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1、 模拟考研英语模拟60多项选择第1题:The speaker is mainly addressingA.teenagers.B.young students.C.parents of teenagers.D.those who give advice to teenagers.参考答案:A答案解析:第61题答案为 A。只要听懂全文大意不难选对答案。第2题:At the beginning of the talk the speaker is mainly talking aboutA.the teenagers strange behaviors.B.the teenagers,critic
2、ism of their parents.C.the dominance of the parents over their children.D.misunderstandings between teenagers and their parents.参考答案:B答案解析:说明:第62题答案为。第1句话说:年轻人有时批评父母,抱怨他们不理解,抱怨他们跟不上时代等。这正是 B的内容。D父母和孩子之间的误解,只是年轻人抱怨父母的一项内容,并非谈话一开始的主要内容。第3题:Teenagers tend to have their strange clothes and hairstyles be
3、cause theyA.want to irritate their parents.B.have no other way to enjoy themselves better.C.have a strong desire to be leaders in style and taste.D.want to show their existence by creating a culture of their own.参考答案:D答案解析:说明:第63题答案为 D。此题答案的根据是“So they create a culture andisoc i e t y of t h e i r o
4、w n.”。年轻人穿奇装异服,留古怪发式,惹恼了父母,但这不是他们的初衷(Th i s i s n ot t h e i r m ot i v e),他们感到成年人的群体不接纳他们,他们只好创造自己的群体,以显示自己的存在。因此答案不是 A ;B 的内容文中未涉及;C (有强烈的愿望领导时尚)也不对,谈话中是有“Th e y f e e lt h e y a re su pe ri or,a t l e a st i n a sm a l l w a y,a n d t h e y a re l e a d e rs i n st y l ea n d t a st e”的话语,但那是他们那样
5、做后自我感觉良好,认为自己了不起,领导了时尚,但这不是他们那样做的原因,更谈不上是有强烈的愿望。第4题:To i m prov e pa re n t-c h i l d re l a t i on sh i ps,t e e n a g e rs a re a d v i se d t o b eA.ob e d i e n t.B.re spon si b l e.C.c o-ope ra t i v e.D.i n d e pe n d e n t.参考答案:C答案解析:说明:第6 4题答案为 C。最后谈话人劝告年轻人要明白自己长大了,要对自己负责,要掌握自己的生活,那 就 要 I f
6、y ou pl a n t o c on t rol y ou r l i f e,c o-ope ra t i on c a n b e pa rt of t h a t pl a n.0第5题:Wh a t c a n w e sa y a b ou t M rs.B e l l?A.Sh e l i v e s w i t h h e r c h i l d re n.B.H e r h u sb a n d d i e d aC.Sh e pu t t h e n ot i c eD.Sh e a d v e rt i se d t h ey e a r a g o.a t t h e
7、 d oor t h i s m orn i n g,h ou se i n t h e n e w spa pe r.参考答案:C答案解析:第6 5题答案为 C。这是考查具体信息的正误题,仅 C 符合房东太太的情况。第6题:L i H u a prom i se d t oA.b ri n g$7 0 t h i s a f t e rn oon a t t w o.B.pre pa re C h i n e se f ood f or t h e w om a n.C.re n t t h e room f or$3 5 a w e e k w i t h m e a l s.D.h e
8、l p t h e ol d l a d y w i t h w a sh i n g a n d c l e a n i n g.2参考答案:A答案解析:说明:第66题答案为 A。李华对房子满意,说好下午搬来。房东说要先付两周的房租,因此答案为 A。B错,李华只是说有时可以给房东太太做中国菜。C错,35元是房租,不管饭。D房东太太说自己年纪大了,不能给房客清扫房间,要李华自己打扫,并不是要他帮她打扫她的屋子。第7题:F rom the conversation we have learned that Li HuaA.is good at cooking Chinese food.B.wil
9、l be allowed to use the kitchen freely.C.is a graduate student at the university nearby.D.will pay M rs.Bell$35 a week besides the electricity bill.参考答案:B答案解析:说明:第67题答案为 B。A错,无根据。C错,只知他是大学生,但没有关于他学校位置的信息。D错,35元的房租包括了水电。第8题:The man came hereA.to see his tutor for help.B.to help the woman with her rep
10、ort.C.to find some materials for his essay.D.to read books on the effect of smoking by parents on their children.参考答案:C答案解析:第6 8题答案为 C。男生告诉女同学说“Im still working on my essay forEnvironmental science.I need to check a reference.。查参考书,也就是为论文找些材料。第9题:What is their problem?A.The computers dont work prope
11、rly.B.There are no computers available.C.They can,t afford time to wait for the computer.D.They still have difficulty in finding the needed information.3参考答案:D答案解析:说明:第6 9题答案为 D。两人谈了他们用计算机查找材料都有些困难,M ary还上过一上辅导班,但帮助不大,问题是不知要查哪儿,她说“M y real problemis knowing what card to lookup.o第10题:Which of the fol
12、lowing is true?A.M ary is majoring in psychology.B.John is writing an essay on Environment.C.The man is taking class which is helpful.D.Card catalogues are easier than computer catalogues to be used.参考答案:B答案解析:说明:第7 0题答案为 B。M ary在写经济课程的论文,因此 A错;是M ary不是John,她上过一个计算机班,而且还没有什么帮助,因此 C错;D(卡片目录比计算机更有用)显然
13、是错的,因J o h n说 的“But they are souseful.checked out or not”就是他对计算机目录的评价。另一处John说Imstill working on my essay for Environmental science.”才是答案的根据。第11题:What do you know about the National Trust?A.Its a government-organization.B.It might be trusted by British people.C.It depends on the governments support.
