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1、Unit 13 Culinary Culture/餐饮文化n 在餐饮文化的口译过程中,遇到的困难往往是词汇与意义的分离。词汇和意义是相互联系的,同时,两者也是可以分离的。世界上所有自然语言都存在这样一些词语,它们的存在并不依赖于意义;同样,也有一些意义无法用一个词来表达。n 大豆是中国人饮食生活中一种重要的原料,与大豆有关的词语有很多,如豆腐、豆浆、豆花、豆腐脑、臭豆腐、麻婆豆腐等,英语只有bean curd。汉语词这些细微的差别,只能用英语中的短语或句子来解释,因此,“臭豆腐”的英语译文是“tofu(pleasantly pungent bean curd)”。同样的道理,汉语的“糍粑”翻译
2、成英语就是“cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste”;“粽子”的英语是“a pyramid shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in reed leaves”。这些现象说明词汇和意义不是在同一平面上的,从而形成不对等的翻译。这些不对等的意义差别为跨文化的口译制造了障碍。n“吃”是旅游活动的主体,其词汇与意义最易产生不一致现象,亦是最能体现文化差距之处。诚然,文化特色和差异有时有规可循,但有时若照搬全译,则束缚手脚。此时不妨采用变译手段。就词层变译而言,用的较多的方法是阐译法。阐译就是“阐”与“译
3、”的结合。“阐”即解释意义,是在充分理解原文的基础上,将原文的意思用译文表达出来。在旅游翻译中,有许多是读者难懂的东西,有必要把它弄明白,置于译文之中。当然,有时碰到这种情况,译者亦可采用加注释的方法。13.1 Business Meals 商务会餐SCENE 1n Mr.Zhao invites Mr.James to a dinner.They are at the restaurant.Zhao:欢迎,詹姆斯先生!很高兴您能来与我们共进晚餐。James:Thank you for your invitation,Mr.Zhao.Zhao:请坐。James:Thank you.It is
4、so beautiful here.Zhao:是啊,很多人都喜欢这家餐厅,从这里能看到漂亮的外滩风景。看哪!James:Yeah,it is amazing!SCENE 2n Mr.Wang invites Mr.Nelson to lunch.They are at the restaurant.Wang:尼尔森先生,你喜欢这道烤鸭吗?Nelson:I like it.The skin is crisp and the meat is tender and succulent.Wang:你试试用薄饼卷着鸭皮吃。Nelson:How?Wang:先把鸭肉、葱丝和黄瓜丝放在薄饼上,卷起来,沾点甜面
5、酱,咬一口,味道绝对让你惊喜!Nelson:Oh,this is delicious!Wang:北京最有名的烤鸭店是全聚德,到这里吃饭需要提前订位,因为这里一直很忙,有时候等一张空桌子要等上一个多小时。Nelson:Is it?I have heard so much about Beijing roast duck in Britain and I have tried several Chinese dishes at the China Town in London.They were tasty.I know that in China all family members gathe
6、r together at the New Years Eve to have a feast.Am I right?Wang:是的,中国的年夜饭是全家团聚的时刻,就像西方的圣诞晚餐。餐桌上必定有鸡和鱼,因为鸡代表吉祥如意,鱼代表年年有余。在北方,人们吃饺子;在南方,人们吃汤圆,这两种食物的形状像中国古代的元宝和钱币,都是财富的象征。Nelson:It is said that there are different dishes in different regions in China.Is that true?Wang:没错,中国人是民以食为天。中国菜有很多种类,每个地区都有自己的烹饪特
7、色。Nelson:Id like to try different types of Chinese cooking.Wang:下次如果你十月来中国,我带你去品尝上海的特色大闸蟹。Nelson:Oh,great!Im really looking forward to it.中式(:22:)价 格(RMB)7.水晶虾仁.8.鱼香肉丝.9.糟溜鱼片.10.双椒牛柳.11.时鲜蔬菜.12.雪菜肉丝面(碗).13.虾仁海鲜面(碗).14.什锦炒饭.15.番茄泡蛋汤.饮 料 名 称16.长城干红葡萄酒(瓶).17.五年陈和酒(瓶).18.青岛啤酒(罐).19.可口可乐(罐).20.橙汁(盒)28.00
8、21.苹果汁(盒)28.00外加%送膳费SCENE 2n Mr.Smith is looking at the Chinese beverage list.Li Feng explains each item on the list to him.BEERHeineken:Pale Dutch lager,¥12/can.Carlsberg:Pale Danish lager.¥12/can,¥20/tall bottleBudweiser:Pale American lager,¥15/tall bottleCOCKTAILSGin and Tonic:Large shot of gin o
9、ver ice topped with tonic water.¥15V odka and Coke:Large shot of vodka over ice topped with Coca-Cola.¥15V odka and Tonic:Large shot of vodka over ice topped with tonic water.¥15White Russian:V odka,Milk¥20WINEGreat Wall Dry Red¥70/bottleGreat Wall Dry White¥70/bottleRed Wine Cooler¥70/bottleNotes1.
