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1、新视野大学英语视听说教程第一册听力练习录音文本和答案UNIT 1II.Listening S killsListening fo r Na mes1.Do r is:Go o d mo r ning.Ca n I help yo u?Da vid:Yes.I need to cha nge o ne o f my co ur ses.Do r is:r il see wha t we ca n d o.Wha fs yo ur na me,plea se?Da vid:My na mes Da vid Br o wn.Do r is:Yo ur fir st na me a ga in?Da
2、vid:Da vid.D-A-V-I-D.The b o y is ca lled Da vid b y his fir st na me.2.Na ncy:Excuse me.I wa nt to ma ke sur e if 1 a m r egister ed fo r the new semestero f English with Dr.La ng.Do r is:Just a minute a nd Ill check fo r yo u.Wha fs yo ur na me,plea se?Nancy:Na ncy Leigh.Do r is:Is Lee”yo ur la st
3、 na me?Na ncy:No,ifs Leigh.L-E-I-G-H.But Lee wo uld b e ea sier to spell,wo uld nt it?Na ncys la st na me is leigh.3.Do r is:Im so r r y.But if yo u need a lo a n,yo ull ha ve to go to the Fina ncia l AidOffice b efo r e yo u ca n r egister.Na ncy:Them who sho uld I see ther e?Do r is:Well,Mr s.Vick
4、y Klein ca n help yo u.As a ma tter o f fa ct,a nyb o d y ther eis ver y nice.Na ncy:Oh,tha nk yo u.Wha t is her na me a ga in?Do r is:Vicky Klein.V-I-C-K-Y,K-L-E-I-N.Na ncy sho uld see Vicky Klein if she need s a lo a n.4.Doris:OK,to co mplete this fo r m I need yo ur na me in full,plea se.La ur a:
5、La ur a Tish Hill.Do r is:Tish?Tha fs a n unusua l mid d le na me.Wo uld yo u mind spelling tha t fo r me?La ur a:S ur e.T-I-S-H.I wa s na med a fter my mo ther.La ur a s full na me is LH U K I I i-h llill.5.Do r is:Well,yo u need to co mplete the fo r m fo r yo ur pa r king pa ss.Yo ur na me,plea s
6、e?Antho ny:Anytho ny Mcd o na ld.Do r is:Ar e yo u“Me”o r “Ma c”?Antho ny:Me”.My fa mily wa s fr o m S co tla nd.Do r is:OK,Antho ny.Ill ha ve yo ur pa r king pa ss r ea d y in a minute.Aniho ny McDo na lc will get his pa r king pa ss in a minute.III.Listening InTa sk 1:Enr o llingGo o d mo r ning,e
7、ver yo ne.Id like to welco me yo u to City Univer sity.Im Betty Russella nd I wo r k in the Inter na tio na l S tud ents5 Office.I ha ve so me impo r ta nt fo r yo u.Fir st,yo u must enr o ll b y August 28th.Pick up yo ur ID ca r d a t o ur o ffice.Them,yo u*11need to pick up a lib r a r y ca r d so
8、 tha t yo u ca n b o r r o w b o o ks fr o m the lib r a r y.S ho wthem yo ur ID ca r d in the lib r a r y a nd they will d o it fo r yo u.Yo u ma y b e thinkinga b o ut the spo r ts fa cilities a t o ur scho o l.Ther es no cha r ge fo r stud ent use,b uto f co ur se yo ull ha ve to sho w yo ur ID c
9、a r d.Co ncer ning the med ica l a ssista nce,theUniver sity ha s its o wn hea lth center,a nd a ll ser vices a r e fr ee fo r enr o lledstud ents.l.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.ATa sk 2:Living o n Ca mpus(M二ma n;W=wo ma n)M:Hi,Lisa.Ho ws life o n ca mpus?W:Hi,Jo hn.Oh,no t so b a d.Pr etty go o d in fa ct.M:Is
10、tha t wha t d o yo u think?I mea n,d o yo u like living o n ca mpus?W:Yea h,I enj o y living her e b eca use ther es so ma ny peo ple a r o und a nd its ea syto ma ke fr iend s.Wha t a b o ut yo u?Ha ve yo u ever lived in a d o r m b efo r e?M:No,this is the fir st time.W:I think yo ull find it quit
11、e co nvenient.The lib r a r y,la b s,spo r ts center a ndo ther fa cilities a r e r ight o n ca mpus.M:Tha ts tr ue.The a tmo spher e her e is d iffer ent fr o m the o utsid e.But I guess livingin to wn ha s its a d va nta ge to o,like b eing clo se to the sho pping center.Yo u kno w,o ur univer sit
12、y is so fa r fr o m d o wnto wn.W:But the co mmuting to cla sses.!mea n,yo u wo uld ha ve to get up so ea r ly to getto cla sses o n time.And then go ing ho me wo uld b e so much time.M:Yea h,b ut the fo o d her e.it seems ifs the sa me thing in the ca feter ia ever y d a y.W:Well,I think the fo o d
