山东省单县 高二英语上学期第三次月考试题(PDF) 试题.pdf
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1、由 扫描全能王 扫描创建山东省单县第五中学20172018学年度上学期第三次月考20 181第I卷第部分听力(共两节,满分10分)第节(共5小题,每小题05分,满分2 5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有个小题,从题中所给的A、BC三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下小题。每段对话仅读遍。1W Dat doe s the man ask te woman to do?AT h ink againBPzy avisit to himCGive the right ans w er now2Wny is the boy in the
2、 womans off ice?AHe has the f luBHe comes her e to look for his fn ends,CH is m other has an ap pointm ent here3W ho prbably made the m es s?At he w on anBT1e boyC me dog4Wnat do we know abou!the m an?AHe doesnt often go on ineBHe ca n qways know the newest events He likes to get the Lrifor mation f
3、r om the wom an5iow might the wom an feel i ow?ADis ap pointedExcitedConfi sed第二节(共15小题,每小题0 5分,满分7 5分)听下面5段对话或独 白,每段对话或独 白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选 出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6至第7题。6WDat degree does the m a n have?AA PHD in che mistry,BA mas
4、ters n m arketingCA ma sterrs in design7W here has the m a n been working for the past threeYear s?AIn a s choolB.In a r e sea r ch c enterCIn a design compa ny请听第7段材料,回答第8至第9题。8Wnen Mu the w o m a r take a vacation?AIn one w eekB n tw o weeksCIn three monthsyWnere will the woman probab ly spe nd mo
5、st of hef vac ation?An the beachBIn the mountainsCIn the countryside请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题,10W hat is the benefit of the farmer smarket?AThe items are importeiBT l e vegetables are local19.。姒籌一州一。禁孺磁黛痲3,高二英语试题由 扫描全能王 扫描创建CT be s election is huge,11 Wny can t the w om an go to the s ide?AShe wil be at a s
6、 occer gameBS he will be out of townCS he will be bw shoppins 2W ho is Tommy7.c wonn an s sonBh ioi nan s ht sba nd(The v r1 ns neighbor请听第9以材料多回答第13至16题。3How did the w oman get to thc m meim?By subwayBBy busBy caf14How mari ofthe p a i n t i Td the w oman see?AVe ry few ofthclBlt hzlfofthem15Wnos e
7、 painting c i i the woclan ike the most?CAlmostal l of themADiego R ivera 吕 Frida KahloCHenri Matisse16Wnat does the man w ant to do togeth.r With the w oma n?Make soTİ5n t i n g sB3o tr aveling this summerCGo back to the mts eum请听第0段材料,回答第17至2o题。1?Wnat is the talk mainly about?AHow w eidther can hf
8、 f ct everyone,B.Wna t peope can do on a ne dayHow people pr epar e for bad w eather18Accord irig to the tal k,what do m a i y people do f ir st aer get ting up?APay a gameB0o out for a w al k CCheck the weather19Wny ar e special people hired?ATo amnge actvi esBTo analyze news reportsCTo pr edict th
9、e weather20 How doe s the spe aker feel about the information given by pr ofes sionals?AHe fees gatefulBHe has doubts about itCHe has no idea about it第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第节(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,然后从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最t项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黒。in w i ltsh ire,england,volunteers a r e being soubht to isit a
10、n atur e p r o t e c t i nto count the butte rtl ies l iving the re and on Hd Y ldsT hepromoted by an environme ntal protectionimpr oving the l iving envir onment for wiA由 扫描全能王 扫描创建由 扫描全能王 扫描创建Wnen the sheep call,it is always bad news for fa r m er,Erard Louw,of Cape Town,as the phones a r ound the
11、ir ne cks a re only s et to switch on when the sheep sta rtr unning,a sisn that th ieves have cut through the fenc esAs they r un,it give s me aphone call a nd saysSheeponeorSheep Twoand so on,s o at le a st I know where tosta ft ookin,c a u s e the farm is 75o he cta r es(公),said LouwLouw at tach t
12、he phonel i ke s e curity de vices(保护装R)to thc ne cks of fourshe ep in separati Rocks af ter thieves broke in and stole 27 sheep a nd 13 larbs ac ouple of we eks agoDriving Louw to o m e up with a way to pr ote ct h is animalsHe s aid it wa s no use calling nearby polic e,?the poic e station was oc