10、China is an ancient country.这里指中国是古老的国家,是文明古国,或历史悠久的国家,不能翻译成:中国是一个古代国家。2.Chinese dishes appeal to the senses through color,shape,aroma and taste 此句中的appeal to 指“对有吸引力”。整个句子可以翻译成:中餐以它的色、香、味、形而诱人。3.Shandong cuisine leads the Northern dishes.可以译成:山东菜在北方菜系中占主导地位。4.Sichuan dish is famous for aromatic and
11、 spicy sauces.句中的aromatic and spicy sauces 指麻辣辛香调料。5.Guangdong cooking makes use of many ingredients.句中的ingredient 指烹调的原料。6.Dishes are strong but not greasy,and light but delicate.Strong 指口味重,greasy 指油腻,light 指口味淡,delicate 指鲜美。7.Southerners have a sweet tooth,and northerners crave salt.句中的sweet toot
12、h 指喜欢甜食,crave 指渴望得到,整个句子可以翻译成:南甜北咸。n 假如您以为美式烹饪就是打开一个料理盒而将里头的东西拋进微波炉加热,那你得改变想法了。从某一方面来说,美国人以早餐的冷麦片,午餐的三明治及快餐的晚餐而发育健壮,这倒是真的。从忙碌的家庭主妇到上班族,许多美国人喜欢享受事先包装好的便餐所带来的方便,这些速餐在不到10分钟内就可上桌。从另一个角度来看,许多美国人都认同厨艺的价值。父母亲特别是妈妈看到训练孩子,尤其是女儿,烹饪艺术的重要性。大多数的美国人都承认没有什么比得上一顿自家做的餐点。而谈到烹饪,一如其他的技巧,好的成果并非偶然天成的。Interpretation Exer
13、cise 1.Interpret the following passage Chinese into English.n 对于经验丰富的厨师,他们是真正的艺术家,食谱仅仅是作为参考。他们常常一边做菜,一边依照他们宴请的人数,现有的佐料以及个人的口味,来调整食谱。有些厨师们很少参照食谱,反而比较喜欢凭自己的直觉加一点这个,加一点那个,来做出刚好的味道。n 当然,谈到好厨艺,美国人并非独占鳌头,无论您到世界何处,人们总是爱吃。所以,每一个文化及国家都有它特有的、令人垂涎三尺的佳肴。而美国,这个“移民之地”实际上也引进了各式的烹调。在美国大多数的名厨对于几种烹饪“方言”都很“流利”。随便举几个例子
14、:墨西哥、意大利、中国以及传统美国风味。且不论那一种“方言”,烹饪是一种人人皆懂的语言。2.Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese.n Probably every cook has his or her own cooking style.But there are some basic techniques and principles that most people follow.For example,baking is a primary method of preparing food in Americ
15、a.The dinner menu often has casseroles,roast meats and other baked goods.For that reason,Americans would find it next to impossible to live without an oven.American cooks give special attention to the balance of foods,too.In planning a big meal they try to include a meat,a few vegetables,some bread
16、or pasta and often a dessert.They also like to make sure the meal is colorful.Having several different colors of food on the plate usually makes for a healthy meal.n For those who need guidance in their cooking,or for those who have just run out of ideas,recipes are lifesavers.Recipes list all the i
17、ngredients for a dish(generally in the order used),the amount of each to use,and a description of how to put them together.Finding recipes in America is as easy as pie.Most good cooks have a shelf full of cookbooks ranging from locally published recipe collections to national bestsellers like the Betty Crocker Cookbook.Magazines devoted to home management,such as Good Housekeeping and Family Circle,are chock-full of scrumptious selections.Friends often augment their recipe collection by passing around their favorites written on cards.