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1、2022年 大 学 英 语 考 试 模 拟 卷(本 卷 共 分 为 1大 题 5 0小 题,作 答 时 间 为 180分 钟,总 分 100分,6 0分 及 格。)单 位:姓 名:考 号:题 号 单 选 题 多 项 选 择 判 断 题 综 合 题 总 分 分 值 得 分 一、单 项 选 择 题(共 5 0题,每 题 2 分。每 题 的 备 选 项 中,只 有 一 个 最 符 合 题 意)1.B11TEXT AH/BLong before crossover11 and“eclectic”became part of the journal isticvernacular,Dinah Washi
2、ngton def ied categorization and embraced any andevery type of song.Her delivery was instantIy identifiabIe,and sheprided herself on crystal-cl ear diction,precise pitch and spontane i ty.Wash i ngton made brilliant recordings,beg inning with her days as apianist accompanying gospeI pioneer Sallie M
3、artin,through swing and R&Bsessions with Count Basie and L i one I Hampton,on to modern jazz ventureswith Cl ifford Brown,Max Roach and Cannonba11 Adderley and later pop hitswith Brook Benton.Author Nad i ne Cohodas,whose previous book on Chess Recordsmarvelously out I ined that historic company,now
4、 gives the same exact i ngtreatment to Washington in Queen:The Life and Music of Dinah Washington.Cohodas also seIected the songs on a companion CD,released on VerveRecords.Queen is the first truly comprehensive voIume on the late singer.Cohodas conducted numerous interviews with insiders and family
5、 membersand discovered documents and letters that reaffirm her assessments.Cohodas ably iI laminates the quirks and con trad ictions o f ashingtons personal ity.Washington could be extremely kind and appal I ingly crude.She comp I a i ned about her in a b iIity to fin d happiness in relationships,ye
6、t married seven times.A smart,extremely know I edgeab I e a r tis t who hadd e fin ite ideas about her music,Washington freque ntly clashed w ithbandmates,desp i te often be i ng accompan i ed by the greatest jazz mus ic i anson earth.Thankfu11y,Cohodas also presents Washington9 s upbeat,joyousand c
7、elebratory side,thus not tota11y resigning her to tra g ic v ic timstatus.Sad Iyr Washington s ongo i ng conf Ii cts and struggles w ith lovers,re la tiv e s and executives in many ways prevented her from achieving thefame she deserved,along w ith the fa c t th a t black femaIe singers hadextremely
8、Iim ited options during the 50s and e a rly1 60s.ButWashington i nf I uenced numerous vocal is ts who fo l lowed her,most notab IyEsther P h illip s and Nancy W i lsonv w hile creating an exceptionaI body ofwork th a t s s t i l l ca p tiva tin g almost 41 years a fte r her death at 39.Songs I ike M
9、Unforgettable,This B itte r Earth,n MWhat a D ifference aDay Makes and Baby You Got What I t Takes1 remain as documents o f herexce11ence.Queen is a wonderful and invaIuabIe ad dition to musicbiography and c u ltu ra l histo ry.The passage seems to indicate th a t Dinah Washington was N O T ana r ti
10、s t.A.eclecticB.influentialC.exceptionalD.acquiescent2.BHTEXTBaruch Spinoza was a Dutch phi losopher and re I igious thinker who wasborn on November 24,1632 in Amsterdam.His fami Iy was Spanish-PortugueseJews who were refugees to Hol land.Spinoza was taught hi s ear Iy educat ionfrom Jewish sources.
