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1、中南大学 英 语(中)在线考试题及答案英 语(中)(第 1 套)一.单 选 题(共 30题,共 30分)1.T hi s comp any w as (?)by hi s p ar ent s.(1 分)。A.foundC B.foundedC c.findC D.set标准答案:B2.She i s v er y (?)t o ot her?s j udgment.(1 分)尸J A.sensible。B.effective广J C.sensitiveJ D.careful标准答案:C3.Accor di ng t o t he las t es t (?),t he oi l had v
2、er y magi cal effect on s k i n.(1 分)A.cy cleB.j udgmentC C.deci s i on厂D.r es ear ch标准答案:D4.He encour aged us not t o be afr ai d of(?)mi s t ak es t o ot her s ev en t o t he t eacher s.(1分)A.p oi nt i ng atJ B.p i ck i ng upJ C.p oi nt i ng outJ D.p oi nt i ng t o标准答案:C5.He w as only t hr ee y ea
3、r s old(?)t he s t ar mak er (星探)di s cov er ed hi m.(1 分)C A.t hatC B.w hi chC.w henD.i n w hi ch标准答案:C6.He i s not v er y clev er,s o he deci ded t o w or k har d t o(?)i t.(1 分)A.s et upB.p ut upC.mak e up forD.t ak e up标准答案:C7.Y ou v e been w or k i ng all mor ni ng-y ou(?)a r es t.(1 分)A.w i nB
4、.r es er v eC.cons er v eD.des er v e标准答案:D8.He t old me t hat (?)Engli s h s i nce he came her e.(1 分)A.he had t aughtB.hav e t aughtC.taughtD.he taught标准答案:A9.T her e i s no(?)t o t he s t r eet t hr ough t hat door.(1 分)B.absence厂J D.assess标准答案:C10.T he chi ld w as not able t o s p eak,w alk p r
5、op er ly or cont r ol bodi ly (?).(1 分)A.emotionsB.functionsC.actionsD.connections标准答案:B11.He couldn,t help bei ng t ouched by her (?)p ur i t y.(1 分)A.childishB.y oungC.chi ldhoodD.chi Id I i k e标准答案:D12.R emember t o s end me a p hot o of us w hen y ou(?)t o me nex t t i me.(1 分)A.ar e w r i t i n
6、gB.w i ll w r i t eC.has w r i t t enD.w r i t e标准答案:D13.T he doct or t ook my t emp er at ur e and(?)t o my hear t.(1 分)A.li s t enB.w i ll li s t enC.has li s t enedJ D.li s t ened标准答案:D14.She w as not (?)w i t h her fi r s t name Debby,s o s he changed i t for anot her name-Li ly.(1分)厂A.comfor t
7、ableJ B.s at i s fy i ng。C.eas yLJ D.r elax ed标准答案:A15.He(?)fr om t he ot her member s of hi s p ar t y on t hat i s s ue.(1 分)J A.v ar i es B.di ffer sLJ C.di s agr eesLJ D.di s ap p r ov es标准答案:B16.Her ly i ng of t hat t i me(?)my di s t r us t of ev er y t hi ng s he s ai d.(1 分)J A.leads t oLJ B
8、.caus es t oC.gui des t oD.leads off标准答案:A17.T hi s mus i c combi ned moder n j azz and(?)concer t mus i c.(1 分)A.clas s i csB.clas s i cC.s oli dD.clas s i cal标准答案:D18.Aft er he los t t he game,ev er y t i me I s aw hi m,he s eemed(?).(1 分)A.ex ci t edB.dep r es s edC.encour agedD.j oy ful标准答案:B19.
9、She felt (?)by many let t er s of s up p or t.(1 分)A.p r ai s edcB.di s cour agedJ C.encour agedLJ D.educat ed标准答案:C20.In order to win the competition,they practiced the song(?).(1 分)LJ A.ov er and agai nLJ B.ov er and ov er agai nJ C.agai n and ov erLJ D.agai n and agai n ov er标准答案:B21.Since the fo
10、unding of the new China,the Chinese government has done a lot to improvethe(?)situation.(1 分)LJ A.achi ev ementLJ B.human r i ght s厂J C.ar ms厂J D.p eace标准答案:B22.T he chi ld w alk ed i n hi s gr andp a s (?),and made us all laughi ng.(1 分)A.means厂J B.manner sC C.w ayLJ D.cas e标准答案:C23.I 11 w r i t e
11、t o y ou(?)I get t o Bei j i ng.(1 分)C A.w hi le B.s i nce。C.t houghLJ D.as s oon as标准答案:D24.Ap p li cat i on for admi s s i on t o t hi s cour s e s hould be made(?)t o t he U ni v er s i t y.(1分)C A.r i ght lyC B.fi r mlyC.di r ect lyD.seperately标准答案:C25.I mus t (?)bei ng lat e t hi s mor ni ng.(1
12、 分)LJ A.apologize toLJ B.apologize forLJ C.say sorry toLJ D.feel bad for标准答案:B26.Her behav i or w as s uch(?)ev er y one di s li k ed her.(1 分)C A.whichC B.thatC c.as D.so标准答案:B27.She s ai d t hat (?)ar r i v e i n fi v e mi nut es.(1 分)A.willB.s he w i llC.s he w ou1dC D.w ould标准答案:C28.The totally
13、new gift is still in the(?).(1 分)A.p as s ageB.p as s engerC.p ack ageD.p lat for m标准答案:C29.I want to buy that kind of cloth because I(?)the cloth washes well.(1 分)A.t oldB.t ellC.hav e been t oldD.hav e t old标准答案:C30.This is the first(?)store built in this city.(1 分)A.ap ar t ment sB.ap ar t mentC.
