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1、2023年 广 东 省 东 莞 市 中 考 英 语 模 拟 试 卷 一.选 择 题(共 2 5小 题,满 分 2 5分,每 小 题 1分)1.(1 分)-How often does Lara play the trumpets?once o r a week,Im not s u r e.()2.3.A.C.(1A.(1May be:twiceMaybe;two time分)Tom has agood;goodB.Maybe;twiceD.May be;two timeseating habit.He eatsB.well;good C.good;well分)-I didnt go to t
2、he cinema yesterday.What about you?.(),because I was preparing for the project all the t im e.()A.Neither I did B.Neither did IC.So I did D.So did I4.(1 分)Our teacher advises us.Chinese aloud every m o rn in g.()5.A.read B.reading C.to read D.reads(1 分)-Whafs this?a d o g.()6.A.This is(1 分)-Whos-Oh,
3、shesA.the;aB.Its C.Itswoman in blue,do you know?friend of A n n a s.()B.an;the C.a;theD.That isD.the;an7.(1 分)Are you sure this is a photo,the famous comedy actress?()8.A.C.(1Jia Lingof Jia Ling分)does your mother haveB.Jia LingrsD.of Jia Ling*sdinner?-Chicken and to m ato es.()9.A.What;for B.What;/C
4、.How;for D.How;/(1 分)She is so pleased with he has done she keeps praising h i m.()A.what;that B.that;what C.that;that10.(1 分)He sleep late,but now he getting up e a r ly.()第 1 页 共 3 5 页A.used to,used toB.used to,is used toC.is used to,used toD.is used to,is used to11.(1 分)-Tom,you ever that new fil
5、m?-Yes.I it a week a g o.()A.have;seen;saw B.have;seen;seeC.do;see;see D.had;seen;saw12.(1 分)He dressed q u i c k l y he put his shoes on the wrong f e e t.()A.so;as B.such;that C.so;that D.even;that13.(1 分)Nanjing isnt so large Shanghai.But,its the second city in EastC h in a.()A.like;largest B.as;
6、largestC.like;large D.as;large14.(1 分)-What did Tom say to you just now,John?-He a s k e d.()A.why I am so happy todayB.what will I do for the weekendC.Who did I play football with after schoolD.if I could go to the movie with him tonight15.(1 分)-is the TV?-Ifs 2000 Y u a n.()A.How many B.How much C
7、.How about D.How big16.(1 分)-Good morning.I want to buy t w o.-OK.Here you a r e.()A.pair gloves B.pairs of glovesC.pairs of glove D.pair of gloves17.(1 分)-I hear Music and Art will enter the Entrance Examination fbr the high school.-Yes.But dont worry.Nothing will be difficult if more attention to
8、th e m.()A.will pay B.will be paidC.is paid D.pays18.(1 分)-The meat is delicious.第 2 页 共 3 5 页-Y es,but dont e a t.()A.much too;too much B.too much;much tooC.too much;too much D.much too;much too19.(1 分)The traffic police are searching for the people joined in the fig h tin g.()A.whom B./C.who D.whi
9、ch20.(1 分)It is true that most students like the teachers understand them w e l l.()A.which B.who C.whom D./21.(1 分)When the teacher came in,all the students about the sports m eetin g.()A.talk B.are talkingC.were talking D.have talked22.(1 分)of workers in this factory is about two h u n d r e d,o f
10、 them are womenw o rk e rs.()A.The number,first thirdB.The number,one thirdC.A number,halfD.A number,three quarters23.(1 分)Johns mother always asks him his homework at school.()A.finish B.to finish C.finishing D.finished24.(1 分)-I dont like chicken_ fish.-I dont like chicken,_I like fish very m u c
11、h.()A.and;an B.and;but C.or;but D.or;and25.(1 分)-_ have some chicken?-Good id e a!()A.Would you like B.Do you likeC.Why not D.What about二.完 形 填 空(共 1小 题,满 分 1 5分,每 小 题 1 5分)26.(15 分)Jack(1 6)in a small town in England.He always stayed in England(17)his holidays.But last year he thought,Ive never bee
12、n to(1 8)countries.All myfriends go to Spain,(1 9)they like it very much,so this year Fm going there,too.nSohe got on a(2 0)to Spain and(21)at the airport of the capital,Madrid,第 3 页 共 3 5 页and stayed in a hotel fbr a few days.On the first morning he went(2 2)fora walk.InEngland people drive on the
13、left,but in Spain they drive on the right.Jack forgot about this,and(23)he was walking on a busy street,a bicycle knocked him down.Jack(2 4)on the ground for a few minutes and then he sat up and said,Where amI?”Just then an old man selling maps went past him.When he heard Jacks words,he said to him(
