《2023版高三一轮总复习英语教案(人教版):第1部分必修第1册UNIT4NATURALDISASTERS.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023版高三一轮总复习英语教案(人教版):第1部分必修第1册UNIT4NATURALDISASTERS.pdf(17页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、UNIT 4 NATURAL DISASTERS续写语料积累XUXIE YULIAO JILEI增 厚 文 学 底 蕴背诵句之美欣赏语之秀1.(行为描写)(2019全国卷I )It endsabruptly at 3,000 m et ers,giving wayto l ands of l ow grow i ng pl ant s.2.(心理描写)(2021沈阳市模拟)W i t heach vi si t,I coul d feel the ache in myheart lessen.3.(人物描写)(2020天津卷)There aret oo m any extremely lone
2、ly people i n hi scom m uni t y,w ho are easy targets ofcheating.(2021 长沙市适应性考试)The onl ydaught er of t he fam i l y w as Jane,a shygirl,aged 14,t he sam e age of m y ol destson Davi d.It seem ed t hat she cam e froma financially disadvantaged family,forshe al w ays w ore ol d cl ot hes.W orsest i l
3、 l,i n such col d days,she had no m orecl ot hes t o w ear and trembled with cold.基础知识梳理JICHU ZHISHI SHULI 构 建 知 识 体 系课标单词背诵(先填后背)1.di sast er n.灾难;灾害2.drought n.旱灾;久旱3.sl i de vi.&vt.(sl i d,sl i d)(使)滑行;滑动4.fl ood n.洪水;大量况.淹没;大量涌入”.使灌满水;淹没5.dest roy”.摧毁;毁灭6.deat h n.死;死亡7.shel t er n.避难所;居所;庇 护”.保
4、护;掩 蔽 oi.躲避(风雨或危险)8.percent n.百分之.adj.&adv.每一百中9.bri ck n.石 专;石 专 块10.m et al n.金属11.effort n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力12.w isdomn.智慧;才智13.cont ext n.上下文;语境;背景14.vol cano n.(p/.-oes or-os)火山15.t yphoon n.台风16.hurri cane n.(尤指西大西洋的)飓风17.pow er H.电力供应;能量;力量;控制力18.pi pe n.管子;管道1 9.汕 n。4.镇静的;沉着的”.使平静;使镇静20.ai d n.援助;
5、帮助;救援物资vi.&vt.援助21.k jt.成套工具;成套设备22.crash 0a&vi.碰 撞:撞 击n.撞车;碰撞23.sweep vt.&vi.(sw ept,sw ept)打扫;清扫24.w ave n.海浪;波 浪 oi.&”.挥手;招手25.sum m ary n.总结;概括;概要26.effect.影响;结果;效果 单 词 拼写运用核心单词语境运用1.rescuen.营救;救援2.dam age vt.损害;破坏 n.损坏;损失3.t rap”.使落入险境;使陷入圈套n.险境;陷阱4.bury ut.埋葬;安葬5.suppl y n.供应(量);补给;p/J补 给 品 供
6、应;供给6.st ri ke vi.&.侵袭;突击;击 打n.罢工;罢课;袭击用所给词的适当形式填空。1.I t suddenl y st ruck(st ri ke)m e how w e coul di m prove t he present si t uat i on.2.As t hi s l ock i s dam aged/has been dam aged(dam age),t hi s door w on,t open.3.It rai ned heavi l y for t wo w eeks on end,com pl et el y rui ni ng(rui n)ou
7、r hol i day.4.M i ners t rapped(t rap)underground aft er t hesudden col l apse of t he m i ne have not yet beenrescued.7.rui n n.破坏;毁坏8.em ergency n.突发事件;紧急情况5.Buri ed(bury)i n readi ng,she di dn,t not i ceher m ot her st andi ng asi de for a whi l e.6.He cares for t he poor fam i l i es and oft ens
8、uppl i es(suDpl y)food and cl ot hi ng t o t hechi l dren i n t he m ount ai n areas.7.The survi vors w ho are wai t i ng t o be rescued(rescue)are faced w i t h a short age of dri nki ngwat er,food and m edi ci ne.8.There,re m any em ergenci es(em ergency)t hatneed i m m edi at e fi rst ai d t reat
