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1、上海电力学院外国语学院本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告 中文题目,宋体,四号英文题目,Times New Roman, 四号 题目 _ _院系 外国语学院英语系 专业年级 英语专业2013级 学生姓名 _ 学号 _指导教师_职称 _年 月 日开题报告内容一、选题理由 dickinson occupies an important position in the history of poetry in the United States, but his works have been the subject of debate, often give the reader a negative,
2、 pessimistic color, the article will be based on the analysis of dickinsons life and major works, thus the reader to read a new perspective of dickinsons work, namely dickinsons poetry in the expression of nature, life, the passion of love, so that the readers a more comprehensive understanding prof
3、oundly. 二、本领域已有研究情况(字数要求在200单词以上) (正式文献中此行红颜色文字删除)This topic will be different from Emily Dickinson. The theme of poetry, different selves from her, and to discuss the encounter with despair and contradiction in seclusion in self salvation, the author tries to understand another woman from a female
4、perspective, Dickinson described the female mentality of the poets rich. The introduction will introduce the current research situation of Emily Dickinson by scholars both at home and abroad. Scholars at home and abroad have carried out extensive and in-depth research on Dickinsons poetry, and have
5、achieved fruitful results. Some from the theme of the poem: nature, death of life, love and friendship, suffering and growth, the art of poetry and imagination, some study on the artistic style of the poem: the innovative use of punctuation and rhythm or poetry creation influence source, the researc
6、hers also use all kinds of criticism, such as feminist criticism, psychoanalytic criticism etc. the poetry of Dickinson, was a full range of research, extensive and in-depth. Some people regard Dickinsons self redemption as the subject of study, but the poets own salvation is to devote himself to th
7、e creation of poetry, but not from the spiritual level. The first chapter of this thesis will explain the self shown to us in Higginsons Poetry: rebellion against and helplessness in the patriarchal society. In poetry, white is shown as bride or nun (Gods wife), both of whom are married. Emily Dicki
8、nsons rebellion against that age was manifested in not accepting, but refusing to play the two roles. The second chapter of this article mainly tells the poet is a frustrated lover, longing for love and disappointment. The young Dickinson is full of longing and yearning for love, for love oath very
9、relaxed. But after suffering the blow of her own love failure, the poet began to look at the people around her. In her view, parents marriage, good friend Sues marriage were all examples of failure. Marriage seems to mean womens compromise and sacrifice; women no longer have dreams and pursuits; can
10、 not even mention the original intention of love; a woman can only give up everything to suit her husband. In such a delicate and sensitive observation, Dickinson was completely hopeless about love and marriage. The third chapter mainly discusses the poet as a careful observer of nature. Throughout
11、the poets natural theme of poetry, the poet advocates the beauty and harmony of nature, but the poet sometimes thinks that nature is frightening, and nature is indifferent to the suffering of mankind. The poets description of nature is also full of contradictions. The fourth chapter of this article
12、will explain Dickinsons rebellion against the patriarchal society, the despair of love and the contradictions in her mind when observing nature. She chose her own way of salvation. One is poetry and god. Writing has become her way of life. Dickinson is not a believer in religion, but the influence o
