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1、2022年福建厦门中考英语真题试卷英语试题I .听 力(共三节,20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)第一节:听 下 赢 个 句 子,从每小题所给的A、B、C 三幅图中选出与句子内容相关的选项。(每个句子读两遍)口大PyeongChang2018B.O Q p,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答o(每段对话读两遍)听 第1段对话,回答第6小题6.W h o is good at E nglish?A.Sally.听第2段对话,回答第7小题。7.W h e r e are the spe ake rs?A.A t home.听第3段对话,回答第8小题。8.H o w w ill the
2、 spe ake rs go to theA.B y car.B听第4段对话,回答第9小题。9.H o w doe s Ju dy like the nov e l?A.B oring.陶B.In a re stauB.B ob.B y bike.In a su pe rmarke t.Re laxing.C.Inte re sting.听第5段对话,回答第1 0、U小题1 0.W h e n w ill the spe ake rs start ou t?A.A t 5 :3 0 pm.B.A t 6-3 0 pm.C.A t 7:3 0 pm.1 1.What is ihe re lati
3、onship be tw e e n the spe ake rs?A.Fathe r and dau ghte r.B.听第6段对话,回答第1 2、13小题。1 2.W h at is Tony doing now?Mothe r and son.C.B rothe r and siste r.A.Taking a w alk.11 3.W h e r e w ill the spe ake rs me e t?A.A l the post office.1B.B.Writing a le tte r.In the bookshop.C.B u y ing a book.C.Ne ar th
4、e rock garde n.听第7段对话,回答第14J 5小题。1 4.W h a t is the conv e rsation mainly abou t?A.Stu de nts he lp w ith hou se w ork.C.Stu de nts hobbie s.B.Stu de nts ou tdoor activ itie s.I8 15.What does Mr.Smith think of Jacky?A.Careful.B.Lazy.C.Helpful.第三节 听下面短文,根据你所听到的内容,完成以下表格,每空填一词。(短文读三遍)School Friendship
5、 DayWhereNo.16 Middle School.WhenOn the second 17 of September.How to celebrate*Prepare flowers and cards for each other or exchange 18 gifts.*19 up in the best clothes and eat the foods together.*Have a 20 and enjoy ourselves.19 31.Ou r class did w e ll in the school singing compe tition.一Ye s,y ou
6、 san g of all.A.be au tifu lly B.more be au tifu lly C.most be au tifu lly3 2.A s soon as the national he ro came into the hall,e v e ry one be came and stood u p tow e lcome him.A.tire d B.che e rfu l C.u pse t3 3.Lasl month,ihe little girl w e ll e nou gh by the ne ighbors w hile he r pare nts w e
7、 rev olu nte e ring.A.is care d R)r B.w as care d for C.w ill be care d forice in the me n s 1 0 0-me te r re lay race at the 2 0 2 0 Toky o Oly mpics.Su B ingtian and his te ammate s.B.are frie ndly to C.are strict w ill?3 4.C hina w on third plaWonde rfu l!W eA.are prou d of3 5.C ou ld y ou te ll
8、m e?In Fu z hou Univ e rsity.A.w he n y ou r brothe r w ill startB.w hat y ou r brothe r looks likeC.w he re y ou r brothe r is stu dy ingm.完 形 填 空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选市可一以填入空白处的最佳答案。A t the age of nine,Ke lly dre ame d of be ing a baske tball play e r.B u t one day w he n
9、she w asplay ing baske tball,she hu rl he r le ft le g 3 6 The doctor told he r she cou ld no longe r playbaske tball.What w as w orse,she ne e de d he lp doing 3 7,inclu ding going to the bathroom.Thinking that he r dre am cou ld ne v e r come tnir,Ke lly w as in low spirits and 3 8 he r stu die sa
10、t school.He r mothe r did all she cou ld to che e r he r u p,3 9 Ke lly re fu se d to change.She e v e nlook ou t all he r ange r and 4 0 on he r mothe r.The n one day Ke lly s frie nds inlrodu ct*(l he r lo the gy m.Ke lly 4 1 that she shou ld tu rn he ratte ntion lo w hat she cou ld do,not lo w ha
11、t she cou klrft.Posting he r story online,she got lots ofkind and inspiring w ords.A s she w as 4 2 by the kindne ss,she re lu me d to school R)r tw o halfday s a w e e k.A nd w ith tl诂 4 3 of a body bu ilding traine r,she traine d hard and soon(bu ndhe rse lf on stage (舞台)pe rforming-as a body bu i
12、lde r.He r mothe r w as tmly 4 4 and prou d.Today,Ke lly is stu dy ing to be a life coach.She is at pe ace w ith w hat happe ne d to he r,not ju stphy sically,bu t me ntally (精神上).*Some time s y ou mu st e xpe rie nce 4 5 things to come ou tstronge r on the othe r side,“said Ke lly.3 6.A.badlyB.slow
