《2023版高三一轮总复习英语教案(人教版):第1部分必修第2册UNIT4HISTORYANDTRADITIONS.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023版高三一轮总复习英语教案(人教版):第1部分必修第2册UNIT4HISTORYANDTRADITIONS.pdf(15页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、 UNI T 4 HISTORYANDTRADITIONS续写语料积累XUXIE YULIAO JILEI增 厚 文 学 底 蕴背诵句之美欣赏语之秀1.(行为描写)(2018浙江卷)U ncl e Paul,m ydad,s fri end,picked us up from t he ai rportand drove us up t o hi s farm i n Pecos.2.(心理描写)(2019天津卷)1 was ready t opay for m y bananas at t he grocery one ni ght,w hen fear seized me.3.(景物描写)
2、(2021 日照市模拟)He w ant edt o show us the beauty of the trees and haveus sm el l the freshness in the mountains.(2021-河 北 衡 水 中 学 二 调)Ayoung w om an st ood i n front of am obi l e hom e,a depressedexpression on her face.A youngboy,seven or ei ght years ol d,st ood at her si de,eyes downcast.H i di ng b
3、ehi nd her ski rt was a t i nygi rl w ho stared into t he cam era,wide eyes with confusion andfear.基础知识梳理JICHU ZHISHI SHULI 构 建 知 识 体 系课标单词背诵(先填后背)X.C onfuci us n.孔子2.phi l osophy n.哲学3.i ndi vi dual adj.单独的;个别的n.个人4.ki ngdom n.王国;领域5.迎.最重要的;最高级别的小(公司或机构的)首领;酋长6.n earb y.附近的;邻近的。加.在附近7.m i l i t ary
4、 adj.军事的;军用的8.defence n.防御;保卫9.l ocat i on n.地方;地点;位置10.bat t l e n.战役;搏斗式.&.搏斗;奋斗11.port /?.港口(城市)12.gal l ery n.(艺术作品的)展览馆;画廊13.ensure”.保证;确保;担保14.l andscape n.(陆上,尤指乡村的)风景15.g e n e ro u s慷慨的;大方的;丰富的16.butter n.黄油;奶 油”.涂黄油于17.honey n.蜂蜜18.ancestor n.祖宗;祖先19.snack n.点心;小吃20.poet n.诗人21.county(英国、爱
5、尔兰的)郡;(美国的)县22.rol l vi.&a.(使)翻 滚;(使)滚 动n.卷(轴);翻滚23.cattle n.牛24.ocean n.大海;海洋25.greet 0f.问候;迎接26.p u b n.酒吧;酒馆27.w i ne n.葡萄酒;果酒28.beer n.(一杯)啤酒29.custom n.风俗;习俗;习惯30.crow d n.人群;一群人;民众”.挤满;使.拥挤 单 词 拼写运用核心单词语境运用1.charge n.收费;指控;主管3.收费;控告;充电用所给词的适当形式填空。1.M y phone i s pow er off because I forgot t o
6、 get2.am ount n.金额;数量3.approach n.方法;途径;i t charged(charge)l ast ni ght.2.These anim als consum ed l arge am ount s接 近Vt.接近;接洽;着手处(am ount)of vegetation,w hich reduced plant理vi.靠近diversity i n t he park.4.posi t i on n.位置;姿态;职位3.W e wi l l be expl ori ng di fferent approaches(approach)t o gat heri n
7、g i nform at i on.5.bel ong oi.应在(某处);适应4.Large t el evi si on screens posi t i oned(posi t i on)at bot h ends of t he st adi um are broadcast i ng t he6.eager acli.热切的;渴望的gam e i n real t i m e.5.Vi et nam i s a devel opi ng count ry bel ongi ng(bel ong)t o t he t hi rd worl d.6.The ot her banks ar
8、e goi ng t o be very eager t ohel p(hel p),provi ded t hat t hey see t hat he has aspeci fi c pl an.派生单词语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1.puzzle”.迷惑;使困惑.谜;智力游戏;疑问f puzzl ed adj.迷惑不解的f puzzl i ng adj.令人迷惑的2.i l l egal 不合法的;违法的l egal a d j.法律的;合法的3.surround 0 f.围 绕;包围1.There s a puzzl ed expressi on on t he l i t t l
9、 egirf s face because a puzzl i ng probl empuzzl es her.(puzzl e)2.Surrounded by a forest,t he vi l l age hasbeaut i ful surroundi ngs,w hi ch at t ract m anyvi si t ors from t he surroundi ng areas.surroundi ngs pl.n.周围的事物;环境f sui roundi ng adj.周围的4.evi dence n.证据;证明evi dent4的.明显的;明白的5.achi evem en
10、t n.成就;成绩;达到f achi eve vt.完成;达到(surround)3.Qui t e evi dent l y al l t he evi dence you havecol l ect ed cannot prove hi m gui l t y,(evi dent)4.I m anaged t o achi eve m y dream of bei ngadm i t t ed t o uni versi t y,w hi ch gave m e aw onderful sense of achi evem ent,(achi eve)6.announce 宣布;通知;声称
11、5.M ary announced t o her t eam m at es t hat shef arm oi m cem ent n.通 矢 口;宣告announcer n.播音员;宣告者w oul d m arry a C hi nese m an,and t hei rm arri age announcem ent w oul d appear i n t hel ocal new spaper next m ont h,(announce)高 考 热 点-熟 词 生 义 丁 仲 在 句 中 的 正 确 汉 语 意 思6.Legal l y speaki ng,t he form
12、er presi dent,w ho had som et hi ng t o do w i t h i l l egalorgani zat i ons,shoul d be put i nt o pri son,(l egal)1.(2019 d匕京卷)She al so approached dent i st s t o l earn m ore about t eet hcl eani ng.BA.着手处理;对付 B.联系;接洽 C.接近;靠近2.(2018全国卷 I)The noi se shakes t he t rees as t he m al e beat s hi s c
