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1、论工伤侵权责任引言工伤侵权作为我国侵权责任事故的组成部份,其地位与重要性可想而知。然而我国 法学研究滞后,工伤认定制度研究被边缘化。我国现行的工伤认定法律制度以行政法理 念为指导,把工伤认定视为具体行政行为,从而引起了一系列问题。而且我国的侵权 责任法中并没有对雇员工伤事故伤害赔偿问题作出具体的规定,这就使受害人的合法 权益得不到有效的保护。本文旨在通过对工伤侵权责任相关内容的探讨,能够为完善我 国的社会保障体系尽一份绵薄之力。一、我国工伤侵权事故的现状工伤侵权是指劳动者履行劳动行为的时候身体受到侵害,雇主应该承担伤害责任赔 偿时的一种侵权行为。(-)我国现行工伤保险法律制度覆盖范围窄我国现行
2、的工伤保险制度基本上是“全民企业执行”、“集体企业参照执行”。改 革开放后,涌现出大量的乡镇企业、“三资企业”和私营企业,在这些企业中,有不少 企业劳动条件较差,不重视安全管理,工伤事故及职业病的发生率较高,而国家又没有及 时出台相应的劳动保护法规,“预防”上予以强制及约束,也没有相应的工伤保险法规 强制对职工进行工伤保险,甚至浮现有些企业与劳动者签订只发工资、不管伤亡的“生 死合同”现象。(二)我国工伤认定的标准存在缺陷在工伤保险中,最核心的问题是对于工伤的认定问题,因为工伤保险制度建立的目 的,就在于赋予因工伤亡者优于非因工伤亡和疾病受害人的待遇。我国目前对于工伤的 认定,主要采用列举的方
3、法,这种方法的优点在于明确、具体。但是,其最大的弊端就 是可能使应当按照工伤处理的工伤伤亡被排斥在工伤范围之外。(三)我国目前工伤保险待遇制度中没有规定残疾用具的更替费用按我国目前的规定,并未提及职工致残后的残疾用具的更替费用,只规定残疾用具 按普及型标准配给。职工既然残疾,就是无法恢复正常的状态了,也就是说残疾职工的 后半生生活必须得依靠残疾用具,而残疾用具就象其它任何的用具一样,会折旧、损坏 此,笔者建议尽快出台相应办法,对此问题予以明确,将工伤保险合用范围进一步扩大 到公务员和参照公务员法管理的事业单位、社会团体的工作人员。(三)建立预先救助机制目前,我国现行法律缺乏对工伤事故预先救助的
4、相关规定。劳动者受伤后,惟独预 先自己出钱救治,之后再由工伤保险待遇补偿。如果该劳动者经济艰难,无力自救,那 么在现行法律和医疗体制下,就只能听天由命了。而至于能否得到用人单位的及时救助 则只取决于单位负责人的道德水准,并无法律强制。实践中浮现不少这样的案例,一些 劳动者受伤后无力自救而工伤性质不明确,无法在现行法的框架下赋予预先救助,从而 导致矛盾的激化和升级,受伤者往往采取上访或者采取过激行为以迫使政府或者用工单 位给予预先救助。所以,笔者建议对预先救助机制进行明文规定,如,可借鉴社会保 险法第四十一条规定的工伤保险先行支付制度,规定满足一定条件的经济艰难受伤职 工由用人单位预先救助,用人
5、单位不救助的,从工伤保险基金中先行支付。从而确保 职工受伤后能得到预先救治,以体现法律的人道主义精神及社会文明的进步水平,最直 接地缓解社会矛盾。(四)完善工伤康复机制工伤康复是我国工伤保险事业的重要组成部份,其对于减轻工伤职工伤病痛苦,降 低企业意外伤害和职业伤害,提高工伤保险基金保障效能具有重要作用。根据世界卫生 组织的解释,工伤康复包含医疗康复、职业康复和社会康复,其中,医疗康复是基础。 而我国现在仅有医疗康复,且刚起步。新条例对工伤康复有所提及,但是没有具体、可 操作性的规定。新条例规定工伤康复费可以由工伤保险基金先行支付。而在实践中,很 多用人单位没给劳动者上工伤保险,于是伤残劳动者
6、要想康复,只能自己先垫付费用, 这是他们难以承受的。并且,由于工伤康复需要申请,而大多工伤职工不了解工伤康复, 也不主动向工伤保险机构申请。另一方面,工伤保险待遇申请的过程比较长,往往需要 2至3年,如果再增加康复程序,那末就要增加半年至一年。再者,我国的工伤康复机 构也寥寥无几,截至2022年底,全国经劳动部门认证的工伤康复机构仅30多家。结语工伤侵权作为我国侵权责任事故的组成部份,居多处理方式在我国尚处于发展阶 段。本文通过分析研究,探讨了工伤事故的概念、雇主对雇员工伤事故赔偿责任的性质、 我国法律对于工伤侵权的规定及其不足等基本理论问题。讨论了侵权问题的解决建议, 希翼雇员能以此保护自己
7、合法权益。参考文献1 .杨立新:工伤事故的责任认定和法律合用,载于名望法学网2 .朱华:工伤事故赔偿责任探析,载于中国民商法律网3 .黎建飞:对无过错赔偿原则在工伤认定中歧见的探讨,载于中国民商法律网。4 .王荣:工伤事故与第三人侵权竞合的法律合用问题,载于中国劳动保障报, 2004-10-12 第 3 版。5 .曹艳春:工伤保险与民事侵权赔偿合用关系的理性选择,载于法律合用2005 年第5期。6 .王泽鉴:民法学说与判例研究,人民法院出版社2005年版。7 .李坤刚:工伤补偿制度:问题与解决,载法律科学2022期第6期。8 .曾经世雄:伤害赔偿法原理,中国政法大学出版社2001年版。9 .吕
8、成,陈默:工伤认定行政诉讼的困境与出路,载法律合用2022年第1期。10 .中华人民共和国工伤保险条例致谢短短四年稍瞬即逝,六月,在这个炎热的六月,我们即将毕业。随着毕业论文的 完成,我的思想和灵魂都有了一个升华。固然这与老师和同学的匡助密不可分。这篇论文能最终顺利完成,首先要感谢我的指导老师张丽娟老师,从题目的拟定 到开题报告的完成,从初稿完成到最终定稿,张老师每一个过程都细心匡助,循循善诱, 最终完成为了这篇论文。感谢政法学院的所有代课老师,你们的教育伴有我的成长,你们使我对法学有了 更深的理解。感谢我的同学,你们的支持使我前进的动力。10外文原文The development of th
9、e industrialization makes mechanization operation improves, and caused the laborer is in the process of production increase risk factors, disable accident and occupational disease increase, and according to the civil tort law, the victim is hard to prove that the employers failure because of the dam
10、age the, such, industrial damage will become very common and sharp social problems, seriously affect the normal development of the industrialization and the stability of society. In the protection of labor resources, and satisfy the request of social reproduction, the employer undertake professional
11、 responsibility danger will come into being. But this is strengthening the protection of victims, but increased the burden of the operator, increase the operation cost, make its profits and competitiveness is reduced, the victim litigation ask for compensation also not convenient. So the social secu
12、rity act will transfer the negative effect to society, employers add a bit of inductrial injury insurance premium costs, again through the commodity price regulation on pay. Through the inductrial injury insurance, which decrease the operation cost, and scattered the professional responsibility dang
