《英语-篇章结构.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语-篇章结构.docx(33页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、英语篇章结构句子是最高一层的语法单位,又是语言表达的基本单位。句法是个语法范畴,它属于语 言的组织规律,而章法则属于语言使用的范畴,或者说是言语的规律。从词素、词、词组、 分句、句子讲到篇章就把语言的结构和语言的使用都概括进去了。现在我们来看一看英语的 篇章是怎样构成的。句子、语段、语篇英语的篇章(Discourse),包括口头形式和书面形式,通常是由句子和语段(Sentence Group)构成的,即所谓“积句而成章,积章而成篇”。从英语的实际使用情况来看,人们总 是以句子为话语的基本单位,围绕一定的话题,组成大大小小的言语片断来完成思想表达任 务。在这里,确实存在着由句到篇的一种过渡形式一
2、一语段。语段,又叫句群,是由句子组成的语言表达单位,它是句子和语篇之间的中间层次。我 们知道,句子在一定的语言环境中能够单独地使用,能够单独地表达相对完整的思想。但是, 要表达多方面的、比较复杂的思想,往往需要把几个句子组织起来,结成更大的言语片段, 以表达“一层”的意思。因此,语段是一个相对独立的较大语义单位,它既与上下语段相关 联,又与上下语段相区别。正是许多这样的语段相结合,才构成了语篇。所以,语段是建筑 在逻辑思维基础上的表意“层次”。构成语段的各个句子都必须围绕一个中心话题,从而具有向心的作用。这样的一群句子, 通过一定的逻辑顺序组织起来,便成为一个较大的语义整体。因此,作为一个思想
3、表达单位, 语段所表达的思想并不是各句意义的简单总和,而是比各句意义更高一层的有机组合。例如:True, in the woods Wolf was as brave as an honorable dog should be; but what dog is ever brave enough to stand firm against the terrors of a womans tongue? As soon as Wolf entered the house, his head bent low, his tail lay on the ground or curled betwee
4、n his legs. He went around the house with a guilty look, watching Dame Van Winkle out of the corner of his eye, ready to run from the room at the slightest sign of her displeasure.其实,那条名叫“狼”的狗在林中也具有一条体面的狗所应有的勇气,可是哪条狗的勇 气又能挡得住可怕的女人的舌头呢? “狼”只要一走进家里立刻就垂头丧气,它的尾巴不是 拖在地上,就是夹在腿间。它像做贼心虚似地在屋里转来转去,从眼角里偷偷地瞟着凡温
5、 克尔太太,只要见她稍一恼怒便随时准备向门外奔去。这一语段的中心意思是描写“狼”如何害怕女主人。这个语段由三个完全句组成。第一 句是通过一个表示转折的并列结构,说明“狼”在树林里和在家里的表现完全不同,意思没 有出来。二、三两句补充了第一句的意思,从夹着尾巴,低着头回家,到偷偷摸摸在屋里转 来转去,不时偷看女主人,随时准备逃出去的情态,使第一句的意思具体化了。这样,三句 结合一起就充分勾画出“狼”害怕女主人的神情,这些意义只有通过这三个句子的有机组合From the Gulf to Canada, and from western Kansas and Nebraska to the Sier
6、ras, the cattle round-up and the mess wagon followed close on the disappearing Indian and buffalo.草是美国西部最主要的产物。那里的草虽然长不高,却极富营养。空气干燥,雨露稀少, 使草的茎部得到自然的养护,这就有可能使马牛羊不仅在夏季而且在冬季都可得到赖以为生 的饲料。这种情况一经发现,所谓“美洲大沙漠”便不复存在了。应运而生的是所谓的“牧 场业”。从墨西哥湾到加拿大,从堪萨斯州和内布拉斯加州到内华达山脉,随着印第安人和 北美野牛的一去不返,养牛场和食品车接踵而来,遍布各地。这段文字分为两个语段:句
7、(1)至句(2)为第一语段,说明美国西部牧草之丰美;句 (3)至句(4)为第二语段,说明美国西部畜牧业之兴起。前者为因,后者为果。因此,这 两个语段之间是一种因果关系。语段的章法作用当语段进入语篇时,不仅语段和语段之间结成一定的语义关系,而且不同的语段在语篇 中往往起着不同的章法作用。我们知道,一个较长的语篇通常都有开头和结尾,在行文中还 要用一些过渡词语起承上启下的作用。这在单语段的语篇中一般是由句子来表示的,而在多 语段的语篇中则由语段来表示。当然,这种表示“起承转合”的语段有时也可采取单句的形 式。下面,我们列举一些话语片断,并从中观察语段的章法作用:Californians and N
8、ew Englanders are both American. They speak the same language and abide by the same federal laws. But they are very different in their ways of life. Mobility both physical and psychologicalhas made a great impression on the culture of Californians; lack of mobility is the mark of the customs and mor
