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1、book A Complaint Free World (不抱怨的世界)WILL Bowen Will Bowen is the World Authority on Complaining,a multiple International Bestselling author,an award-winning trainer and speaker and the founder of A Complaint Free World.His books have sold more than three million copies worldwide and every year Will
2、leads dozens of powerful and life-changing training events for businesses and organizations around the world.The Author:Will Bowen A Complaint Free WorldAsk yourself:1:What is complaint?2:Why do you complain?3:How often do you complain?4:Can you realize when you are complaining?A Complaint Free Worl
3、dThe idea of authors :Unconscious complaint Conscious complaint Conscious incomplaint Unconscious incomplaintUnconscious complaintIf complaining,you will meet more things you want to complain.When you complain,you are seeking for the things you said you dont want to but it still attracted to you.Con
4、scious complaintOne of the main reasons for complaining is that we want to be more superior to others when compared with them.When I point out otherss shortcomings,I mean I dont have such shortcomings,so I am more excellent.Complaint is boast,but nobody like this kind of people.Another fact is that
5、you can realize other others have.Conscious incomplaintComplaint is a habbit,but if you stop to have a break,you can give you yourself a chance to be more cautious when you speak.If you dont want to complain,you can just keep silent.You have right to gain what you deserve to.If you want to achieve t
6、his goal,dont talk about this problem all the time,or focus all your attention on it.You should think about this problem from a high level,and solve it.Conscious incomplaintWhen people who are around you complain,you will feel uncomfortable.Althouth complaint from others doesnt sound good,you think
7、you have no necessary to criticize them.Because you dont either complain or criticize,they also have no need to argue.In such way,complaint is suspended.You will begin to appreciate to the most unimportant things,even it was thought to be granted.Love your life 查令十字街查令十字街8484号号 (海(海莲莲汉芙汉芙所所著著小小说说Hel
8、en ne Han anff)84,Charing Cross 84,Charing Cross RoadRoad北京遇上西雅图之不二情书正在热映中,影片中的男主人公和女主人公因为一本名为查令十字街84号的书结缘,不知道中间经过了多少次、多久的通信从澳门到伦敦再到西雅图,那封信吊炸天,终于他们对彼此的认识从老教授、小女生,上升到了焦姣和大牛又是一段让人羡慕嫉妒的爱情。焦姣和大牛这是真实的故事查令十字街84号,英语名:84 Charing Cross Road,由美国女作家海莲(Helene Hanff)于1970年撰写,书中集合了二十余年来,作者本人同英国伦敦一名古书销售商法兰克(Frank
9、Doel)之间的书信纪录,而法兰克所经营的Marks&Company书店的地址,正是查令十字街84号。作者汉芙居住于美国纽约,苦于寻找英国文学著作,偶然在文艺周刊上看到了一则Marks&Company书店销售古书的广告,因而与1949年首次联系了该书店,随后得到了法兰克的答复。这之后,不单单在两位主人公之间,在汉芙和这家书店的所有员工之间,发展出了一段长距离的深厚友情。他们彼此交换圣诞节礼物、生日礼物,在英国因为二战而导致的食品短缺中,汉芙也常常随信附上一些食品包裹。他们在信中谈论的话题一般围绕书籍本身,诸如约翰唐尼布道书的不同版本,如何制作约克郡布丁(Yorkshire Pudding),洛杉矶道奇(Brooklyn Dodgers)或者是伊丽莎白二世的加冕典礼。汉芙曾在书信中多次表示将到英国旅行,并且造访该书店。然后由于各种各样的原因,迟迟未能成行。时过境迁,书店最终关门停业,而法兰克和其他一些员工也相继下世。汉芙最终于1973年在出版商的赞助下拜访了远隔重洋的查令十字路84号,此行一个月的日记随后集结成册,出版了The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street一书。Marks&Company书店现已停止营业,但是在查令十字路84号临街的墙上,如今钉上了铭牌,以记录这段读书人奉为佳话的故事。