13、hest andcharges t ow ard m e.CA.收费 B.充电 C.猛冲3.(2018全国卷 H)Vi si t W arner Bros S tudio,gui ded t our of Oxford t o seet he fi l m locations9 pi cni c l unch out si de O xford s C hri st church,.before headi ngback t o Exet er.AA.外景拍摄地 B.位置 C.定位 短语理解运用高频短语语境运用1.am ount s of 大量2.break aw ay(from sb./st
14、 h.)脱选用左面短语的适当形式填空。1.The offi ci al i n charge of i nt ernat i onal离;背叛;逃脱3.bel ong t o 属于4.as wel l as 同(一样也);和;affai rs i s now busy hol di ng a t al k wi t h som eforei gners.2.The survey show s t hat l arge am ount s of还5.keep one s eyes open(for)留w at er are w ast ed i n t he w orl d every year
15、.3.Li brari es oft en have com put ers j oi ned t o心;留意6.join.to.把.和.连t he Int ernet,t o whi ch readers have easyaccess.接起来7.be si m i l ar t o 和.类似4.Sci ent i st s referred t o t hi s di scovery as t hem ost exci t i ng devel opm ent i n t hi s fi el d.句式辨识运用8.refer to.as把.称作5.A good t ransl at i o
16、n shoul d be si m i l ar t o9.i n charge of掌管t he ori gi nal t ext not onl y i n form but al so i nspi ri t.6.Sai l ors were w arned t hat t hey shoul d keept hei r eyvs open f o。a change i n t he w i nd,sdi rect i on.重雎考点探究ZHONGNAN KAODIAN TANJIU 突 破 思 维 瓶 颈教材原句背诵句式结构仿写1.have sth.doneThey had castl
17、es built al l aroundEngl and,and m ade changes t o t he l egalsyst em.今 年 夏 天 我 要 把 房 间 装 修 一 下,因为 它 有 点 旧 了。I wi l l have m y room decorat ed t hi ssum m er because i t i s a bi t t oo ol d.2.be likely toA nd i f you i nt roduce yoursel f t o a fri endl yface,you are m ore t han likely toexperi enc
18、e l ocal cul t ure and cust om sfi rst-hand.据 我 判 断,你更有可能得到这份工作。As far as I can j udge,you are m orel i kel y t o get t he job.1.suiround”围 绕;包围 高考原句2020全国卷ni A nd when he saw t he m i st s ri si ng from t he ri ver andt he soft cl ouds surrounding t he m ount ai n t ops,he was reduced t o t ears.(l
19、)surround.w ith.用.包围/围绕.be surrounded by/w i t h 被.包围surround onesel f wi t h sb.喜欢结交某人(2)surroundi ng adj,周围的surroundi ngs n.环境They l ove bei ng surrounded by fam i l i ar possessi ons.他们喜欢身边都是自己熟 悉 的 物 品。p.语块存储.-be surrounded on al l si des 被四面包围住search t he surroundi ng nei ghborhood 搜查周边地区w ork
20、i n pl easant surroundi ngs在愉快的环境中工作_)基础练习 单句语法填空St eve am ved and sat i n t he front row,sunw nded(sun*ound)by hi s fam i l y.W hy do t he hi kers t ake no not i ce of t he surroundi ngs(surround)duri ng t hej ourney?The hungry bear fol l ow ed hi s nose t o our cam p,whi ch w as surrounded(surroun
21、d)by a hi gh w i re fence.链接写作 一句式升级(普通表达)The skyscraper i s hom e t o a few sm al l com pani es.It i s surrounded bya great m any t rees.(高级表达)The skyscraper surrounded by a great m any t rees i s hom e t o a fewsm al l com pani es.(过去分词短语作定语)2.charge 课本义 几收费;指控;主 管 一 收费;控告;充电 增补义忖.猛冲 高考原句2021 新高考卷
22、 I There are pl ent y of ot her benefi t s,t oo:i t doesn,tcharge ci t y t ax;i t has bot h ai r condi t i oni ng and a heat er fbr t he room s;i t al so has freeW i-Fi i n every room.(l)charge(sb.)for.(向某人)收取.的费用charge sb.w i t h(doi ng)sth.控告某人(做 了)某事(2)t ake charge of.掌管/负责.i n charge o f.控制/管理.i
23、 n t he charge of sb./i n one,s charge 由某人管理或负责(3)free of charge 免费It s w hat t hi s pl ace offers,and it s free of charge.这是这个地方所能提供的,而且免费。p.语块存储.-charge$20 for dinner收取20美元的餐费be charged wi t h dri vi ng w i t hout a l i cense 被控无证驾驶face a charge of robbery面临抢劫罪的指控l _)基础练习 单句语法填空I d l i ke t o know
24、 how m uch you charge for your servi ces before I m ake areservat i on.(2)1 just coul dn,t i m agi ne such a ki nd m an as Tom bei ng chauged(charge)wi t hm urder.I n t hi s hospi t al i t i s t he nurse j n charge who wi l l expl ai n t o t he pat i ent w hat t het reat m ent wi l l be l i ke.链接写作
25、一句多译这个项目不能由他负责,因为这超出了他的能力。The program m e can,t be i n hi s charge because if s beyond hi s abi l i t y.H e can t t ake charge of t he program m e because i t i s beyond hi s abi l i t y.H e can t be i n charge of t he program m e because i t i s beyond hi s abi l i t y.3.approach n.方法;途径;接 近v t.接近;
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- 2023 版高三 一轮 复习 英语教案 人教版 部分 必修 UNIT4HISTORYANDTRADITIONS