9、ality of New Englanders-加利福尼亚人和新英格兰人都是美国人。他们说相同的语言,遵守相同的联邦法律。然 而他们在生活方式上很不相同。流动性(形体上的和心理上的)在加州人的文化上打下深刻 的烙印;而缺少流动性则标志着新英格兰人的风俗习惯和精神素质。上面选段的斜体部分是一个引进话题的语段,该语段由三个句子组成,它的意义重心在 第三句,引出美国加州人和新英格兰人生活方式的差异。又例如下面一段关于美国人和日本 人互致问候的方式不同的文字:Americans might be embarrassed because their Japanese friends are so for
10、mal with them. Japanese might feel insulted be-cause American acquaintances greet them casually. Still, the forms of greeting in both countries only show respect for others. It just hap-pens that Americans and Japanese have a different way of looking at human relationships and thus have a different
11、way of showing respect.美国人可能因为日本朋友对他们过于拘礼而感到局促。日本人可能由于美国朋友对他们 打招呼过于随便而感觉受到凌辱。在日本和美国,打招呼的方式虽然不同,却都是对别人表 示敬意。只是美国人和日本人看待人际关系的方式不同,从而对人表示敬意的方式也不同。在以上选段中,斜体部分是一个用作“结束语”的语段,由两个句子组成,它是对上文 思想内容的总结和概括。又例如:Professor Throgmorton, of London University, was giving his usual weekly lecture on English history whe
12、n he noticed that someone at the back of the room was fiddling with something in his hands.“You at the back! ”he shouted/What was the date of the signing of the Magna Carta?Everyone in the room looked round in surprise. There was a long silence followed by a low voice saying, “Me, sir? ”“Yes, you, s
13、ir.”“I dont know, sir. ”“Well, you ought to know. We did it last week. You should have made notes. All right. Heres a question you ought to be able to answer: Who was Oliver Cromwell and what did he do? ”Im afraid I dont know, sir. ”“You dont know! You dont know! Apparently you dont know anything yo
14、u ought to know. What were you doing last week when we did all this? ”“I was out drinking with friends-v“I dont know how you dare tell me such a thing. You should have made notes. How can you dare to hope youll pass the exam at the end of the course? Tell me that”“Well, sir, I dont know about any ex
15、am. I only came in to mend the radiator. ”伦敦大学的萨勒摩尔顿教授正在作每周一次的英国史讲座,忽然看见教室后面有人两手 不停地拨弄着什么。教授厉声道:“你,后面的!大宪章是哪年签订的? ”教室里所有的人都惊奇地回头望去。半晌鸦雀无声,过一会有人低声问道:“先生,你 说我吗? ”“不错,说的就是你,先生。”“我不知道呀,先生。”“咳,你应该知道呀。我上星期才讲的。你本该记笔记呀!好啊。有个问题,你应该能够 回答:奥利弗克伦威尔是何许人?他做过什么事? ”“我恐怕不知道吧,先生。”“你不知道,你不知道,该知道的显然你都不知道。上周我讲课时,你在干什么? ”
16、“我跟朋友们到外面喝酒去了”“我真不懂你竟敢对我讲这种事。你本该记笔记呀!你怎敢指望本课程结束时能够考试及 格?告诉我”“唉,先生,我不知道什么考试不考试。我来这儿是修暖气的。”这个语篇基本上是对话体,从而不分段落。这篇文字的斜体部分是一个承上启下的语段。 由它引出下面一系列对话。语段在语篇中所起的这种“起承转合”作用就像单句在较短的语 篇中以及段落在较长的语篇中所起的章法作用是一样的。线性结构和层次结构从上述诸例可以看出,现代英语的篇章结构大体可分为两类:一类是“线性结构”(Linear Structure),另一类是“层次结构” (Hierarchical Structure) 所谓线性结
