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1、高一下期第一次考试英语试卷考试时间:1 2 0分钟 分值:1 5 0分本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和 第I I卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷第一部分 阅 读 理 解(共两节,满分4 0分)第 一 节(共1 5小题;每小题2分,满分3 0分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上用铅笔将该项涂黑。AE verybo dy sho uld have so m e level o f first aid ability,because accidents and m edicalem ergencies can hap p en anyw here at an
2、y tim e.St J o hn F irst A id co urses give yo u the kno w ledgeand co nfidence to p ro vide effective first aid w henever it s needed.F irst A id L evel 1I deal(理想的)fo r anyo ne w ho w ants to learn basic first aid o r needs to renew their firstaid qualif icatio n(资格).C o urses can be held at St J
3、o hn o r yo ur w o rkp lace.F ee:$1 6 2(includes G ST)D uratio n(持续时间):E ight ho ursF irst A id L evel 2I ncludes all co urse co ntent fro m F irst A id L evel One,p lus an additio nal half day.I deal fo rsp ecial first aiders,health and safety m anagers and anyo ne w ho needs a first aid qualificat
4、io n.F ee:$2 3 5(includes G ST)A D uratio n:1 2 ho ursPre-H o sp ital E m ergency C are(PH E C)A dvanced training fo r first aiders w ho already ho ld unit standards 6 4 0 0 and 6 4 0 2.I deal fo rp eo p le w ho require advanced first aid skil ls o r a p re-ho sp ital em ergency care(PH E C)qualific
5、atio nfo r their w o rk.F ee:$6 3 5(includes G ST)AD uratio n:Three daysC hild F irst A idI deal fo r p arents,grandp arents and o ther fam ily caregivers.A reco gnized qualificatio n fo rchildcare w o rkers.F ee:$6 5(includes G ST)D uratio n:F o ur ho ursOutdo o r F irst A idF irst aid resp o nse f
6、o r accidents and m edical em ergencies in the w ilderness.F o r gro up s o feight o r m o re.A D uratio n:One to tw o days dep ending o n ex p erienceSp o rts F irst A idF irst aid resp o nse fo r co m m o n sp o rting injuries and m edical em ergencies.I ncludes A C C injuryp reventio n advice.AD
7、uratio n:E ight ho urs1.I f yo u w ant to learn basic first aid at St J o hn,yo u m ust.A.kno w a little abo ut first aid B.sp end eight ho urs o n the co urseC.have a first aid qualificatio n D.take the co urse at yo ur w o rkp lace2.Pre-H o sp ital E m ergency C are teaches p eo p le.A.intro duce
8、the co urses abo ut first aidB.teach p eo p le kno w ledge o f first aidA.sp ecial first aid skillsC.first aid in childcare3.The m ain p urp o se o f the tex t isB.advanced first aid skillsD.injury p reventio n adviceto _.C.change p eo p le s attitude to first aidD.let p eo p le renew their first ai
9、d qualificatio nBPeter w aved go o dbye and clo sed the do o r slo w ly as J ane left ho m e to visit her grandm o ther.E x p ecting a w ho le day to relax,he w as thinking w hether to read the new sp ap er o r w atch his favo riteTV talk sho w o n his first day o ff in m o nths.This w ill be like a
10、 w alk in the p ark,“he,d to ldhis w ife,T 1 1 lo o k after the kids,and yo u can go to visit yo ur grandm a.”Things started w ell,but just after eight o clo ck,his three little“go o d kids”A dam,B o b,and C hristo p her-cam e do w n the stairs in their night clo thes and sho uted ubreakfast,daddy.”