13、f religion is deeply rooted in her, and it is not conscious to choose God as her salvation. The two is the masquerade. Perhaps it is not the most active way to escape the society that has brought her pain, and poetry, for the moment, but for the poet, it is the way for her. The third way is to hope.
14、 In the process of disappointment and contradiction, hope overcome all.三、论文主体纲要及主要论点Emily dickinson loves the fountain of natureThe impact of transcendentalism on it the source of his passion for love Dickinsons love for her beloved Wordsworth was in many dickinson studies. Susan friendship is dicki
15、nsons strong support Susan is dickinsons sister-in-law, dickinsons passion for life Two、the passion embodied in dickinsons poetry dickinsons love poem 四、参考文献 IMaShuli.OntheNatureThemeinEmilyDickinsonSPo-ems.JournalofNUC(SocialScienees).No.3Vol,21 2005:28.2Johnson,ThomasH.ed.TheLettersofEmilyDickinso
16、n.3vols.Cambridge,Mass.:TheBelknapPressofHarvardUni- versityPress,1958.Vo1.II:475.3Erkkfla,Betsy.TheEmilyDickinsonWars.Ed.Martin,Wendy.TheCambridgeCompaniontoEmilyDickinson.Cam? bridge:CambridgeUniversityPress,2002.,4Martin,Wendy.Ed.TheCambridgeCompaniontoEmilyDickinson.Cambridge:CambridgeUniversity
17、Press,2002. 5Smith,MarthaNel1.SusanandEmilyDickinson:theirlives,inleer.Ed.Martin,Wendy.TheCambridgeCompanionto EmilyDickinson.Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress, 2002:65.6王欣欣.解析艾米丽?狄金森诗作中死亡的两重性(英文)J.内蒙古师范大学:哲学社会科学版,2006,(S1):12一l6.7Wolff,CynthiaG.EmilyDickinson.TheColumbiaHistoryofAmericaPoetry.Ed.J
18、ayParini.Beijing:ForeignLanguage TeachingandResearchPress&ColumbiaUniversityPress. 2004.8YuanZhifeng.TheSelfSearchingSpirit:TheIntegrityof Emil);DickinsonSPoems.ShanghaiInternationalStudiesUniversity:2005.9毕凤珊.艾米丽?迪金森的自然视角J.盐城师范学院:哲学社会科学版,2000,(4):3336.10迪金森.迪金森诗选M.江枫,译.北京:中央编译出版社,2004:1.11刘守兰.迪
19、金森研究M.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2006:6.12刘炳善.英国文学简史M.郑州:河南人民出版社,2007.13魏烨.浅谈艾米丽?狄金森诗歌的思想内涵J.三门峡职业技术学院,2007,(2):8082.14肖之芳.矛盾的灵魂,叛逆的精灵艾米丽?狄金森诗歌解读D.济南:山东师范大学硕士论文,2005.(责任编辑:宋艳丽)五、计划进度(以2013级为例) (具体日期参照当年日程,正式文献中此行红颜色文字删除)序号时间内 容1第七学期第1112周(2016.11.7 20)1) 学生选题,确定指导老师;2) 师生见面,讨论论文题目并开始填写指导记录手册;3) 指导教师填写任务书并下发学生。2第1
20、314周(2016.11.21 12.4)第14周前将毕业论文教师、题目、指导学生等全部输入教学管理系统,准备教务处检查。3第1518周(2016.12.5 2017.1.1)1) 文献资料查阅、调研等;2) 指导老师审核并最终确定学生文献翻译材料。学生完成文献阅读、外文资料翻译;3) 撰写开题报告并提交;4) 由二级学院组织检查学期结束前的论文进展工作;5) 各方向小组抽查部分学生进行开题答辩,报教务处备案。4第1920周(2017.1.21.12)学生完成文献材料翻译,提交文献翻译原文复印件(含封面、封底、目录,所译完整章节)、规定格式的译文给指导老师。5寒假(2017.1.132.19)
21、学生深入研究收集的文献。6第八学期第14周(2017.2.203.19)1) 最终确定论文题目;2) 正式进入论文写作阶段;3) 初步确定论文提纲。7第58周(2017.3.204.16)学生完成论文初稿。8第910周(2017.4.174.30)完成二稿。9第1112周(2017.5.15.14)1) 完成并上交终稿;装包(开题报告、任务书、全部翻译材料、论文全文、承诺书);2) 学院层面抽查部分学生进行试答辩。凡是答辩表现较差的同学,必须停止其他实习工作,全力以赴进行论文写作。10第1314周(2017.5.155.28)1) 教师评阅论文,学生准备答辩;2) 凡得到评阅老师“建议不允许参
22、加答辩的同学,论文工作小组将集体审核其论文,凡被该小组判定不予参加答辩资格的同学,将按延长学年处理。11第1516周(2017.5.296.11)答辩(学生备2份论文全文,5份中英文摘要)。六、指导教师意见(指导教师应根据学生所撰写的开题报告进行简要评述,同时明确表示是否同意开题)(正式文献中此行红颜色文字删除) 教师签名 日期: 年 月 日上海电力学院外国语学院本科毕业论文开题报告填写要求开题报告是学生将自己初步选定的题目之内容、思路等以书面形式向指导教师和毕业论文答辩委员会做出的简要汇报和说明。通过开题报告,学生能将所选课题的内容框架、研究现状、选题意义、重难点和创新点、文字结构、主要征引
23、材料及参考书目做出总体思路的勾画。通过对该选题来龙去脉进行有序的组合清理,学生可理顺论文思路,为撰写论文作好充分准备。开题报告用中外文(外文在前,中文在后)撰写论文题目,主要内容如下,一至四栏用英文撰写: 一、选题理由为什么提出这个选题?本选题的研究有什么意义?本选题和该领域相关研究之间的关系是什么?从理论的角度看,本选题有哪些方面的突破?从实践的角度看,本选题有何应用价值? 二、本领域已有研究情况国内外学者对该选题曾经做过哪些相关研究?有哪些相关论文、论著涉及到本选题的内容?三、论文主体提纲及主要论点 确定选题、充分收集、阅读参考资料、酝酿形成论证角度和基本论点之后,就可进行论文提纲的撰写。论文提纲反映了论文基本观点、佐证材料、论证角度和步骤,是一个依照逻辑关系层层展开的纲目体系,它是一篇论文的骨架和纲领,也是一篇论文的雏形和缩影。论文提纲应紧扣主题论点,依照一定的逻辑关系展开,层次分明,结构完整。主要论点则是本选题研究想要表示的主要观点。四、参考文献 应列出至少十种以上已阅读的与论文主题紧密相关、并将在论文中引用的参考文献,以及其它已获取的与论文主题相关的文献。五. 计划进度 根据当学期实际情况填写,具体到周。六、指导教师意见 指导教师应根据学生所撰写的开题报告进行简要评述,同时明确表示是否同意开题。