17、构就是句与句之 间或者语段与语段之间在逻辑意义上不存在主从关系或层次问题,即话语进程基本上是直线 发展的。对话体多半属于线性结构。现在我们来看一看对话的组织结构特征。对话是言语交谈的变换体系,这种体系的重要特征之一是在对话时必须遵循“轮流规则”。 这就是说,对话总是在甲乙双方之间进行,甲问乙答,乙问甲答;一方在发言,另一方便停 止发言;彼此轮流讲话,便在甲乙两方之间建立起传递信息的渠道。当然,在言语交谈中, 还可能有两个以上的人参加对话。但是,不管有多少人参加,在进行交谈的时候,总是轮流 讲话,轮流发言,而不可能许多人同时讲话,否则,传递信息的渠道就会发生障碍。由于对 话是一种轮流的言语活动,
18、所以,对话开始时引进话题,中途改变话题或者打断对方发言等 等总都是由交谈的一方来进行。这样,对话便形成一个回合接着一个回合,一个话题接着一(A)liSiS) 顷,是你,卡罗琳.玛格丽怙州精,班好银艳 啦,我迟到了我在伦敦还 不认识路哩.哎呀,你茶这儿奇事血?这 个地方不好我情进,卡罗 m.B(改变话题)把你的上衣放在这里.捶在 衣黑上噗鸣 衣熊都挂满 7.我一定要叫比尔在客 厅里多装几个衣钩.你的 上衣名好百呀,星新的玛? 是新的.上大学时买的 冬天穿好暖和利.在哪儿买的?在选了双买的好货喷裳 不得不爱情克穿.你喜欢 这陟色吗?我喜欢.这赳色适合于你. 里时髭的.啜,比尔来了.(C) but
19、I dont know my way round London yet Mtb Evaw : Im so aony . Did youhr troubk 萨 11 叫s a bdcxsmp heated Come xn . Carolina Catohue : Thanks Mre Evaw : Put yom coat here on the coat hArer Oh dw . tbere? not much room I must ask Bill to fix some more hooks m 11* hall . What a lovely coatlls it xew?Carol
20、iM : Yes boxM it fox col It,8 nice and wran fbi winter .Mre Evbm: Where did you b叩 it2 In CmohM : NottmgMxn H wns rather expez加 so IH have to take caie ofxt Do you hhe IM colourMts Evnw : Y= I do wi it gets yon , too It looks very smart 3 1 thuxk Oh good 9 hees Bill . Mr Evaw : Hallo Catohrue Nice t
21、o xe you unlyou do look 牌 11 . 1 bebevt yvu,ie pnitiron vineht 别朗说,比尔! 是的,我是发胖了.这阵 孑我蹄安运动也不好.P(改爱话葩)你找到这儿投有胜难吧。 哎呀,我搭幡了公共汽车, 方向搞皮了.但星售雪员 制了忙,于是我又下了军.在红绿灯的地方穿越西大 街,蜂于搭上了正确的公共 汽车.向改变话题)别提西大街了!过马路要 当心,太危险了.斓是危隆,昨天戟在那里着 见一血1散.修地都 是碎正瑞.天哪饬了人吗,没有隹人.(F( WMiSE)好,我们用茶吧!太好了!今天早信我买了一甘明油 蚤槎克里斯兆弗等双吃这 种男槎.MtsEvag
22、 : Stop it BilllCaiohm : Ye9 】think I am I dont redly 寄R enough exercuse these day5Mr Evbis : Did you find yos way here aDnghPCarobm : Well 1 caught the wrorg bus firsl of aD and wnt m tie opposrte direction But【he conductoi helped me . Then 1 got off the bus ord cmssl ovti Werteni Avenue al the tra
23、fik lhb and caught the iht one at 屋t Ms Evaw : Western Avenue I hope1 you were catefiil It s a terribly txd .Mr Ewtf : Yus , on accident iMz y1erd&y Tlere 典8 evexywKte .Caiolx : Oh dear1anybody hurtMr Evuns : I donthnik so Mis Evins : Com on no喇Lets have tealCaioliM : How nice!Mis Evaro : 1 bonghl s
24、ome cream cke5 Ihtf monung Chnytophci hkes them .(O(改变话题) 克里斯托弗?克里斯托弗 星S?啜他住在我们这里.Afi 个好孩子在我们的孩 子都不荏身边,我喜欢百个 年轻人在家里走动走动. 也在美术学院就准.啜,是吗读什么营业,好0呈读图奏设计吧.地满屋都是敬料见吗.纸蒐 呀,杂志呀.(H(改变悟题) 你一定荽会见他.顺便问 一下,乱在几点钟。怆在星 期六遇X要早克回家. 现在是4点25分.哦,我回然快点走.合议五 点B开妁.开过会以后我 们再见再见 再见,Carolme : ChrirtopheWhos Chnstopher?Mn Evaw
