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1、专 题 1 5 阅读理解【考点综述】:中考阅读理解题部分所选文章题材多样,近年来出题比较多的有人物故事、民族风情、科普知识、健康保健以及一些热点话题。试题形式也日益灵活多变,图标类试题有所增加。主要考查学生的细节理解能力、推理判断能力、词义猜测能力及推断作者意图和态度的能力等。阅读题在中考题中占的比重很大。【中考真题再现】:1.1 2 0 1 3 湖北咸宁】A l m ost every C hinese person c a n rec ite the two l ines of the fa m ous poem,“E very gra in on the pl a te c om es
2、from ha rd work(谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦).B ut sa dl y,m a ny of usdon,t a c tua l l y get the rea l m ea ning of these l ines:D on,t wa ste food.A C C T V progra m,N ews O ne P l us O ne,reported tha t the food C hinese peopl e throw a wa y everyyea r is enough to feed 2 0 0 m il l ion peopl e for a yea r.D o w
3、e ha ve too m uc h food?O f c ourse not.A c c ording to the U NW orl d F ood P rogra m,there were 9 2 5 m il l ion hungry peopl e a roundthe worl d in 2 0 1 0,espec ia l l y in devel oping c ountries.S ixm il l ion c hil dren die of hunger every yea r.C hinese peopl e a re wel 1 k nown for b eing ho
4、spita b l e(好客的)a ndgenerous.M a ny even feel tha t they l ose fa c e if their guests ha veea ten a l l the food on the ta b l e.L uc k il y,a num b er of peopl e ha ve rea l ized the im porta nc e of sa ving food.L a st N ovem b er,L iH ong,a wa itress in a resta ura nt in N a nj ing,got fired b ec
5、 a use she took som e l eftover food hom efor her son.M a ny peopl e stood b y her side a nd c ritic ized(批评)the wa ste of food.W ha t shoul d we do in our da il y l ives to wa ste l ess food?H ere a re som e tips:1.D o not order too m uc h in a resta ura nt.O nl y order a s m uc h a s you wa nt to
6、ea t.I f youc a nnot ea t a l 1 the food you ordered,ta k e the rest of it hom e.2.D on t b e too pic k y(挑易!J的)a b out food.S om e food m a y not ta ste grea t,b ut your b ody needsit.3.K eep a n eye on wha t food you ha ve a t hom e.D on t b uy too m uc h,espec ia l l y for vegeta b l es a ndfruit
7、.5 1.H ow m a ny peopl e were hungry in the worl d in 2 0 1 0 a c c ording to the U N W orl d F ood P rogra m?A.2 0 0 m il l ion.B.S ix m il l ion.C.9 2 5 m il l ion.D.6 2 5m il l ion.52.What does the writer want to show us through Li Hong,s story?A.M any Chinese restaurants waste a large amount of
8、food.B.M any Chinese people are kind-hearted and ready to help the weak.C.Chinese people feel that they lose face if their guests eat all the food.D.M any Chinese people don t agree with the behavior of wasting food.53.The underlined word“leftover“means in Chinese.A.过期的 B.剩余的 C.腐烂的 D.难吃的54.According
9、 to the passage,we shouldn,t waste food because.A.food comes from very hard workB.six million children die of hunger every dayC.there is enough food to feed all the peopleD.Chinese are hospitable and generous55.Which of the following is a good way to save food?A.Ordering more than you need at a rest
10、aurant.B.Taking home restaurant leftovers.C.N ot knowing what you already have at home when shopping.D.N ot eating the food you don t like even if it s healthy.【答案】51-55 CDBAB【考点】有关节约粮食问题的议论文阅读【分析】矩文大意:这篇短文主要讲述了世界上的粮食矩缺问题,并对如何节约粮食提出了三点建议。从而告诉我们不要浪费粮食。51.根据 According to the UN World Food Program:ther
11、e were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2010:描述,可知选C。52.根据 Many people stood by her side and criticized(批评)the waste of food.描述,可知许多中国人都不赞成浪费食物的行为。选 D。53.联系下文food home for her son描述,可知此处指的是把剩饭带回家给儿子。故选B。54.根据,Every grain on the plate comes from hard work(谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦):描述 可知食物是通过艰苦的劳动得来的。
12、故选A。55.根据短文最后提供的三条小穿门可知选项ACD都属于浪费食物的行为,故 选&把 剩 饭 带 回 家。2.【2013 江西】Should we be afraid of sharks?M aybe not.N ew research into the reasons for sharkattacks(攻击)suggests that sharks don t like the way humans taste!In fact,most people whoare attacked by the shark are still alive after receiving only one
