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1、2 0 2 2年湖南省常德市中考英语试卷第I卷 第一部分阅读技能(共2 0题;每题2分,满分4 0分)阅读下面的材料,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。1.You r e inv ited to a par ty at Jack and Sue,s new h ome!We mov ed into our new h ome in December.It s located at 3 6 Riv er Road.Come to a dinner par ty on Januar y 1 2 and celebr ate w ith us.Dr inks and
2、s nacks w ill be av ailable fr om 6 P.M.to 7 P.M.Dinner w ill begin at 7 P.M.Pleas e let us know by Januar y 5 w h eth er y ou,1 1 come.We r e looking for w ar d to s eeing y ou!Jack and Sue Har r isTEL:0 2 -3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0Email:jns .tw(1)Wh o jus t mov ed?A.Jack,s fr iends.B.Jack and Sue.C.Jack,s p
3、ar ents.(2)Accor ding to th e inv itation,is th er e a par ty dur ing th e day time?A.Yes,th er e is.B.No,th er e is n,t.C.Not mentioned.(3)Wh en s h ould th e gues ts r eply to th e inv itation?A.In December.B.On Januar y 1 2.C.By Januar y 5.(4)Wh er e can w e mos t pr obably s ee th e inv itation?
4、A.In th e tex t book.B.In Wech at mes s ages.C.In a diary book.2.I have loved dancing ever since I can remember.It was a part of my life when Iwas growing up and it is still important to me now.A What can be better thandancing to your favorite songs?I love going to clubs and discos.I can dance allni
5、ght long.I never get tired of it.When I was small,I used to go to schooldiscos.r d also dance at the parties my parents,friends and neighbors had.Idon,t think Ill ever stop dancing.I also love looking at dancing.Ballet isbeautiful.Dances from all over the world are beautiful.I think the life of apro
6、fessional dancer must be a good one.One thing that always amazes me is howmuch children love dancing.I think dancing must be in their blood.(1)Which can best replace A in the passage?A.It has to be the best way to exercise.B.What fun it is to sing my favorite song!C.Dancing is as good as singing whe
7、n exercise.(2)What may be discos?A.A music hall.B.A dance hall.C.A sports hall.(3)What does the writer think of ballet?A.Relaxing.B.Terrible.C.Beautiful.(4)In the writer,s opinion,do children love dancing?A.Yes,they do.B.No,they don,t.C.Not mentioned.3.One day Kavya and I were playing with the racke
8、t and ball and the ball went intoa Takku,s house.Though we were scared,we went to his house and asked him if he could giveus our ball.He said No We felt helpless.Suddenly,I had an idea.There was a water tank behind the Takku,s house.I looked at it and told Kavya,“Kavya,look at this.We can climb the
9、watertank and jump over the gate.,zKavya agreed,but we were both wearing skirts.We couldnt climb with that.It doesn,t matter,we can see tomorrow.Don,t forget to wear pants,saidKavya.“Bye,I said and went back home.The next day I went to Kavyas house early.We were both wearing pants.“Best of luck,said
10、 Kavyas brother Vijay.He knew everything.He said,“Shout loudly if you need me.We went to the water tank.Who will climb first?asked Kavya.You,I said.She agreed.She climbed down into the Takku,s house.I followed her and then we werelooking under a bed for the ball when we heard a noise.It was Vijay.Mo
11、ther is calling you,he whispered.We hurried and took out the lost ball.But along with the ball was a.goldbar!We quickly took both the ball and the gold bar and climbed up the water tankagain.When we reached Kavya,s house,the TV was on.It was News time.I couldn,t believe my ears when it said that 20
12、gold bars were stolen froma gold shop.They showed a picture of the gold bars and it was exactly like the one wehad found.We all knew it because there was a look of surprise on everyone,s face.We quickly told the story to Kavya,s mother and she called the police.(1)How did they feel when the ball was
