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《2022年湖南公共英语考试真题卷10测.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年湖南公共英语考试真题卷10测.pdf(54页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2022年湖南公共英语考试真题卷(本卷共分为1 大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总 分 100分,60分及格。)单 位:姓 名:考 号:题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值得分一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.How do the scie ntists me asure the pitchA.According to the movement and vibrations of hot gassesB.The trade winds blow on EarthC.The riversD.The sound travel through the
2、space2.In this se ction you wi 11 he ar e ve rything O NGE O NLY.Liste n care ful lyand the n answe r the que stions that fol low.Mark the corre ct answe r toe ach que stion on your coloure d answe r she e t.3.The dark smoke that come s out of stacks or from a burning dump containstiny bits of solid
3、 or liquid matte r.The smoke also contains many gase s,most of which cannot be se e n.Altoge the r,the y make up the se riousproble ms of air pollution.In so many place s it ke e ps us from se e ing thesunf irritate s our e ye s,cause s us to cough,and make s us ill.Airpollution can spre ad from cit
4、y to city.It e ve n spre ads from one countryto anothe r.Some northe rn Europe an countrie s have had black snow”frompo11utants that have trave le d through the air from othe r countrie s andhave fa 11e n with the snow.So air pollution is re al ly a global proble m.Air pollution can ki 11 babie s,ol
5、de r pe opIe ,and those who havere spiratory(呼吸道的)dise ase s.In London,in 1952,four thousand pe opledie d in one we e k as a re sult of a se rious ai r-pol lution e p i sode.In 1948,in the smal I town of Donora,P e nnsylvania,twe nty pe opIe die d in afour-day pe riod of bad air pollution.At I e ve
6、I s ofte n found in citie s,air pollution incre ase s the risks of ce rtain lung dise ase s,such ase mphyse ma,bronchitis,and asthma.O f course,smoking and othe r factorshe I p to cause the se i I Ine sse s,too,but the se case s have incre ase d gre atlyduring re ce nt ye ars as air pollution has be
7、 come worse.Air pollution cancause both airplane and auto accide nts be cause it cuts down visibility.The re are othe r possible he alth dange rs from air pollution that we don1t know much about.For e xample,scie ntists are trying to f ind out whe the rche micals that re ach us from the air may caus
8、e change s in our ce lls.The se change s might cause babie s to be born with se rious birth de fe cts.Scie ntists are trying to le arn how al I the many che micals we are apt totake into our bodie s from air,wate r,food,and e ve n me dicine s acttoge the r to affe ct our he a I th and the way our bo
9、d i e s work.That is anothe rre ason why it is so important to be gin to control pollution now inste adof waiting unti I we le arn al I the answe rs.Air pollution costs us a lotof mone y.It soi Is and corrode s our bui Idings.It damage s farm crops andfore sts.It has a de structive e ffe ct on our w
10、orks of art.The cost ofal I this damage to our gove rnme nt is astronomical.It would be much moreworthwhi Ie,both for us and for the e nvironme nt,to spe nd our tax dol larson air pollution control.The author me ntions pe opIe dying of air pollution in.A.IllinoisB.PennsylvaniaC.New JerseyD.Washingto
11、n4.5.By now,it shouId come as no surprise whe n scie ntists discove r ye tanothe r case of e xpe rie nce changing the brain.From the se nsoryi nformat i on we absorb to the move me nts we make,our I i ve s I e ave footpr i ntson the bumps and fissure s of our corte x,so much so that e xpe rie nce s
12、canalte r hard-wire d”brain structure s.Through re hab,stroke patie nts cancoax a re gion of the motor corte x on the opposite side of the damage dre gion to pinch-hit,re storing lost mobiIity;volunte e rs who arebIindfoIde d for just five days can re program the ir visual corte x toproce ss sound a
