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1、 楚 门 的 世 界 英 文 剧 本 The Truman ShowThis is the full transcript of The Truman Show.It in no way intends toinfringe upon the rights of the writers,producers,distributors,exhibitors,etc.,of the movie.The Lunar RoomCHRISTOFWeve become bored with watching actorsgive us phony emotions.We,re tired ofpyrotec
2、hnics and special effects.Whilethe world he inhabits is in somerespects counterfeit,theres nothingfake about Truman himself.Noscripts,no cue cards.It isn,t alwaysShakespeare but its genuine.Its alife.Truman,s BathroomT R U M A N(to mirror cam)r m not going to make it.Youre goingto have to go on with
3、out m e.N o way,m ister,youre going to the top of th ismountain.Broken legs and a ll.The Lunar R oomCH RISTO FW e find many viewers leave him on a llnight for comfort.Truman,s BathroomT R U M A N(to mirror cam)You,re crazy,you know that?InterviewMERYLWell,I mean,there is no一 一 there is nodifference
4、between a private life and apublic life.My-my life is my life,isThe Truman Show.The Truman Show is.alifestyle.Its a noble life.It is.atruly blessed life.Truman,s BathroomTRUMAN(to mirror cam)r m not going to get to the top.Allright,promise me one thing though:IfI die before I reach the summit,you wi
5、lluse me as an alternative source of food.Eeeewwww,gross.InterviewMARLONIts all true.Its all real.Nothing hereis fake.Nothing you see on this showis fake.Its merely controlled.Truman,s BathroomTRUMANEat me,dammit.Thats an order.Maybe just my love handles.I have love handles.little ones.MERYL(0.S)Tru
6、man!Youre going to be late!TRUMANOkay!(sighs)On TrumanJ s PorchTRUMANGood Morning!MRS.WASHINGTONGood M o rn in g!WASHINGTON KIDGood M o rn in g!TRUMANOh!And i n c a s e I d o n,t s e e y a!GoodA f te r n o o n,Good E v e n in g,a n d G o o d n i g h t!(l a u g h s j o v i a l l y)Y eah.y e a h.SPENC
7、ERGood m o rn in g T rum an!TRUMANGood m o r n i n,S p e n c e r!PLUTO(t h e d o g)(b a r k s a t T rum an)TRUMANHey P luto.Hey P luto!Hey P luto!SPENCERHey.c mon,buddy.Get back here.T R U M A NGet down!a t a g ir l.I know.I t s ju s t me.SPENCERC,mon,P luto!T R U M A N(re:lig h t from sky)Oh m y Go
8、d!Truman,s CarRADIOH e res a news fla s h ju s t in:an a i r c r a f t intro u b le began shedding p a rts as i t flew overSeahaven ju s t a few moments ago.TRUMANN n n n n n n.RADIOWow.L u c k ily no one was h u r t.B ut h ey!Howdo you f e e l to d a y?TRUMANMmm-mmm.(o k ay)RADIOT h a t s good.You
9、t h i n k i n g o f f l y i n g a n y w h e re?TRUMANNope.RADIO0-o-o h,good.(The w e a t h e r?)S i t b a c k a n d l e tt h i s m u sic ca lm you down.N ew sp ap er S ta n dCUSTOMERDog Fancy please.Why thank you.Thank youvery much.TRUMANOhhh.Get a paper there,will you,Harold?Oh,and uh.one of these-
10、for the wife.Loves her fashion mags.HAROLDWill that be all for you,Truman?TRUMANThat,s the whole kit n caboodle.HAROLDCatch ya,later.TRUMANOf course.Yeah.In Front of Chicken AdTRUMANG ood m o r n in g.RON OR DON?H ey!G ood m o r n in g,T ru m a n.RON OR DON?G ood m o r n in g,T ru m a n.RON OR DON?G
11、 ood m o r n in g,T r u m a n!TRUMANH ey!How a r e y o u g u y s?RON OR DON?B e a u t i f u l d a y,i n,t i t?TRUMANAh.a l w a y s.RON OR DON?Ah.And h o w s y o u r l o v e l y w if e?TRUMANs Good.Good.How a b o u t y o u rs)?RON OR DON?Ohhh.C o u ld n,t b e b e t t e r!TRUMANA h h h h.RON OR DON?U
12、h.n i c e t a l k i n t o y a,Trum an.TRUMANYou to o,you to o.RON OR DON?B ut we m u st go now.TRUMANHey,think about that policy!R O N O R D O N?Yes,we 11 think about it.T R U M A NOkay,th a t,s two for one,th a ts a good deal.Doppelganger Special.At the Revolving Door,Truman,s OfficeT R U M A NHey,
13、f e lla,s,going in?G o ahead.Hey,whoa.T m not that anxious to getthere.Truman,s OfficeT R U M A N(on phone)U h,could I have directory assistance forF iji,please?F iji Isla n d s.OFFICE NEIGHBOR(re:Newspaper articleSEAHAVEN THE BEST PLACE ON EARTH!)Truman,did you see this?TRUMAN(on phone)All right,su
14、re ma5 am,if-if uh.hes in acoma hes probably uninsurable!(whispering)Yes,uh.Fiji please.Do you have a listingfor a Lauren Garland?.unlisted.okay.Do you have a Sylvia Garland?S for Sylvia.None.okay,thank you.(hangs up phone)OFFICE NEIGHBORLets see,Burbank,got a prospect in WellsPark for you to close.
