
《中考英语时态和语态.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语时态和语态.pdf(41页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、第 一 讲 动 词 时 态【中 考 解 读】一 般 现 在 时【考 点 分 布】1.一 般 过 去 时2.一 般 将 来 时3.现 在 进 行 时4.过 去 进 行 时 5.现 在 完 成 时6.【考点内容】了解并能运用常考的六种时态,尤其熟练运用一般现在时、一般过去时、进行时等高频时态,正确辨析几种易混时态的区别。【命题趋势】动词的时态是中考出现频率较高的语法项目之一。考题多以具体的语境为主,体现了对语法知识、语境理解、语言交际能力的综合考查。六种时态的构成和用法一般现在时1.种意构成特时间标志例经,一般 用现在 The b o y usually gets to soften,someti
2、mes,l.bel.choolearly,常 性 的 状 现 在,usually,always,am/is/are时 never,这个男孩经常到校很早。实义动词,态或动作主语是第一、2.The moon movesaround查用人客观事称原月亮绕着地球二转。考 twice a m onth,(the earth.3 onSundays,2.Every次,形,第三人称实和真理作谓单数时,系行语的为动d a y/w eek/m o n th/year.(every)列词尾加词其它人,动 数 称 和 用 词 原 形-S/-S S【注,第三人称单数变化形式】一般情况动词在词尾加a)-e comes
3、speak speaks w ork works live lives以结尾的单词在词后加b)o,s,x,ch,sh-es.do-does g o goes finish-finishes brush brushes fix-fixespass passes watch-watches以 辅 音 字 母,”结尾的单词变为加c)yyi-es.Study studies carry-carries cry cries以 元 音 字 母,结尾的单词直接加d)y-s.stay staysp lay plays中考真题训练】【20231.Your unde w ill come to see you a
4、s soon as he here,(arrive),2.O ur physics teacher to ld us lig h t_ faster thansound.A.travets B.traveled C.traveling D.to tra v e 1【重庆】2013”t w illbe hard for us to g et up in the m orning if w e_ to bed too,late,Ago B.went C.w ill go D.have gone【山东泰安】一20131Do you know whether Da vid w ill go cycli
5、ng ornot tom orrow?Da vid?Never!He outdoor activities.A.hates B.hated C.is hating D.has hated【辽宁鞍山】2013l i tonly him 20 m inutes to his office every day.A.takes,to drive B.took,drive C.takes,drive D.took,to drive【江苏扬州】20132M y g ran d m o th er_ in Yangzhou.She was born thereand has neverlived anywh
6、ere else.A.lived B.lives C.was living D.w ill live【山东济南】一20132A re your parents at home,Jane?No.They taking a walk in the park.A.do B.are C.w ill D.have【中 考 真 题 训 练】2 0 1 4北京】一 2014W hat do you often do at weekends?一 I o fte n _ my grandparents.A.visit B.visited C.have visited D.w ill v i s i t【重庆市】
7、2014AInChongqing,you can often see many people dance outside togetherif itin the evening.A.rains B.doesnt rain C.w ill rain D.won t rain【呼和浩特】2014yhusband always me f/owers every week before we g o t m arried,but now he n e v e r_.A.sends;does B.sent;does C.was going to send;do D.sent;do【湖北武汉】一 2014
8、?4Do you know if Jack w ill drive to L ondon thisweekend?一 Jack?Never!H e _ driving so far.A.has hated B.w ill hate C.hated D.h a t e s【四川南允】2014234.Carmen likes musicians w h o_ d ifferen t kinds o f music.A.plays B.play C.is playing D.was playing【湖北黄冈】一 20144Tine,breakfast is ready.Dad cooked it f
9、o r us.It cant have been Father.He_ early on Sundays.A.always gets up B.often g o t upC.had g o t up D.never gets up【广东省】一 201411 wonder whether Brazil w ill win the match la tertonight.Go to bed first.I w ill wake you up as soon as the m atch_.A.starts B.started C.w ill start D.is s ta r tin g【四川广安
10、】一20142M ay I speak to Ms L ane,please?Sorry,she isn t in rig h t now.Ill te ll you as soon as she backtom orrow.C.w ill comeB.comes A.come 【浙江温 Alice likes doing housework.She her room everyafternoon.2014州 ID.has cleaned C.is cleaning B.cleaned A.deans四川泸州 _ _ _ _ _ _ tom orrow,I w ill let you know
11、 a ll about it.22014D.comesC.came A.w ill come B.come呼和浩特】rne flowers every week before we g o t m arried,20141M yhusband always _ _but now he n ever_.,sent;does B A sends;does,sent;do D Cwas going to send;doDo you know if he w ill come tom orrow?山东滨州】I 32014 No.But if h e _,Ill call you to have a m
12、 ealtogether.D.doesn 7 comeB.w ont come C.comes A.w ill come一 白 殳 过 去 日 寸 例 句 时 间 标 志 词 种 类 意 义 构 成 特 点 2.a m o m en tago=j u s t now,ago.示表包 殳 过 last n ig h t/week We went to the H istory 1.w as/w er/m onth.Museum lastMonday.去过表语去时系动上周一我们去了历史博物馆。的 动 考 列 查 义 e(!ast)fyesterday,t2.实作或次,词作谓语状态我昨天很忙。(I
