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1、初中数学各知识点易错题最全面的搜集总结优秀名师资料(完整版)资料(可以直接使用,可编辑 优秀版资料,欢迎下载)初中数学各知识点易错题(最全面的搜集总结)一、数与式 例题:的平方根是(A)2,(B),(C),(D)( 42,2,21a,622a,1xaxa1c32例题:等式成立的是(A),(B),(C),(D)( ,x,21a,1xababcbxba,2二、方程与不等式 ?字母系数 2k,3例题:关于的方程,且(求证:方程总有实数根( x(2)2(1)10kxkxk,,,x,2,例题:不等式组的解集是,则的取值范围是( xa,a,xa,.,a,2a,2a,2a,2(A),(B),(C),(D)(
2、 ?判别式 222310xxm,,,例题:已知一元二次方程有两个实数根,且满足不等式xx12xx12,1,求实数的范围( xx,,412?解的定义 ab22aa,,,720bb,,,720例题:已知实数、满足条件,则=_( ab,ba?增根 21xm,例题:为何值时,无实数解( m,,12xxxx,1?应用背景 例题:某人乘船由地顺流而下到地,然后又逆流而上到地,共乘船3小时,已知CAB船在静水中的速度为8千米/时,水流速度为2千米/时,若、两地间距离为2千米,CA求、两地间的距离( AB?失根 xxx(1)1,例题:解方程( 1 三、函数 ?自变量 6,x例题:函数中,自变量的取值范围是_(
3、 y,xxx,,2?字母系数 22例题:若二次函数的图像过原点,则=_( ymxxmm,,,32m?函数图像 ,26x例题:如果一次函数的自变量的取值范围是,相应的函数值的范围是ykxb,,求此函数解析式( ,119y?应用背景 例题:某旅社有100张床位,每床每晚收费10元时,客床可全部租出(若每床每晚收费再提高2元,则再减少10张床位租出(以每次这种提高2元的方法变化下去,为了投资少而获利大,每床每晚应提高_元( 四、直线型 ?指代不明 36例题:直角三角形的两条边长分别为和,则斜边上的高等于_( ?相似三角形对应性问题 ?ABCAB,9AC,12BC,18ACDCAC:2:3,例题:在中
4、,为上一点,在DAB?ADE上取点,得到,若两个三角形相似,求的长( EDE?等腰三角形底边问题 例题:等腰三角形的一条边为4,周长为10,则它的面积为_( ?三角形高的问题 例题:等腰三角形的一边长为10,面积为25,则该三角形的顶角等于多少度, ?矩形问题 ABCBC例题:有一块三角形铁片,已知最长边=12cm,高=8cm,要把它加工成一个ADBC矩形铁片,使矩形的一边在上,其余两个顶点分别在三角形另外两条边上,且矩形的2 长是宽的2倍,求加工成的铁片面积, ?比例问题 bccaab,例题:若,则=_( k,kabc五、圆中易错问题 ?点与弦的位置关系 例题:已知是?O的直径,点在?O上,
5、过点引直径的垂线,垂足为点,点CCABABD2:3BC分这条直径成两部分,如果?O的半径等于5,那么= _( D?点与弧的位置关系 ,,:APB78例题:、是?O的切线,、是切点,点是上异于、的任CPAPBABAB,,ACB意一点,那么 _( ?平行弦与圆心的位置关系 例题: 半径为5cm的圆内有两条平行弦,长度分别为6cm和8cm,则这两条弦的距离等于_( ?相交弦与圆心的位置关系 32例题:两相交圆的公共弦长为6,两圆的半径分别为、5,则这两圆的圆心距等于_( ?相切圆的位置关系 例题:若两同心圆的半径分别为2和8,第三个圆分别与两圆相切,则这个圆的半径为_( 练习题: 一、容易漏解的题目
6、 ,51(一个数的绝对值是5,则这个数是_;_数的绝对值是它本身(,非负数) 2(_的倒数是它本身;_的立方是它本身(,和0) ,1,13 3(关于的不等式40xa,的正整数解是1和2;则的取值范围是xa412,a_() 213,x,x,2a,24(不等式组的解集是,则的取值范围是_() a,xa,.,a,22aa,115(若,则_(,2,0) a,2,1,21m,m,0m,36(当为何值时,函数是一个一次函数(或) mymxx,,,(3)452xx,,,123207(若一个三角形的三边都是方程的解,则此三角形的周长是_(12,24或20) 22ab,,aa,,21bb,,218(若实数、满足
7、,则_(2,222,) ab9(在平面上任意画四个点,那么这四个点一共可以确定_条直线( BCAC10(已知线段=7cm,在直线上画线段=3cm,则线段=_(4cm或10cm) ABAB30:11(一个角的两边和另一个角的两边互相垂直,且其中一个角是另一个角的两倍少,30:30:70:110:求这两个角的度数(,或,) 12(三条直线公路相互交叉成一个三角形,现在要建一个货物中转站,要求它到三条公路的距离相等,则可供选择的地址有_处,(4) 1:230:150:13(等腰三角形一腰上的高与腰长之比为,则该三角形的顶角为_(或) 30:14(等腰三角形的腰长为,一腰上的高与另一腰的夹角为,则此等
8、腰三角形底边上a3aa的高为_(或) 22ABCD?OAB15(矩形的对角线交于点(一条边长为1,是正三角形,则这个矩形的周O232,223,长为_(或) 3ABCDADBC?,,:A90BC16(梯形中,=7cm,=3cm,试在边上确定的ABABP位置,使得以、为顶点的三角形与以、为顶点的三角形相似(=1cm,CPADPBAP146cm或cm) 5l17(已知线段=10cm,端点、到直线的距离分别为6cm和4cm,则符合条件的直ABAB4 线有_条(3条) ll18(过直线外的两点、,且圆心在直线的上圆共有_个(0个、1个或无数AB个) RtABC?,,:C90AC,3AB,519(在中,以
9、为圆心,以为半径的圆,与斜rCr,2.434,r边只有一个交点,求的取值范围(或) rAB?AOP20(直角坐标系中,已知,在轴上找点,使为等腰三角形,这样的点P(1,1)xAP共有多少个,(4个) 21(在同圆中,一条弦所对的圆周角的关系是_(相等或互补) 22(圆的半径为5cm,两条平行弦的长分别为8cm和6cm,则两平行弦间的距离为 _(1cm或7cm) 23(两同心圆半径分别为9和5,一个圆与这两个圆都相切,则这个圆的半径等于多少,(2或7) 24(一个圆和一个半径为5的圆相切,两圆的圆心距为3,则这个圆的半径为多少,(2或8) AB,225(切?O于点,是?O的弦,若?O的半径为1,
10、则的长为_(1PAAABPA5或) ,,:APB8026(、是?O的切线,、是切点,点是上异于、的任意CPAPBABAB,,ACB50:130:一点,那么 _(或) ,,BAC75:15:AB,2AC,327(在半径为1的?O中,弦,那么_(或) 二、容易多解的题 2222222xyxy,,21528(已知,则xy,,_(3) ,x,1x,1y,29(在函数中,自变量的取值范围为_() x,3xx,xx,445,,22,,730(已知,则_() 12mx(2)(21)0mxmxm,,,31(当为何值时,关于的方程有两个实数根(,m,45 m,2且)( 2mm,32(当为何值时,函数是二次函数(
11、2) mymxx,,,(1)35022033(若,则,() xxxx,,22(43)x,122,40,xy,34(方程组的实数解的组数是多少,(2) ,23260.xxyxy,,,1235(关于的方程有实数解,求的取值范围() xkxk,,31210xk,k132k,336(为何值时,关于的方程的两根的平方和为23,() xxkxk,,,(2)320k1,2xmxm,,,2037(为何值时,关于的方程的两根恰好是一个直角三角形的两mx,2,3m,个锐角的余弦值,()( 41c,4,分式总有意义,则的值应满足_() 38(若对于任何实数xc2xxc,4?ABC,,:A9039(在中,作既是轴对称
12、又是中心对称的四边形,使、DEADEFBCCA分别在、上,这样的四边形能作出多少个,(1) FAB40(在?O中,弦=8cm,为弦上一点,且=2cm,则经过点的最短弦长为多ABPABAPP43少,(cm) 41(两枚硬币总是保持相接触,其中一个固定,另一个沿其周围滚动,当滚动的硬币沿固定的硬币滚动一周,回到原来的位置,滚动的那个硬币自转的圈数为_(2) 三、容易误判的问题: 1(两条边和其中一组对边上的高对应相等的两个三角形全等。 2(两边及第三边上的高对应相等的两个三角形全等。 3(两角及其对边的和对应相等的两个三角形全等。 4(两边及其一边的对角对应相等的两个三角形全等。 6 (英文版 )
