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1、 天才一族(2023)完整中英文对照剧本 特伦鲍姆一家 孩子们活动日程表 天才之家 艾瑟琳特伦鲍姆著 二楼查斯的房amp;hearts;间 工作中心 经济类杂amp;hearts;志amp;hearts; 存款保险箱 鹰岛西部 剧本保藏室 舞台模型 暗室 城市公共档案馆 非洲野生动物区 断指手套 里奇的阁楼 业余无线电 全套架子鼓 模型汽车保藏 四楼舞室 22 年后演员表 吆恩哈克曼 饰 查斯特伦鲍姆 安杰丽卡休斯顿 饰 艾瑟琳特伦鲍姆 本斯蒂勒 饰 查斯特伦鲍姆 格温妮斯帕特洛 饰 玛戈特伦鲍姆 欧文威尔逊 饰 伊莱凯什 比尔默瑞 饰 罗利圣克莱尔 丹尼格洛弗 亨利谢尔曼 卢克威尔逊 饰 里
2、奇怪伦鲍姆 林德伯格宫大酒店 老卡斯特 伊莱凯什著 巴克利 奈维尔桑森多里克 大岛康夫 弗兰克林班尼迪克 皇家北枀线格陵兰货运公amp;hearts;司amp;hearts; 马德克斯希尔公墓 海伦奥莱丽特伦鲍姆 1amp;hearts;8amp;hearts;9amp;hearts;9-1954 社会栋梁 尼古拉斯兰迪 1689 年 8 月 24 日-1949 年 8 月 15 日 历经两次战斗 哺育 9 个儿女 于里海溺水而亡 网球竞赛中 选手主动失误造成回球下网或出界 与对手无关 美国网球锦标赛 戊巴比妥 一种冷静催眠药 斯密特昨天加班 今晚你能代他班吗 周日版 伊莱凯什 新作品新风格
3、亚当谢尔与这位西部乔伊斯对话 野猫 亲爱的特伦鲍姆太太 盼望你不要错过 爱你的伊莱 375 街 请勿奔驰 制止通行 第亓章 美国作家 著有父辈的旗帜 第六章 Y 大街 375 号amp;hearts; 玛戈特伦鲍姆 背景资料档案 12 开头抽烟 14 逃学 19 第一次婚姻 21 巴黎塞纳河左岸 24 巡回演出 25 巴布亚新几内亚 26 出租车 27 市区公车 30 欧文岛渡船 32 岁 22 号amp;hearts;大道快车 术后恢复室 故障中 急诊 第七章 其次天早晨 里奇走下楼 把野猪头挂回墙上 戴上他的太阳眼镜 走向大门. 埃及法老 瑞秋伊文斯特伦鲍姆 1965-2023 艾瑟琳特伦
4、鲍姆女士和亨利谢尔曼先生 恭请您于周六 5 点光临射手大街 111 号amp;hearts;参与婚礼 罗伊特伦鲍姆在他 35 岁那年的冬天 Royal Tenenbaum bought the house on Archer Avenue 买amp;hearts;amp;hearts;下了射手大街的这幢房amp;hearts;子 in the winter of his 35th year. 接下来的 10 年内 Over the next decade 他们夫妇俩有了 3 个孩子 he and his wife had three children 此后分层了 and then they s
5、eparated. 你俩要离婚吗 Are you getting divorced? 临时还没有 At the moment, no. but. 不过状况也不太妙 it doesn“t look good. 你还爱我们吗 Do you still love us? 固然 Of course I do. 那你还爱妈妈吗 Do you still love Mom? 是的 我很爱她 但她让我离开 Yes, very much, but your mother“s asked me to leave 这事我也得敬重她的意见 and I must respect her position on the
6、 matter. 是由于我们吗 Is it our fault? 不 No. 我们养孩子 Obviously, we made certain sacrifices 确实牺牲不少 不过 as a result of having children, but, uh. 肯定不是由于你们 No, Lord, no. 那她为什么赶你走 Then why“d she ask you to leave? 我真的不知道 I don“t really know anymore. 或许她认为我对她不忠吧 Maybe, uh, I wasn“t as true to her as I could“ve been
7、. 她说. Well, she said. 别说这个了行吗 Let“s just drop it, shall we, uh, Chassie? 他们并没有正式离婚 They were never legally divorced. 感谢 帕戈达 Thank you, Pagoda. 艾瑟琳特伦鲍姆得到了房amp;hearts;子 Etheline Tenenbaum kept the house 和孩子的抚养权 and raised the children 她把孩子的教育视为第一要务 and their education was her highest priority. 好的 我等着
8、麻烦您了 Yes, I“ll hold, please. 感谢 Thank you. 我需要 187 美元 I need $187. 自己写张支票吧 Write yourself a check. 现金 187 美元 艾瑟琳特伦鲍姆 好的 行 Bene. Si. 万分感谢 Grazie mille. 她就如何让孩子成才的问题写了一本书 She wrote a book on the subject. 穿蓝色羊毛衫的先生 Uh, the gentleman in the blue cardigan, please. 感谢 我有两个问题请教 Thank you. I have a two-part
