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1、第一部分;听力(共两节,每小题1分,满分2 0分)第 一 节(共 5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.How d oes the man p r efer to go t o wo r k?A.By t ra i n.0 B.By car.。C.Bybus.2.W h at does the man think of t he exam?A.T oo d ifficult.B.Too easy.C.So-s
2、o.3.How much w i 11 the woman Ie nd t he man?A.$13.00.o B.$7.00.oo0 C.$6.00.4.How s oon will t he ma ns u n c Ie arr i ve?A.In 20 minutes.。B.In 15 minu t es.C.In 5 m i nu t es.5.Who wen t to buy a bottle of milk?A.Ka t e.B.Pa ulC.Jim第二节(共 15小题:每题1分,满分1 5分)听下面5段对话或独自。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最
3、佳选项。听每段对话或独自前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,问答第6至 8题。6.Wh e re was George yesterday?A.At his usu a I place.B.I n the new s pa per office.C.At home.7.Why did the woman call G eo r ge?A.To ask h im to a c o n c e r t.B.T o go on h o i iday with him.C.To in v it e him to dinne
4、r at home.8.Whe r e d id Geo r g e se e Mary?A.At the off i c e.。B.At t he conce rt.。C.I n hiss i sters home.听 第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9.W h ere did the convers ation mo s t like 1 y take place?A.In a ta i lors shop.B.In a c Io t hing s tore.C.In asupe r ma r ket.10.Wh a t d id t he wom a n want to buy?A.A g
5、reen d r ess of e x tra larg e size.B.Ad r ess fo r h ers elf.C.A d r ess fo r her d a ugh t er.ll.W h y d id th e sales man sa y J ust a moment?A.Bec a use he was going to a n s wer the te 1 ep h o n e.B.Becau s e he was goin g to do so m e thi n g important.C.Because he was going to ge t a bigger
6、dress for the cus tome r.听 第8段材料,问 答 第12至14题。12.What i s the w o man looking for?A.A mode r n hot el.B.A comfo r t abl e hote 1.C.A n i n expensive ho t el.1 3.Whom doe s the woman proba bl y as k for help?A.A shop a s si s tant.B.A h otel wa i t e r.C.A re staura nt wai t er.14.Where can the woman
7、f ind a ho t el she needs?A.I n the next street.B.On the le ft side of t he street.C.T wo-minute drive t o the west.听第9段材料,回答第15至 17题。15.Why d oes th e man say the woman looks a bit f amiliarto h im?A.Becau s e the ma n has seen her somewhere before.B Because they s tudy in t he same college.C.Bec a
8、 use the worn a n look s like one of the ma n zs friends.16.What i s the worn a n d oing w h e n th e m a n greets he r?A.Going to wor k.B.Moving into a new b uilding.C.Lo ok i ng f or her umbrella.17.W hat can you infer f r om t he d i alogue?A.The man and the woman m eet in the street.B.Tha man ha
9、s 1 ive d i n that b u i Iding for a long tim e.C.The woman is shopping for her birthday party.听 第10段材料,回 答 第18至2 0题。1 8.Accordin g to the passsage,what were d ogs trained f o r in the past?A.For p r otection a gai nst oth e ra nimals.B.F or pro t ection agai nst other people.C.Fo r protect i on aga
10、inst robbe r y.19.Why w e re dogs u s e d for hu n t i ng?A.B ecause they d id n ot ea t o th e r a n i mals.B.Because t hey were good hunters.C.Because th ey always o b eyed the i r ma s te rs.20.W hat i s the speake r t rying to te 1 1 us?A.A dog is willin g to obey h is m a st e r.B.A dog i s a u
11、seful and fr i e ndl y a nimal.C.People in the west l i k e anim a 1 s.第二部分:单项填空(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。21.Last w e e k Lilys father bought her M P4 a sb irt hday p re s e n t.A.a;a。B.an;an。C.a;an。D.a n;a22.This is t he very f ilm I h a v e long w i sh edto s
12、ee.A.which B.t hat。C.w h o。D.whom2 3.I n th e p a st fiv e y e ars Ch i n a g re a tA.m ade,progress B.has m ade,prog ressesC.m a de,prog re s s e sD.has made,p r og r es s24.Tom is a b o y I find ha rd to.A.whose;pl ea s e。B.that;be p 1 easedC.who;be plea s i ng D.whom;pl e a s e2 5.Dr.Kei 1 y w al
13、ked to t he w i ndow to wa t c ht he short man shoppin g on the street.A.c 1 o s e;c Io s e 1 y B.c lo s e ly;c lo s e C.cl ose;clos eD.closely;clo s ely26.I will never f orget t he days_ I spent on t hefarm.A.w hen。B.w hich C.w hat 。D.whose27.He required t h a t I the jo b as soon a s possi b 1e.A.
