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1、V:1.0精选方案整理人 教 版 高 中 英 语 选 修6内 容 全 解人教版高中英语选修6 内容全解人教版高中英语必修6 内容全解Unit-7 Art 板块三IN话题限晨读i积话题素材艺术好词n.谴n.灵感;启发adj.栩栩如牛的;鲜艳的n.着作:作品adj.典型的;有代表性的ex h i b i ti on在展示中of b ea uty 美感of a rt 艺术作品th e i nfluenc e of 受.的影响a wa y (from)脱离;放弃人教版高中英语选修6内容全解one,s life 丰富某人的生活sa le 待售one s ta le nt for.展现对.的天赋one,s
2、 cha ra cte r塑造某人的品格画廊;美术馆佳句his pa inting s a nd his pa ssion for a rt ha ve g ive n ie e ndle ss inspira tion.他的画作和他对艺术的热爱都给了我无尽的灵感。e xhibition g ive s loca l a rtists a n opportunity to displa y the ir work s.这次展览为当地艺术家提供了展示自己作品的机会。a rt,the re a re so ma ny g re a t a rtists tha t j ust e dmia e.关
3、于艺术,有那么多我崇拜的艺术家。精美语篇De a r John,I ha ve g ood ne ws to te ll you.A fa mous Sha oxing Ope ra,Butter fly Lovers,willbe put on in T ia nj in G ra nd T he a te r a t 2:00 p.m.on Aug ust the fifth.I k now youta k e a g re a t fa ncy to C hine se culture,e spe cia lly the loca l ope ra s.I hope thisopport
4、unity will not only ma k e you ha ppy,but a lso sa tisfy your inte re st in C hine seope ra s.If you ca n come,I sug g e st we ha ve a look a t the Muse um of the T ra ditiona lOpe ra ne a r the the a te r a fte r the pe rforma nce.T he re,I be lie ve,you ca n k now thehistory of ma ny C hine se ope
5、 ra s,which ca n incre a se your k nowle dg e a bout C hine seculture.人教版高中英语选修6 内容全解Looki ng forwa rd to y our rep ly.Yours,Li Hua板块二5基础1画自主检测高频单词1.fa i th 3)信任;信心;信念 f fa i th ful adj.忠实的 f fa i th fully adv.)忠实地2.ty p i c a l(adj.)典型的;有代表性茁1fly p e(.)种类;类 型(匕)打 字3.c onsequently (adv.)所以;因 而 c ons
6、equent(adj.)作为结果的;随之发生的-c onsequenc e(.)结果;影响4.aim n.)目标;目 的vi.&.vt.)瞄准;(向某方向)努力f(反文词)a i mless(adj.)无目的的5.evi dent adj.)明显的;明白的f evi denc e(.)证据6.p ossess(rt.)拥有;具有;支配f p ossessi on(.)(尤作复数)所有;财产7.p redi c t(vt.)预言;预告;预 测 p redi c ti on(.)预言;预 测 p redi c ta b le adj.)可预见的f p redi c tor(n.)预言者8.ex h
7、 i b i ti on(n.)展览;陈列;展会ex h i b i t(vt.vi.)陈列;展览9.c i vi li z a ti on n.)文明;文化;文明社会f c i vi li z e(匕)使 文 明;使开化f c i vi li z ed(adj.)文明的;开化的10.p re.ferenc e(.)喜爱;偏 爱 p refer vt.)宁愿;更喜欢人教版高中英语选修6内容全解11.vi sua l(adj.)视觉的;看 得 见 的 vi si on(.)视力;视觉;洞察力vi sua lly(adv.)视觉上地;真实地12.c ontemp ora i y (adj.)当代的
8、;同时 代 的(,)同辈人;同代人13.tec h ni que 3)技术:方法;技能f tec h ni c a l(a d/.)技术的:工艺的;与技术有关的14.c oi nc i denc e(.)巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故 事 等)相 合 c oi nc i dent adj.)巧合的15.a dop t(玄)采用;采纳;收 养 a dop ti on()收养;采 取 a dop ted(a/:)收养的,领养的16.a ttemp t()努力;尝试;企 图(”力)尝试;企图-a ttemp ted(a 4/.)未遂的17.a p p ea l(以)有感染力;呼吁;求助 5.)将.上
