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1、2022年 ACCA/CAT历 模 拟 考 试 题 姓 名:年 级:学 号:题 型 选 择 题 填 空 题 解 答 题 判 断 题 计 算 题 附 加 题 总 分 得 分 评 卷 人 得 分 1 x 4(a)Exp lain the mean i ng of the term working capital cycle for a trad i ng company.(4 marks)正 确 答 案:(a)The work i ng cap i ta I eye Ie i I I ustrates the changi ng make-up of work i ng cap ital i n
2、the courseof the trading operations of abus i ness:O1 Purchases are made on cred it and the goods go i nto i nventory.U 2 Inventory is sold and converted into receivabIes 3 Cred i t customers pay the i r accounts4 Cash i s used to pay supp I i ers.2、(c)Briefly descr i be three advantages to Bailey s
3、 of counseI Ii ng.(3 marks)正 确 答 案:(c)For Bai ley5 s the advantages of counseI I ing as a means of understanding and addressingthe prob Iems are that i t prov ides a conf ident ia I service to the empIoyee to d i scuss prob Iems awayfrom and not invoIving management or supervision.There is no obviou
4、s human resources pol icy atBailey s and counseI Ii ng prov i des an opportunity to deveI op an appropr i ate policy fromunderstanding individuaI problems.This i n turn wi I I demonstrate organ i sat i onaI comm i tment to the empIoyees that has been I ack i ngin the past at Bai ley,s and begin the
5、process of better performance and increase in commitment.At another I eve I,counseI I i ng can provide a link to other externa I agenc i es to ass i st withpersona I prob Iems that may be deemed too spec i f i c for resoIut i on within Bailey s.3、(c)Without changing the advice you have given in(b),o
6、r varying the terms of Luke,s will,explain how Mabelcould further reduce her eventuaI inher itance tax liability and quant ify the tax saving thatcould be made.(3 marks)The i ncrease in the retai I pr ices i ndex from Apr iI 1984 to Apr i I 1998 is 84%.You should assume that the rates and allowances
7、 for the tax year 2005/06 wi I I continue toapply for theforeseeable future.正 确 答 案:(c)Further adv i ceOMabeI shouId cons i der de I ay i ng one of the gifts unt i I after 1 May 2007 such that it i s mademore than seven years after thegift to the discretionary trust.Both PETs wouId then be covered b
8、y the ni I rate band resu11ingi n a sav i ng of i nher i tance taxof 6,720(from(b).Mabe I shouId ensure that she uses her i nher itance tax annua I exempt i on of 3,000 every yearby,say,making gifts of 1,500each year to both Bruce and Padma.The effect of thi s wi I I be to save i nher i tance tax of
9、 1,200(3,000 x 40%)every year.4、(b)Explain in the context of Flavours Fine Foods,what is meant by:(i)responsibiIity;(4 marks)正 确 答 案:(b)(i)RESPONSIBILITY is the I iabi I i ty of a person to be called to account for the i r act i onsand results,and i s therefore an ob I i gat ion to take some action
10、to discharge that responsibi I i ty.Uni ike author ity,responsibi Iity cannot be delegated.There is however some discussion on theextent to wh i ch th i s statement i s true:the i dea that respons i b i I ity cannot be de I egated i s toos imp I i st i c.Any task conta i ns an eIement of respons i b
11、 i I ity.It is the i dea of accountabi I ity andthe d i rect i on of respons i b i I ity that i s the re Ievant concept and i s the prob Iem at Flavours FineFoods;ultimate responsibi I ity res i des with the owners.It i s seIf ev i dent that it i s imposs i bIeto exerc i se author ity without respon
12、sibi I ity because th i s could Iead to prob Iems of controI andtherefore undesi rabIe outcomes for the organi sat ion.However,the super ior(the owner)i s alwaysu11 imateIy respons i bIe for the act ions of h i s or her subord i nates.The key eIement here i s therecognit ion of di scret ion by vi rt
13、ue of the person s position.Thi s under I ines the doctr ine ofabsoIute respons i b i Iity;the super ior i s always ultimate Iy accountabIe.5、(i i i)A statement on the importance of conf ident i a Iity i n the f i nanc ing of the ear Iy stageworking capita I needsand an exp I anat i on of how th i s
