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1、福建中考英语试卷真题及答案(历年10卷)2022年福建中考英语试题及答案2021年福建中考英语试题及答案2020年福建中考英语试题及答案2019年福建中考英语试题及答案2018年福建中考英语试题及答案2017年福建中考英语试题及答案解析2016年福建福州中考英语试题及答案2015年福建福州中考英语试题及答案2014年福建福州中考英语试题及答案2013年福建福州中考英语试题及答案2022年福建中考英语试题及答案I.听 力(共三节,20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)第一节听下面五个句子个句子读两遍)&A.CC,应E4 A%朝,从每小题所给的A、B、C三幅图中选出与句子内容相关的选项。(每氏。团
2、“Ze g卷c.R第二节听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。(每段对话读两遍)听 第 1段对话,回答第6 小题。6.Who is good at English?A.Sally.B.Bob.C.Andy.听第2 段对话,回答第7 小题。7.Where are the speakers?A.At home.B.In a restaurant.C.In a supermarket.听第3 段对话,回答第8 小题。8.How will the speakers go to the museum?A.By car.B.By bus.C.By bike.听第4 段对话,回答第
3、9 小题。9.How does Judy like the novel?A.Boring.B.R elaxing.C.Interesting.听第5 段对话,回答第10、11小题。10.When will the speakers start out?A.At 5:30 pm.B.At 6:30 pm.C.At 7:30 pm.11.What is the relationship between the speakers?A.Father and daughter.B.Mother and son.C.Brother and sister.听第6 段对话,回答第12、13小题。12.What
4、 is Tony doing now?A.Taking a walk.B.Writing a letter.C.Buying a book.13.Where will the speakers meet?A.At the post office.B.In the bookshop.C.Near the rock garden.听第7 段对话,回答第14、15小题。14.What is the conversation mainly about?A.Students help with housework.B.St u dent s ou t door act iv it ies.C.St u
5、dent s hobbies.15.What does Mr.Smit h t hink of Jack y?A.Car efu l.B.Laz y.C.Help fu l.第三节听下面短文,根据你所听到的内容,完成以下表格,每空填一词。(短文读三遍)School Fr iends hip DayWher eNo.16._ Middle School.WhenOn t he s econd 17._ of Sep t ember.How t ocelebr at e*Pr ep ar e flow er s and car ds for each ot her or ex change 18.
6、_gift s.*19._ u p in t he bes t clot hes and eat t he foods t oget her.*Hav e a 20._ and enjoy ou r s elv es.H.选择填空(共 15小题;每小题1 分,满 分 15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。1.Jenny,w hy not go for _ p icnic t his Sat u r day?-Sou nds gr eat.A.a B.an C.t he2.May 2022,w e held many ev ent s t o celebr a
7、t e t he 100t h bir t hday of t heCommu nis t You t h Leagu e of China.A.At B.In C.On3.As t he ar t fes t iv al is coming,t hey ar e p r ep ar ing ev er y t hing by .A.y ou r s elv es B.ou r s elv es C.t hems elv es4.Pleas e t he light s w hen y ou leav e t he r oom.Be a gr eener p er s on.A t u r n
8、 off B.t u r n on C.t u r n u p5.Bet t y,y ou,d bet t er follow t he doct or,s and do mor e ex er cis e.一I w ill.Thank y ou.A.adv ice B.agr eement C.infor mat ion6.May I y ou r p en?I can,t find mine.Su r e.Her e y ou ar e.A.r ep airB.mak eC.bor r ow7.hav e y ou been a member of t he Help er sJ Clu
9、b?一 For t w o y ear s.A.How s oonB.How longC.How oft en8.It s imp or t ant foru shar d in or der t o hav e a bet t er life.A.w or kB.t o w or kC.w or k ing9.We ar e mak ing a big cak eit s Dad,s bir t hday t oday.A.becau s eB.u nt ilC.once10.Since 2021,ou r s choolall k inds of aft er-s chool s er v
10、 ices for s t u dent s.A.p r ov idesB.is p r ov idingC.has p r ov ided11.一Ou r clas s did w ell in t he s chool s inging comp et it ion.Yes,y ou s ang _ of all.A.beau t ifu lly B.mor e beau t ifu lly C.mos tbeau t ifu lly12.As s oon as t he nat ional her o came int o t he hall,ev er y one became and
11、s t ood u p t o w elcome him.A.t ir ed B.cheer fu l C.u p s et13.Las t mont h,t he lit t le gir l w ell enou gh by t he neighbor s w hile herp ar ent s w er e v olu nt eer ing.A.is car ed for B.w as car ed for C.w ill be car edfor14.China w on t hir d p lace in t he men s 100 met er r elay r ace at
12、t he 2020 Tok y oOly mp ics.Wonder fu l!We Su Bingt ian and his t eammat es.A.ar e p r ou d of B.ar e fr iendly t o C.ar e s t r ict w it h15.Cou ld y ou t ell me?一In Fu z hou Univ er s it y.A.w hen y ou r br ot her w ill s t ar tB.w hat y ou r br ot her look s lik eC.w her e y ou r br ot her is s t
13、 u dy ingH I.完形填空(共 10小题;每小题L 5 分,满 分 15分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。At t he age of nine,Kelly dr eamed of being a bas k et ball p lay er.Bu t one day w hens he w as p lay ing bas k et ball,s he hu r t,her left leg 16.The doct or t old hers he cou ld no longer p lay bas k et ball.What w
14、 as w or s e,s he needed help doing 17,inclu ding going t o t he bat hr oom.Think ing t hat her dr eam cou ld nev er come t r u e,Kelly w as in low s p ir it s and18 her s t u dies at s chool.Her mot her did all s he cou ld t o cheer her u p,19 Kelly r efu s ed t o change.She ev en t ook ou t all he
15、r anger and 20on her mot her.Then one day Kelly s fr iends int r odu ced her t o t he gy m.Kelly 21 t hats he s hou ld t u r n her at t ent ion t o w hat s he cou ld do,not t o w hat s he cou ldn t.Pos t ingher s t or y online,s he got lot s of k ind and ins p ir ing w or ds.As s he w as 22by t he k
16、 indnes s,s he r et u r ned t o s chool for t w o half day s a w eek.And w it h t he23 of a body bu ilding t r ainer,s he t r ained har d and s oon fou nd her s elf ons t age(舞台)p er for mingas a body bu ilder.Her mot her w as t r u ly 24 and p r ou d.Today,Kelly is s t u dy ing t o be a life coach.