14、finished。B.was f i nished C.fin i s h D.a mf i n ished2 8 Jo e Jo n e s,t he eldes t of the e i gh t c hild r en,h a d to _ out of h igh sc h ool a t the ag e o f 1 6 to hel p hi s fa t her onthe farm.A.1 eave B.drop C.f al 1o D.go29.I liv e in the room window faces the pa rk.A.who s e 。B.who。C.its。
15、D.that3 O-I would join a pa r t y to n ig h t!A.F o r free。B.Ha ve funC.G ood luck D.Donzt com e backto o la t e第三部分:完形填空(共 2 0小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。A ye a r ago I paid no a tte n tio n to E nglish i d i oms,31 m y tea cher said a g a in and aga i n tha
16、t i t was i m p orta n t.One day,I ha ppe ned to 3 2 a n Eng 1 is h man,on t h e road,and soo n we bega n to 3 3.As I was t alking about how I wass tud y i ng E nglish,the fore ign e r shook h is he a d,sa y ing,Youdont sa y!You dont say!”I was 34,I though t,pe r hapsthis is not a 35 topic.Well,Id 3
17、6 change th e top i c.So Isaid t o him,We 11,sha 1 1 we ta 1 k about the Great Wal 1?37 _ t he way,have you ever 3 8 the re?Certa in ly,everyon e b a ck home wi 11 39 me if I leaveChina withou t seeing 40.It wa s great/7 I s a id,The GreatWall i s one of the wond e rs in the world.11 is a p 1 ace o
18、f 41 So on I was inte r rup t ed again b y his wo rd s,42!I couId nt 4 3 ask i nq,Why d。you as k me not to ta 1 k aboutit?、We 11 ,I did nz t ask you t o do 44,he a nswere d,gently su r prised.I said,Did nt you say Y o u donz t say?Hearing th is,the Engli s hman 45 t o tears.He beg a n t o4 6,、Yo u d
19、onz t sa yz ac t ually mean s re a 1 ly?z.11 is an47 o f surprise.Perhaps you d o nzt pay attention 48 Englis h idioms.T hen I knew I had made f o o l o f 49.Si n ce then Ihave been more 5 0 w i t h id i oms.31.A.though B.when。C.i f D.asu a re rig h t32.A.loo kB.meetC.pick u p D.fi n d out3 3.A.w a
20、1 k。B.talkC.play。D.go34.A.pleasedisedB.angryC.afraid D.surp r35.A.properB.str a n g eC.safeD.po 1 i te36.A.t olike。B.be 11 e r。C.n o t。D3 7.A.On。B.InC.AIID.By38.A.gon eB.v isite d。C.see n。D.been39.A.look a tB.th i nk of C.send fo rD.lau g h a t40.A.It。ething。B.th emC.any t h in gD.som41.A.fu no B.in
21、terestC.bus i nes s-D.mount a in4 2.A.R e a llyB.GoodC.You donz t say。D.Yo43.A.b e oo B.h e Ip44.A.t h i s 。B.soD.me a f avo r45.A.I a ughed B.c ri e d4 6.A.expla i n。B.s hout0 C.th i nk D.doC.anythi ng。47.A.exper i enceD.example4 8.A.for49.A.meD.som e body50.A.helpfulD.sat i sfi e dB.expre ssi o n。
22、B.toB.mysel fB.po pul a rC.moved D.c ameC.prove D.s ayC.exp la nationC.a t D.in。C.h i m。C.c arefu 1第四部分:阅读理解(共1 5小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选山最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。AHave you ever stayed i n a hot el?M ost C h in e se hot e Isof t en prov i de gu e s ts with t hing s 1 ike d ispo s abl
23、 e(一次性的)tooth bru s h es,t ooth paste,s hampoo and slipper s.Many gu ests li ke t he idea bee a u s e they dont hav e to b rin g t h e irown.But,if you travel to Beij i ng,remembe r to bri ng you r ownt h i ngs.Star ting from J une,some hot e Is in Beijing will n o 1onger pro v i de g u ests w ith t
24、hese d isposables.Th e y w a nt to a sk people to use 1 ess dispos a ble thi n gs.Many dispo s able th i ngs are mad e of p 1 a s tic.Peo pIe t h row the m a way afte r onl y using th e m o n c e.I t i s a waste of n a tura I r e source s(资源)and i s ve r y bad for the e n v iro n m e n t.Do you know
25、,one Chin ese person makes a s much as 40 0 kg of wa s t e a year!Most o f th a t wa s te c omes from di s posab 1 e thi ng sI n Beijing,peop 1 e t hro w away about 19,0 0 0 t ons of pl aStic bags a nd 1,320 t ons of plas t i c lunch bow 1 s ev e ry ye a r!P1 asti c can take between 100 and 400 yea
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- 2023 包头 铁道 职业技术学院 英语 测试 试题 答案