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1、同学们要注意从2 0 2 3 春季起考试题型改革,所以复习内容以 开放英语形成性考核册和 开放英语(2)期末复习指导为准,以下练习题涵盖了 开放英语形成性考核册和 开放英语期末复习指导中的练习题并按语法将练习题分类。第一部分 交际用语(共计1 0 分,每小题2 分)1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A(R i g h t),不恰当的选B(W rong),并将答案写在答题纸上。一、表达建议句型1.-Shall w e see a mov i e ton i g h t?-Good i dea.(A:A.Ri g h t B.Wrong2.-Shal 1 w e go to a
2、 restaur a nt?-S ee y ou later,fB A.Ri g ht B.Wrone(对的回答:Great.等)3.-S h all w e h a ve s omet h in g t o eat b e fo re we go?-N ic e t o mee t y ou.A.R i-h t B.W ro n g (对的回答:Good i d e a.等)4.-How ca n I b ook a cheap ho t el?-I f I wer e you,Id phone a t r ave 1 age n t.64)A.Riq h t B.Wrong二、点菜句型5.
3、-What wo u Id you like to drink,m a dam?-A co ca-cola fo r me,p lea s e.(A)A.Right B.Wr o ng(此外还可以回答:Can I have a glass o f wh i te wine?)6.-W h at w o u 1 d y ou like to hav e?-An o ra n ge jui c e,plea s e.64)A.Ri g ht B,Wr ong7.-Are y o u r eady t o o r d e r?-Ye s.Fil have a ch i ck e n s al a d
4、 plea s e.(A)A R i eht B.W ro n g8.-Can I g e t you something to drin k?-Ye s,p 1 e as e.A coca-cola fo r me.(A)A.Righ t B.Wrong三、询问情况的句型9.-H e 1 1 o,Xi a oya n.How w a s t h e party?-H i,Jack.We had a gr e at tim e.)A.R/h t B.W r ong10.I wen t to a fashion s h ow 1 ast ni g h t.-W h at w a s it lik
5、e?(A)A.RightB.W rong11.-How i st h e weathe r t o day?-Im f i ne,th a n k y ou.t B)A.R ig h tB.W r o ng(对的回答:I tis r eally ni c e.)1 2.-How are y ou feel i n gto d a y?一 Id rathe r stay a t home.(B)A.Rig h tB.W r ong(对的回答:Pm fe e lin g better.)四(1)、询问地点句型13.Where d id yo u go for your ho 1 i day?Two
6、 years ag o.(B)A.R i g htB.Wrong(对的回答:I w e nt to En g la n d.)1 4.-W h e re did you go in China?-I wen t there by t rain.(B)A.Ri g h tB.W r ong(对的回答:I wen t t o X i 9an an d Guil i n.)1 5.一I s there a b a n k near h ere?-Yes.I saw him this morn i ng.(B)A.RightB.W rong(对的回答:Ye s.T h ere i s one just
7、 down the road)四(2)、询问时间句型1 6.-W h at tim e will the n ext t ra i n le a v e?-At 8.19.(A)A.R ight B.Wrong17.-W h en d i d he g o to A m e ri c a?Two y ears a g o.(A A.R i g htB Wrong1 8.-W hen did y o u fir s t com e to Ch i n a?-10 y ears ago.(A A.R ig h tB.Wron g四(3)、询问年龄2 9.-How old a re y o u?-Y
8、es,I am.(B)A.Right B.Wronq(对的回答:Im20 y ear s oId.)五、ca n 询问允许、请求的句型19.-C an I h elp you?Ye s,pl e a s e.I d like 10 m a ke a re s e r vatio n.(A)A.Riqht B.W r o n g20.一 C a n I help you?-N ic e to s e e you.(B)A.R ig h tB,W rong(对的回答:Yes,p 1 e ase.)2 1.-Ca n you r emember th e doc t or9 s t e lep h
9、o n e number?-Y e s.If s 6825612.(A)A.Riq h t B.W r on g六、一般疑问句答语22.-Have you be e n t o America?-Pve n ever bee n the r e b ut I h o p e t o go there i n th e future.A A.Righ t B.Wrong2 3.-Have y o u e v er t r ie d win d s u rfing?-Ifs ver y k ind o f yo u.A.Ri g ht B.Wroii (对的回答:No,I havent)七、询问活
10、动的句型2 4.-What are you goi ng to do this e v eni n g?-1 went t h er e w ith some friends.(B)A.Right B W r o n-(对的回答:Im g o in g to meet some f riends 或 Implayin g te n n i s w ith some fr i ends.)2 5.Wha t are yo u going t o do t o mo r row mor n ing?-I s a w a film with m y s on.(B)A.Right B.W ro n
11、x (答语的时态错误.)八、征求意见的句型26.-H o w d o you I i ke t h e f ilm?It9s very good.I like i t.A.Riqht B.Wr o ng2 7.-Do you 1 i ke y o u r job?-I 9m a nurse.(B)A.Ri g ht B.Wrong(对的回答:Yes.I find i t very int e r e sting.)九、询问工作28.W h afs you r job?a nur s e.(8)A.Right B.Wro n g十、询问外貌句型3 0.-What doe s h e look l
12、ike?He i s t a l l a nd th in.A,R i qht B.Wrong第二部分:英语知识运用(共计4 0 分,每小题2 分6-25题:阅读下面的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选项的字母符号。一、代词(1)形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词1.He i s a goo d f riend o f.C A.o u r B.ours C.our s2.They a re frien d s o f.Pie a se be n ice to th e m.(B)A.m y B,m i n e C.I3.Mar c h the 8th
13、is D ay.(B)A.Worn a n9 s B.Wame n C.Womens9一、(2)反身代词4.T h e childre n are e n joyin g at t he part y.(C)A.h imse 1 f B.their s C thems e l v e s5.We bui 1 t t h e ho u se Nobo d y h e 1 ped us.(A)A,。u rs e Iv e sB.ou rs C.myself6.A:Wher e d oes Mark g e t h is h a ir cut?B:He cut s it.B A.a 1on e B.