13、 lyC.e asily3 7.A.some thingB.nothingC.e v e ry thing3 8.A.talke d abou tB.gav e u pC.thou ght of3 9.A.soB.bu tC.or4 0.A.painB.fu nC.lov e4 1.A.w arne dB.re aliz e dC.su gge ste d4 2.A.disappointe dB.su rprise dC.e ncou rage d 2 0 4 3.A.he lp4 4.A.happy4 5.A.littleB.ne e dB.angryB.niceC.promiseC.cal
14、mC.difficu ltI V.阅 读 理 解(共两节,2 5小题;满分4 5分)第一节 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AWelcome to School Dance ClubA re y ou tire d of sitting loo long?Do y ou w ant to be he althie r?Join the School Dance C lu b and mov e y ou r body!Choice of dances:folk,mode rn,pop,e tc.Level o
15、f difficulty:Le v e l 1 ,Le v e l 2 and Le v e l 3Teachers:Helen White1 3 y e ars of le aching e xpe rie nceGrad lu lle d from Inte rnational Maste r Dance SchoolJohn SmithFirst priz e w inne r of*Dance rs on Stage“for 4 y e ars starting from 2 0 1 6Ken PowerSkille d in diffe re nt kinds of dance,e
16、spe cially in*fu sion(融合)danceWho to jo in:A ge d 1 2 -1 5If y ou w ou ld like to be one of u s,ple ase kindly fill in the form and se nd i t to Maria C oope r soffice be fore 1 81,1 March._4 6.4 7.4 8.The Dance C lu bA.be he althie rC.sing folk sonsu its those w ho w ant toB.be qu ie tD.le arn pop
17、mu sicH o w many Igv e ls of difficu lty doe s the Dance C lu b offe r?A.1.%B.2.C.3.If y ou w ant to le am“fu sion“dance,y ou can chooseD.4.A.He le n WhiteC.Ke n Pow e r4 9.W h o can join the Dance C lu b?A.Te ache rs w ith rich e xpe rie nce.C.Stu de nts age d 1 0.5 0.The te xt is probably a.A.post
18、e r B.diaryB.John SmithD.Maria C oope rB.Te ache rs good at dancing.D.Stu de nts age d 1 3.C.poe m D.re port 2 1 BA nna B row n w as an artist w ho be lie v e d that i t w as important to he lp othe rs.W h e n she he ard ofa su mme r camp for childre n w ith se riou s illne sse s,she came u p w ith
19、an ide a.It cost mone y R)r the sekids to go to c a m p,so A nna de cide d to se e w hat she cou ld do to he lp,h w as impossible fbr he r todonate (捐赠)a lot of mone y,so she had to think of anothe r w ay.She w ante d to lake adv antage of he r lov e of art.So she starte d making and se lling be au
20、tifu lcards to raise mone y for the se kids.B e cau se the se cards w e re all handmade,i t w ou ld take he r along time to make a lot of the m.So A nna had anothe r ide a.She starte d inv iting frie nds to he r hou selo he lp he r make the cards.A t first he r frie nds w e re hesitant.Many said tha
21、t the y w e re not artisticand didn t know how to make cards.B u t once the y saw the be au tifu l mate rials that she had in he rw orkroom,he r frie nds fe lt more comfortable doing things su ch as draw ing and cu tting in orde r tomake a ne w card.B u t the mate rials w e re e xpe nsiv e.To make m
22、one y w ithou t spe nding;jmone y,A nna aske d forand got doiu Uions of pape r,glu e,scissors,and othe r things from ne arby store s.She sold he r cardsfbr thre e dollars e ach in diffe re nt art marke ts du ring the y e ar.A nna raise d more than$3 0,0 0 0 inhe r 1 0 y e ars making cards.5 1.5 2.5
23、3.What w as A nna?A.A n artist.C.A w orke r.What did A nna inv ite he r frie nds to do?A.Se ll cards.C.B u y mate rials.What doe s the u nde rline d w ord”B.,Make cards.Donate mate rials.Paragraph 2 me an in C hine se?5 4.5 5.A.坐立不安的C.兴高采d 烈的U h添 闫Whe re did A nna se ll he r hanchnade cards?D.犹像不决的心
24、甘情愿的A.In he r hou se与上.B.C.In ne arby storft0.D.Which of the follow ing can be st de scribe A nna?In he r w orkroom.In art marke ts.A.Kind-he arte d.B.Polite.C.B rav e.CD.Hu morou s.O n the afte rnoon of March 2 3,2 0 2 2,C hine se astronau ts on boardC hina s Tiangong space station gav e a scie nce
25、 le sson 4 0 0 kilome te rsabov e E arth.it w as a gre at su cce ss.Do y ou still re me mbe r the first 彳space le sson hoste d by W a n g Yaping in 2 0 1 3?He lpe d by the othe r tw oastronau ts,she gav e the le sson to more than 60 million school childre nall ov e r the cou ntry.While w atching the
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- 含答案 2022 福建厦门 中考 英语 答案