25、; : Oh f he hvts with 3 . Such a nxe boy Now1)e chikhen are away Fm young aiound the hoxwe . Hes a sttxient at the ArtCoUe影Carohrr : Oh f is he? Whats he studym似Mi Evar : Graphic Des I ihmk Mn Evnw : His room,s always full of pots of punt , bits of paper and magazine .MiEvare : You irieet him By the
26、 way f *Ms the time? He usually cotres home early on Satunia CaroliM : It% twenty-ftve p*1 font . Mi Evaw : Oh I must huny . TH meelmg starts at fh . FH 9ee you di hter Cheer X)1AU : Chno!由上述对话分析可以看出,这段对话是由八个话题,也就是八个语段组成:A-B-C 一D-Ef旧一G-H形成一种语段的链条,所以叫做“线性结构”。与线性结构相对应的是“层次结构”。所谓层次结构指构成语篇的句子或者语段相互之 间在逻
27、辑意义上存在着一种主从关系,它们或者是解释关系,或者是因果关系,或者是总分 关系。总之,这些句子或语段不在同一平面上,而是在不同的层次上。书卷体通常属于这类 结构,即一个语篇往往由不同层次的语段构成。下面,我们分析一篇短文,内容是略谈英国 英语和美国英语在词汇、拼法和发音三方面的某些不同点:A (1) British English and American English are almost exactly the same. (2) But there are minor differences between British English and American English i
28、n vocabulary. | (3) Almost all the words used in British English and American English are exactly the same. (4) Only a very small number of words are used differently. (5) For example, Americans would say “an apartment” , but Britishers would say “a flat“ to talk about the place they live. |(6) To t
29、alk about the back compartment of a car, a Britisher would say boot, but an American would say “trunk” . (7) These are examples of common words that are different in British and American English. (8) In addition to some common words, many idiomatic expressions are different. (9) An example of idioma
30、tic expression is the expression for telephoning someone. (10) In England people might say, uril ring you up tonight, but in the U. S. , people might say, UTII call you up tonight. ” (11) So we might say, the first difference between British English and American English is vocabulary, especially idi
31、oms. |B (12) The second difference between British and American English is pronunciation. (13) The main difference in pronunciation concerns the vowels, especially and O. (14)Some American dialects and some British dialects use these vowels in different ways. (15) For example, an American would say,
32、 “I cant/knt/call you,but a Britisher would say, I can/knt/call you” .(16) Americans and British-ers dont understand each others pronunciation. (17) But most of the time Britishers and Americans do understand each others pro-nunciation, because most of the sounds of the two dialects are the same. |C