14、himself C.i t s e If二、不定代词、副词7,s t o l e his c am e r a w h ile he i s lying on t he beac h.fBA.Anyone B.S o m e o ne C.Eve r yo n e8.There wasn9t in t he house when she got h o m e.A.any B.some bo d y C.anybody9.W ith his hel p,you wil 1 h av e t o worry a b o u t.64)A.n othingB.so met h ing C.any
15、t hin g10.Tomor r ow i s m y mothers b i r th d a y.I w ant t o buy fo r her.(C)A.a n yt h i n g sp e cial B.special s o methi n g C.s o m e thi n g s p e cia 11 1.Im g o in g to bu y Mary a birthday gift.D o you h a v e in m i nd?(C)A.s p e c i a 1 s o m e t hing B.s p e c ial anyt h i n g C.any t
16、h i nq spec i a 11 2.1 do n 9 t wan t t o watch.(A A.any t hi n g sad B.someth in g sad C.sad a n yth i ng13.I did n 9t g o in th e s u mmer.(C)A.so me whe r e B.everywhereC,anywhere14.A:Which j a c k e t do y o u li k e?B:Th e b lue ove r t h ere.(A)A.one B.it C.that三、介词-(1)表达方位的介词1 5.Gulin i s th
17、e w e s t of China.(C)A.t o B.a t C.i n*Kunming i s t h e southwest o f China.(B)A.o n B.in C.to16.T i a n j in i s a tw o-h o ur journ e y Be i j ing.A.in B.fromC.a w ay17.A carhit her when sh ewas w a lk ingthe road.(B)A.th r oughB across18.T hey arebuild i n g ab r idg et h e r iver.(B)A.throug h
18、B acrossC.on19.I st h esu p e rmarketth e r i g h to r l e f t?(Z)A.onB.inC.at三、(2)与时间连用的介词20.Aco n cert w i 1 1 b e h eld her e4 pmT u esd a y.(C)A.o n.a tB.i n.in21.Johnd i d nt t u rnupthe m e e t in gf i nish e d.9A.b yB.i nC.un t il*1 c a n tarr i v e b e fore6.00.Pl 1 try to b e there6.30.包B.t
19、i 1 1C.by四、(D 多个形容词的排列22.The boy iswe a rin g aT shirt.A.ba g gy longB.1ong b aggyC.baggy black四、(2)形容词最高级23.Table t e nnis ispop u lar spor t in thi sc ou n t ry,(B)A.mo r eB t he mostC.t h e be s t2 4.Her a rtic 1 ein her clas s.1 C)A,bette rB.b estC,the best四、(3)修饰形容词的限度副词*1 went to see a f i Im
20、yes t e r day.The f ilm wa sgre a t.(B.very五、to o;enou g h25.T his jacket i s n o tme.I n e e da b i g ger size.C2A.enoughbigB.s mal 1 erC.bigenouq h*11wasc o Id to go fo r a w alk.(B)A.veryB,to onough六、疑问词或连词-(1)特殊疑问词2 6.A:is a t t h e door?B:It must be our new neig h bou r,Mrs Jon e s.(CA.What B.W
21、h i ch C.Who2 7.A:on e is you rs,Julie?B:T he blu e one wit h whil e fl o we r s on it.(C)A.Who B.W hat C.W hic h28.1 dont k n o w to explain i t.(C)A.wha t B.why C.how六、(2)定语从句中的连词29.T h e buses,w e re full of pe o p 1 e,c o u ldn9t g o ve r y f ast.BA.t h a t B.whic h C.th e re3 0.M a r y wou 1 d
22、like to buy th e handb a g,is v e ry beauti f ul bu talso rather exp e nsive.(B)A.tha t B.w h ich C.w h o31.Could you plea s e te 1 1 u s wh a t kind o f w o rk you h a ve g o t e xpe r i ence?仍)A.at t h a t B.in w h i ch C.whi c h32.The childre n,we m e t i n th e mo r ning9 were ver y go o d a t s
23、ing i n g.(B)A.t h a t B.wh o C.w h o se33.M y b r othe r live s in Am e ric a i s visiting next week.A.wh i chB.who C.whom34.Its a lo n g way to ge t th e re.Th i s is we started s o e a r ly.fA A.wh y B.w h a t C.how六、(3)其他连词35.I h ad a sandwich befor e I pl a y tenn i s,Im v e ry h u n gry n ow.A
24、i A.but B.and C.so36.th e rain,t hey went to work a s usu a 1 .(B A.Alth o ugh B.In sp ite of C.W hile*1 went shopping I n e eded a n e w pai r of sh oes.A.al t h o u ghB,be c ause C.s o七、动词的意义(1)动词go;d o;p 1 a y 的区别3 7.Is it difficult t o 1 earn to Ta i Chi?(A)A,do B.p 1 ay C.g o3 8.He 1 o v ed to
25、bask e t b a 1 1 w h e n he wa s young.(B A.do B.play C.g o39.I f s q u ite f in e t o day.Would you like t o baske t bal 1 w ith m e?(A)A.pl a y B.do C.go七、(2)动词bo r r o w;lend的区别4 0.1 h im my b i ke la s t we e kend.(A )A,1 e nt B.hiredC retur n ed*She ou r car t o go to Br i st o 1 yester d ay.(Z
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