13、 easily blame, to prevent the broken window effect. Supervise the leading cadres to play an exemplary role, take the lead in the strict implementation of the and , lead to safeguard the solemnity and authority of the party discipline, ensure that the party discipline and the laws and regulations for
14、 implementation in place. Throughout the discipline in the daily supervision and management , strengthen supervision and inspection, from the thorough investigation of violations of discipline behavior. Strengthen to key areas, key departments and key projects as well as the masses reflect the conce
15、ntration of the units and departments for supervision. - strengthening supervision, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to set an example for compliance with the and is a man must be hexyl, blacksmith needs its own hardware. Discipline inspection organs as the executor of the party disci
16、pline, and supervisor of the defenders, for its supervision must be more strictly, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to firmly establish the awareness of Party Constitution, sense of discipline and rules consciousness, politics loyalty, sense obey. Action speak Ji Ordinance to set an e
17、xample of the regulations of the rule of law, strengthen supervision and accept the supervision of the firmness and consciousness, do comply with and . To firmly establish the discipline must first be disciplined, the supervisor will be subject to the 7 supervision of concept, and consciously safegu
18、ard and implement party compasses party, take the lead in practicing three strict real strict, so loyal, clean, play. To be good at learning, the Constitution and the as morality, politics and brought to fruition; to implement , do not want to, dare not, not with disciplinary ruler to supervision; t
19、o discipline a ruler, often the control inspection, and consciously in the ideological red line to draw the row Ming Good accumulation is indeed the bottom line, so that the heart has fear, said to have quit, the line has ended. Attached: indifferent to heart, calmly to the table in our life, there
20、are many unpredictable things will happen, some good, some bad things, we cannot control is powerless to stop, but with time, you will find in life sometimes turns out to be not good, some bad things finally turned out to be a good thing, but then we muddy however did not know, this is the life teac
21、h us things. 1, life can be complex, can also be simple. Want simple life of precipitation, to have enough time to reflect, to make Become more perfect. Life is the most important thing is not to win, but the struggle; not to have conquered, but to have fought well. 2, the plain is the background of
22、 life. Live a plain life, give up on themselves is not a coward, but the wise answers; not disillusioned after the heart, such as ashes, but experience the storm after the enlightenment; not unrewarding perfunctorily, but calm attitude of life of unrestrained self-confidence. Plain living, there is
23、no noise noisy, no earthly troubles, more did not fill in the discontent of desire, 8 some just a calm, a calm. 3, memory of heart will not good things to erase the, life is a When no movie, pain is a beginning, the struggle is a kind of process, death is a kind of ending. Give up this giving up is
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- 初中 数学 知识点 易错题最 全面 搜集 总结 优秀 名师 资料 完整版