5、消化系统肿瘤消化系统肿瘤 (13).pdf

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2、,jIANCHAUkaDrug Development Unit,Sarah Cannon Research Institute UK,London,United Kingdom;bCancer Institute,University College London,London,United Kingdom;cVall dHebron Institute of Oncology,Barcelona,Spain;dCatalan Institute of Oncology(ICO),Barcelona,Spain;eEarly Clinical Drug Development Program
3、,START Madrid-HM CIOCC,Centro Integral Oncol?ogico Clara Campal,Madrid,Spain;fCentreOscar Lambret,Lille,France;gThe Christie NHS Foundation Trust and The University of Manchester,Manchester,United Kingdom;hYale University School of Medicine,Yale Cancer Center,New Haven,Connecticut,USA;iEli Lilly and
4、 Company,Indianapolis,Indiana,USA;jEli Lilly and Company,New York,New York,USA;kRoyal Marsden Hospital,Sutton,United KingdomDisclosures of potential conflicts of interest may be found at the end of this article.TRIALINFORMATIONClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:NCT02443324Sponsors:Eli Lilly and Company i
5、n collaboration withMerck&Co.,Inc.Principal Investigator:Roy S.HerbstIRB Approved:YesLESSONSLEARNEDRamucirumab plus pembrolizumab revealed no unexpected safety findings in patients with advanced or metastatic biliarytract cancer,which is consistent with reports ofother tumor cohorts within this phas
6、e Ia/b trial.Ramucirumab plus pembrolizumab did not demonstrate an improvement in overall survival when compared with histori-cal controls in biomarker unselected,heavily pretreated patients with advanced or metastatic biliary tract cancer.Patients with programmed death-ligand 1(PD-L1)-positive tumo
7、rs had improved overall survival compared with patientswith PD-L1-negative disease.ABSTRACTBackground.Few treatment options exist for patients withadvanced biliary tract cancer(BTC)following progression ongemcitabine-cisplatin.Preclinical evidence suggests that simulta-neous blockade of vascular end
8、othelial growth factor receptor 2(VEGFR-2)and programmed death 1(PD-1)or programmeddeath-ligand 1(PD-L1)enhances antitumor effects.We assessedthesafetyandefficacyoframucirumab,anIgG1 VEGFR-2antago-nist,withpembrolizumab,anIgG4 PD-1 antagonist,inbiomarker-unselected patients with previously treated a
9、dvanced or meta-staticBTC.Methods.Patients had previously treated advanced or meta-static adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder,intrahepatic andextrahepatic bile ducts,or ampulla of Vater.Ramucirumab8 mg/kg was administered intravenously on days 1 and 8 withintravenous pembrolizumab 200 mg on day 1 ever
10、y 3 weeks.The primaryendpoint was safety and tolerability of the combi-nation.Secondary endpoints included objective response rate(ORR),progression-free survival(PFS),and overall survival(OS).Results.Twenty-six patients were treated at 12 centers in fivecountries.Hypertension was the most common gra
11、de 3treatment-related adverse event(TRAE),occurring in fivepatients.One patient experienced a grade 4 TRAE(neutrope-nia),and no treatment-related deaths occurred.Objectiveresponse rate was 4%.Median progression-free survival andoverallsurvivalwere1.6monthsand6.4months,respectively.Conclusion.Ramucir
12、umab-pembrolizumab showed limited clini-cal activity with infrequent grade 34 TRAEs in patients with bio-marker-unselectedprogressiveBTC.TheOncologist2018;23:110DISCUSSIONBTCs are highly aggressive with poor prognosis and few treat-ment options following progression on gemcitabine-cisplatinCorrespon
13、dence:Hendrik-Tobias Arkenau,M.D.,Ph.D.,Drug Development Unit,Sarah Cannon Research Institute,93 Harley St.,London,EnglandW1G6AD,United Kingdom.Telephone:020-3219-5200;e-mail:tobias.arkenauhcahealthcare.co.ukReceived April 6,2018;accepted forpublication May 14,2018.OcAlphaMed Press;the data publishe