15、TRUMANWei-WeiIs Park?On u h.Harbor Islan d?OFFICE NEIG HBORYou.know an o th er one?T R U M A NWell,I c a n t do i t.I uh.have anappointm ent.D en tist.OFFICE NEIG HBORR eally?T R U M A NYeah.(Toothy g rin)OFFICE NEIGHBORY oure going to lo se a lo t more than your te e thi f you d o n t meet your quo
16、ta.Truman.They remaking cutbacks in here th is month.T R U M A NCutbacks?OFFICE NEIG HBORYeah.You need th is.sid es,h a lf hour acro ssthe bay,a l i t t l e sea a i r.do you good.T R U M A NHey,thanks.At the DocksT R U M A NH ello!F erry,s s t i l l here,huh?Well,Imheadin,to sea.TICKETPERSONOne way
17、or re tu rn?T R U M A N(lik e duh)Return.TICKETPERSONHere you go,sir.FERRY STAFF(re:Truman,s faint condition)Do you need any help,sir?TRUMANYou go ahead,I 11-T 11 be fine.Truman,s LawnMERYLr m home,Truman!Look what I got for youat the checkout.Its a Chefs Pal.Its adicer,grater,peeler all in one.Neve
18、rneeds sharpening.Dishwasher safe.TRUMANWow.Thats amazing!MERYLTruman.Missed a spot.Unfinished BridgeMARLONMm.THAT is a beer.TRUMANYou know,r ve been thinking about gettin,out,Marlon.MARLONYeah?Out of what?TRUMANOut of my job.Out of this city.Off thisisland.Out.MARLONOut of your job?What the hell is
19、 wrongwith your job?You have a great job,Truman.You have a desk job.Id killfor a desk job.(re:beer)Here ya go.(continuing)You should try stocking vending machinesfor a living.T R U M A NN o thanks.M A R L O NN ow there,s excitement.T R U M A NDont you ever get re stle ss?Itchy feet?M A R L O NWhere
20、is there to go?T R U M A NF iji.M A R L O NWhere the h e ll is F ij i?Near F lo rid a?T R U M A N(using g o lf b a ll as Earth)See here?M A R L O NM m m hm.T R U M A N(fin g e r on one p o in t o f b a ll)This is us.and a l l the way around h e r e.(fin g e r s lid e s around too p p o site p o in t
21、)F iji.M A R L O NM m m m.(Oh.)T R U M A Ncan,t get any fu r th e r away b efore you s t a r tcoming back.You know,there are stillislands in Fiji where no human being has everset foot?(question to Andrew Niccol:is Fiji a reference to Listers,acharacter on the British Sci-fi comedy Red Dwarf,,zdream
22、of buildinga farm in Fiji?)MARLONhoo.So,when,re you gonna go?TRUMANIts not that simple.It takes money.Planning.Can,t just.up and go.MARLONRight.TRUMANr m gonna/do it.Don,t worry about that.You know,bonus time,s just around the corner.M A RLO NH m m m.Hey,you com in,f o r a d rin k?TRU M A NNo.Can,t.
23、F la sh b a c k to OceanKIRKI don,t l i k e th e look o f t h a t w e a th e r,son.I th in k we sh o u ld head back.Y O U N G TRU M A NOh no,Dad.KIRKNo.we sh o u ld go back.Y O U N G TRU M A NJ u s t a l i t t l e f u r t h e r.P le a s e.KIRKO k ay.YOUNG TRUMANY e a h.THUNDER(boom)YOUNG TRUMAND a d
24、 d y!B e a c hTRUMANU gh.H a h a h a h a h a!A h h h h h h h h!T ru m a n HomeMERYLY o u r e s o a k e d!W h e re h a v e y o u b e e n?TRUMANI figured we could scrape together eightthousand dollars一 一 MERYLEvery time you and Marlon get together something一 一 TRUMANWe could bum around the world for a
25、 yearon that.MERYLAnd then what,Truman?Wed be where we werefive years ago.You,re talking like ateenager.TRUMANMaybe I feel like a teenager.MERYLWe have mortgage payments,Truman.We havecar payments.What?We re just going towalk away from our financial obligations?T R U M A NW e need adventure.M E R Y
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