9、 m ent.派生单词语境运用1.shock n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休 克vt.(使)震惊f shocki ng adj.令人震惊的;骇人的f shocked a的.(感至 U)震惊的2.el ect ri c adj.用电的;电动的;带电的f el ect ri cal adi.电的;与电有关的f el ect ri ci t y n.电;电能3.breat h n.呼吸;气息f breat he vi.&vt.呼吸f breat hl ess adj,气喘吁吁的;喘不过气来的4.suffer”.遭受;蒙 受 仇(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦f sufferi ng 痛苦;受难f suffe
10、rer .受难者;患病者5.erupt vi.&.(火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出f erupt i on 爆发;喷发6.del i ver vi.&vt,递送;传达 vt.用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Tom had a deep affect i on for hi sgrandfat her,so he w as deepl y affect ed byhi s grandfat her,s deat h,(affect)2.The el ect ri ci t y t here has gone offbecause of a el ect ri cal faul t.The el ec
11、t ri csuppl y wi l l be rest ored i n severalhours,(el ect ri c)3.I cl i m bed up t he m ount ai n t o breat he t hefresh ai r.I becam e breat hl ess w hen I wason t he t op,but t he breat h of fresh ai r waswort h i t.(breat h)4.M ast eri ng som e basi c ski l l s wi l l great l yi ncrease one s ch
12、ances of survi val.Thankst o t hei r sw i m m i ng ski l l s,Jack and hi sfri end succeeded i n survi vi ng t he t erri bl efl ood yest erday,and act ual l y t hey are t he高 考 热 点熟 词 生 义 选出奴体字在句中的正省汉迨意麋发表f del i very 传递;交付;递送7.affect.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动f affect i on 喜爱;钟爱;爱情8.l ong a t/长的;冗长的f l engt hn.
13、长;长度f l engt hen o.加长;延长9.survive说.生存;存活 a.幸存;艰难度过f survi val .生存;幸存;幸存事物f survivor”.生还者;幸存者onl y few survi vors of t he vi l l age,(survi ve)5.Sm oki ng and ash from t he erupt i ngvol cano i m m edi at el y show ered dow n ont he t ow n aft er t he erupt i on,(erupt)6.The road has a t ot al l engt
14、 h of t wo m i l esonl y,so t he w orkers have deci ded t ol engt hen i t.(l ong)7.If you pay i n advance,t he goods wi l l bedel i vered w i t hout del ay,and t he del i very i sfree of charge,(del i ver)8.W e w ere shocked at t he shocki ng newst hat he unexpect edl y di ed yest erday,(shock)9.W e
15、 can,t i m agi ne t he sufferi ng t hat t hesufferer i s sufferi ng now.(suffer)1.(2019全国卷 I )The l i kabl es,pl ays-w el l-w i t h-ot hers qual i t i es st rengt henschool yard fri endshi ps,j um p-st art i nt erpersonal ski l l s and,when tapped earl y,areem pl oyed ever aft er i n l i fe and work
16、.AA.开发;发掘 B.轻敲;轻拍 C.水龙头2.(2018浙江卷)Si nce t hen,t hi s soci et y has m oved onw ard,never l ooki ngback,as t he car t ransform ed A m eri ca from a farm-based soci et y i nt o an i ndust ri alpower.CA.电力 B.权利 C.强国3.(2017天津卷)1 sent l et t ers t o everyone I knew,t el l i ng t hem about m y proj ect.It
