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《2022年ACCA-CAT考试历模拟考试题(一).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年ACCA-CAT考试历模拟考试题(一).pdf(51页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2022年ACCA/CAT考试历模拟考试题精选姓名:年级:学号:题型选择题填空题解答题判断题计算题附加题总分得分评卷人得分1x (ii)D escr ibe the procedu res to ver i fy the nu mber of ser iou s accidents i n the year ended 30N ovember 2007.(4 marks)正确答案:(i i)Procedu res to ver ify the nu mber of ser iou s accidents du r i ng 2007 cou Id i ncIu de thefoI low in
2、g:ITu tor ia I note:procedu res shou Id focu s on the completeness of the di sclosu re as it i s in theinterest of Sci-Tech C o to u nderstate the nu mber of ser i ou s acc i dents.-Rev i ew the acc i dent I og book and cou nt the tota I nu mber of acc i dents du r i ng the year-D i scu ss the defin
3、ition of seriou s accident w ith the d i rectors and clarify exact Iy w hatcr i ter i a need to be met to sat i sfy the definition-For ser i ou s acc i dents identified:O?review HR records to determine the amou nt of time taken off w ork?review payrolI records to determine the f i nancia I amou nt o
4、f s ick pay aw arded to the employee?review correspondence w ith the empIoyee regarding the accident.Tu tor ia I note:the above w i I I help to clarify that the accident w as indeed ser iou s.-Review board minu tes w here the i ncrease in the nu mber of ser iou s accidents has been d i scu ssed-Revi
5、ew correspondence w ith Sci-Tech C o s IegaI advisors to ascertain any IegaI claims madeaga i nst the companydu e to accidents at w orkI I -Enqu i re as to w hether any health and safety visits have been condu cted du r ing the year byregu Iatory bod i es,and review any docu mentation or corresponde
6、nce issu ed to Sci-Tech C o after su ch visits.ITu tor iaI note:it is highly I ikely that in a regu lated indu stry su ch as pharmaceu tical research,any ser iou s accidentIw ou ld tr igger a health and safety inspect ion from the appropr iate regu latory body.I I -D iscu ss the level of accidents w
7、 ith representatives of Sci-Tech C o s employees to reachan u nderstand i ng as tow hether accidents sometimes go u nreported in the accident log book.2、(i i)C ompu te the annu a I i ncome tax sav i ng from you r recommendat i on i n(i)above as comparedw ith thesitu ation w here C i ndy reta i ns bo
8、th the property and the shares.I dent i fy any other taximp Ii cat i onsarising from you r recommendation.You r answ er shou Id cons i der a I I re Ievant taxes.(3 marks)正确答案:()Annual income tax saving and other issuesAnnual income tax savingIf Cindy owns all of the inherited assets the additional i
9、ncome tax is as follows.Tax on property income(see(i)5.640Tax on dividend income(see(i)2,7678,407The tax saved following the gift of the quoted shares to Arthur is 2.541(8,407-5.866).Other issuesTransfers between spouses take place at no gain,no toss for the purposes of capital gains tax.Arthurs bas
10、e cost in thequoted shares will equal Cindys base cost of 305,000.There are no inheritance tax implications due to the exemption for transfers between spouses.There are no sump duties on gifts.3、(i i i)Exp lain the potent i a I corporat i on tax(C T)impl ications of Tay Limited transferring w orkto
11、Trent Limited,and su ggest how these can be minimised or e Iiminated.(3 marks)正确答案:(i i i)Trading Iosses may not be carr ied forw ard w here,w ithin a per iod of three years therei s both a change i n the ow nersh i pZlof a company and a major change i n the natu re or condu ct of its trade.The tran
12、sfer of w orkfrom Tay Limited to TrentLimited is I ikeIy to constitu te a major change in the natu re or condu ct of the latter s trade.A s a consequ ence,any tax losses at the date of acqu isition w i I I be forfeited.A ssu ming Iosses w ere incu rred u niformlyin 2005,the tax losses at thedate of