13、aied too fa raway,and in his e xpeence eithe r they la cked an availabe car or the vehicle w asout of fuel Qr missing tir es,which coul d aso be the w ork of thievesAccording to Louw,the cellphones have alr eady pr oved their worth,with one she epth ief caught thasks to the devicesSti l l,with theft
14、 at tempts c ur r ently at their pa rkfew sheepc aught thanks to the devicesSti l l,with thef t at tempts currently at theirpeak,a few sheep th ieves have m anaged to get a way,in spite of the devicesThephone did start nging that night a nd I w ent out,he s ai d,but ad ded that he w as toolate25What
15、 does the underlined phrasekeep tabs onm ean in the first paragraph?AKeep r ecords ofBP lay music forCKeep a n eye onDTake photos of26Wh ich of the fo lowing is NOT tr ue accord ing to the pass age?AT he phones will cal l Louw when the sheep sta rt rur uringBThough phones wer e at tached,27 sheep w
16、er e sti l l stoenCEr a rd Louw knows where to fnd the thievesDThe poice s om etimes dont have an availabl cw27Wnat does Erard Louw tMnk of the phone d e v i c?AHelpfulBUnplea santCpehetDUnr eliable:CWnen I,was about 12,I had an enmy,a girl who l iked to point out myshortcomingsWeek by w eek her lis
17、t grew I was very thin,I wasnt a good student Italked too m uch I was too proud,and so onI t ried to hear al l th is a s long as I couldAt as I becam e vety angyI ran to my father with tear s in my eyesHe listened to me quietly,then he askedAr e the th ings she s ays tr uc or not?Janet d i dnt you e
18、ver wonder what your e really li ke 7 Well.You now haw hat girlsopinionGo and make a list of everyth ing she said and m ark the points that are tr uePay no at te ntion to the other things shc s aidI did as he told meTo my great s urprise,I discovered that about hal f the thingswere trueSome of the m
19、 I coul dnt chan8c(li ke being very thin),but a good number IC O U l a n d suddenly 1 w anted to changeFor the fi time I got a fairly clear pictueof myselfi br ought the l ist back to daddyhe refused to take itmts just for yohesaidYou know bet ter tha n anyone els e the truth about youtsel fBut you
20、have totea m to l i s t e not just clos e yotu ears in anger and feel urtWnen something s aidabout yo is true,youll f ind it will be of help to you Dont shut your ea rsListen to由 扫描全能王 扫描创建them all,but helw the truth and do what you know is the right th ing to doDaddys advice has r e t u r n e d to
21、mc at many importa nt momentsIn my life,I:wnever had a bet ter piece of advice28Wh ich do you think would be the be st title for this pa s s age?ANot an Enemy,but the Be st Friend BT he Best Advic e rve Ever HadCMy Fatler DMy Childhood29Wnat doesWeek by week he r list grewmea n?AWe ek by w eek she d
22、is covered mor e shortcomings of nine a nd pointed the mout to meBShe had m ade a list of my shortcomings and she kept on adding new ones to its o that it w as gr owing onger and longerCI w as having m ore a nd m ore shortcomings as time went onDWeek by week my shortcomings gr ew more serious30Wny d
23、 id her father listen to her quietly?ABec ause he believed that what her da ughte rsenemysai d was m ostly tr ue.ec ause he had been so an gry with Ms daughters s hortcomings that he wan tedto show th is by keeping silent for a whi leCBecaus e he knev that Ms daughter w ould not l iste n to him at t
24、hat momentDBecaus e he w asnt quite s ure which gir!wa s tel ling the truth31 What d i d the father do after hehad hea rd h is daughters complaint?AHe tbld her not to pay any at tention to what herenemyhad saidBHe criticized (批)her and told her to overcom e her shortcomingsCHe told her to w rite dow
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- 山东省单县 高二英语上学期第三次月考试题PDF 试题 山东省 单县 英语 上学 第三次 月考 PDF