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1、Unit 9Section AP re-reading ActivitiesFirst L isteningP lease listen to a short passage carefully and prepare to answer somequestions.Second L isteningL isten to the tape again.Then answer the following questions with yourown experiences.1)Why do you think big countries and big companies offer jobs
2、to peoplefrom abroad?2)O ne of your friends wants to accept a job overseas.What advice wouldyou give him/her?3)If a company hires many people from a different country,does it haveany responsibilities toward that country?Explain your answer.Stop Brain DrainA bill now before Congress would give prefer
3、ential treatment to foreignstudents with advanced degrees in science and engineering who want to workin the United States.To those of us who are immigrants,the bill seems simply to sanction apolicy secretly implemented by U.S.industry for nearly four decades-namely,stealing brains from the third wor
4、ld.In general,the 2 1st Century Technology Resources and CommercialL eadership Act”,which Sen.John McCain brought to the Senate in late 1999,is designed to keep the U.S.high-tech industry on top by filling the needfor skilled technology workers.O ne provision of the bill states that,among non-immigr
5、ant visa applicants,the state should give preference toforeign nationals with secondary degrees in math,science,engineeringor technology.Such a provision would provide z,temporary skilledpersonnel in those fields.During the 1960s and 1970s,politicians in my native country,India,usedto wave the sloga
6、n Stop Brain Drain”a reference to the fact that thecream of India was leaving for the lucrative shores of England and America.In that post-independence era,when everything foreign was consideredcontaminated by colonialism,we talked of cottage industries and economicimperialism.We threw Coca-Cola out
7、 and invented Thumbs Up Cola”.But it was also the era of Sputnik,of nuclear power and the greenrevolution.Every year,on Independence Day,our P rime Minister Nehruspoke of the benefits of science and technology.O ur institutes of technology,built with European and American aid,offered students free r
8、oom and board,even salary.Indian taxpayers footedthe bill in the hope that one day the graduates would help reconstructthe nation.I was one such student.But studying my textbooks late at night in thelibrary of the Indian Institute of Technology(IIT),I would dream,notof India,but of America,the land
9、of opportunity.Many students like me,indeed,left during those years,never to return.So our government set up special programs to tempt foreign graduates.O urleaders saw parallels to the independence movement founded by people likeNehru and Gandhi who,after absorbing Western political thought atinsti
10、tutions like Eton and O xford,returned home to serve their nativeland.But few foreign graduates came home to pay their pledge”,as Nehru hadput it.O ur leaders had failed to see that the emphasis on symbolmanipulation at IIT left little room for social thought and much scopefor the greedy outcomes of
11、 capital-driven business.O ver the next two decades,IIT graduates-educated at the expense ofIndian taxpayers 一 played a major role in founding Californias SiliconValley.The personal computer revolution and the invention of the Internetmade the demand for skilled labor mushroom to such tremendous pro
12、portionsthat even if every American child were to study nothing but science fromnow on,we would be unable to keep pace with demand in the decades to come.In other words,the legislation would benefit not immigrants,but Americanindustry which would be crippled without it.In India in the meantime,the e
13、ntire education system has shifted gears to feed the appetite of theAmerican computer industry.As IIT cannot graduate enough students to fillthese needs,every street corner now sports billboards for privateacademies offering certificates in computer programming.At a book show in my hometown of Nagpu
14、r recently,large crowds of youngpeople examined books on engineering and software.Comments about Brain Drain“don,t hold much water when every politicianhas a son or daughter aiming to go abroad.And why bother rebuilding the nation when the only goal is to abandon it?At the Nagpur book show,for examp
15、le,the latest American socialpublications were conspicuous by their absence and India,s politicallyconscious leadership has been replaced by a new generation,riding on thewave of the Internet,making fortunes within a span of years.This new leadership has abandoned all talk of economic imperialism in
16、favor of market economics.Indians now put flowers around Bill Gates neckand offer him the kind of reception once offered only to the Queen.AndThumbs Up is a branch of Coca-Cola.Mid-sized cities like Bangalore are now the Silicon Valleys of India their workers generate demand for the very products th
17、at they produce.But the nation is slowly disintegrating.India,s population recently hit1 billion,but its interior framework in water,transportation and healthcare is fast falling apart;its citizens breathe air that is dangerouslypolluted.India had gone from an agricultural society to the cyber-revol
18、ution,without passing through intermediate stages such as the welfare state andthe creation of social services.P erhaps it is time to pass legislation calling for a Brain Trust”.Fundedby corporations like Microsoft and Intel which have drained India of itsbrains for decades,the trust could set up ne
19、w institutes in India aimedat training students not in symbol manipulation,but in social thought.Such an effort is our only hope of creating the social structure neededin the next century.Words:8 40NEW WO RDSdrainn.1.C anything that continuously uses up sb.?s strength,time,money,etc.不断消耗(力量、时间、金钱)的事
20、2.C a pipe to carry away the unwanted water 排水管(道),下水道v.(cause to)become dry as water or sth.similar flows off;(cause to)flow away(使)渐渐流干;(使)逐渐流出Congressn.the highest law-making body e.g.of the U.S.国 会(立法机关,如美国国会)advanceda.1.not elementary高级的,高深的,程度高的2.highly developed 先进的immigrantn.C a person who h
21、as come into a foreign country in order to live therepermanently(外来)移民,侨民namelyad.(and)that is(to say)即,即是commerciala.1.of business practices and activities generally 商业(上)的,商务的2.making or intended to make a profit商业性的,赢利或以赢利为目的的l ea d ers hi pn.1.U b ei n g a l ea d er 领导2.U t he a b i l i t y t o
22、b e a l ea d er 领导能力s en a t en.U上议院,参议院s k i l l eda.1.ex peri en c ed;t ra i n ed 有经验的,训练有素的2.(of w ork)n eed i n g s k i l l (指工作)需要技能的prov i s i onn.1.C a s t a t em en t w i t hi n a n a greem en t or a l a w t ha t a pa rt i c u l a r t hi n gm u s t ha ppen or b e d on e 规定,条款2.(pl.)s u ppl i
23、 es of food a n d ot her n ec es s a ry t hi n gs 给养,供应物3.U gi v i n g,l en d i n g,s u ppl y i n g or m a k i n g s t h.a v a i l a b l e;prov i d i n g s t h.提供,供应,供给Av i s an.C a n offi c i a l m a rk m a d e i n a pa s s port w hi c h a l l ow s on e t o en t er orl ea v e a pa rt i c u l a r c
24、ou n t ry (护照上的)签证a ppl i c a n tn.C a pers on w ho form a l l y a ppl i es for or requ es t s s t h.,es p.a j ob ora pl a c e a t c ol l ege or u n i v ers i t y 申请人A s l oga nn.C a s hort ea s i l y-rem em b ered phra s e i n t en d ed t o b ri n g a n i d ea or aprod u c t t o pu b l i c n ot i c
25、 e 标语,口号,广告语referen c en.1.C a s t a t em en t,et c.s pea k i n g of or m en t i on i n g s b./s t h.提 至说到,暗示2.U i n form a t i on or i n s t ru c t i on s t o l ook a t for hel p 查看,查阅,参考 l u c ra t i v ea.b ri n gi n g i n pl en t y of m on ey;profi t a b l e 赚钱的,可获利的i n d epen d en c en.LU s t a
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- 新视野 大学 英语 Unit9