13、 her e is OK,a nd if yo u wa nt a cha nge,yo u ca n ea t o ut o ncein a while.M:Tr ue.1.S he thinks its ea sy to ma ke fr iend s.2.Its co nvenient to use the lib r a r y,the la b s,the spo r ts center a nd ma ny o therfa cilities.3.Its nea r the sho pping center.4.They wo uld ha ve to get up so ea r
14、 ly to get to cla sses o n time.And then it wo uldta ke a lo t o f time to get ho me.5.It seems a ll the sa me ever y d a y.Ta sk 3:Lea r ning to spea k EnglishHello,ho w a r e yo u?When mo st peo ple lea r n English a s a seco nd la ngua ge,they lea r nfo r ma l English.Unfo r tuna tely,lea r ning
15、it like this tend s to ma ke yo u feel d ista nta nd b o r ed.The tr uth is,mo st peo ple in English-spea king co untr ies d o nt spea k toea ch o ther in such a fo r ma l wa y.They spea k in a ca sua l wa y to their fr iend s a nd fa milies.When spea king ca sua lly,peo ple tend to use a lo t o f i
16、nfo r ma l o r co llo quia l wo r d s,a nd a lso sho r ten a nd co nnect their phr a ses.They sa y things like Hey,wha ts up?”o r Hey!Wha tcha b een d io n?These expr essio ns a r e b o th co mmo n a nd na tur a l,a ndma ke yo u seem like a na tive spea ker.Using them ma y ma ke peo ple mo r e inter
17、 ested inta lking to yo u.This type o f English is mo r e like wha t yo u will hea r in mo vies a ndTV sho ws.S pea king this wa y ma kes na tive spea ker s feel mo r e r ela xed a nd yo u willso und like a fr iend ly per so n who spea ks English well.Yo u go t tha t,b ud d y?fo r ma l fo r ma lly c
18、a sua l co mmo n na tive r ela xed fr iend lyTa sk 4:An Anno uncementa ttentio n clo sing five checko uts lea veIV.S pea king OutModel 1 Its nice to meet you.Now Your TurnMicha el:Hi 1 Yy na ino i s Micha el.Nice to meet yo u.Ro b er t:Nice to meet yo u,Micha el.Pm Ro b er t.But yo u ca n ca ll me B
19、o b.Micha el:OK Bo b.Ar e yo u-n i n l e d ic)n”l slud enl her e?Ro b er t:Yes,I go t her o la st week.Im fr o m Ca na d a.Micha el:S o,wer e go ing lo b e in the sa me d o r m.Model 2 How are you doing?Now Your TurnJo e:Hi,Ja ck.Ja ck:h 11。,Jo e.H()v a r c yo u d o ing?Jo e:m j ust fine,tha nks.I l
20、o w a b o ut yo u?Ja ck:Go o d.Well,yo u see,Im pla nning to ta ke chemistr y this semester.Ca n yo ur eco mmend a pr o fesso r?Jo e:Dr.S mith,o f co ur se.They sa y hes a pr o minent pr o fesso r in chemistr y.Model 3 Id like you to meet my friend.Now Your TurnJa so n:Hi,Ja ne.Id like yo u lo meo l
21、 my fr iend,Mike.Mike,this is Ja ne.Micha el:(;*d i()nieel yo u.Ja ne:Gla d to meet yo u,to o.Micha el:Ja so n o ften tells me ho w much he enj o ys yo u pla ying the pia no.Ja ne:Tha nk yo u.I enj o y wa tching him pla ying tennis,to o.Micha el:i-xcuse me.I ha ve a n a ppo intment,so Im a fr a id I
22、 must go no w.Ver y nicemeeting yo u.Ja ne:S a me her e.Bye!V.Lefs Ta lkM ichael:Hi!I sa w yo u yester d a y with Jo hn.We r o o m to gether.Im Micha el.Ja ne:Oh,hi,Mike.Ho w a r e yo u d o ing?Micha el:Im o ka y,b ut scho o l ha s b een r ea lly hectic since I ca me.I ha vent evenha d a cha nce to
23、b r ea the!Ja ne:I kno w.Its especia lly cr a zy when yo ur e a fr eshma n.Hey,wha fs yo ur ma j o r?Micha el:Tr a vel a nd to ur ism.Ja ne:Well,wha t d o yo u pla n to d o a fter yo u gr a d ua te?Micha el:Uh.I r ea lly ha vent d ecid ed.I think Id like to wo r k fo r a tr a vel a gencyin this a r
24、ea.Wha t a b o ut yo u?Jane:Well,when I first started college.I majored in physics,but later Irealized I might have a hard time finding a job in that field.I ended upchanging to computer science.Finding a job in the IT industry shouldnt beas difficult.Michael:Have you got a part=time job to support
25、yourself through school?Jane:Well,Im on a four-year scholarship that pays m y tuition.Michael:W ow,lucky you!Jane:Yeah.How about you?Are you paying for school yourself?Michael:Sort of.I work weekends at travel agency.Jane:A travel agency?That seems like a perfect experience for you!What do youdo the
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