14、 conf I i cts with the duty of transparency i n matters of corporategovernance.(6 marks)Profess ionaI marks for Iayout,logical fIow and persuas iveness of the statement.(4 marks)正 确 答 案:(i i i)Importance of confidential ity i n the f i nanc i ng of the project and the norma I duty oftransparency.11
15、have been asked to include a statement i n my remarks on the ba Iance between our duty to betransparent whenever(possible and the need for discretion and confidentiality in some situations.In the case ofour initial working capital needsIfor the Giant Dam Project,the importance of confidential ity in
16、 financing i s due to the potentialfor adverse pub I icity thatmay ar i se fo r the I ender.11 i s i mportant th a t R M have the p ro je ct adequate I y f i nanced,espec i a I I yi n the ear Iy stages be fo re the i nter im payments from the c Ii ent become f u lly e ffe c t i ve.In genera I,o f co
17、urse,we at R M attempt to observe the h i ghest standards of corporate governanceand th i s i nvoIves adopting a defau1 1 p o sitio n of transparency rather than concealment wherever possibIe.W erecogn i se th a t transparency i s important to underpin investor conf idence and to provide investors w
18、 ith the inform ation theyneed to make fund a I I ocat i on dec i s i ons.Whi 1st i t i s norma I to d isci ose the amount of debt we carry at any given point(on the ba I ancesheet),i t i s ra re ly norma I:Ipractice to disclose the exact sources of those Ioans.In the case of the financing of in it
19、ia lworking ca pita l fo r the GiantID am Pro je ct,I m sure you w ill real ise th a t in th is unique s itu a tio n,disclosure of the I ender,s id e n tity could threaten the:Iprogress of the project.For th is reason we must re s is t any attempts to release th is into thepub Ii c doma i n.W e are
20、aware.lof one pressure group th a t is a c tiv e Iy seeking to discover th is inform ation in order to d isru ptthe p ro je c t,s progress andwe sha I I be tak i ng a I I i nterna I measures necessary to ensure they do not obta i n the i nformat i on.Thank you fo r I i sten i ng.6、(b)G a I cu I ate
21、the i nterna I rate of return of the proposed i nvestment and comment on your f i nd i ngs.(5 marks)正 确 答 案:(b)Calculation of IRR of*F1ngoF investment projectYear 1 2 3 4000 000 000 000Net cash flow 613 187 127 85Discount at 20%0-833 0-694 0-579 0-482Present values 510-6 129-8 73 5 4 1 0000Present v
22、alue of future benefits 754-9Initial investment 800 0Net present value(4 5 1)Internal rate of return=10+(20-10)x 6 52)/(65 2+45-1)=16%Since the internal rate of return is greater than the discount rate used to appraise new investments,the proposed investmentis financially acceptable.7、4 Graham Smith
23、 i s Operat ions Di rector of Cater i ng Food Services(CFS)a 1-5 bi I I ion U K basedd is trib u to r of foods toprofessional cater ing organisations.I t has 30 tra ding u n its spread across the country fromwh i ch i t can suppIy acomp Iete range of fresh,chilled and frozen food products.Its custom
24、ers range from ma jorfast food cha i ns,cater i ngserv i ces for the armed forces down to i nd i v i duaI restaurants and cafes.Who IesaIe foodd i str ibut ion i s very much apr i ce dr i ven serv i ce,i n wh i ch i t i s very difficult to differentiate CFS s serv i ce from i tscompetitors.Graham is
25、 very aware of the Government5 s growing interest in promoting good corporateenv i ronmentaI pract i ces andencouraging companies to achieve the international qua I ity standard for envi ronmentaIlyrespons i bIe operat i ons.CFSoperates a fIeet of 1,000 lorr i es and each lorry produces the equ i va
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