33、 (18) The third difference is very small. This is the difference in spelling. (19) A few kinds of words are spelled differently in British and American English. (20) The most common ex-ample is a word like center. (21) In British English this word would be spelled CE NTRE, while in American English
34、the same word would be spelled CE N TE R. (22) Another example is the ending or” or our” .(23) The word colour is spelled COLOLJ R in Britain, but COLOR in the U. S. |D(24) Generally then, we can say that three small areas of difference between British English and American English are found in the a
35、reas of vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation.英国英语和美国英语几乎是完全相同的。两者在词汇方面有着一些微小的差异。在英国英语 和美国英语中,几乎所有的词都是相同的,只有很少儿个词用法不同,比如讲到人们的居室 美国人称之为apartment,而英国人则称之为flat。讲到汽车后部的行李箱,英国人称之为boot, 而美国人则称之为trunk。这些例子是在常用词方面英国英语和美国英语的不同之处。除了常 用词,还有许多惯用法的区别,比如要表达“今晚我要给你打电话”,在英国,人们会说,111 ring you up tonight,而在美国则说Ill c
36、all you up tonight。因此我们可以说,英国英语和美国 英语的区别首先是在词汇方面,特别是在惯用法方面。英国英语和美国英语第二方面的区别 在于发音,主要是和O等几个元音的发音。这几个元音在某些美国方言和英国方言中发音是 不同的,例如美国人说I carTt/knt/call you,而英国人则说I carft/knt/call you。有时,美国人 和英国人不理解彼此的语音,然而在大多数情况下,两者对于彼此的语音是理解的,因为两 种方言的大多数音值是相同的。两种方言第三方面的区别是很小的,这是在拼写方面。有少 数儿个词在英国英语和美国英语中拼写不同:最普通的例子如center 一词
37、在英国英语中拼作 centre,而相同的词在美国英语中拼作center。又例如词尾-or或-ou门colour一词在英国拼 作colour,而在美国却拼作color。总之,我们可以说,英国英语和美国英语只在词汇、 拼写、发音三个方面略微有些区别。这是一个多层次的语篇结构。全篇共有24句,分为四个语段:A段包括句(1)至句(11), 这个语段从词汇和习惯用语方面说明英国英语和美国英语是大同小异的。B段包括句(12) 至句(17),这个语段是从语音方面说明英国英语和美国英语的某些差异。C段包括句(18) 至句(23),从单词拼写方面说明英国英语和美国英语的某些微小差异。D段是个单句语段, 总括全文
38、。A段本身又可分为若干较小的语段:句(1)和句(2)形成第一小段A1,这是A 段的主题句;句(3)至句(7)为第二小段A2,从单词方面发挥A段的主题思想;句(8) 至句(10)为第三小段A3,从成语方面发挥A段的主题思想;二、三两个小语段由句(8)第一层D(句 24)起承上启下的作用;并以A4(句11)总括整个A段的意义。所以A段是个复杂的语段结构, 它的特征是先总提,后分述,再总括的组合法。B段和C段通过表示顺序的逻辑纽带(the second difference, the third difference)和 A 段(the first difference)紧密相连。最后,D 段以ge
39、nerally then为承接词,总括了 ABC三段的意义。因此,这个语篇就其总的结构来说 是先分述、后总提的组合法。现用图表说明如下:第二层第三层-A2 -A:A4x(句句11(句 8-10)B(句 12-17) C (18-23)构成这一语篇的各个语段至少可以分为三个主要的层次,如果以构成语段的各个句子为标准 进行分析,还可分出更多的层次来。这就是层次结构。一篇文章是否组织得好,就要看句与 句之间、语段与语段之间,还有段落与段落之间是否层次分明。篇章纽带由上节所举的各个例段中可以看出,当句子进入语段、语段进入语篇的时候,往往要用一些 连接手段把句子和句子、语段和语段,有时甚至是段落和段落连
40、接起来,使它们之间建立起 各种逻辑意义关系,并使整个的语篇在意义上具有连贯的性质。这种连句成篇的手段叫做篇 章纽带。篇章纽带可分为三大类:逻辑纽带、语法纽带、词汇纽带。兹分述如下:逻辑纽带逻辑纽带(Logical Connector)指表示各种逻辑意义的连句手段,包括表示时间关系、空间 关系、列举和顺序、增进和引申、转折和对比、等同和替换、过渡和总结、因果和推论等等 逻辑意义的篇章纽带。其中多数是连接性状语,又叫“连接性附加语” (Conjunct),当然还 有其他结构发挥类似的作用。1)表示时间关系的连句手段表示时间关系的连句手段是一些表示时间过渡的连接性状语,如meantime, mean