13、acqu isition w ere 380,000(300,000+2/3 x 120,000).Th i s i s w orth 114,000 assu minga corporat i on tax Irate of 30%.IThu s,Tay Limited shou ld not consider transferr ing any trade to Trent Limited u nt i I after thethi rd anniversary of the date:lof the change of ow nership i.e.not before 1 Septem
14、ber 2008.A s the trades are simi lar,thereshou ld be IittIe problem i n transferr i ng w ork from that date onw ards.4、3 You are the manager respons i b I e for the au d i t of Vo I can,a I ong-estab I i shed I imi ted I i ab i I i tycompany.Vo I can operatesa nationaI su permarket chain of 23 store
15、s,five of w hich are in the capitaI city,Urvina.A l I the stores are managed inthe same w ay w ith pu rchases be i ng made throu gh Volcan,s centra I bu y i ng department and produ ctpr i c i ng,market i ng,advert i s i ng and hu man resou rces poIicies being dec ided centrally.The draft f inancia I
16、statements for the year ended31 March 2005 show revenu e of$303 million(2004-$282 mi I Ii on),prof i t before taxationof$9 0 5 million(2004-$7 -3 milli on)and totaI assets of$178 million(2004-$173 mi I Ii on).The fol low ing issu es arising du r ing the final au dit have been noted on a schedu le of
17、 pointsfor you r attention:(a)On 1 May 2005,Vo I can annou nced its intention to dow nsize one of the stores in Urv i nafrom a su permarket toa C ity Metro i n response to a significant deciine i n the demand for su permarket-sty Ie.shopping in the capital.The store w i I I be closed throu ghou t Ju
18、 ne,re-opening on 1 Ju ly 2005.Goodw i I I of$5,5 mi I I ionw as recognisedthree years ago w hen th i s store,together w i th tw o others,w as bou ght from a nat i ona I compet i tor.It is Volcan spol icy to w r ite off goodw i I I over five years.(7 marks)Requ i red:For each of the above i ssu es:(
19、i)comment on the matters that you shou Id consider;and(i i)state the au dit evidence that you shou Id expect to f ind,i n u ndertak i ng you r rev i ew of the au dit w ork i ng papers and fi nanc i a I statements of Vo I canfor the year ended31 March 2005.N OTE:The mark a I Iocat i on i s show n aga
20、 i nst each of the three i ssu es.正确答案:3 VOLC A N(a)Store impa i rment(i)Matters Mater i a I i ty?The cost of goodw i I I represents 3,1%of totaI assets and i s therefore mater i a I.!I?How ever,after three years the carrying amou nt of goodw iI I ($2,2m)represents only 1 ,2%of total assets-land is
21、therefore immater iaI in the context of the balance sheet.I I?The annu a I amortisation charge($1 1m)represents 11-6%profit before tax(PB T)and i stherefore a I somater i a I (to the i ncome statement).?The impact of w riting off the w hole of the carry i ng amou nt w ou Id be mater i a I to PB T(23
22、%).Tu tor i a 1 note:The temporary closu re of the su permarket does not constitu te a d i scont i nu edoperat i on u nder IFRS 5 N on-C u rrent A ssets He Id for Sa Ie and D i scont i nu ed Operations.Under I FRS 3 B u siness C ombinations*Vo I can shou I d no I onger be w riting goodw i I I off ov
23、erf ive years bu t su bject i ng it to an annu a I impa i rment test.The annou ncement i s after the ba I ance sheet date and i s therefore a non-adju st i ng event(IA S10 Events A fter theIB alance Sheet D ate*)insofar as no provision for restru ctu r ing(for example)can be made.How ever,the event
24、provides evidence of a possibIe impai rment of the cash-generat ing u nitw h i ch i s th i s store andr in particu lar,the valu e of goodw i I I assigned to it.!If the carrying amou nt of goodw i I I ($2,2m)can be a I located on a reasonable and cons i stentbas i s to th i s and the:lother tw o stor
25、es(pu rchased at the same time)Volcan,s management shou ld have appl ied animpa i rment test toI Ithe goodw iI I of the dow nsized store(this is likely to show impai rment).IB If more than 22%of goodw i I I i s attr ibu tabIe to the C ity Metro store-then its w r ite-offw ou Id be mater i a I to PB
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