14、25),Maps of the city,s i r?16.A.flew B.lived C.went D.dropped17.A.for B.off C.with D.into18.A.all B.both C.other D.any19.A.and B.but C.though D.however20.A.bus B.plane C.train D.bike21.A.reached B.left C.arrived D.stayed22.A.down B.up C.away D.out23.A.before B.while C.since D.after24.A.lay B.stood C
15、.fell D.jumped25.A.once again B.on time C.at times D.at once,阅 读 理 解(共 3 小 题,满 分 30分,每 小 题 10分)27.(10 分)Many Chinese mothers are afraid that their children will fall behind their classmates,so these mothers are becomingHtiger mothers*.They believe the harder their children study,the happier life the
16、y will have in the future.Is it true?Lulu and her sister Sophia mayhave a say.Lulu and Sophia have atiger mother0.She pushed them a lot when they wereyoung.For example,they were not allowed to get grades lower than As.They had topractice the piano or violin for several hours a day.There were no game
17、s or TV.The tiger mother,Amy,is a Chinese-American professor at Yale Law School in theUSA.Several years ago,she wrote a book named Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother andshared her strict parenting style(育 儿 方 式)in it.第 4 页 共 3 5 页Many people dont like Amys style of parenting.They once worried that her
18、daughterswould not be happy.However,the two girls have grown up and they are thankful to theirmother.Sophia has just graduated from Yale University.She is hard-working,friendly andhelpful.Not long ago,she shared some useful studying tips online.Lulu is also a warm,smart and popular girl in her frien
19、ds eyes.She said tiger mothers believed that a child couldsucceed by being pushed to go all out.Stilb not everyone agrees with the tiger mothers parenting style.In fact,there isnt aparenting style that fits everyone.Whats the best parenting style fbr you?Maybe youshould work it out together with you
20、r parents.根 据 短 文 内 容,选 择 最 佳 答 案.(1)According to the passage,ntiger m o t h e r s A.dont mind their children falling behind their classmatesB.dont care about their childrens feelings when they grow upC.believe pushing their children hard can help them succeedD.believe the more happily the kids stud
21、y,the harder their life will be(2)What can we know about Amy?A.She is teaching in China.B.She loves playing the violin.C.She is the mother of the two girls.D.She is liked by many people.(3)In Lulu and Sophias opinion,their mother i s.A.greatB.woiTiedC.humorousD.hateful(4)What can we infer(推 断)from t
22、he passage?A.You can find tiger mothers only in China.B.Lulu graduated from Yale University,too.第 5 页 共 3 5 页C.Sophia is not a popular girl in her friends*eyes.D.Different children need different parenting styles.(5)Which of the following is probably the title?A.Lulu and SophiaB.Do you want a tiger
23、mother?C.Chinese MothersD.How can you become a tiger mother?28.(10 分)“Today I will give you a special test,said the English teacher with a smile on hisface.All the students sat up straight and waited for the test to begin.The teacher began to givethe test papers to all the students.After he finished
24、 handing out the test papers,he askedthem to begin.The students were very surprised to see that there was not a question but a black dot(圆 点)in the center of the paper.The teacher noticed the students1 surprise and said,I want youto write about what you see there.At the end of the class,the teacher
25、took all the students*answer sheets and read the answers.All of them described the black dot.After reading allthe answers,the teacher said,“Here everyone only paid attention to the black dot,but noone wrote about the white paper.The whole class listened silently,because they were afraidto fail in th
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- 2023 广东省 东莞市 中考 英语 模拟 试卷 答案 解析