41、while, in the meantime, in the meanwhile等,以及某些时间状语。例如:Last summer I took a job as a waitress. My motives at the time were purely ulterior: I had been attracted by local fables of the generous tips left by tourists and thought I would earn some easy money towards a college wardrobe. My routine was th
42、e regular one: take orders, carry food, clean up the table, and repeateight hours a day, six days aweek. During that first week, I could only stumble home after a days work and fall in bed. Even when I had become accustomed to the routine, I never had any trouble distinguishing between the drudgery
43、of that hot, noisy restaurant and the relaxation which came naturally but too briefly with the leisure of a cool evening. By the end of the summer, I had firmly resolved never to take another job unless the work itself was interesting.去年夏天我在一家餐馆打工,当女招待。我当时的动机是完全见不得人的。我曾被当地 人的谎言所引诱,据说游客会慷慨地给小费,我想轻易地挣
44、点钱,买点儿上大学穿的衣服。 我的工作就是那老一套:开菜单、端莱、揩餐桌,如此循环反复,每天8小时,每周6天。 第一个星期,我每天只能跌跌撞撞地回家,一到家就瘫在床上。即使后来习惯了那种工作, 我还是感到在那烦热喧嚣的餐馆中苦力干活和下班后随着晚凉而来的短暂的清闲自在其反差 是何等之大。暑期结束时,我下定决心再也不去打工了,除非工作本身是有趣味的。在上述选段中,last summer, at the time, during that first week, even when I had become accustomed to the routine, by the end of the
45、summer都表示时间过渡,起连句成篇的作用。2)表示空间关系的连句手段表示空间关系的连句手段通常是一些表示上下四方、前后左右的方位词或词组。常用于 描写自然环境、地形地貌、房屋布置、物体构造等语篇中作连接纽带。例如:It was the green heart of the canyon, -Here all things rested. Even the narrow stream ceased its turbulent down-rush long enough to form a quiet pool-On one side, beginning at the very lip of
46、 the pool, was a tiny meadow, a cool, resilient surface of green that extended to the base of the frowning wall. Beyond the pool a gentle slope of earth ran up and up to meet the opposing wall. Fine grass covered the slope- grass that was spangled with flowers, with here and there patches of color,
47、orange and purple and golden. Below, the canyon was shut in. There was no view. The walls leaned together abruptly, and the canyon ended in a chaos of rocks, moss-covered and hidden by a green screen of vines and creepers and boughs of trees. Up the canyon rose far Mils and peaks, the big foothills, pine-covered and remote. And far beyond, like clouds upon the border of the sky, towered minarets of white, where the Sierras eternal snows flashed austerely the blazes of the sun.这是峡谷的绿色心脏,这里一切都很平静,甚至那狭窄