13、nd touch.Still,scie ntists have be e n surprise d at howde e ply culture-the Ianguage we spe ak,the value s we absorb-shape s thebrain,and are re thinking findings de rive d from studie s of We ste rne rs.To take one re ce nt e xamp I e,a re g i on be h i nd the fore he ad calle d the me d ia Ipre f
14、rontal corte x suppose d Iy re pre se nts the se lf:it is act i ve whe n we(we be ing the Ame ricans in the study)think of our own ide ntity andtraits.But with Chine se volunte e rs,the re sults we re strikinglydiffe re nt.The Mme circuit humme d not only whe n the y thought whe the ra particular ad
15、je ctive de scribe d the mse Ive s,but also whe n the yconside re d whe the r it de scribe d the ir mothe r.The We ste rne rs showe d nosuch ove rlap be twe e n se lf and mom.De pe nding whe the r one I ive s in aculture that vie ws the se lf as autonomous and unique or as conne cte d toand part of
16、a large r who I e,this ne ural circuit take s on quite diffe re ntfunctions.Cultural ne uroscie nce,as this ne w fie ld is cal le d,isabout discove ring such diffe re nce s.Some of the findings,as with theMme/momw circuit,buttre ss Iongstanding notions of cuIturaI diffe re nce s.For instance,it is a
17、 cultural cl ich6 that We ste rne rs focus on indi viduaIobje cts while East Asians pay atte ntion to conte xt and background(anothe r man i fe stat i on of the i nd i v i duaIi sm-co11e ct i v i sm split).Suree nough,whe n shown comp I e x,busy sce ne s,Asian-Ame r icans and non-As i an Ame ricans
18、re cruite d diffe re nt brain re gions.The Asians showe d moreact i vity in are as that proce ss f i gure-ground re I at i ons-ho I i st i c conte xt while the Ame ricans showe d more activity in re gions that re cognizeob je cts.P sycho Iog i st Nalini Ambady of Tufts found some th i ng similarwhe
19、n she and co 11 e ague s showe d drawings of pe opIe in a submissive pose(he ad down,shoulde rs hunche d)or a dominant one (arms crosse d,faceforward)to Japane se and Ame ricans.The brain s dopamine-fue Ie d re wardcircuit be came most active at the sight of the stance-dominant forAme ricans,submiss
20、ive for Japane se-that e ach volunte e r1 s culture mostvalue s,the y re porte d in 2009.This raise s an obvious chicke n-and-e ggque stion.Cultural ne uroscie nce wouldn,t be making wave s if it foundne urobio Iogical base s only for we I I-known cultural diffe re nce s.It isalso uncove ring the un
21、e xpe cte d.For instance,a 2006 study found thatnative Chine se spe ake rs use a diffe re nt re gion of the brain to do simplearithme tic(3+4)or de cide which numbe r is large r than native Englishspe ake rs do,e ve n though both use Arabic nume rals.The Chine se use thecircuits that proce ss visual
22、 and spat i a I i nf ormat i on and plan move me nts(the latte r may be re late d to the use of the abacus).But Engl ish spe ake rsuse Ianguage circuits.It is as if the We st Conce ive s numbe rs as justwords,but the East imbue s the m with symbol icf spatial fre ight.M0ne wouldthink that ne ural pr
23、oce sse s invoIving basic mathe maticaI computationsare unive rsal,M says Ambady,but the y Mse e m to be culture-spe cific.Not to be the skunk at this party,but I think it s important to askwhe the r ne uroscie nce re ve als anything more than we alre ady know from,sayf anthropology.For instance,it1
24、 s we l I known that East Asian cuIture sprize the co 11e ct i ve ove r the i nd i v i duaIf and that Ame ricans do theopposite.Ambady thinks cultural ne uroscie nce doe s advanceunde rstanding.Take the me/mom f inding,whichr she argue s,atte sts tothe stre ngth of the ove r Iap be twe e n se lf and
25、 pe opIe close to you inco 11 e ct i v i st i c culture s and the se paration in i nd i v i dua I istic culture s.It is important to push the analysis to the le ve l of the brain.”Espe c i a I Iy whe n it shows how fundame nta I cultural diffe re nce s are-sofundame nta If pe rhaps,that unive rsalM
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- 2022 湖南 公共英语 考试 真题卷 10