14、D.People can visit most of its houses and land.参考答案:D答案解析:第7 1题答案为 D。这是综合判断题。可采用排除法解此题。A错,因从男士的介绍中得知National Trust是个非政府组织;B的内容没有提到;C也不对,政府给的钱很少,它主要靠赞助。自己还有产和土地。仅 D对,其根据是“M ost of our property are open to people.。第12题:What trouble may visitors dogs cause to the National Trust?A.They often eat birds,e
15、ggs.B.They may frighten farm animals.4C.They damage the wheat and grass.D.They can run into fanners houses.参考答案:B答案解析:说明:第 72题答案为 B。这是具体信息判断题。提到了孩子们掏鸟蛋,并非狗吃鸟蛋,故答案不是 A;C 也不对,是游人在麦子地里踢足球,损坏了庄稼;D 的内容没有根据,不是答案。B 有根据:And for the farmers,dogs canbe a big danger.They frighten sheep and cattle.”。第 13题:Which
16、 of the following makes farmers especially annoyed on summerevenings?A.Having late parties.B.Playing football in the wheat fields.C.Washing-up in a beautiful mountain stream.D.Dropping lighted ends and matches on the ground.参考答案:A答案解析:说明:第 73题答案为答。注意题干上有“on summer evenings”,B、C、D 都是令人恼火的事,但都不限定在夏日晚上
17、发生,故不是答案。第 14题:The man was delighted at thatA.his wife got a real deal bargain.B.his wife praised him for his good luck.C.he bought a new tape recorder at a very low price.D.the recorder he bought worked very well after he fixed it.参考答案:C答案解析:第 74题答案为 C o 男士兴致勃勃地告诉妻子自己仅花了$29.95买了一台收音机,他说Its really a
18、 bargain(便宜货)”。第 15题:Why couldn,t the man get the refund according to the phone call?A.because he had lost the receipt.B.because everything with the recorder was right.5C.because the recorder was out of the guarantee time.D.because the recorder he bought didn,t belong to non-sale items.参考答案:D答案解析:说明
19、:第 75题答案为 D。买来的收音机不响,男士打电话给商店要求退货。录音中无对方声音,但从男士的话中可以知道电话的内容。男士说商店里用大字写着:保 证 退 货(money-back guarantee),但对方说下面还有小字:仅对非处理品(for non-sale items only),而这台收音机这样便宜,显然是处理品(saleitems)o第 16题:Which of the following is NOT what the man thought of?A.He shouldn,t have bought the recorder.B.He would go to the store
20、 in person.C.He should have read the small print.D.He should have tested the recorder before he left the store.参考答案:A答案解析:说明:第 76题答案为 A。B、C、D 的内容对话中都出现了。第 17题:What have we learned from the end of the conversation?A.The man succeeded in getting his money back.B.He called the Consumer Service commissi
21、on.C.The recorder worked properly after the woman found the switch.D.He went to the store and exchanged the recorder for another one.参考答案:C答案解析:说明:第 77题答案为 C。最后收音机响起了音乐声,原来是妻子在那儿摆弄,打开了收音机的开关,买的虽是便宜货,但并不是坏的,一场虚惊。第 18题:What is mainly discussed in the conversation?A.The man,s education.B.The man,s pay
22、raise.C.A career ladder for the man.6D.A n e w c h a n c e f o r e v e r y o n e t o p r o m o t e.参考答案:C答案解析:第7 8题答案为 C。这是一道主旨题,两人回忆了这男子5年来从m ail cl er k升 到s en io r cl er k的情况,女士还告诉他现在又有了一个提升机会(her e isan o t her chan ce t o m o v e u p t he l adder),就是去上学进修,以后可以干七级cl er k的工作。C 最能概括这个意思。D(人人都有的一次提
23、升机会)。这是对话后半部的内容,但从全部对话看,答案还是 C。第19题:W hat is J im N o w?A.A s en io r cl er k.B.A m es s en ger cl er k.C.A dis t r ibu t io n cl er k.D.A co m pu t er cl er k.参考答案:A答案解析:说明:第7 9题答案为 A。这是一道考察具体事实的信息题。答案来自“S o I go tt his j o b as S en io r C l er k,V m a G r ade 5 n o w”。第20题:H o w m u ch t im e do
24、es it t ak e t he m an t o m o v e u p t o G r ade 5?A.t hr ee y ear s.B.fo u r y ear s.C.fiv e y ear s.D.s ix y ear s.参考答案:C答案解析:说明:第8 0题答案为 C。参看第17题的解析。第21题:W ho can get t he chan ce t o go t o s cho o l o n co m pan y t im e?A.T he per s o n w ho hasB.T he per s o n w ho hast he s t r o n g w il
25、l.at t en ded t he adu l t s cho o l.C.T he per s o n w hoD.T he per s o n w hocan pas s t he t es t o f ar it hm et ic.can w o r k at co m pu t er s q u ick l y aft er t r ain in g.参考答案:D答案解析:说明:第8 1题答案为 D。是一道具体信息题,答案在女士说的 W e w il l giv eev er y bo dy t w o day s o f t r ain in g.T he peo pl e w h
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