13、er is not only beneficial to the economic construction, and can promote social stability, this is the civil tort law cannot expect.1 .the characteristics of inductrial injury insuranceInductrial injury is the employee refers to the time (including on his way to and from work, working place, because
14、working reason by injury or occupational disease hurt. Inductrial injury insurance is to show enterprise (employer) for the employee in accordance with the insurance premium of pay inductrial injury, employees thus enjoy treatment of inductrial injury insurance lawfully social basic insurance. About
15、 the nature of inductrial injury insurance, have not seen now. Some think inductrial injury worker and inductrial injury insurance agency orgnaization is a kind of administrative management relations; Some think labor insurance His a country to protect workers and the creation of personal safety by
16、the labor administrative department supervise the implementation of the law, but the duty of effects in private law, labor insurance law is influenced by the adjustment of the social security rights and obligations between; Some think inductrial injury accident is special tort and labor insurance ac
17、t, it is labor law and civil law the two of the basic law of competition11 rules and regulations; Some think Hinductrial injury insurance is part of the labor contract, is to work in the rights and obligations of the parties to the damage of the agreed a content. Inductrial injury insurance of the r
18、elationship between the essence, is labor contract relationship.2 . the scope of the damageThe scope of the damage is quite widespread, if as a result of, all health damage caused by the victim or death of the results are make person damage. By the responsibility divided into nature, have generally
19、tort person damages, special tort person damages, such as employment damage compensation, inductrial injury accident compensation, products liability compensation for personal injury, highly dangerous operation cause person damage compensate, buildings, hanging objects collapsing cause person damage
20、 compensate and so on. In addition, negotiorum gestio should he may form the same compensation for personal injury, commercial person insurance accident (person insurance contract dispute) also is the typical person damages and with inductrial injury (accident harm and occupational disease) insuranc
21、e can also be competition. Habit, speak the damage, usually refers to damage the infringement.3 .inductrial injury insurance compensation and the relationship between the four modelsThroughout the countries all over the world with inductrial injury insurance compensation relationship model has four
22、kinds:3.1 replace mode:In this mode, the employee suffered after inductrial injury accident, can only request pay of inductrial injury insurance, and shall not be based on the provisions of tort law, request to injures copyright infringing. But the right infringement responsibility exclusion is not
23、absolute, but rather relative. In short, the tort liability is excluded, and applies only to specific injures (including the inflictive party at this time of employers and employed by the same unit of other employees and does not include any third person), specific accident type (accident, occupatio
24、nal disease or commuters traffic accident), specific damage (limited to12 personal damage) and specific accidents reasons. To take this kind of system in countries with west Germany, France, Switzerland, South Africa, Norway.1.1 choice model (i.e., choose one mode)Namely suffer employees can be in t
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- 工伤 侵权 责任