13、was busy yesterday,he otherday,10,used tothe day beforeyesterday中考真题训练】【重庆】-2013 but you were not in31 called youyesterday,evening2013 I in the shop with my m other sorry,D.have been C.was Aam B w ill be湖南邵阳】ju s t now?30.Do you hear_ 12013C.what I saysB.what Im saying A.what I said山东滨州 33.I know a
14、little about Thailand,as I _ there threeyears ago.2013 4D.went C.w ill go B.have gone A.have been】浙 江 温 州【6.Sam opened the door a n d _ a Iovely dog outside.22013D.w illfind C.has found B.found A.finds The o fficial said they a new law to pro tect the tourists thenext year.22013上海 D.have made C.made
15、 B.would make A.makesI hear you are a big fan o f Yao Ming.山西】20132s a p ity that h e _ several years ago.Quiteright.But itC.w ill retire A.retires B.retiredHa ve you had your breakfast yet?J 江西 1 4 2 0 1 3一 Yes.M o m _ it for me.A.was cooking B.is cooking C.w ill cook D.cooked【内蒙古呼和浩特】一,20132Excuse
16、 m elook at the sign NO PHOTOS!Sorry,I _ it.A.don t see B.didn rt see C.haven t seen D.won t see【江苏苏州】一20132Frank,you look worried.Anything wrong?Well,I a test and Im w aiting fo r the result.A.w ill take B.took C.am taking D.t a k e【山东济南】一 20134Howlong has Robert?Since 2004.A.been to Beijing B.beco
17、me a policem anC.jo in e d the art du b D.studied in this s c h o o l【湖南株洲】20133Bequiet!The other stu d en ts_.A.sleep B.slept C.are sleeping【湖北武汉】一,2014?4A nice tie A present?Yes,it is.M y a u n t_ it to me for my birthday.A.was sending B.had sent C.w ill send D.Sent【浙江绍兴】一 20142So you have watched
18、 the action movie,haven t you?一 Yes.I it with my parents in L u Xun Theatre.A.watch B.watched C.w ill watch D.am w a tc h in g【湖北黄冈】一2014 21 suppose you are at least 60 years old.一 Thank you Im glad you_ that.M y real age is 362.A.say B.said C.are saying D.were say in g【浙江嘉兴】20142T o m _the piano ev
19、ery day when he was in prim ary school.D.has played C.was playing B.played A.plays【山东莱芜】一20141 When w ill our unde come to see us?一 He 7/come this weekend.He me that by e-m ail.A.to ld B.tells C.w ill tell D.is telling【江苏连云港】20142B eijing and Z h an g jiako u _ applying to hostthe 2022 W interOlym p
20、ic Games in 2013.A.begin B.began C.have begun D.had begun【湖南长沙】20143Your brother is an excellent basketball player.So he is.He to play basketball three years ago.A.has started B.starts C.started【湖南衡阳】20143Tom was m ad e_ his own dothes by his sister.A.was B.washed C.to wash【安 徽】20142As we a ll know,
21、the Silk Road China to the westin ancient times.A.connects B.connectedC.w ill connect D.is connecting【江苏盐城】2014Shenzhou X,China s fifth m anned spacecraft,_into space on June 11,2013.A.has sent B.was sent C.w ill send D.is sent【山东荷泽】20142Have you finished your hom ework yet?Yes,I it tw enty m inutes
22、 ago.D.had finishedC.w ill finish B.finished A.have finished一般将来时3时间标志例备tonight,1 The twins w ill go to the cinma with theirpa re ntsw i/tom orrow,tonight.这对双胞胎今晚和父母动起去看电影原the day aftersha!tom orrow,fromnow on,soon,时 2.am/is in the future,are goinext year,next g to w eek/词原m onth/term.(n)系 x t【注 意】,
23、见 表 格 一 般 将 来 时,1,往往用于第一人称疑问句,可用于任何人称。,2 shall w ill,常用于表邀请或命令时以及带有意愿色彩。,3 w ill1.The summer holiday is coming,so the twins to HongKong for vacation,(go)()2.There a basketball gam e between Class 8 and Class 12tom orrow afternoon.A.is B.has C.w ill be D.has got【中考真题训练】四川雅安】2013414.I f farm ers_ tree
24、s and forests,gian t pandas nowhere to live.A.cut down;have B.w ill cut down;w ill haveC.w ill cut don;have D.cut down;w ill have【浙江丽水】一20133W hich team do you th in k _ the game?Hard to say.There are s till ten m inutes before it ends.A.won B.has won C.w ill win D.wins【上海】2013 3The schoolboy_ to th
25、e blind man on his way home yesterday afternoon.A.apologizes B.apologized C.w ill apologize D.has apologized【四川雅安】2013414.I f farm ers trees and forests,giant pandasnowhere to live.A.cut down;have B.w ill cut down;w ill haveC.w ill cut don;have D.cut down;w ill have【内蒙古呼和浩特】一20133Do you know if he t
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