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《2022年公共英语考试真题卷三18测.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年公共英语考试真题卷三18测.pdf(64页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2022年公共英语考试真题卷三(本卷共分为1 大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总 分 100分,60分及格。)单 位:姓 名:考 号:题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值得分一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.If wome n are me rc i I e ss Iy e xploite d ye ar af te r ye ar,th e y h ave onlyth e mse Ive s to bIame.Be c ause th e y tre mble at th e th oug h t of be ing se e nin pub
2、 Iic in c loth e s th at are out of f ash ion,th e y are always take nad vantag e of by th e d e sig ne rs and th e big store s.Cloth e s wh ic h h ave be e nworn only a f e w t ime s h ave to be put asid e be c ause of th e c h ang e s of f ash ion.Wh e n you c ome to th ink of it,only a woman is c
3、 apabIe of stand ing in f rontof a ward robe pac ke d f ulI of c loth e s and announc ing sad ly th at sh e h asnoth ing to we ar.Ch ang ing f ash ions are noth ing more th an th einte rnational c re ation of waste.Many wome n spe nd vast sums of mone y e ac hye ar to re plac e c Ioth e s th at h av
4、e h ard ly be e n worn.Wome n wh o c annotaf f ord to th row away c Ioth ing in th is way,waste h ours of th e ir timealte r ing th e d re sse s th e y h ave.Skirts are Ie ng th e ne d or sh orte ne d;ne c k-Iine s are lowe re d or raise d,and so on.No one c an c laim th atth e f ash ion ind ustry c
5、 ontribute s anyth ing re ally important to soc ie ty.Fash ion d e sig ne rs are rare ly c onc e rne d with vital th ing s I ike warmth,c omf ort and d urabiIity.Th e y are only inte re ste d in outward appe aranc eand th e y take ad vantag e of th e f ac t th at wome n wi I I put up with any amount
6、of d isc omf ort,as long as th e y look rig h t.Th e re c an h ard ly be a man wh oh asn1 t at some time in h is lif e smile d at th e sig h t of a woman sh akingin a th in d re ss on a winte r d ay,or d e l i c ate I y pic king h e r way th roug hd e e p snow i n h i g h-h e e I e d sh oe s.Wh e n
7、c ompar i ng me n and wome n i n th ematte r of f ash ion,th e c onc lusions to be d rawn are obvious.Do th ec onstantly c h ang ing f ash ions of wome n5 s c loth e s,one wond e rs,re f le c tbasic qua I itie s of i nc onstanc y and instabiIity Me n are too c le ve r tole t th e mse lve s be c h e
8、ate d by f ash ion d e sig ne rs.Do th e i r unc h ang ingstyle s of d re ss re f le c t basic qua I itie s of stabiIity and re liabilityTh at is f or you to d e c id e.De sig ne rs and big store s a I ways make m o n e y.A.by mercilessly exploiting women workers in the clothing industryB.because th
9、ey are capable of predicting new fashionsC.by constantly changing the fashions in women?s clothingD.because they attach greater importance to quality in women s clothin2.Re al poIic e me n h ard ly re c og nize any re se mblanc e be twe e n th e i r Iive sand wh at th e y se e on TV.Th e se are simi
10、 laritie s,of c ourse,but th e c opsd on t th ink muc h of th e m.Th e f i rst d if f e re nc e is th at a pol ic e man,s re al I if e re volve s round th e law.Most of h is training is in c riminallaw,and wh at is more,h e h as to apply it on h is f e e t,in th e d ark andrain,running d own an a I
11、I e y af te r some one h e wants to talk to.Littleof h is time i s spe nt in c h att i ng to a sc ant i I y-c I ad or in d ramaticc onf rontation with d e spe rate c riminals.He wi I I spe nd most of h is workingIif e typ i ng mill ions of word s on th ousand s of f orms about h und re d s ofsad,uni
12、mportant pe ople wh o are g ui Ity-or not-of stupid,pe tty c rime s.Most te le vision c rime d rama i s about f ind ing th e c r iminals as soon ash e s arre ste d,th e story is ove r.In re al Iif e,f ind ing c riminals isse ld om muc h of a proble m e xc e pt in ve ry se rious c ase s Iike murd e r