11、He later went on to study other Jewish thinkers suchas Maimonides,Gerson ides,and Crescas.Baruch became interested in the physical sciences and the works ofThomas Hobbes and Rene Descartes.As a result of his studies,he grewaway from Judaism and withdrew from the synagogue.In 1656,the rabbisbanished
12、Spinoza from Amsterdam.For the next five years he I ived on theoutside of the city where he supported himseIf by gr inding opt ical lenses.During this time,Spinoza wrote his first philosophical work Treatiseon God and Man and His Happiness.This work exp I a i ned and out I ined a goodpart of Spinoza
13、9 s ph iIosoph i caI be Iiefs.In 1661,Spinoza moved to Ri jnsburg and a few years later he movedto Voorburg.From there he moved to the Hague.Soon after moving to theHague,he was offered a Chair in PhiIosophy at the University ofHeidelberg.Spinoza deci ined the offer.He was afraid it might compromise
14、his freedom of thought and speech.At this time,Baruch Sp i noza was we I Iknown and was we 11 respected for his work.King Louis XIV of France offeredSpinoza a pension on the condition that he dedicate one of his works tothe monarch.Aga inr Spi noza rejected the offer.Spinoza s work,Ethics Demonstrat
15、ed in Geometric Order,was one ofthe best out Ii nes of his theoretical framework.In this work,Sp i nozadivided his ethicaI thinking into five different part-r,0n God,Onthe Nature and Origin of the Mind,n n0n the Nature and Origin of theEmotions,”M0n Human Bondage,and On Human Liberty.Sp i noza be I
16、ievedthat the universe is identicaI with God,who is the uncaused substanceof al I things.Baruch Sp i noza used substance for God because he be I ieved God was nota material r e a lit y but a basis for al I th ings that are re a lity.Spinozaa I so stated that humans can on I y use two k i nds of a tt
17、r i butes of substance,thoughts and extens i on.With thought and extens i on comes para I lei ism.Para I lei ism is a theory that Sp i noza deve I oped that exp I a i ned the orderbetween the two of them.The order and connection of ideas is the sameas the order and connection of:t h i n g s.”Along w
18、ith th is theory,Sp i noza be Ii eved that there was no room inthe substance universe for the ignorance of one s actions.With theseact ions Spi noza be Iieved the a ffe ct wi11 change the rest of the bodys power to act.It could increase or decrease the power even though Godalone is the cause of thos
19、e actions.Spinoza discussed the concept of human bondage1 1 as a natural tendencyfor fee I i ngs and pass i ons to take contro I of I ife and to make i nd i v i dua I sinto slaves.He be Iieved that the only remedy for passion was act i ons.I f a human can c le a rly understand th e ir passions they
20、can overcome th e irbondage much easier.The reasoning behind the work was to lay out a program for theperfection of the human nature.Baruch had many sources for h is work,but h is know I edge of the work of Rene Descartes had a considerableinfIuence on h is own.He used most of Descartes vocabulary,d
21、 e fin itio n s,and mathematicaI ways of thinking.Baruch Spinoza died on Feb.21,1677 from tubercu I os i s.He is creditedfor the most thorough study of Pantheism.M any poets relate to h is workas in sp iratio n for th e ir w ritings.The word MsynagogueM in the second paragraph most probably m e a n
22、s.A.JudaismB.rabbisC.synaxisD.synalgia3.BJ1TEXT A/B Long before cro sso ve r and e c le c t ic”became p a rt o f the jo u rn a l i s t i cve rn a c u la r,Dinah Washington d ef ied c a te g o r iz a tio n and embraced any andevery type o f song.Her d e liv e r y was in s t a n tIy id e n t ifia b le
23、,and shep ride d h e r s e lf on c r y s t a l-c l ear d ic t io n,p re c is e p itc h and spontane i ty.Washington made b r i l l i a n t re co rd in gs,b e gin n in g w ith her days as ap ia n is t accompanying gospeI pioneer S a l l i e M artin,through swing and R&Bse s s io n s w ith Count B a s
24、ie and L i one I Hampton,on to modern ja z z venturesw ith Cl if f o r d Brown,Max Roach and Cannonba11 A dderley and la te r pop h it sw ith Brook Benton.Author Nadine Cohodas,whose p re vio u s book on Chess Recordsm arve lo u sly out I ined th a t h is t o r ic company,now g iv e s the same e xac
25、t i ngtreatm ent to Washington in Queen:The L if e and Music o f Dinah Washington.Cohodas a ls o se Ie cte d the songs on a companion CD,re le ase d on VerveRecords.Queen is the f i r s t t r u ly comprehensive voIume on the la te sin g e r.Cohodas conducted numerous in te rvie w s w ith in s id e r
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