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1、同学们要注意从2023春季起考试题型改革,所以复习内容以 开放英语形成性考核册和 开放英语(1)期末复习指导为准,以下练习题涵盖了 开放英语(1)形成性考核册和 开放英语(1)期末复习指导中的练习题并按语法将练习题分类。第一部分 交 际 用 语(5 题共1 0 分)阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A(R ig h t),不恰当的选B(W rong),并将答案写在答题纸上。一、表达建议1.-W ou ld you like some crisp s?-N o,Tin s o r ry.(B)A.Right B.Wron g(对的回答:No,t h anks.)2.-Woul d yo
2、u lik e t o go with us?-I wou I d I汰 e.A.Right B.Wrong(对的回答:I w o uld li ke t o.或 Id love t o.)3.Why dont we ha v e a barbecue?-T haf s a good ide a.(4)A.Ri g ht B.W rong4.-How ab o ut goi n g to an e s t a t e agen t?-Yes,thats a good id e a.64)A.R ig h t B.W r on g二、表达请求5.-C o u 1 d yo u s ign the
3、 register,p le a se?Of cour s e.1 2)A.Righ t B.Wrong6.-Could yo u r ing t h em up pl e ase?Im s om e times q u ite nervous on t h c phone.A r e yo u?I a m f i nc(B)A.Right B.Wrong(对的回答:Ye s,of cou r se.I will phon e t h em fo r y ou.)7.-Cou 1 d you t ell me you r car number,p leas e?-No,so r r y.6A)
4、A.R i g ht B.VVro n g8.-C a n I h el p you?Ye s,Td like t o rent a flat(A)A.Ri g h t B.W rong三、问路与指路9.-E x cuse me,w here is t h e bu s stop,p lea s e?-Its o u t s ide t h e gre e ngr o c e r*s.(A)A.Rixht B.Wrong10.-Excus e me,where i s the ne a r e s t ban k,p 1 e ase?-I t*s n o t su r e.A.R i ghtB
5、.Wro n g(对的回答:I fs nex t t o thenew s a g e nt)1 1.-Excuse me,wh e re i s t he bank,pleas e?-1 f s nex t to t h e newsa g e n t.I】A.R i gh t B.W r ong1 2.-How d o I get to the bus station?-You tak e t h e number 38 bus.A.R i ght B.W r o n g四、描述情感、描述经历、询问病情1 3.-How are y o u f e clin g?-1 f eel m u c
6、 h be t t e r.T hank you.64)A.RightB.W rong14.-How w as you r d ay yes t erday?-I v e g ot a b a d cough.02 A.Righ t B.Wronq(对的回答;W ell,Im busy 等)1 5.-Wh a t was the p a r ty 1 i k e?-1 t was great.(A)A.Ri g ht B.W rong五、谈论工作16.-Wh a t do the y do?-They w o r k in a b ank.(6)B.Wrong17.What do you d
7、o?I wo r k i n computers.(A)A.R i ghtB.Wrong18.-What are your pa r e n t s doin g r ight now.-My mo t h er i s re t i red.My f at h e r is a m a nag e r.(B)A.R i g h tB.Wro n g(对的回答:They are watch i n g TV.)六、简略答语19.-Do you hav e an y family?-Yes,I d o.My mother a nd fa t h er 1 i ve i n 0 xf o rd.(
8、A)A.Right B.W rong七、询问价格、数量20.How m uch does the flat c o st a monthZ-Ifs on the tenth floor.(B)A.R i g ht B.Wrong(对的回答:It costs 5 00 pounds a mon t h.)21.How m u ch is th e ren t of the fl at?-It i s near th e cent e r of th e cit y.(B)A.Right B.Wron。(对的回答:It i s 450 pou nd s a month.)2 2.-How much
9、 o il do you n e ed?I t c o s ts about 50 poun d s.(B)A.Right B.VVr onw(对的回答:10 litres,pl e a s e.)八、描述人的外貌23.-What does he look lik e?-He loo k s sad.(B)_ A.Right B.W r o n g (对的回答:He is tall 等)24.Wh a t does he r b oyfr i en d look 1 汰 e?He is q uite tai 1 w ith f a i r c url y h a ir.(A)A.Rig h t
10、 B.Wr o ng九、描述天气25.-W h a t“he wea t he r like i n Sha n g ha i?-T h a fs a 1 I ri g ht.回 A.Right B.V V r ong(对的回答:I t i s r a in in g 等)26.一Whats t h e we a t h er like in your city?-Yes,t he sun i s shining.(B)A.R i ght B.Wro n g(对的回答:It i s sunny 等,但不需回答“Y e”)十、表达问候2 7.-H e 1 1 o.Tm Xiaoyan.N i c
11、e t o m e et you.Fine,thank you(B)A.R i ght B.Wron:(对的回答:Nice t o m eet y ou,t o o.)2 8.-H e llo,Lind a,h o w ar e you?-Hello,R o se,how d o yo u d o?B A.R i ght B.W r on g(对的回答:Very well,thankyou.And you?)十一、询问别人意见2 9.-VVha t do y ou t h i nk o f y ou r new jo b?-I t hink it is very d i f fi c u 11
12、.64)A.Riht B.W ron g30.-VVhat d o you t h in k of the I nte r net?-I t h in k its v e r y us e ful.(4)A.Righ t B.W r ong十二、电话用语3 1.-Whos s peaking,plea s e?-M y name is Poll y William s,A A.Riht B.Wrong32.-Cou 1 d I spe a k t o Harr y,p 1 eas e?-Hc*s not i n,Im a fraid.fA)A.Cigh t B.Wr o ng十三、预约时间3
13、3.-Are you free tomorr o w?-No,Im a fraid Tin n ot.(A)A.Ri g h t B.Wrong十四、谈论时间34.-What time d o es t he Swimmi n g Poo!clo s e?-O n Tu e sday.fB/A.R i g htB.Wrong(对的回答:At 8 oclock 等)十五、询问年龄35.-How old i s the man age r?-He is 3 5 y e a rs old.(A)A.RightB.Wron g第二部分 词汇与结构(20题共4。分)阅读下面的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选