14、dep ar t menti D.comp ar t ment标准答案:C二.未 知 题 型(共 5 2题,共 70分)1.W hat hap p ens w hen y ou get i nt o an ar gument?Do y ou 1(?)y our t emp er and s t or m out oft he r oom,or do y ou gi v e 2(?)?If y ou hav e been on y our feet all day cleani ng t he hous e3(?)y our hus band get s home fr om w or k an
15、d i mmedi at ely 4(?)hi s di nner,do y ou s cr eam 5(?)hi m,or do y ou go off and cr y i n t he k i t chen?If y ou beli ev e i n t he ar t of comp r omi s e(妥 协),y ou 11 fi nd a s olut i on t hat 6(?)ev er y body.In t hi s w ay,no one los es 7(?)and ev er y one k eep s hi s hi gh op i ni on 8(?)ev e
16、r y one els e.So,i f y ou w ant bot h t o be r es p ect ed 9(?)t o be hap p y,alw ay s k eep i n mi nd t hat i t i s 10(?)t o negot i at e a s k i lful comp r omi s e t han t o be an unp op ular w i nner or a bad-t emp er ed los er.(10 分)1(1 分)A.mi s sB.los eC.holdD.k eep标准答案:B2(1分)A.upB.offC.i nD.o
17、ut标准答案:C3(1分)A.s i nceB.forC.andD.i f标准答案:C(4)4(1 分)A.demandsB.demandi ngC.to demand1 D.demanded标准答案:A5 (1 分)A.inB.onC.forD.at标准答案:D(6)6(1 分)A.satisfyB.satisfiesC.satisfyingD.satisfied标准答案:B 7(1分)A.footB.faceC.heartD.hand标准答案:B(8)8(1 分)A.ofB.inC.forD.out标准答案:A(9)9(1 分)A.orB.butC.andD.yet标准答案:c(10)10
18、(1 分)A.hap p i erB.k i nderC.eas i erD.bet t er标准答案:D2.P eop le i n ci t i es all ov er t he w or ld s hop i n s up er mar k et s.W ho deci des w hat y ou buy i nt he s up er mar k et s?Do y ou deci de?Does t he s up er mar k et deci de?W hen y ou ent er t he s up er mar k et,y ou s ee s helv es ful
19、l of food.Y ou w alk i n t he ai s les (过道)bet w een t he s helv es.Y ou p us h a s hop p i ng car t and p ut y our food i n i t.Y ou p r obablyhear s low mus i c as y ou w alk along t he ai s les;i f y ou hear fas t mus i c,y ou w alk q ui ck ly.T he s up er-mar k et p lay s s low mus i c.Y ou w al
20、k s low ly and hav e mor e t i me t o buy t hi ngs.May be y ou go t o t he meat dep ar t ment fi r s t.T her e i s s ome meat on s ale,and y ou w ant t o fi ndi t.T he manager of t he s up er mar k et k now s w her e cus t omer s ent er t he meat dep ar t ment.T hecheap er meat i s at t he end of t
21、he meat dep ar t ment,aw ay fr om w her e t he cus t omer s ent er.Y ou hav e t o w alk by all t he ex p ens i v e meat befor e y ou fi nd t he cheap er meat.May be y ou w i llbuy s ome of t he ex p ens i v e meat i ns t ead of t he meat on s ale.T he dai r y dep ar t ment s ells mi lk and mi lk p r
22、 oduct s s uch as but t er and chees e.Many cus t omer sli k e mi lk t hat has only a li t t le but t er fat i n i t.O ne s t or e has t hr ee di ffer ent cont ai ner sof low fat mi lk.O ne s ay s u1%Fat”on t he cont ai ner.T he s econd s ay s “99%Fat Fr ee”.T he t hi r d s ay s “Low Fat“i n bi g le
23、t t er s and 1%i n s mall let t er s.As y ou can s ee,allt he mi lk has t he s ame amount of fat.T he mi lk i s all t he s ame.T he amount of mi lk i n eachcont ai ner i s als o t he s ame.How ev er i n t hi s s t or e t he t hr ee cont ai ner s of mi lk don,t cos tt he s ame.May be t he cus t omer
24、w i ll buy t he mi lk t hat cos t s t he mos t.(10 分)(1)T hi s p as s age mai nly di s cus s es (2 分)LA.why people in cities shop in supermarkets厂J B.what influences people?s shopping in supermarketsLC.what people usually buy in supermarketsLJ D.how music is related to people s shopping in supermark
25、ets标准答案:B(2)T he s up er mar k et p lay s s low mus i c s o t hat (2 分)A.it may attract more customersB.it may seem more like a homeC.customers will feel more comfortableD.customers will possibly buy more标准答案:D(3)T he manager k now s .(2 分)A.what kind of customers like low fat milkB.what kind of cus
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- 英语中 中南 大学 英语 在线 考试题 答案