9、诉 3)呼吁;恳求a p p ea li ng (adj.)有吸引力的 0.2 重点短语1.c onc entra te on 集中2.a s well a s 也;还;而且3.b y c oi nc i denc e 巧合地4.i n th e la te 19th c entury 在 19 世纪晚期5.a g rea t dea l 大量6.lea d to 导致7.sc ores of.大量的.8.on th e oth er h a nd(可是)另一方面人教版高中英语选修6内容全解9.in the fle sh 活着的;本人10.ha ve a pre fe re nce for 偏
10、爱11.a ppe a l to(对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣12.lie in 在于;位于10-3热点句型1.It is/wa s-I-adj,+tha t.(主语从句)But it wa s e vide nt tha t(彳 艮 显 然)ide a s we re cha ng ing in the 13 th ce ntury whe npa inte rs lik e G iotto di Bondone be g a n to pa int re lig ious sce ne s in a more re a listicwa y.(教材 P2)2.without短语用于含
11、蓄虚拟条件句Without the ne w pa ints(没 有 新 的 颜 料)a nd the ne w te chnique,wewould nol be a ble to se e (就不能看至U)the ma ny g re a t ma ste rpie ce s for which thispe riod is fa mous.(教材 P2)3.表语提前引起的倒装句Among the pa inte rs(在那些画家中)who brok e a wa y from the tra ditiona l style ofpa inting we re the Impre ssio
12、nists(是印象派画家),who live d a nd work e d in Pa ris.(教材 P2)4.On the one ha nd.,on the othe r ha nd.“一方面,另一方面.”On the 9the r ha nd(另一方面),some pa inting s of mode rn a rt a re so re a listic tha tthe y look lik e photog ra phs.(教材 P3)5.would ra the r do.tha n do.“宁愿干.而不愿干.”Ma ny a rt love rs would ra the
13、 r visit(宁愿参观)this sma l 1 a rt g a lle ry tha n(而人教版高中英语选修6内容全解不参观)a ny othe r in Ne w York.(教材 P6)巩固训练在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。1.A typica l picture a t this time wa s full of re lig ious symbols,cre a te da fe e ling of re spe ct a nd love for G od.答案:which2.C onse que ntly,this te xt will de
14、scribe only the most importa nt one s,(sta rt)from the sixth ce ntury AD.答 案:sta rting3.You ca n a lso e xplore F rick,s be a utiful home a nd g a rde n which (be)we ll worth a visit.答案:a re4.T he re puta tion of this muse um lie s the va rie ty of its a rt colle ction.答案:in5.It is a ma zing tha t s
15、o ma ny g re a t work s of a rt from the la te 19th ce ntury tothe 21st ce ntury (house)in the sa me muse um.答案:a re house d6.T he Impre ssionists we re the first pa inte rs (work)outdoors.答案:to work7.T oda y the y a re a cce pte d a s the be g inning o f we ca ll amode rn a rt”.答案:wha t人教版高中英语选修6内容
16、全解8.S ome p a i nti ng s of modern a rt a re so rea li sti c th ey look li kep h otog ra p h s.答案:th a t9.It wi ll a p p ea l to th ose love Imp ressi oni st a nd P ost-Imp ressi oni stp a i nti ng s.答案:wh o10.T h i s c overs more th a n 5,000 y ea rs of c i vi li z a ti on from ma ny p a rts of th
17、e world,(i nc lude)Ameri c a,Europ e,Ch i na,Eg y p t.答案:i nc ludi ng 板 块 昱 点 .步步单词冲关-1 a i m n.目标;目的;瞄;隹vt.&vi.瞄)隹;对准;旨在 教材原句Duri ng th e M i ddle Ag es,th e ma i n a i m of p a i nters wa s to rep resent reli g i ousth emes.(P 2)在中世纪,画家们的主要目的是表现宗教主题。归纳拓展(Da i m at向.瞄准;对准a i m a t d o i n g力争做到;目的在