11、When fo o d had no t ap p eared w ithin thirty seco nds,A dam began using his sp o o n o n C hristo p her shead as if it w ere a drum.C hristo p her started to sho ut lo udly in tim e to the beat(节拍)B o bchanted“Where s m y to ast,w herey s m y to ast”in the backgro und.Peter realized his new sp ap
12、erw o uld have to w ait fo r a few seco nds.L ife becam e w o rse after breakfast.A dam w o re B o b s underw ear o n his head.B o b lo cked him selfin the bathro o m,w hile C hristo p her sho uted again because he w as go ing to w et his p ants.N o bo dyco uld find clean so cks,altho ugh they w ere
13、 befo re their very eyes.So m eo ne nam ed“N o t M e”hadsp illed a w ho le glass o f o range juice into the basket o f clean clo thes.Peter knew the talk sho whad already started.B y ten o clo ck,things w ere o ut o f co ntro l.C hristo p her w as w o ndering w hy the fish in thejar refused his brea
14、d and butter.A dam w as trying to sho w o ff his talent by deco rating the kitchenw all w ith his co lo r p encils.B o b,thankfully,ap p eared to be reading quietly in the fam ily ro o m,but clo ser ex am inatio n sho w ed that he w as eating ap p le jam straight fro m the bo ttle w ith his hands.Pe
15、ter realized that the talk sho w w as o ver and reading w o uld be im p o ssible.A t ex actly 1 1:1 7,Peter called the daycare centre(日托所).“I suddenly have to go into w o rkand m y w ife s aw ay.C an 1 bring the bo ys o ver in a few.m inutes?”The answ er w as o bvio usly“yes”because Peter w as sm il
16、ing.4.When his w ife left ho m e,Peter ex p ected to .A.have a relax ing day w itho ut p ressureB.enjo y his first day o ff w o rk in w eeksC.w atch TV talk sho w w ith his childrenD.go o ut fo r a w alk in the nearby p ark5.Which o f the fo llo w ing did B o b do?A.Using his sp o o n o n C hristo p
17、 her,s head.B.Wearing his underw ear o n his headC.Reading quietly in the fam ily ro o m.D.E ating ap p le jam fro m the bo ttle.6.Why did Peter ask the daycare centre fo r help?A.B.B ecause heB ecause heC.D.B ecause heB ecause hehad to p ick up his w ife back ho m e,fo und it hard to kill the tim e
18、 ho m e.w anted to go to his o ffice to w o rk,fo und it hard to lo o k after his bo ys.7.This tex tA.by tim eis develo p edB.by giving ex am p lesC.by co m p ariso nD.by sp aceCF acebo o k is the w o rld,s biggest so cial netw o rking site.Peo p le are being tricked into F acebo o kw ith the p ro m
19、 ise o f a fun,free service w itho ut realizing they re p aying fo r it by giving uplo ads o f p erso nal info rm atio n.M o st F acebo o k users do n t realize this is hap p ening.E ven if they kno w w hat the co m p any isup to,they still have no idea w hat they,re p aying fo r F acebo o k because
20、 p eo p le do n,t reallykno w w hat their p erso nal data is w o rth.The biggest p ro blem,ho w ever,is that the co m p any keep s changing the rules.E arly yo u co uldkeep everything p rivate.That w as the great,thing abo ut F acebo o k-Yo u co uld create yo ur o w n littlep rivate netw o rk.L ast
21、year,the co m p any changed its p rivacy rules so that m any things yo ur city,yo ur p ho to,yo ur friends nam es-w ere set,by default(默认),to be shared w ith everyo ne o n theI nternet.A cco rding to F acebo o kJ s vice-p resident E llio t Schrage,the co m p any is sim p ly m aking changesto im p ro
22、 ve its service,and if p eo p le do n t share info rm atio n,they have a“less satisfyingex p erience”.So m e critics(批评家)think this is m o re abo ut F acebo o k lo o king to m ake m o re m o ney.I n o riginalbusiness m o del,w hich invo lved selling ads and p utting them in the side o f the p ages t
23、o tally,w ho w ants to lo o k at ads w hen they re o nline co nnecting w ith their friends?The p rivacy issue has already landed F acebo o k in ho t w ater in Washingto n.I n A p ril,Senato rC harles Schum er called o n F acebo o k to change its p rivacy p o licy.H e also urged(催促)the F ederalTrade
24、C o m m issio n to set guidelines fo r so cial netw o rking sites.I think the senato r rightlyco m m unicated that w e had no t been clear abo ut w hat the new p ro ducts w ere and-ho w p eo p le co uldcho o se to use them o r no t to use them,“Schrage adm its.I susp ect that w hatever F acebo o k h
25、as do ne so far to invade o ur p rivacy,it s o nly the beginning,w hich is w hy I m co nsidering cancelling(取消)m y acco unt.F acebo o k is a handy site,but V mup set by the idea that m y info rm atio n is in the hands o f p eo p le I do n t kno w.That,s to o higha p rice to p ay.8.What do w e learn
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- 英语 下学 第一次 联考 试题 答案