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1、2022年吉林GRE考试模拟卷(本卷共分为2 大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总 分 100分,60分及格。)单 位:姓 名:考 号:题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值得分一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.BNarrator/BListen to a p art of a lecture in an ecoIogy class.Why does the p rofessor say thisA.To describe the importance of runoff and groundwater.B.To compare the amount
2、 of runoff with that of groundwater.C.To show similarities between runoff and groundwater.D.To explain how runoff eventually becomes groundwater.2.BSet 2/BBMediterranean Diet/BThe Mediterranean diet is based up on the eating p atterns oftraditional cultures in the Mediterranean region.Several notedn
3、utritionists and research p ro jects have cone I uded that this diet is oneof the most heaIthfuI in the world in terms of p reventing such i I Inessesas heart disease and cancer,and increasing Iife exp ectancy.The countries that have inspired the Mediterranean diet al I surroundthe Mediterranean Sea
4、.These cultures have eat i ng habits that deve I opedover thousands of years.In Europe,parts of Italy,Greece,PortugaI,Spain,and southern France adhere to principles of the Mediterranean diet,as do Morocco and Tunisia in North Afr i ca.Parts of the Ba I kan regionand Turkey follow the diet,as well as
5、 Middle Eastern countries I ikeLebanon and Syria.The Mediterranean region is warm and sunny,andproduces large suppl ies of fresh fru its and vegetabIes almost year roundthat peopIe eat many times per day.Wine,bread,olive oiI,nuts,andIegumes are other staples of the region,and the Mediterranean Sea h
6、ashistorically yieIded abundant quantities of fish.International interest in the therapeutic qua I ities of theMediterranean diet began back in the late 1950s,when medicaI researchersstarted to I ink the occurrence of heart disease with diet.Dr.AncelKeys performed an epidemioIogicaI analysis of diet
7、s around the world(epidemiology being the branch of pub Ii c heaI th that stud i es patternsof di seases and the i r potent i a I causes among popu I at i ons).Ent it led theSeven Countries Study,it is considered as one of the greatest studiesof its kind ever performed.In it,Keys gathered data on he
8、art diseaseand i ts potent i a I causes from near ly 13,000 men in Greece,Italy,Croat i a,Serbia,Japan,Finland,the Netherlands,and the United States.itcone Iuded that the Mediterranean peopIe in the study enjoyed somesignificant health advantages.The Mediterranean groups had lowermortality rates in
9、al I age brackets and from al I causes,particularlyfrom heart disease.The study also showed that the Mediterranean dietis as high or higher in fat than other diets,obtaining up to 40 percentof al I its calories from fat.It has,however,different patterns of fati ntake.Mediterranean cook i ng uses sma
10、l I er amounts of saturated fat andhigher amounts of unsaturated fat,most Iy in the form of olive oiI.Saturated fats are fats that are found p rincip ally in meat and dairyp roducts,a I though avocados,some nuts,and some vegetabIe oiIs alsocontain them.Saturated fats are used by the body to make cho
11、lesterol,and high I eve I s of cholesterol have since been d i rect I y related to heartdisease.Several other studies have vaIidated Keys findings regarding thegood health to p eop Ie in Mediterranean countries.The World HeaIthOrganization(WHO)showed in a 1990 analysis that four majorMediterranean c
12、ountries(Sp ain,Greecey France,and Italy)have longerI ife exp ectanc i es and lower rates of heart d i sease and cancer than otherEurop ean countr i es and Amer i ca.The data are s i gn i f i cant because the sameMediterraneans freq uently smoke and don t have regular exercise p rogramsI ike many Am
13、er icans,which means that other var iables may be resp onsible.Sc i ent i sts have also ruled out genet i c differences,becauseMediterraneans who move to other countries tend to lose their healthadvantages.These findings suggest that diet and IifestyIe are majorfactors.The Mediterranean diet gained
14、even more notice when Dr.Walter Wi I lett,head of the nutrition dep artment at Harvard University,began torecommend it.AI though Iow-fat diets were recommended for sufferers ofheart disease,group of Mediterraneans in his studies had very highi ntakes of fat,mainly from olive oil.Will ett and others
15、p rop osed thatthe r isk of heart disease can be reduced by increasing one typ e of dietaryfat-monounsaturated fat the typ e found in olive oi I.Willett1 sp rop osal went aga i nst convent i ona I nutritional recommendat i ons to reduceal I fat in the diet.It has been shown that unsaturated fats rai
16、se thelevel of HDL cholesterol,which is sometimes called good cholesterolbecause of its p rotective effect against heart disease.Wi 11ett has alsop erformed studies correlating the intake of meat with heart disease andcancer.The word vaIidate in p aragrap h 4 is closest in meaning toA.confirm.B.refu
17、te.C.disagree.D.examine.3.BSet 3/BBA Messenger from the Past/BHis p eop Ie said good-bye and watched him waIk off toward the mountains.They had little reason to fear for his safety:the man was we I I dressedi n i nsu I ated c I oth ing and eq u i p p ed w i th too I s needed to survive the Alp inecl
18、 imate.However,as weeks p assed without his return,they must have grownworried,then anxious,and finally resigned,After many years everyonewho knew him had died,and a note even a memory of the man remained.Then,on an imp robably distant day,he came down from the mountain.Things had changed a bit:it w
19、asn t the Bronze Age anymore,and he wasa celebrity.When a melting glacier released its hold on a 4,000-year-old corp sein Sep tember,it was q uite rightIy called one of the most imp ortantarcheological finds of the century.Discovered by a German coup I e hikingat 10,500 feet in the Italian Tyrol nea
20、r the Austrian border,thep artially freeze-dried body still wore remnants of leather garments andboots that had been stuffed with straw for insulation.The hikers alertedscientists from the University of Innsbruck in Austria,whose morecomp I ete exam i nat i on revealed that the man was tattooed on h
21、is back andbehind his knee.At his side was a bronze ax of a typ e typ icaI in southerncentral Europ e around 2000 B G.On his exp edition-p erhap s to hunt orto search for metal ore he had also carded an al I-p urp ose stone knife,a wooden backpack,a bow and a quiverf a smalI bag containing a flin tI
22、ighter and kindlingy and an arrow repair kit in a leather pouch.Such everyday gear gives an unprecedented perspective on I ife in earlyBronze Age Europe.The most exc i t i ng thing is that we genu i ne I y appearto be Iooking at a man who had some kind of accident in the course ofa perfectly ordinar
23、y trip,n says archeologist Ian Kinnes of the BritishMuseum.These are not artifacts pIaced in a grave,but the fellow sown possessions.Unlike the Egyptians and Mesopotamians of the time,who had moreadvanced civilizatio n s with citie s and central authority,the Ice Manand h i s countrymen I i ved i n
24、a soc i ety built around sma I I v stab Ie vi 11 ages.He probably spoke in a tongue ancestral to current European languages.Furthermore,though he was a member of a farming culture,he may we 11have been hunting when he died,to add meat to his family s diet.X-raysof the quiver showed that it contained
25、 14 arrows.Whi Ie his backpack wasempty,careful exploration of the trench where he died reveaIed remnantsof animal skin and bones at the same spot where the pack lay.There wasalso the remainder of a pi Ie of berries.Clearly the man didn t starveto death.The trench provided him so with shelter from t
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