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1、(-)写作PE TS三级写作常为160-200个词左右的短文,文章难易程度适中,对于文章的文体,语言等要求较高,考生在写作时,要注意审请题目,抓住作文题目的核心重点,围绕着题目展开写作,考生在组织文章时要注意思路清晰,语言准确,句子完整,避免出现语法错误,另外,在写作,要尽量运用连词,如H owever,Nevertheless等,还要尽量运用谚语,如E very c oin has two sides,M ore prac tic e,morebenefit,这样会增加作文的写作色彩,从而提高作文的得分。作文考试的文体常分为四类:议论文;说明文;记叙文;描写性作文。下面分别分析以上四类文章:
2、(一)议论文议论文是作者就某个问题或事件发表自己看法的一种文体。作者旨在通过讲事实、摆道理来说明自己的见解、主张,从而使人信服。写议论文时要特别注意以下儿点:在段首就必须提出问题和作者的观点,使读者明确你的立场;充分运用逻辑推理来说明自己的观点,以理服人;说明材料(或论据)必须真实可靠,有说服力;驳斥他人观点时,应首先承认自己的观点可能会有人反对,然后再去批驳他人的观点,这样才容易获取他人的信任,使自己的观点更加真实可靠、有说服力;结尾句进一步明白无误地阐述自己的观点,赢得读者的赞同。下面以一篇习作 如何解决交通拥挤问题来看看这种文章的写法。为解决城市交通拥挤,有人建议建造更多的道路。有的人则
3、建议开辟更多的公共汽车线路。我的建议。How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic?With population rapidly inc reasing,heavy traffic hasbec ome a big headac he for many c ities.For this veryreason,many government offic ials and experts havethought up some solutions,among whic h two draw muc hattention the c ountry over.S
4、ome people suggest that more and wider roadsshould be laid down.I t is evident that it c an relievethe traffic c ongestion in the streets,thus ac c eleratingthe flow of buses and c ars.And meanwhile,the fastand smooth flow of traffic reduc es the air pollutionc aused by engine-idling.But the disadva
5、ntage of thissolution lies in the fac t that too muc h land that c o u l d b e u s e d f o r f a r m i n g o r h o u s i n g w i l l i n e v i t a b l yb e o c c u p i e d b y m o r e a n d m o r e r o a d s.T h e r e f o r e,o t h e r s h o l dt h a t t h e n u m b e r o f p u b l i c b u s r o u t
6、 e s s h o u l d b e r a i s e ds o t h a t m o r e p e o p l e c a n b e t r a n s p o r t e d a n d f e w e r p e o p l ew i l l h a v e t o t r a v e l i n t h e i r o w n c a r s o r r i d e b i k e s.L e s s u s e o f b i c y c l e s a n d p r i v a t e c a r s w i l l m a k e t h er o a d s l
7、e s s c r o w d e d.U n f o r t u n a t e l y,t h e r e i s a l s o ad r a w b a c k i n t h i s s o l u t i o n;i t w i l l b r i n g i n c o n v e n i e n c et o t h o s e w h o l i v e o r w o r k f a r a w a y f r o m b u s s t o p s.A s n e i t h e r o f t h e t w o s o l u t i o n s i s e f f
8、e c t i v ee n o u g hc i t i e s,t o s o l v e t h e p r o b l e m o f h e a v yI f a v o r a c o m b i n a t i o n o f t h et r a f f i c i nt w o.W h i l e b u i l d i n gm o r e r o a d s i n p l a c e s w h e r e l a n d i s l e s s u s e f u l,w es h o u l d i n c r e a s e t h e n u m b e r o
9、 f p u b l i c b u s l i n e s.O n l y i nt h i s w a y c a n w e m o r e e f f i c i e n t l y s o l v e t h e p r o b l e m o fh e a v y t r a f f i c.【译文】如何解决交通拥挤的问题随着人口的迅速增长,交通拥挤已成为许多城市难以解决的问题。正是由于这种原因,许多政府官员以及专家提出了一些解决方案,其中有两个引起了全国的极大关注。有人建议建造更多更宽的道路。很明显,这样会缓解道路交通的拥挤,从而加快车速。同时,快速而又流畅的车辆还会减少由发动机
10、变速导致的空气污染。但此种方案的不足之处在于这样一个事实;建造道路会不可避免地占用过多的土地,而这些土地本来是可以用于耕作或建房的。故此,另一些人主张开辟更多的公共汽车线路,使更多的人不去驾车或骑车,而是让他们去乘坐公交汽车。这样一来,也可以降低道路拥挤。不幸的是,它也有缺陷,即给那些远离公共汽车站的人的生活和工作带来不便。由于这两种解决方案都不能有效地解决城市交通拥挤问题,我赞成采取将两者结合起来的方法。一方面在土地不紧张的地方建造更多的道路,另一方面增加公共汽车线路。只有用这种方法,我们才能更有效地解决交通拥挤问题。当然,我们也可以运用作文模式来写议论文。作文模式(一)There is n
11、o denying the fac t that is a populartopic whic h is muc h talked about not only by butalso by.The reasons for are as follows.To beginwith,.Sec ondly.Therefore we should attac hsignific anc e to solving this problem.There are,Ithink,at least two possible ways to c opy with it.The f irst way to tac k
12、le it is to appeal toauthorities to take measures to.The other way thatis worth adopting is to work out new regulationsto.O nly in this way,c an we suc c eed in solving theproblem in the near future.To c onc lude,it is seems obvious that.So theprospec t we are looking forward to will be bright anden
13、c ouraging.作文模式(二)I fs generally believed that is a hot topicwhic h is widely talked about both at home and abroad.Now our government attac hes great importanc e to solvingthis problem.Sc ientists in the filed have put forward anumber of suggestions tending to relieve it.To beginwith,we should.Furth
14、er more,.I ts c lear that.People,however,differ in opinions on this matter.Somethink that.Ac c ording to them,we should.O thers argue that.I n their opinion,nobody c an,without.There is no doubt that.As a c onsequenc e.I n short,I firmly support the view that.I tsbec ause.So my c onc lusion is that.