18、于人教版高中英语选修6内容全解a i m to do sth.旨在做某事b e a i med a t=b e i ntended for 目的是;旨在(2)a c h i eve/rea li z e ones a i m 达至I J目的wi th th e a i m o f带着.的目的ta ke a i m a t.把目标对准.(3)a i mless adj.没有方向的;无目标的;无计划的语境助记T h i s a c ti vi ty i s a i med a t i mp rovi ng th e students,a b i li ty of li steni ng a nds
19、p ea ki ng.这项活动的目的是提高学生们的听说能力。牛津高阶S h e went to London wi th th e a i m of fi ndi ng a job.她去伦敦是为了找工作。T ea mwork i s requi red i n order to a c h i eve th ese a i ms.要达到这些目的需要团队协作。It i s evi dent th a t h i s li fe seems a i mless.显而易见他的生活似乎没有目标。2 a dop t vt.采用;采纳;收养 教材原句P eop le b eg a n to c onc e
20、ntra te less on reli g i ous th emes a nd a dop t a more h uma ni sti ca tti tude to li fe.(P 2)人教版高中英语选修6内容全解人们开始淡化宗教主题,并且采纳更人性化的人生态度。归纳拓展(Da dop t a n i dea 采纳建议a dop t a n a p p roa c h/a p oli c y/a n a lli lude 采取方法/政策/态度(2)a dop ted adj.被收养的;被采用的(3)a dop ti on n.采纳;采用;收养名师点睛a dop t和 a da p t在拼
21、写上只有一个字母之差,应特别注意其含义上的差别。语境助记It i s sa i d th a t th e h ea dma ster h a s a dop ted our sug g esti on.据说校长已采纳了我们的建议。Anoth er p ea sa nt fa mi ly a dop ted h i m a s th ei r own son.另一户农民把他收养起来,作为自己的儿子。Hi s a dop ted son went a b roa d la st week.他的养子上周出国了。易混辨析a dop t表示“采纳(意见、计划、方法等),采用;收养”等a da p t表
22、示“适应”,常用a da p t oneself to表示“适应”人教版高中英语选修6内容全解1一言辨异T he young couple ha d no childre n of the ir own a nd a dopte d a n orpha n.Afte r a fe w months,the child ca me to a da pt to his ne w life.这对年轻夫妇没有自己的儿女,他们收养了一个孤儿。几个月后,这个孩子逐渐适应了新的生活。3 posse ssion n.(尤作复数)所有;财产 教材原句T he y pa id fa mous a rtists t
23、o pa int picture s of the mse lve s,the ir house a ndposse ssions a s we ll a s the ir a ctivitie s a nd a chie ve me nts.(P2)他们出价聘请着名艺术家来为自己画像,画自己的房屋和财物,以及他们的活动和成就。归纳拓展(1)in posse ssion of 拥有;占有in the posse ssion of sb.=in one s posse ssion 为某人所有;归某人所有ta k e/ha ve posse ssion of 拥有;占有(2)posse ss vt
24、.拥 有;具 有;支配be posse sse d of 有:拥有名师点睛posse ssion常用复数表示“财产;所有物;财富”。语境助记My most va lua ble posse ssions we re my re la tionships with my ne ig hbors.我最宝贵的财富就是和邻居的关系。人教版高中英语选修6内容全解 朗文高阶She wa s found in posse ssion of stole n g oods.她被发现窝藏赃物。(3)A1thoug h he doe snt posse ss much mone y,he is posse sse
25、d of g ood he a lth.虽然他没有很多钱,但是他拥有健康的身体。We ve a lre a dy boug ht the house but we wont ta k e,posse ssion of it until Ma y.我们已经买了这座房子,但要到五月份才能拿到。2016,四 川 高 考 T he y ha ve a diffe re nt k ind of supe rpowe r tha ta ll of us posse ss:the powe r to ma k e a diffe re nce in the live s of othe rs.他们有一种不同
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