising: 村里的一种庆典,当一家人要建个新农屋时,邻居们也一起过来帮忙凑喧闹,场面很喜庆。4.Monica: Well, that's it (To Ross) You gonna crash on the couch?Ross: No. No, I gotta go home sometime.crash: 动词,临时在哪儿凑合一觉。5.Monica: (entering, to herself) Oh good,
16、 Lenny and Squigy are here.All: Morning. Good morning.Lenny and Squigy: 连续剧Laverne and Shirley里的两个角色,但没看过这片子,所以这两个角色有什么特殊的地方也不清晰,不知哪位能说明一下。5.‘Lenny and Squigy: 连续剧Laverne and Shirley里的两个角色,但没看过这片子,所以这两个角色有什么特殊的地方也不清晰,只知道她们是很好的挚友,室友,工友(在一家酿酒厂做封瓶盖的工作).6.Joey: (sitting on the arm of the couch
17、)Of course it was a line!Monica: Why?! Why? Why, why would anybody do something like that?line: 谎言。老美最厌烦的就是liar。line有“台词”的意思,在加上这句话是joey说的,他是个演员,所以我认为这里的line是台词的意思,而不是谎言。_,感谢细心的ttjzh。I am with you there!Friends的编剧文字功底醇厚,用词也经常叫人拍案叫绝。这里的line就是一例。不仅复合joey的“actor”身份,词本身用在这里也是恰到好处。Line一词也可作为俚语说明,字意为:“one
18、's usual way of talking, esp when being persuasive or self-aggrandizing”,这不正是"the wine guy"Paul的狐狸真面目(as ross said, to get women to go to bed by acting patheticly)?lavanew的回答:关于of course it's a line 的补充A line is a phrase tend to say to several people. It's a phrase designed to
19、get what they want. Sometimes people have a line they use toget girls and it's called a "pick-up line." people also have lines they might use if they are businessmen and want you to buy something.it's not always a lie but it's almost always some exaggeration.sudan1974 的回答:About
20、 LINE今日读Erich Segal的小说Man, Woman and Child外研社’88年版时,在119页遇到这个词在相怜悯形下的用法。In a restaurantGavin: … And I hope you’ll accept my invitation for nightcap, without any superfluous qualms.Sheila: No, really, I can’t. My friends are expecting me.Gavin: The Hotel is mi
21、dway between there and here.His Hotel. What a line! Did he ever actually succeed with it? Of course he did. …… (Sheila)注释为:What a line! 手法真不高超!line指为达到某种目的而实行的手段或巧语花言。 可以参考。1.this is a Dear Diary moment西方人写日记一开头总爱写Dear Diary,.Dear Diary moment或许是讲这个时刻不同寻常,有重要意义,值得写进日记的意思吧这是一个值得
22、纪念的日子/时刻”的意思。2.Mento是什么其实这里的Mento是指Mentos(曼妥斯)这种糖,这句话意思是Chandler和Joey与女孩的的关系从来没超过嚼一颗Mentos的时间.在<我与老友一起傻笑>一书中有提到Here Chandler made a comparison of the longevity of his and Joey's relationship to the lasting of Mento,emphasizing the shortness of theirrelationship with other girls,which acts
23、kinda as a comfort to Ross.3.drifted apart- 感情疏远4.stirp joint,脱衣舞酒吧,joint=place通常指不那么高雅的地方5.Sounds like a date to me 听起来就同我的约会一样6.Decaff是不含咖啡因的咖啡。当时rach进来的时候很激烈,mon就让咖啡店的小姐给她一杯这样的咖啡,免得她更激烈。7.sobbing 哭泣8.Lincoln High 指Lincoln High School. 能活着离开学校当然是surviors了9.or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaid
24、s再过一会儿就会有四个被淋湿的伴娘来找Rachel. Monica 拿这个来开玩笑。10.Turn out 就是事情结果是什么什么11.Have some hormones!可以理解为“你要有点男人的样子!”12.turn on 在美国假如不是指打开什么东西时,一般都指引起人的性兴奋。他们讲这些很随意,所以常常出现。13.freak out 很常用,就是吓坏了14.You can see where he'd have trouble.Apparently, we can tell that Rach's dad made fun of Rach's metaphor
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