15、作文模式(三)As is show in the table(in the pic ture)dropped(inc reased)from in 1944to in 1996.Ac c ording tofigures given in the table,has greatly inc reased(dec reased).From the table,we c an also see that there has been a sharp dec line(rise)in.I fs c learthat.There are at least two good reasons.For on
16、 theone hand.L efs have an example to illustrate thegreat inc rease in.O n the other hand is due to thefac t that.I n addition,is responsible for.M aybethere are some other reasons to show.But itsgenerally believed that the above mentioned reasons arec ommonly ac c eptable.As far as I m c onc erned,
17、0 believed that I m suremy opinion is both sound and wel1 grounded.()说明文说明文是对客观事物的特征、功能和作用等进行说明的文体。要求根据客观事实,如实地逐一予以说明。写作时,可以按时间、空间、逻辑或认识等顺序展开。下面就是一个依照逻辑上的因果关系而展开的说明文。下面就以一篇习作 青春来看看这种文章的写作。青春是什么?对于不同年龄的人,青春又意味着什么?就大学生而言,青春是On YouthI n the c ase of c ollege students,youth is justthe same as a rac e in
18、 whic h knowledge c ompetesagainst time for their sake.During the c ourse of thisc ompetition,most students try and invest as muc h timeas possible in the oc ean of knowledge,while some yieldup the pursuit of knowledge to the enjoyment ofpleasures that time offers.I t has al-ready been provedthat ec
19、 onomy of knowledge will feature the c entury toc ome,whic h is a direc t c hallenge to the c ollegestudents,masters of the new c entury.I f a studentrealizes the c hallenge as well as the fac t thatanyone has youth but onc e,he or she will never letyouth down and help knowledge always hold the lead
20、 inthe rac e against time.【译文】青春就大学生们而言,青春恰似知识为了大学生们的利益而与时间展开的一场竞争。在这场竞争中,大多数学生千方百计将尽可能多的时间投入知识的海洋,但有一些学生把对知识的追求让位于及时行乐。现已证实,知识经济将是下一个世纪的主要特征;这是对大学生新世纪主人的直接挑战。如果一个学生能意识到这一挑战以及一个人的青春只有一次的事实,那 他(她)就不会辜负青春,使知识在与时间的赛跑中永远处于领先地位。(三)记叙文记叙文是阐述一件事情的发生、发展、起因、高潮,以及结果的文章,对于它的写作最重要的是把文章的思路屡清,把事情的读者介绍清楚,特别注意时间、地点
21、、人物的变化。下面以一篇习作来看看这种文章的写作。An Unforgettable TestL ast Sunday,I took the GRE.I t was the longesttest I had ever taken.I entered the examination roomat eight oc loc k and did not c ome out until twelve.For the first hour I sat there waiting anxiously forthe proc tor to give out the paper.Then the examof
22、fic ially began.I saw nothing but the test paper.H owtime flew.I did one sec tion after another.The testwas over without my knowing it.E arlier I had taken many tests,yet at no testdid I feel time so limited as this one.Usually thereis plenty of time for me to go over what I havewritten when I finis
23、h the test.I would sit therewaiting restlessly for the test to be over.But this time,it took me over twenty minutes tohave finished the two sec tions on math at a muc hslower speed than usual.God bless me.I wish I hadbeen c areful enough this time.At noon,someone c ame over to talk with me aboutthe
24、test,whic h put me in doubt of whether or not Ihad put the number of my test c ertific ate right onthe answer sheet.I was sure I filled in the number,but I did not remember whether or not I had c irc ledthe c orresponding number under it.H owever,maybe all of my efforts are not made invain.I t would
25、 be terrible if I got no grades afterworking so hard.【译文】难忘的考试上星期天,我参加了GRE考试。这次考试是我考得最久的一次。8点钟进考场,一直到12点多才出来。刚开始1个小时,我急不可耐地坐等发卷子。正式开考后,只觉得时间飞逝。哗一下,一部分做完了;哗,又另一部分做完了,不知不觉中考试完了。以前,从没有哪次考试像这次一样时间扣得如此的紧。通常,我都是较快做完,并用大量时间复查,坐在那儿等时间过去,等得很着急。这次考试,仅数学的两个部分,我就花了20多分钟,大大慢于平时练习的速度。老天保佑,但愿我这次够细心!今天中午,来了个人与我聊起考试
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