《_营改增_对我国现代服务业的影响分析_张玉洁(1).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《_营改增_对我国现代服务业的影响分析_张玉洁(1).docx(57页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、 学位论文原创性声明 声明:本人所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立 进行研究工作所取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中已经 注明引 用的内 容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成 果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确 方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文版权使用授权书 本人完全了解云南财经大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定, 即:学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文和论文电子版, 允许学位论文被查阅或借阅;学校可以公布学位论文的全部或部分 内容,可以釆用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存、汇编、发表学位 论文;授权学校将学位论
2、文的全文或部分 A 容编入、提供有关数据 库进行检索。 (保密的学位论文在解密后遵循此规定) 摘要 摘要 “ 营改增 ” 是 “ 十二五 ” 时期财税体制改革的一项重要内容,是继增值税 转型改革之后的又一次重大税制改革,其实质就是扩大增值税征收范围,把原 缴纳营业税的行业纳入到增值税征收范围。经过一年多的试点地区探索实践, 从目前来看 “ 营改增 ”试点运行平稳,好于预期,渐行渐好,改革成效越来越 充分凸显出来, “ 营改增 ” 实现从 “ 道道征税、全额征税 ” 向 “ 道道征税、道 道抵扣 ” 的转变,优化了税制结构,从而为经济发展创造了更好的税制环境, 对减轻纳税人负担,促进三次产业分工
3、、融合与发展,实现服务业国际国内两 个市场的对接等都发挥了积极效应。逐步推行营业税改证增值税的步伐,实现 我国税制体系与国际标准税制体系接轨,成为新一轮税改的主题。但是,改革 必然会出现各种各样的问题,能否解决这些问题,关系到改革的成功与否。因 此,对改革进程中出现的问题以及对策的研宄就显得尤为重要。本文正文分为 六个部分: 第一章为绪论部分,本章系统性的对本文的研宄背景、研宄意义、研 宄的 方法及思路进行了详细的阐述,并通过文献综述的方式详述了国内外研宄现状。 “ 营改增 ” 试点运行以来,国内学者作了较多研宄,国外的研宄多为营业税制 度和增值税制度以及课税原理的理论研宄。 第二章主要介绍全
4、国实行 “ 营改增 ” 的大体情况,营业税是我国实施时间 较长的一种流转税,具有计算方法简单的优点,但具有重复征税、税收结构不 合理等缺点,增值税恰能弥补营业税的这一优点,对于我国达到结构性减税和 消除重复征税方面存在较大的优势,因此 2012 年 1 月 1 日把上海作为 “ 营改增 ” 试点全面推行增值税具有较大的前瞻性。本章具体阐述了服务业实行 “ 营改增 ” 的优点,通过对比分析实施增值税给企业带来的好处。 第三章运用案例分析阐述昆明市 X服务型企业实行 “ 营改增 ” 的影响,本 章分别从 X 企业 “ 营改增 ” 对会计科目设置的影响, “ 营改增 ” 对会计核算的 影响, “ 营
5、改增 ” 对企业纳税申报的影响三个方面阐述 “ 营改增 ” 对 X企业的 有利影响和不利影响。 第四章根据企业实际情况分析 “ 营改增 ” 对 X企业财务状况的影响, “ 营 改增 ” 对于企业来说最为关注的应该是税负的变化以及对企业长 远利益的发展, 分析“ 营改增 ” 前后税负变化情况有利于企业优化产业结构,促进企业持续发 展,提升企业市场竞争力,结合 “ 营改增 ” 对企业经济效益的利弊分析,如何 提高企业管理体制是该企业财务人员面对的现实问题,如何提高会计人员业务 水平和专业素质,相应调整企业会计核算制度,防范增值税税制风险是企业面 临的重大挑战。 第五章 X 企业 “ 营改增 ” 应
6、采取的措施, X 企业应合理有效的进行纳税筹划, 提高财务人员对税收筹划的意识,加强增值税专用发票的管理,企业财务人员 的管理水平决定了企业能否长久持续发展,合理有效的企业内部管理制度是提 升企业管理水平和竞争力的有效保障。 第六章为研宄结论和不足之处,运用案例分析的方法得出 “ 营改增 ” 对现 代技术服务业的税负有所减少,解决企业重复征税问题, “ 营改增 ” 进项税可 抵扣能够有效减低企业的纳税成本,提高企业经济效益。本文不足之处在于收 集数据资料不够全面,案例分析不够具体,具有一定的局限性。 关键词:营改增现代服务业税收结构 Abstract “Replacing business t
7、ax with value-added tax” is an important part in financial and taxation reform during the period of “the twelfth five-year planning”. It is another significant reform after the value-added tax reform with the aim to expand the collection scope of the value-added tax and make the industries that pay
8、business tax to change to value-added tax. After one-year exploration and practice in pilot areas, “replacing” yielded better results than expected. The benefit from the reform has become increasingly prominent. Replacing helped to solve the problem of double taxing and optimized the taxation struct
9、ure. A better tax environment has been created to ease tax burden, promote the divisions of three industries and better connect domestic and global market in service industry. To make gradual progress in replacing business tax with value-added tax and make our domestic taxation system more in line w
10、ith the global one is the theme of the new taxation reform. However, all sorts of problems may appear in the process of reform. Whether these problems can be solved or not is of vital importance for the success of the reform. This is why researches into the problems brought by reform and their solut
11、ions are particularly important. This article consists of six parts: The first chapter is introduction. Systematic explanations are given in terms of the background, goals, methodology and guidelines. This chapter also includes a literature review to have a look at the current research overview both
12、 in and out of the country. Domestic and global scholars conducted many researches since the pilot operation of “replacing” and the latter focused more on the theory research of business tax and value-added tax. The second chapter provides a general picture of “replacing” reform around the country.
13、Business tax, a kind of turnover tax that has been operating for quite a while, contains the advantage of easy calculation. But it results in double taxing and improper tax structure. The introduction of value-added tax can help to solve the problem and make a great contribution to reduce tax burden
14、 and prevent double taxing. From January 1st on, replacing initiative began to be operated in Shanghai as a pilot area. This chapter elaborates on how service industry can benefit from “replacing” initiative. It also includes a comparative analysis between business tax and value-added tax. The third
15、 chapter elaborates on the influences “replacing” initiative has brought to a service corporation X based in Kunming. That includes the influences on the accounting course set-up, on financial accounting as well as influences on tax declaration from the corporation X. The fourth chapter is about the
16、 analysis into influences “replacing” initiative has on capital management in company X. What corporations care most is whether their tax burden can be eased after the implementation of “replacing” and whether a long-term development can be maintained. An analysis into tax burden changes before and
17、after the implementation is conducive to structure optimization and sustainable development of industries as well as to improve their competitiveness. This chapter also includes an analysis about advantages and disadvantages “replacing” initiative has brought to capital management. How to optimize t
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- 营改增 我国 现代服务业 影响 分析 玉洁