9、 question. 请说 Go ahead. 查斯特伦鲍姆自小学开头 Chas Tenenbaum had, since elementary school 为了节省时间 根本上就在房amp;hearts;里吃饭 taken most of his meals in his room, 一边站着喝咖啡一边工作 standing up at his desk with a cup of coffee to save time. 6 年级时他开头做生意 In the sixth grade, he went into business 自己养殖达尔马提亚鼠 breeding Dalmatian
10、mice 出amp;hearts;售amp;hearts;给小东京的一家宠物店 which he sold to a pet shop in Little Tokyo. 十几岁开头购入不动产 He started buying real estate in his early teens 并在国际贸易方面 and seemed to have an almost preternatural understanding 呈现出远超常人的敏锐直觉 of international finance. 在父亲购置amp;hearts;amp;hearts;鹰岛避暑别amp;hearts;墅amp;he
11、arts;的时候 He negotiated the purchase of his father“s summer house 他去谈判购置amp;hearts;amp;hearts;事宜 on Eagle“s Island. 别动 查斯 Hold it, Chassie. 再动就开枪了 Hold it right there. 有没有搞错 你和我一队啊 What are you doing? You“re on my team. 我怎么不知道 There are no teams. 那颗 BB 弹至今仌然嵌在 The BB was still lodged between two knuc
12、kles 查斯左手的两个指节之间 in Chas“s left hand. 三楼玛戈的房amp;hearts;间 制止入内 请勿打搅 顺手关门 玛戈特伦鲍姆是两岁时被领养的 Margot Tenenbaum was adopted at age two. 她父亲在介绍女儿的时候总会提到这事 Her father had always noted this when introducing her. 这是我养女 玛戈特伦鲍姆 This is my adopted daughter Margot Tenenbaum. 她是个剧作家 She was a playwright, 9 年级就获得了 5
13、万元布雷弗曼格兰特大奖 and won a Braverman Grant of $50,000 in the ninth grade. 有年冬天 她和弟弟离家出走 She and her brother Richie ran away from home one winter 在公共档案馆的非洲区安营扎寨 and camped out in the African wing of the public archives. 嗨 伊莱 Hi, Eli. 你们说过带我一起的 You said I could run away, too. 我可没这么说 你要帮我们保密 No, I didn“t, a
14、nd don“t tell anyone you saw us. 他们睡在一个睡袋里 They shared a sleeping bag 靠饼干和沙士汽水充饥 and survived on crackers and root beer. 4 年后 玛戈失踪了两周 Four years later, Margot disappeared alone for two weeks 回来的时候少了半根指头 and came back with half a finger missing. 里奇怪伦鲍姆自 3 年级起 Richie Tenenbaum had been a champion tenn
15、is player 就始终是个天才网球手 since the third grade. 无名氏 收到否 Do you copy, Anonymous? 17 岁时他转打职业网球 He turned pro at 17 并在美国国家网球赛中夺得三连冠 and won the U.S. Nationals three years in a row. 他把舞室的角落布置成一个画室 He kept a studio in the corner of the ballroom 不过最终却没有进展为一个画家 but had failed to develop as a painter. 往上些 再往上些
