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《2022年江苏大学英语考试真题卷11测.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年江苏大学英语考试真题卷11测.pdf(76页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2022年江苏大学英语考试真题卷(本卷共分为1 大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总 分 100分,60分及格。)单 位:姓 名:考 号:题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值得分一、单项选择题(共5 0题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.Buy Nothing Da y The da y a fter Tha nksgiving,a l I the world(a t lea stin the US)goes shopping.In Americ a this is the b iggest shopping da yin the entire yea r,known a
2、 s Bla c k Frida y,whic h sounds dire,b utev i dent Iy derives from the fa c t tha t storekeepers lose money a l I yea ra nd this is the first da y in whic h they fina lly get into the b la c k whic hmea ns to ma ke money.Some stores a lso c a l I it Green Frida y.It5 9 s theb iggest da y of the yea
3、 r for reta ilers,when shopkeeper s c a n mea surewha t their ta ke is going to b e this yea r,a nd the hoiida y spirit flowsa s fa st a s the c a sh registers c a n ring it up.Gifts,dec ora tionsy c a ndya nd ma ga z i nes disa ppea r quic kly,a nd woe to the reta i I er who doesn1 1t ha ve a s muc
4、 h in stoc k a s the c onsumers wa nt.nBuy it now1 1 is the phra seof the da y-a nd peopIe ha ve b een doing just tha t for yea rs,egged on b ythe industry tha t b egins a dvert ising a nd dec ora ting ea r Iier a nd moreela b ora tely ea c h yea r.This is a b out wa ste,c onspic uous a nd exc essiv
5、ec onsumption a nd b eing ma nipuIa ted b y a dvertising to spend more tha n weha ve on things we don t need-a I I idea s we support a nd promote.Wha tsha 11 we do Then a I ong c omes someth ing I ike I nterna t i ona I Buy Noth i ngDa yf a da y when peopIe a round the world pI edge to themseIves to
6、 b uya b solutely nothing for 24 hours.Alwa ys a da y la ter tha n the USTha nksg i ving da y in most na t i ons,there a re a c t i vities,c el eb ra t i ons a nddemonstra t i ons of va r i ous k i nds a ga i nst over-c onsumpt i on.Peop I e a reenc oura ged to not ma ke a ny purc ha ses throughout
7、the entire da y.The ideais to inc rea se pa rtic ipa nts9 9 a wa reness of their spending ha b its a ndto th ink a b out ma ss c onsumer i sm a nd i ts effec t on the c u Itura I a nd na tura Ienv i ronment of the wor I d.The fa mous(or i nfa mous,depend i ng on your po i ntof view)Adb uster1 9 s Ma
8、 ga zine a nd the first Buy Nothing Da y were b othsta rted b y a ma n na med Ka lle La snt a n a dvertising exec utive turneda nti-c onsumer ist a c tivist.He produc ed the a d tha t the networks wouldn9t run.He tried to b uy a ir time for it over a nd over,b ut wa s turned down,with rema rks to th
9、e effec t tha t there1 9 s no la w tha t we ha ve ton a nd it s in oppos i t i on to the c urrent ec onom i c polic y of the United Sta tes.”But we do ha ve TV a ds.The Buy Nothing Da y TV a ds of USA tel I us:Lea ve your wa llet a t home a nd c eleb ra te Buy Noth i ng Da y,the a nnua Irevolt a ga
10、inst c onsumer c ulture.n M.The a vera ge North Americ a nc onsumes five times more tha n a Mexic a nt ten times more tha n a Chineseperson,a nd thirty times more tha n a person from India.1 1 a re themost vora c ious c onsumers in the wor Id.n.a wor Id whic h c ouId dieb ec a use of the wa y we Nor
11、th Americ a ns I ive.M Give it a rest on BuyNothing Da y.M But a t TWHQ(Treehugger World Hea dqua rters)peopIe wereseriously c onf I ic ted a b out the idea of Buy Noth i ng Da y-memb ers spendtheir time promoting ec o-reta i lers a nd designers who need c ustomers,notb oyc otts.Eire sa idf Bla c k
12、Frida y is a lso a n importa nt da y for ourec o-gift ma ker friends.The hoi ida ys a re the time when they get to showtheir stuff a nd ma ke the money they need to get through a nother yea r ofc ompet i ng in this c ra zy Wa l ma rket.We ha ve put a lot of energy into thegift guide a nd so ha ve th
