《英文辞职报告6篇.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英文辞职报告6篇.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、英文辞职报告6篇在我们平凡的日常里,我们都不行避开地要接触到报告,报告成为了 一种新兴产业。写起报告来就毫无头绪?下面是我为大家整理的英文辞职 报告,欢迎大家共享。英文辞职报告篇1Dear HR Leadership:I regret that I give my official resignation to the companyI came to the company just three months, and I m very honored to be ab I e to become a member of our company. Dur i ng three months
2、, I I earned a Iot, and the company1s financial situation i s a I so i n good shape. I 1 m very gratefu I that the company gave me such a good env i ronment to work and I earn.But I need to res i gn for persona I reasons. In reguI ar i zat i on with my saI ary after the nature of work and measure my
3、 ab i Iity to work, I fee I the sa I ary i s not with my expectat i ons. So, I decided to res i gn.I hope my appl icat ions can be approved before June 20,I wish you good health .AppI icant: JackDate: June 22,英文辞职报告篇2TO:FROM:DATE:SUBJECT: Res i gnat ionPlease accept my resignation as Assoc i ate Che
4、mi st at Research, Inc. ; my Iast day wiI I be August 15, 19?.While enjoying assigned projects and contr ibuting to the company s overa I I growth, I fee I my work tasks here have not a I I owed me to i nvest i gate projects in which I deve I oped a keen i interest dur ing my graduate studies. There
5、fore, I have accepted a position more in line with those interests at Meadows ChemicaI Company.Th i s dec i s i on has been difficult due to the reward i ng re I at i onsh i psdeveI oped dur i ng the past three years. PI ease accept my thanks for your unquest ionabIe support and Ieadersh ip here at
6、Inc.Sincerely, 英文辞职报告篇3Dear Mr.Please accept my resignat ion as associate chemi st at the GERT I nst i tute. I p I an to I eave my job here 三、今年已经 24 岁了。还有 很多事没有去经受。我想去经受更多的人和事。不管是好是坏,是幸福还 是艰辛,我都要去尝试。向前走才不会懊悔!偏安一地的心事不安静的。在这里我不仅学会了装机器的基本操作,而且还将公司朴实、严谨的作风深化脑海,感谢领导对我的关怀照看,祝公司 兴盛发达!此致敬礼申请人:XXX20xx年xx月xx
7、日英文辞职报告篇6敬重的b董事长:您好,就在几个月前,作为一个刚毕业的高校生,我象一张白纸,没 有任何阅历和值得夸耀的地方,感谢您和学校在XX年9月份的时候,给 我的那份厚重的信任,让我有了第一份工作,去实践我从小就有的幻想, 去成为一个好老师。在这一个学期里,我不仅从我的同事那里学到了许多的教学和工作阅 历,从同学那里学会了什么是急躁,什么是倾听,更主要的是从您身上学 到许多做人的道理和做事的方法。您踏实稳重、亲历亲为的工作作风,仔 细负责、急躁细心的工作态度都对我产生了巨大的影响,会对我的人生具 有指导意义。无论是从同学,我的同事,还有您的身上,我都看到了我的 不足,我需要连续学习更多的东西。中英文是我的第一份工作,对这里的一切我都布满了感情,篮球场, 舞蹈室,书画室,这些地方都会让我惦念。我上的第一堂美术课,我教同 学的第一首歌,我教同学的第一支舞,我带队打的第一次篮球竞赛,我参 加编排的第一场晚会,这些都让我留恋。第一个给我送老师节贺卡的同学, 第一个给我鼓舞的同事,第一个给我指导的校长,这些都会让我牢记。但是为了获得更多的学问,更丰满的人生阅历,更高的职业生涯平台, 我需要连续去深造,去学习,我已经报名参与本科学历的考试,连续我 的学习生涯。所以在此我特提出辞职,请您批准。此致敬礼!