17、She is at p eace w it h w hat hap p enedt o her,not ju s t p hy s ically,bu t ment ally (精神上).Somet imes y ou mu s t ex p er ience25_ t hings t o come ou t s t r onger on t he ot her s ide,“s aid Kelly.16.A.badly B.s low lyC.eas ily17.A.s omet hing B.not hingC.ev er y t hing18.A.t alk ed abou t B.ga
18、v e u pC.t hou ght of19.A.s o B.bu tC.or20.A.p ain B.fu nC.lov e21.A.w ar ned B.r ealiz edC.s u gges t ed22.A.dis ap p oint ed B.s u r p r is edC.encou r aged23.A.help B.needC.p r omis e24.A.hap p y B.angr yC.calm25.A.lit t le B.niceC.difficu ltIV.阅读理解(共两节,25小题;满分45分)第一节阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四
19、个选项中,选出最佳答案。(共 20小题;每小题2 分,满分40分)AWelcome t o School Dance Clu bAr e y ou t ir ed of s it t ing t oo long?Do y ou w ant t o be healt hier?Join t he SchoolDance Clu b and mov e y ou r body!Choice of dances:folk,moder n,p op,et c.Lev el of difficu lt y:Lev el 1,Lev el 2 and Lev el 3Teacher s:Helen Whi
20、t e 13 y ear s of t eaching ex p er ience一 Gr adu at ed fr om Int er nat ional Mas t er Dance SchoolJohn Smit h-Fir s t p r iz e w inner of“Dancer s on St age“for 4 y ear s s t ar t ing fr om 2016Ken Pow er Sk illed in differ ent k inds of dance,es p ecially in afu s ion(融合)danceWho t o join:Aged 12
21、15If y ou w ou ld lik e t o be one of u s,p leas e k indly fill in t he for m and s end itt o Mar ia Coop er s office befor e 18t h Mar ch.26.The Dance Clu b bes t s u it s t hos e w ho w ant t o.A.be healt hier B.be q u iet C.s ing folk s ongs D.lear np op mu s ic27.How many lev els of difficu lt y
22、 does t he Dance Clu b offer?A.1.B.2.C.3.D.4.28.If y ou w ant t o lear n“fu s ion“dance,y ou can choos e.A.Helen Whit e B.John Smit hC.Ken Pow erD.Mar iaCoop er29.Who can join t he Dance Clu b?A.Teacher s w it h r ich ex p er ience.C.St u dent s aged 10.30.The t ex t is p r obably a.A.p os t er B.di
23、ar yB.Teacher s good at dancing.D.St u dent s aged 13.C.p oem D.r ep or tBAnna Br ow n w as an ar t is t w ho believ ed t hatit w as imp or t ant t o help ot her s.Whens he hear d of a s u mmer camp for childr en w it h s er iou s illnes s es,s he came u p w it han idea.It cos t money for t hes e k
24、ids t o go t o t he camp,s o Anna decided t o s ee w hats he cou ld do t o help.It w as imp os s ible for her t o donat e(捐赠)a lot of money,s o s he had t o t hink of anot her w ay.She w ant ed t o t ak e adv ant age of her lov e of ar t.So s he s t ar t ed mak ing and s ellingbeau t ifu l car ds t
25、o r ais e money for t hes e k ids.Becau s e t hes e car ds w er e all handmade,it w ou ld t ak e her a long t ime t o mak e a lot of t hem.So Anna had anot her idea.Shes t ar t ed inv it ing fr iends t o her hou s e t o help her mak e t he car ds.At fir s t her fr iendsw er e hes it ant.Many s aid t
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- 2022 福建 中考 英语 试卷 答案 历年 10