13、 in a Takkus house?A.Excited.B.Angry.C.Scared.(2)Why couldn,t they climb the water tank and jump over the gate at first?_A.They felt helpless.B.They were wearing skirts.C.The water tank was dangerous.(3)What can we tell from the end of the story?A.The police came at once and caught the Takku.B.The p
14、olice found the rest of the gold bars in another family.C.Kavya and the author each got a gift science book from the police.(4)Which can be the best title?A.The Lost Gold BarB.The Lost BallC.The Helpful Mother4.The grizzly is the star of our little town in the mountains.Many people visithere for thi
15、s kind of strong large brown bear.When a grizzly grows up,it maybecome as heavy as 680 kg.But never think this gigantic animal moves slowly.Infact,the grizzly can run as fast as 55 km an hour.Though grizzlies look quite big and dangerous,they eat not only meat,butalso flowers and grasses.A On summer
16、 nights,they enjoy catching fish in therivers.That is why people usually come watching grizzlies in this season.Now the number of grizzlies is getting smaller because they have been killedby people who sell grizzly body parts as medicine.Many people of our town arew or r ied about th is and h av e a
17、s ked for h elp to s av e our big fr iends.(1)Wh at s th e gr iz z ly?A.It s a s tar in th e s ky.B.It s a famous per s on.C It s a br ow n bear.(2)Can th e gr iz z ly mov e fas t?A.Yes,it can.B.No,it can,t.C.Not mentioned.(3)Wh ich can bes t r eplace in th e pas s age?A.Fis h is th eir fav or ite f
18、ood.B.Th ey like to go fis h ing in s ummer.C.Th ey enjoy s pending time w ith v is itor s.(4)Wh at do w e know about th e gr iz z ly now?A.Th e s iz e of it gets s maller.BTh ey v e been killed for tr av elling.C.People ar e tr y ing to s av e th e gr iz z ly.5.Bike to Wor k DayBike-to-Wor k Day is
19、 h eld ev er y y ear acr os s Nor th Amer ica on th e th ir dFr iday of May.It w as s tar ted by th e League of Amer ican Bicy clis ts in 1 9 5 6.Itsaim is to pr omote(促 进)th e bicy cle as a s er ious ch oice of getting to and fr omw or k.In today,s w or ld w h er e global w ar ming is a s er ious i
20、s s ue,th e bicy cle is aper fect w ay of r educing our car bon(碳)footpr int.Cy cling to w or k is a h ealth y alter nativ e(选 择)to dr iv ing or taking publictr ans por t.A h ealth ier s ociety means th er e is not s o much pr es s ur e(压力)onth e countr y,s h ealth s y s tem.Of cour s e,it depends o
21、n h ow far y ou liv e fr om y ourplace of w or k.A Anoth er benefit of cy cling is feeling mor e cr eativ e and fullof ener gy once y ou get to w or k,w h ich w ill impr ov e y our per for mance.Bicy cles ar e th e mos t common for m of tr ans por t in th e w or ld.Th er e ar e aboutone billion w or
22、 ldw ide.Th is makes it th e mos t popular inv ention ev er.Wh en w e th inkof s ome countr ies ,like Ch ina,w e imagine h undr eds of people cy clingev er y w h er e.Ev en in h igh -tech Japan,it is impos s ible not to s ee bus ines s men,far mer s,moth er s or w or ker s in th e s tr eets on th ei
23、r bikes.Bicy cles w er e inv ented in th e 1 9 th centur y and h av en,t ch anged muchs ince.Bicy cles now h av e gear s,better br akes and s us pens ion,but th e s h ape isth e s ame as befor e.We us e bicy cles today for r ecr eation,fitnes s,policing,Oly mpic competition,mail deliv er y and lots
24、mor e.With out th e bicy cle,much ofth e w or ld migh t s top w or king!(1)Th e may in h as th e s ame meaning as th e under lined one in th efir s t par agr aph.A.Welcome,s ir.May I h elp y ou?B.May 1 s t is a Labor Day Holiday w or ldw ide.C.May th is y ear be a h appy and h ealth y one for y ou a
25、nd y our families!(2)Wh ich can bes t r eplace in th e pas s age?A.Cy cling is als o much kinder on y our pocket.B.After all,bike to w or k is much h ealth ier.C.Cy cling makes y ou full of ener gy.(3)Wh y does th e auth or mention Ch ina?A.People in Japan als o like bicy cles.B.To tell us th e bicy
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- 2022 湖南省 常德市 中考 英语