14、项一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选项的字母符号。一、考核代词1、人称代词1._ name is Wanghua.(C)A.He B.lies C.H is2.Wh o is t h at man o ver there?D o y o u k n o w _name?A,he B.h e 飞 C.his3.We have two c h ildren.names a re Peter an d Pau 1 .(C/A.HisB.H erC.Th eir4.Maria often h as a wa 1 k wi t h parents i n the mo r ni n g.(
15、C)A.sheB.th e irC.her5.We o f ten ha v e s up p er at h ome.(H)A.us B.ourC.ou rs6.You have m o re appl e s than_ do.But_ are bette r t han your s.回A.us,weB.w e,o u rsC.ou rs,us7.S he i s mak i n g _ a cup o f coffee.(A A.herse 1 f B.h i mself C.m y s e lf2、指示代词8.p e opl e are my friend s._ people a
16、re my h usbands friends.64)A.The$e,Th o s e B.This,T hat C.H e re,There二、考核冠词9.I w o rk i n _ office in Shanghai.(B)A.a B.an C.t h e1 0.-W hat i s y o u r j ob?-1*m _ a ccou n t a nt.(B)A.a B.an C./1 1.I wo r k in _ IT D e p a rtm e nt o f _ 1 arge bank.42 A.the,a B.a,t h e C.a,a1 2.S h e w o rks in
17、 _ schoo 1 nc a r my off i ce.(C)A./B.a C.th e1 3.She i s _only accou n tant in m y sons com p any.(C)A.a B.a n C.t h e1 4.Paul is in _ canteen o n _ thi r d flo o r.(B)A.th e,a B.a,the C.af a15.The B u s i nes s B a nking Departm e nt is o n _ f loor.(C)A.se c o nd B.th e two C.t h e s econ d16.The
18、 IT Department i s on t h eto p flo or.Thats _ f 1 oo r.B A.twent y B.the t wen t i e th C.the tw e nt y1 7.1 h ave t wo b r o t hers.One i s a dr i ve r,_ i s a policema n.A.one B.oth e r C.the o ther三、考核特殊疑问词1、wh-:18.-Si n gapore 1 i ke?-I t s small and we 1 1-o rgani s ed.(B)A.Wha t d oesB.What i
19、 sC.How is19.-_ time do you h av e lunch?-I usually have lu n c h at 12.(B)B.W hat2 0._ o f these two boo k s do y o u pr e f e r?(A.Vh i ch B.What C.H ow21.-_ areyou f r o m Nan j in g.(C)A.Wha t B.W h e n C.Wheredo you prefe r watching T V?B e c a u s e i t he 1 ps my En g lish a lot.A.H o wB.WhyC
20、.What23.-_ wa s y o u r d a y?-Well,I w a s v e r y bu s y.64)2.How B.Wha t C.Why24._ d o I g et t o the bus stati o n?(C)A.Wh a tB.Whe r e C.H o w25._win e d o you need for t he par t y?(A)A.How much B.How I i 11 1 e C.How many2 6._ rice do you w an t t o buy?(A)A.H 0 w muchB.How m a ny C.How2 7 d
21、o es t h e fla t c o st a mo n th?(B)A.H o w man y B.How m u c h C.How a lx)ut2 8._ ch i 1 dren h as h i s b r oth e r g ot?(A)A.How ma n y B.How mu c h C.How a b o ut2 9.How many _ wo u I d y O u liket o buy?(C)A.cof f eeB.oilC.o r an g es3 0.-wi 1 1 th emeal ta k e?-Itllt ak e t w o h o urs,I t h
22、i nk.(C)A.How m a ny B.How muc h C.How lon.3、表达建议的句型31.c o me t odinner ton i ght?A.Wo u 1 d you li k e toB.H o w a b outC.Wha t a b out32._ pr e pare e v e r y t hin g t od a y?A.How aboutB.V h y do nt weC.What a b out33.Ho w abouta t a x i?(C)A.B.to takeC.taking3 4.-1 t ired.-_ t a k in g a holi d
23、 ay?6 4)A.What ab o utB.Why d on tyouC.Would you like35.-VV h at about VVedn e s d ay evening?-S orr y,_ then.(A)A.Im t o o b usyB.Im free C.Im fine四、形容词1、形容词的比较级36.W h ich i sthe Yang t z c R i ver or t he Yellow R i ver?6?)abi t l o n g B.1 o n g er C.more I o n g37.S heth a n him.(C)A.a bi t f a
24、s tB.much fa sC.faster38.i s good at tr a ining.M a r y i sthan h i m.(J3)A.go o dB.b e tt e rC.b est3 9.Imb ad at spell i n g b ut Jane i st han me.A.ba dB.worseC.les s40.Th israd i o isth a n t hat o ne.(A)A.mo re ex p e n s ivee xp e nsive4 1.T h e c oat i s _ than that o n e.DA.m u ch more ex p
25、ensiveB.v e ry exp e n s iveC.m u ch exp e n s i ve42.R ose i stha n F ra nk.(C)A.ver y e a sy-g o ing B.much easy-g o i n g C.much mor e e a s yg o ing4 3.M y h o u s ewarming p a rt y i s _ Maryas.(A)A.different fr o mB.di f f eren t a sd i ff e rent a s4 4.-Th e area is to o di r t y.-Y e s,I agr
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