17、 w orked perfect l y.D onat i ons began flooding i n from hundreds of peopl e.AA.大量涌入 B.淹没 C.洪水 短 语 理解运用高频短语语境运用1.as i f似 乎;好 像;仿佛2.i n ru in s严 重 受 损;破败不堪3.i n shock 震 惊;吃惊4.be/becom e hom e t o 的豕园5.sw eep aw ay消 灭;彻底消除 e t o an end 结束7.get back up on one s feet重新站起来8.i n t he open ai r 露 天;在户外9.o
18、n h an d现有(尤 指 帮 助)10.put u p提 出;建 造;举 起;张贴选 用 左 面 短 语 的 适 当 形 式 填 空。1.I hel ped hi m put up som e shel ves i n t hebedroom t hat he had just m oved i nt o.2.I can st i l l rem em ber our w eddi ng verycl earl y as if i t w ere yest erday.3.Thi s count ry was once proud of i t seducat i on syst em b
19、ut now i t seem s t o be i nrui ns.4.The w ar cam e t o an end and t he peopl ehad t o m ake every effort t o reconst ructt hei r count ry.5.He t ook care of t he spri ng every day,and sw ept away al l t he l eaves and ot hert hi ngs t hat w oul d m ake t he w at er di rt y.句下t辨识运用教材原句背诵句式结构仿写1.too.
20、to.Chi ckens and even pi gs were toonervous to eat,and dogs refused t ogo i nsi de bui l di ngs.这 个 男 孩 很 小,举 不 起 这 么 重 的 石 头。The boy i s t oo young t o rai se so heavy ast one.2.it seemed as if.It seemed as if t he worl d werecom i ng t o an end!他 好 像 已 经 知 道 了 刚 才 所 发 生 的 一 切。It seem ed as if he h
21、ad l earned abouteveryt hi ng t hat had just happened.3.主 语+be+M/.+不定式Water,food,and electricity werehard to get.众 所 周 知,山 里 的 空 气 呼 吸 起 来 很 舒服。As w e al l know,t he ai r i n t he m ount ai nsi s com fort abl e t o breat he.4.make it difficult(for sb.)todo.它 们 不 仅 使 人 们 在 晚 上 睡 觉 困 难,而且还 损 害 着 我 们 具
22、 有 历 史 价 值 的 房 子 和重雎考点探究ZHONGNAN KAODIAN TANJIU 突 破 思 维 瓶 颈H ow ever,dangerous condi t i ons and商店。dam aged roads wi l l make itThey not onl y m ake i t di ffi cul t for peopl edifficult to deliver food andt o sl eep at ni ght,but t hey are doi ngsuppl i es.dam age t o our houses and shops ofhi st o
23、ri cal i nt erest.1.affect”影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动 高考原句 2020 全国卷l i ke anyone for w hom you feel affection,cust om ers can al so dri ve you m ad.(l)be deepl y/great l y affect ed by.被.深深地打动be affect ed by heat/col d 中暑/着凉be affect ed wi t h hi gh fever 发高烧(2)affect i on n.喜爱;感情I st i l l have affection for m
24、 y ol d school.我依然眷恋着母校。.语块存储.m ake a deci si on w hi ch affect s our lives做出影响我们生活的决定gai n/w i n m y m ot her s affect i ons 得到我母亲的疼爱 基础练习 单句语法填空A ffect ed wi t h hi gh fever,he st i l l cont i nued wi t h hi s research work.She t ri ed t o ensure her affect i on(affect)was equal l y shared am ong
25、al l t hreechi l dren.链接写作 句式升级(普通表达)M any young peopl e were deepl y affect ed/m oved/t ouched by hi s st oryand began t o do vol unt ary w ork for t he di sabl ed.(高级表达)D eepl y affect ed/m oved/t ouched by hi s st ory,m any young peopl ebegan t o do vol unt ary w ork for t he disabled.(过去分词短语作状语)
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- 2023 版高三 一轮 复习 英语教案 人教版 部分 必修 UNIT4NATURALDISASTERS