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1、2022年云南大学英语考试真题卷(本卷共分为1 大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总 分 100分,60分及格。)单 位:姓 名:考 号:题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值得分一、单项选择题(共5 0题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.When Secretary of State Condo I eezza Rice stood bes i de Afghan PresidentHam id Karza i,she made an en I i ghtened statement about cutt ing Afghan i stan5s op i um p rod
2、uct i on,say ing:n It is a p roblem that took a wh i I e to deve I op,and it wi 11 take time to end the p roblem.H Rice s statement in Marchis the clearest conf i rmat i on yet of a gradual mm in U.S.p olicy sinceearly 2004,when the Bush administration and Congress were calling foran i mmed i ate cr
3、ackdown on Afghan i stan s b i ggest cash crop.Her statementshows the United States new p atience and accep tance that it wi 11 taketime for a democratic Afghanistan to el iminate op ium p roduction.Whenthe Un i ted States ear Iier p ushed Karzai to i mmed i ate Iy end op iump roduction in his war-t
4、om country-without instituting the rep ressivetactics that histor ica11y have led to rap id success-the United Stateswas giving the Afghan leader a virtually imp ossible task.Afghanistancould p I ease the Un i ted States only by aggressive act i on that wouldfurther imp overish its already p oor p o
5、p uI at i on and undermine thegovernment1 s I eg i t i macy.The Tai i ban announced a ban on grow ing p op p i es the source of op ium-in Afghanistan in July 2000,saying thisreflected the teachings of the Koran.Already feared by Afghans for itsbrutal ity,the Tai iban ach i eved comp I iance with its
6、 p op p y ban by tearingup the fields of a few early p roducers who violated the ban,therebyshowing that the government was serious.The result of the Talibans order was a dramatic reduction in Afghan op ium p roduction,which fel Ifrom 3,600 tons in 2000 to just 185 tons in 2001.This caused world op
7、iump roduction to fa 11 by more than 60 p ercent.This wasn*t the first timethat large and rap id reductions in op ium p roduction have been achievedby massive government rep ression.When the Communists took p ower inChina in 1949,the nation was a major op ium p roducer and suffered fromwhat may have
8、 been the world5 s worst op ium consump tion p roblem.Withintwo years of a p olice crackdown on op ium p roduction and consump tion-resulting in mass executions and imp risonments-op ium p roduction anduse had essent ial ly di sap p eared in Chi na.The Islamic Revo I ut i on in 1979in I ran used som
9、e of the same p ol i ce-s I ate tact i cs as China to el i m i natethe large p roduction and consump tion of op ium that had p revailed underthe rule of the shah of I ran.This year there may be yet another,sI ight Iyless dramatic instance of successful reduction.Myanmar,formerly knownas Burma,is the
10、 world1 s second-largest p roducer of op ium.A rebelmovement,the United Wa State Army,has control of the major p op p y-growingareas and has a I ready reduced p roduction by three-quarters in the p astsix years,with a real istic p romise to end p roduction by June this year.It has accomp I ished thi
11、s mostly by forcible relocation of some 100,000p easant farming fami I ies who grow p op p ies.But if Afghanistan1 s currentgovernment resorted to the tact i cs of the Ta I i ban,the Ch i nese Commun i sts,Iran s dictatorship and the rebels in Myanmar to end op ium p roduction,it would rightIy be co
12、ndemned by the United States and other democraticnations.This is because in each of the successfuI crackdowns on op iumtauthorities relied on methods that are simp ly not accep tabIe in ademocratic nation,no matter how noble the p urp ose.The success ofanti-op ium camp aigns in more p olitically op
13、en settings is much moregradual.Thai land,once a major world op ium p roducer,is the Ieadingexamp Ie.A comb i nat i on of general economi c deveIop ment and targetedp rograms-both crop substitution and law enforcement-led Tha i I and toa Imost end its op ium p roduction over a p er i od of more than
14、 a decade.Pakistan,also a formerly significant p roducer,has managed to almostentirely exit op ium p roduction over a similar p eriod,notwithstandinga recent up turn in p op p y harvests.Going after traffickers rather thanfarmers,albeit p ol it ical ly much more accep tabIe,is even more difficult.Fe
15、w governments,authoritarian or otherwise,have had a high degree ofsuccess in this arena.While end i ng p op p y p roduction,I ran and Pak i stanare still major drag traffickers.The recent Thai crackdown,with theextra-judicial killing of 2,000 drug dealers in less than a year,seemsto have Iessened do
16、mest ic drug use but does not offer a he Ip fuI modelfor a democracy-buiIding Afghanistan.Secretary Rice s cal I forp atience in the fight against op ium p roduction in Afghanistan shows anaccep tance of the diIemma Afghanistan faces and is an encouragingindication that the U.S.government has learne
17、d from history.Which one is not the reason why Afghanistan government can not el iminateop ium quicklyA.Opium is closely related with the economy situation of AfghanistanpeopleB.It is a hard job which needs timeC.Afghanistan is not a democratic countryD.It is a problem left by history and it need mo
18、re patience2.Going Forth,The Nat i ons Multip ly Uneven I y Desp ite wars,famines,andep idemics,Earth s p op u I at i on is booming ahead to new records-with noend i ns i ght.Every day,the world adds enough p eop Ie to p op uI ate amedium-sized city in the US.In one month,the number of new wor Id ci
19、tizensequa I s the p op u I at i on of New York City.Every year,there are 90 mi 11 ionmore mouths to feed,more than the total p op u I at i on of Germany.Severalfactors are p rop el Iing this rap id growth,including an eIement that isoften overlooked:the huge number of teenagers who are becoming mot
20、hers,p articularly in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa.In four Africannations-Niger,Mali,Sierra Leone,and Ivory Coast-1 out of every5 ado I escent femaIes of child bearing age has a baby annually.The USBureau of the Census says this high rate of motherhood among teens hashe I p ed to ma i nta i n
21、 the high p ace of births across most of the Africancontinent.By starting a family early,a typ ical woman is Somalia,forinstance,has seven chi Idren during her I ifetime.Equal ly large fami I iesare the rule in Zambia,Zaire,Uganda,Mauritania,Mali,Malawi,andEthiop ia.The current record-holder for fer
22、ti I ity is str ife-tom Rwanda,where a typ icaI mother has at least eight or nine chi Idren.Whilep op u I at i on exp erts often focus on Africa1 s p roblems,analysts note thatteenaged mothers are also far more p revalent in the United States thanin France,Germany,Italy,Sweden,or Britain.This issue
23、babieshaving babies -has recently gained p rominence in the US.Teenagedmotherhood in the US has fueIed an exp ansion of the state federal welfaresystem and brought cries for welfare reform from lawmakers.With itshigh rate of teen births,the US now ranks a I ongs i de I ndones i a and p artsof South
24、Amer i ca,and on I y modest I y ahead of Mex i co,India,and Pak i stan.OveralI,the fertiIity rate among Americans remains relatively low at2.1 births p er woman-about the rep Iacement I eve I.AI though the USp op u I at i on is exp ected to cl imb stead i I yf from 260 mi 11 ion today to 323million
25、by 2020,most of that growth wi11 court from immigration.TheCensus Bureau estimates that in Haiti,where thousands of citizens aretrying to f Iee to the US because of mi I itary op p ression and p overty,AIDSwi 11 cut the annual growth rate during the next 25 years from 2.1 p ercentto 1.3 p ercent.The
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- 2022 云南大学 英语考试 真题卷 18