13、s andte rrorist attac ks-wh ose f ai lure to prod uc e re sults re f le c ts on th estand ing of th e polic e.Th e polic e h ave an e laborate mac h ine ry wh ic heventuaI Iy shows up most wanted men.Having made an arrest,a detectivereal ly starts to work.He has to prove his case in court and to do
14、thathe often has to gather a lot of different evidence.Much of this has tobe given by peopIe who don t want to get invoIved in a court case.So,as we I I as being overworked,a detect i ve has to be out at al I hours ofthe day and night interviewing his witnesses and persuading them,usual lyagainst th
15、ei r own best interests,to help him.A thi rd big differencebetween the drama detective and the real one is the unpleasant moraltw iIight in which the real one I ives.Detectives are subject to twoopposing pressures:f i rst,as members of a poI ice force they always haveto get results.Second,they have
16、to observe the rules.They can hardlyever do both.Most of the time some of them have to break the rules insmalI ways.It is essential for a poIiceman to be trained in criminal l aw.A.so that he can catch criminals in the streetsB.because many of the criminals he has to catch are dangerousC.so that he
17、can justify his arrests in courtD.because he has to know nearly as much about as a professional lawyer3.The healing power of maggots is not new.Human beings have discoveredit several times.The Maya are said to have used maggots for therapeuticpurposes a thousand years ago.As ear I y as the s i xteen
18、th century,Europeandoctors noticed that soldiers with maggot-infested wounds heaIed well.More recently,doctors have real ized that maggots can be cheaper and moreeffect ive than drugs in some respects,and these squi rming larvae have,at times,enjoyed a quiet medicaI renaissance.The problem may have
19、moreto do with the weak stomachs of those using them than with good science.The modern heyday of maggot therapy began during WorId War I,when anAmerican doctor named William Bayer was shocked to notice that twosold ie rs wh o h ad lain on a batt Ie f i e Id f or a we e k wh ile th e i r abd ominalwo
20、uld be c ame inf e ste d with th ousand s of mag g ots,h ad re c ove re d be tte rth an wound e d me n tre ate d in th e mi Iitary h ospital.Af te r th e war,Baye rprove d to th e me d i c a I e stab I i sh me nt th at mag g ots c ould c ure some of th etoug h e st inf e c tions.In th e 1930s h und
21、re d s of h ospitals use d mag g otth e rapy.Mag g ot th e rapy re qui re s th e r ig h t kind of larvae.Only th emag g ots of b I owf I ie s(a f ami I y th at i nc I ud e s c ommon b I ue bott I e s and g re e nbottIe s)wiI I d o th e job;th e y d e vour d e ad tissue,wh e th e r in an ope nwound o
22、r in a c orpse.Some oth e r mag g ots,on th e oth e r h and,suc h as th oseof th e sc re wworm e at I ive tissue.Th e y must be avoid e d.Wh e n bIowf Iy e g g sh atc h in a patie nt1 s wound,th e mag g ots e at th e d e ad f le sh wh e reg ang re ne-c ausing bac te r ia th r ive.Th e y also e xc re
23、 te c ompound s th at areIe th aI to bac te ria th e y d on t h appe n to swaI Iow.Me anwh i Iet th e y ig noreIive f le sh,and in f ac t,g ive it a g e nt Ie g rowth-st i mu I at i ng massag esimply by c rawl ing ove r it.Wh e n th e y me tamorph ose i nto f l ie s,th e y le avewith out a trac e-al
24、th oug h in th e proc e ss,th e y mig h t upse t th e h ospitalstaf f as th e y squ i rm around in a I i ve pat i e nt.Wh e n su I f a d rug s,th e f i rstantibiotic s,e me rg e d around th e time of World War II,mag g ot th e rapyquic kly f ad e d into obsc urity.Wh y d id th e auth or write th e p
25、assag eA.Because of the resistance to using the benefits of maggots.B.To demonstrate the important contribution of William Bayer.C.To outline the healing power of maggots.D.To explain treatment used before the first antibiotics.4.Te sting h as re plac e d te ac h ing in most pub I ic sc h ools.My ow
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- 2022 公共英语 考试 真题卷三 18