13、e a wesome vendors who sent us stuff to helppromote ec o-friendly hoiida ys to the press.I think they deserve oursupport this time of yea r,with gift guides a nd other promotion tha t wec a n offer.M Some peopIe suggest:Buy Nothing Da y1 is a b out ra mpa ntc onsumption of over pa c ka ged,b l ister
14、 wra pped rub b ish.We shouId not b eone dimensiona l a b out this.Whic h is b etter for the pIa net A.Forone da y nob ody b uys a nything(next da y they hop in the c a r a nd hea d offto the ma 11 a s norma l)or B.Everyb ody b uys a b i eye Ie on tha t da y.How to expa nd the messa ge:Buy Noth i ng
15、 Da y PeopIe a t TWHQ suggest:一b uy someth i ng from store-unwra pped,env i ronmenta 11y-fr i end Iy-b uy a sub sc ription to GSA orga nic produc e b ox-b uy memb ership to ac a r sha re network-b uy loc a l-b uy orga nic,rec yc led,non toxic,reused,dura b le,func tiona I-b uy c a rb on c redits for
16、 the fa mily stra vel for the pa st or upc om i ng yea r-b uy sola r pa ne I s-b uy ac omposting toilet There a re a lterna tives to Buying Nothing tha t a reequa 11y positive a nd a lmost a s c hea p.Things I ike c utting up c reditc a rds a nd dropping huge b uy nothing b a nners a c ross shopp i
17、ng ma ils ha vef r i ghtened a nd a ngered some reta i lers.CBS,ABC a nd NBC refuse still toa ir a ds promoting Buy Nothing Da y.(A ta lking pig a nd a ma p of NorthAmeric a seemed to b e offens i ve.)If you b e I ieve tha t peop I e ha ve theright to ma ke dec isions b a sed on informa tion instea
18、d of propa ga nda;ifyou b e Ii eve tha t over-c onsumpt i on is selfish;if you b e Iieve tha tshopp i ng c a n b ec ome a c ompu I s i ve disorder a nd if you b e I ieve tha t it isthe vehic Ie for getting one deeper a nd deeper in deb t,then plea se dopa rtic ipa te.It s ea sy.Simply sta y home,b u
19、y nothing a t a ll.Dont go shopping.Don t b uy a nything.If you work,tA.YB.NC.NG2.To understa nd the ma rket ing c onc ept,it i s on Iy nec essa ry to understa ndthe differenc e b etween ma rketing a nd se11ing.Not too ma ny yea rs a go,most industries c onc entra ted prima rily on the effic ient pr
20、oduc tion ofgoods,a nd then relied on persua sive sa lesma nship to move a s muc h ofthese goods a s possib le.Suc h produc tion a nd selling foc uses on the needsof the seller to produc e goods a nd then c onvert them into money.Ma rketing,on the other ha nd,foc uses on the wa nts of c onsumers.It
21、b eginswith first a na lyzing the preferenc es a nd dema nds of c onsumers a nd thenproduc ing goods tha t wi 11 sa tisfy them.This eye-on-the-c onsumera pproa c h is known a s the ma rketing c onc ept,whic h simply mea ns tha tinstea d of try ing to se11 wha tever is ea siest to produc e or b uy fo
22、r resa Ie,the ma kers a nd dea lers first endea vor to find out wha t the c onsumer wa ntsto b uy a nd then go a b out ma king it a va i Ia b Ie for purc ha se.This c onc eptdoes not imply tha t b usiness is b enevo I ent(慈善的)or tha t c onsumersa t i sf a c t i on is given priority over profit in a
23、c ompa ny.There a re a I wa ystwo sides to every b usiness tra nsa c tion-the firm a nd the c ustomer-a nd ea c h must b e sa t i sf i ed b efore tra de oc c urs.Suc c essfu I merc ha nts a ndproduc ers,however,rec ognize tha t the surest route to profit is throughundersta nding a nd c a tering to c
24、 ustomers.A striking exa mp Ie of theimporta nc e of c a ter ing to the c onsumer presented itself in mid-1985,whenCoc a Cola c ha nged the fIa vor of its drink.The non a c c epta nc e of the newfIa vor b y a s i gn i f i c a nt port i on of the pub Ii c b rought a b out a promptrestora tion of the
25、Cla ssic Coke,whic h wa s then ma rketed a I ongs i de thenew.King Customer ruled!The ma rketing c onc ept disc ussed in the pa ssa ge is,in e s s e n ce,.A.a form of persuasive salesmanshipB.the customer-centred approachC.making goods available for purchaseD.the practice of turning goods into money
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- 2022 江苏 大学 英语考试 真题卷 11