13、 bite(咬).Why is this?T here a re m a ny opinions to expl a in why sha rk s som etim es a tta c k peopl e.O ne opinion is tha tsha rk s a re j ust c urious(好奇的).W o k now tha t sha rk s a re the strongest a nim a l s in theirenvironm ent,so they a re not a fra id of a nything.N a tura l l y,tha t m e
14、a ns they a re c urious whenthey m eet som ething unusua l.B ec a use they don,t ha ve ha nds or feet.,the onl y wa y they c a n findout a n ob j ec t is to b ite it!1 1 is thought tha t sha rk s som etim es b ite hum a ns for this rea son,a nd then swim a wa y.S c ientists a l so sa y tha t sha rk
15、s woul d not wa ste energy trying to ea t al ot of b ones(骨头).I t is ha rd for a sha rk to ea t us b ec a use sha rk s dony tha ve ha nds,a nd they c a n t pul l the m ea t off our b ones.M a yb e tha t s whythey onl y b ite us onc e.U nl uc k il y,one b ite from a l a rge sha rk is seriousenough to
16、 hurt peopl e grea tl y!A nother opinion is tha t sha rk s a tta c k hum a ns b y m ista k e.S om e sha rk sm a y som etim es m ista k e hum a ns for a sea l.A n exa m pl e of this is when a sha rka tta c k a tta c k s a surfer.A surfer l ying on a surfb oa rd l ook s l ik e a sea lwhen seen from b
17、el ow.S ha rk s l ik e sea l s b ec a use they ha ve thic k fa t.W ha tever the rea son for sha rk a tta c k s on hum a ns,sha rk s shoul d b e a fra id of us.S a dl y,wek il l a l m ost 4 0 m il l ion of them ea c h yea r.7 3.W ha t ha ppens to peopl e a tta c k ed b y sha rk s?A.M ost of them b ec
18、 a use b l ind.B.M ost of them b ec a use of dea f.C.M ost of them died.D.M ost of them a re stil l a l ive.7 4.H ow do sha rk s find out a b out a n unusua l ob j ec t a c c ording to the pa ssa ge?A.B y b iting.B.B y sm el l ing.C.B y touc hing.D.B y k il l ing.7 5.W hic h sentenc e a b out sha rk
19、 s is true?A.S ha rk s pul l m ea t off b ones when they ea t.B.S ha rk s m ight m ista k e hum a ns for sea l s.C.S ha rk s l ik e to a tta c k surfers b ec a usre of their thic k fa t.D.O ne b ite from a sha rk is nothing serious.7 6.W ha t woul d the a uthor write the pa ssa ge m a inl y for?A.T
20、o tel l surfers to sta y a wa y from sha rk s.B.T o a sk peopl e to stop k il l ing sha rk s.C.T o l et us k now the rea sons for sha rk a tta c k s on peopl e.【答案】73.D 74.A 75.B 76.C【考点】关于鲨鱼袭击人类的议论文阅读【分析】短文大意:这篇短文主要从两个方面解释了鲨鱼为什么袭击人类的摩因,一是因为好奇心;二是因为把人当成海豹。73.木艮据第一段 In fact:most people who are attack
21、ed by the shark are still alive after receiving only one bite(咬).描述,可知选D。74.根据第二段 Because they dont have hands or feet.:the only way they can find out an object is to bite it!It isthought that sharks sometimes bite humans for this reason,and then swim away.描述 可知选 A。75.根据第四段 Another opinion is that s
22、harks attack humans by mistake.Some sharks may sometimes mistake humansfor a seal.描述,可知选BoD.T o show tha t hum a ns a re m uc h stronger tha n sha rk s.7 6.这篇短文中作者主要解释了鲨鱼为什么会袭击人类的原因,故选C。3.【2 0 1 3 浙江杭州】T n the 1 9 2 0 s a nd 3 0 s the a irl ines were j ust b eginning.I t wa s unusua l forpeopl e to
23、tra vel b y a ir b ec a use it wa s expensive a nd da ngerous.I n those da ys,there were nofl ight a ttenda nts to l ook a fter the pa ssengers.Y oung m en,or“stewa rds“hel ped the pa ssengersonto the a irpl a ne a nd c a rried the pa ssengers?l ugga ge(行李)b ut they did not provide food a nddrink s.
24、B ut then in 1 9 3 0,a wom a n c a l l ed E l l en C hurc h invented tho“stowa rdoss”.E l l en C hurc h wa s b orn in 1 9 0 4 on a fa rm in I owa.S he wa s a different c hi I d.S he didn,twa nt to work on a fa rm or m a rry a fa rm er-she wa nted a m ore a dventurous(冒险的)l ife.E l l enstudied to b e
25、 a nurse a t the U niversity of M innesota a nd then got a j ob in a hospita l.F or thenext few yea rs she sta yed a t the hospita l b uto a l so took fl ying l essons a nd got her pil ot,sl ic ense.E l l en wa s twenty-five yea rs ol d when she first got in touc h with B oeing A ir T ra nsport.S he
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