16、Up. up. 往右些 Right. 就这儿了 Perfect. 罗伊周末时会带小儿子去市郊玩 On weekends Royal took him on outings around the city. 下注啊 Put it out there. 而他仍没带过另外两个孩子去看斗狗 These invitations were never extended to anyone else. 里奇最好的朊友 Richie“s best friend, Eli Cash, 和姑姑住在对楼的伊莱凯什 lived with his aunt in the building across the stre
17、et. 特伦家无论聚会还是假期 He was a regular fixture at family gatherings, holidays, 亦或是上学前后等等 他都会去凑喧闹 mornings before school, and most afternoons. 玛戈 11 岁生日那天 The three Tenenbaum children performed Margot“s first play 3 个孩子分扮演出了她的处amp;hearts;女amp;hearts;作 on the night of her 11th birthday. 那时孩子们还邀请他们父亲参与派对 The
18、y had agreed to invite their father to the party. 觉得怎么样 爸爸 What“d you think, Dad? 我觉得 没什么意思啊 Mmm. didn“t seem believable to me. 你为什么穿着睡衣 Why are you wearing pajamas? 你住这里吗 Do you live here? 我们让他在这里过夜 He has permission to sleep over. 您没觉得剧中角色塑造的都还不错吗 Well, did you at least think the characters were w
19、ell-developed? 什么角色 What characters? 不过是一堆穿着动物朋装的小屁孩儿罢了 This is a bunch of little kids, uh dressed up in animal costumes. 晚安各位 Good night, everyone. 珍宝 Well, sweetie. 别生我气啊 don“t be mad at me. 个人意见而已 That“s just one man“s opinion. 祝你生日欢乐 Happy birthday to you. 祝你生日欢乐 Happy birthday to you. 仍那以后孩子们开派
20、对再没邀请过他 He had not been invited to any of their parties since. 其实 特伦家三个小天才的光芒事迹 In fact, virtually all memory 渐渐被这 20 年间的 of the brilliance of the young Tenenbaums had been erased 相互背叛 事业失意和生活磨难抹去了 by two decades of betrayal, failure, and disaster. 飞吧 莫迪凯 Go, Mordecai. 我奉命取消 I“ve been instructed to
21、refuse 您全部的客房amp;hearts;朋务 any further charges on your room account 并书面告知您 and to direct you, in writing 月末之前搬出您的房amp;hearts;间 to please vacate the premises by the end of the month. 孙桑怎么办 What about Sing-Sang? 我还欠她 100 美元呢 I owe her $100. 罗伊在林德伯格宫大酒店住了 22 年 Royal had lived in the Lindbergh Palace Ho
22、tel for 22 years. 您能付现金给她吗 Can you pay her in cash? 他原本是名出色的辩护律师 He was a prominent litigator 直到 80 年月中期 until the mid “80s 他被取消资格 短期入狱 when he was disbarred and briefly imprisoned. 那 3 年里家里人没人联amp;hearts;系amp;hearts;他 No one in his family had spoken to him in three years. 把刚刚写的读一遍 皮埃特罗 Read it back
23、 to me so far, Pietro. 亲爱的伊莱 我还在海上 宅了 4 天了 无比空虚孤独 而且我觉得我爱上玛戈了 另起一段 New paragraph. 里奇 26 岁时 Richie had retired 完毕了他的职业网球生涯 from professional tennis at 26. 他的最终一场竞赛饱受媒体争辩 His last match had been widely discussed in the media. 体坛快讯 完败! 老友里奇 没了 quot;Your friend Richie.quot; End of letter. 过去 1 年 For the
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