14、d online to support this summary are the property of the authors.http:/dx.doi.org/10.1634/theoncologist.2018-0044TheOncologist 2018;23:111 www.TheOOcAlphaMed Press 2018Clinical Trial ResultsPublished Ahead of Print on May 31,2018 as 10.1634/theoncologist.2018-0044.by guest on June 6,2018http:/theonc
15、ologist.alphamedpress.org/Downloaded from chemotherapy.Preclinical evidence suggests that simultaneousblockade of VEGFR-2 and PD-1 or PD-L1 induces additive anti-tumoreffects 13.This isthe first study to combine an antian-giogenic agent(ramucirumab,an IgG1 VEGFR-2 antagonist)with an immune checkpoin
16、t inhibitor(pembrolizumab,an IgG4PD-1 antagonist)to simultaneously target both processes inpatients with previouslytreated advanced BTC.Twenty-six patients received at least one dose of ramuciru-mab and pembrolizumab.Baseline demographics and charac-teristics were as expected for an advanced,previou
17、sly treatedpopulation.The majority of patients had intrahepatic(42.3%)or extrahepatic(34.6%)cholangiocarcinoma.Median therapyduration was 9 weeks with ramucirumab and 9.3 weeks withpembrolizumab.Median follow-up duration was 15.7(95%confidenceinterval CI 10.317.0)months.TRAEs occurred in most patien
18、ts and were predominantlyof grade 12 severity.The most frequently reported TRAEs(anygrade)were fatigue,hypertension,nausea,diarrhea,and hypo-thyroidism.Nine(34.6%)patients experienced a grade 3 TRAE.One patient experienced grade 4 treatment-related neutrope-nia.Serious adverse events(AEs)were report
19、ed for 15(57.7%)patients;these were deemed related to treatment by theinvestigator in seven(26.9%)patients.One patient discontin-ued treatment due to treatment-related elevation of transami-nases.There wereno treatment-related deaths.Reduction in tumor size from baseline in target lesions wasobserve
20、d in 9(37.5%)of 24 patients;two patients were notevaluable due to no postbaseline tumor assessment(Fig.1).One(3.8%)patient had a partial response,nine(34.6%)hadstable disease,and 13(50%)had progressive disease as theirbest response to treatment.Disease control occurred in 10(38.5%)patients;median du
21、ration of stable disease was 3.9months.Median PFS was 1.6 months.Median PFS in patientswith PD-L1-positive(n512)and-negative(n512)tumorswas 1.5 months and 1.6 months,respectively.Limited analysesof efficacy by primary tumor site and line of therapy did notdemonstrate any clear trends.Median OS was 6
22、.4 months.Median OS in patients with PD-L1-positive and-negativetumors was 11.3 months and 6.1 months,respectively.Onepatient remained on treatment.Of the seven(26.9%)patientswho received postdiscontinuation systemic anticancer therapy,six were PD-L1 positive and one was PD-L1 negative.Althoughthe c
23、hemotherapy-free combination in our study reported atolerable toxicity profile,ramucirumab plus pembrolizumab didnot demonstrate an improvement in survival when comparedwith historical controls in biomarker-unselected,heavily pre-treated patients with advancedor metastatic BTC.TRIALINFORMATIONDiseas
24、eBiliary tract:gallbladder cancer and cholangiocarcinomaStage of Disease/TreatmentMetastatic/advancedPrior Therapy12 prior regimensType of Study-1Phase IPrimary EndpointSafety and tolerabilitySecondary EndpointProgression-free survival,overall survival,objective responserate,disease control rate,dur
25、ation of response,time toresponse,and pharmacokinetics of ramucirumabAdditional Details of Endpoints or Study DesignPhase I,multicohort,nonrandomized,open-label study.Patients?18 years of age were eligible for enrollment if they hadhistologically or cytologically confirmed biliary tract adenocarcino
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- 5、消化系统肿瘤消化系统肿瘤 13 消化系统 肿瘤 13
