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1、2022年高考满分英语作文题目及范文7 2 0篇 2022年高考满分英语作文题目及范文1Topic:H ow to C ha nge YourselfN owa d a ys,it is wid ely known tha t everyb od y should ma kec ha nges in life to d ifferent extents.Some feel stressed b yit a nd some emb ra c e ea c h c ha nge willingly.To me,it isimporta nt to a d just every onc e in a
2、 while sinc e life isc onsta ntly c ha nging a nd growing.To ta ke firm a c tions to c ha nge in life,one should firstlylist a ll the goa ls tha t need to b e rea c hed,like to b e ab etter lea d er,a good stud ent a nd a b etter c ommunic a tor.Thenthe person should b rea k d own ea c h into sma ll
3、er ta sks a ndsta rt to work on them.When it c omes to a c hieving the goa ls,some people might find it ha rd.The b est wa y to ma ke progressma y b e to ta ke one step a t a time a nd rememb er to rewa rdyourself for ea c h c ompleted ta sk.I n a d d ition,one should a lwa ys b e b old to try new a
4、 c tivities.I t might b e intimid a ting a t first.H owever,it c ould help tofind a group with simila r ob jec tives a nd ma ke the wholejourney more fun a nd mea ningful.B y trying something new,onec a n step out of one,s c omfort zone,b roa d ens one,s skillset,a nd even ma ke new friend s.Ab ove
5、a ll,it is essentia l to keep a n open mind a nd try outd ifferent a pproa c hes.As long a s one is d etermined to worktowa rd s one s goa ls,the outc ome will b e rewa rd ing.I n c onc lusion,life d oesn,t sta y sta tic,a nd it c ould b e a na d venture if one is b ra ve to ma ke c ha nges.O ne sho
6、uld a lwa yskeep in mind one s goa ls,try something new a nd sta y open-mind ed.With these a c tions,grea t life c ha nges a lwa ys c ome inreturn.2022年高考满分英语作文题目及范文2Topic:L ife N ow or in the F utureL ife now or in the future?This is a very hot d eb a te topictha t ma ny people a re d isc ussing.O
7、n one ha nd,some peoplea d voc a te living in the present,they thought it wa s veryimporta nt to enjoy the c urrent enjoyments tha t b rought b ymod ern life,suc h a s d elic ious food,c omforta b le c lothes a ndb ra nd new elec tronic prod uc ts.O n the other ha nd,there a rea lso some people who
8、a rgued tha t look a hea d to the future wa smore importa nt,they b elieved tec hnology a nd sc ienc e willma ke our living ea sier a nd freer in the future.P ersona lly,I think enjoy life now is a b etter c hoic e,it wa smore mea ningful a nd va lua b le,espec ia lly for us,a group ofa d olesc ents
9、.D eveloping rela tionships b etween ea c h other isgood for our physic a l a nd menta l hea lth,so when we a refeeling lonely or d epressed,just c onta c t with friend s a ndha ve some a c tivities together,suc h kind of intera c tion c a nimprove our soc ia l a nd c ommunic a tion skills,whic h is
10、importa nt for our future.Besides,except some scientific equipment and products,thereare still a lot beautiful things in our daily life which wecan not find in the future,even though advance of scienceand technology,it can not improve the real feeling of personto person.And living in the present als
11、o can remind us toappreciate the moment and learn how to cherish what we have,so that in the future,no matter weown any material things,we won,t regret,because we were fully enjoyed our past.To sum up,life now or in the future,both of them arevaluable,but cherish the moment is more meaningful.Dontwa
12、ste time on wait and regret,take actions to make our lifeglamorous and wonderful.注意:此为示例作文,参考性较强,请勿抄袭!2022年高考满分英语作文题目及范文32022年高考满分英语作文题目:“Be True to Yourself”范文:Being true to oneself has always been a difficult challenge,especially in today s society where people have access toall sorts of influence
13、 from the outside world.Its easy toget distracted and lose sight of ones true self,and try tobecome the person that those around us think is best.Asteenagers,the choices that we make will shape the course ofthe rest of our life,so its important to stay true toourselves and make sure our decisions ar
14、e meaningful andc onsid ered.F irst a nd foremost,it s importa nt to keep a n open mind a ndb e open to new id ea s a nd experienc es.N ever b e a fra id to trysomething new a nd unusua l,even if it s something youwould n,t norma lly d o.You ma y find tha t it s enjoya b le orb rings out a sid e of
15、yourself tha t you never knew existed.Ad d itiona lly,b e honest with yourself a b out who you a re a ndwhere your interests lie.D on t try a nd b e someone else justb ec a use you think it might b e more soc ia lly a c c epta b le orwill b e a c c epted b y your peers-b e proud of who you a re a nd
16、where you c ome from.F ina lly,b elieve in yourself a nd trust your own jud gement.Surround yourself with positive a nd enc oura ging people whowill lift you up a nd enc oura ge you to b e your b est.N ever leta nyone tell you wha t you c a n a nd c a n t d o-you,re theonly one who knows wha t s tru
17、ly b est for you.I n c onc lusion,b eing true to yourself is d iffic ult b utpossib le a nd is a n essentia l pa rt of living a hea lthy,b a la nc ed life.Alwa ys strive to b etter yourself a nd d on,t b ea fra id to ta ke risks a nd try something new.B e honest withyourself,b uild strong rela tions
18、hips with others,a nd trustyour own jud gement-these a re the found a tions of b eing trueto oneself a nd living life with purpose.2022年高考满分英语作文题目及范文4Topic:I s I t B etter to B e P ra c tic a l or I d ea listic?D irec tions:Some people a re pra c tic a l-they va lue money a ndmaterial possessions.Ot
19、hers are idealistic-they valueintangible things such as friendship,love,and having apositive impact on others.Which is better?Use examples anddetails in your response.No matter who you are or where you come from,the choice ofwhether to live a practical or idealistic life is one thatwill have a direc
20、t impact on your future and success.On theone hand,we have the practical view of life,where financialgain and material possessions are viewed as the ultimate goal.There are many advantages to this approach,such as financialsecurity and an assured lifestyle.Practical individualsoften focus on immedia
21、te goals,such as finding a well-payingjob or investing in stocks and bonds.On the other hand,we have the idealistic view of life,whichplaces greater emphasis on intangible values such asfriendship,love,and having a positive impact on others.Many individuals pursue this path because they believe that
22、it gives meaning to their lives and provides them withlasting happiness.Idealistic individuals focus more on longterm goals such as getting involved in giving back to thecommunity and helping those in need.In my opinion,the answer is not a simple yes or no.It isessential to focus on both the practic
23、al and the idealisticsides of life in order to be truly successful.Combining thetwo allows us to live our lives in balance,appreciating thetangible rewards of financial success while also seeking outthe intangible rewards of helping others and having apositive impact on the world.Overall,it is possi
24、ble to be both practical and idealistic.We just need to remember that money and material possessionsare the means to an end,not the end itself.Life should beabout more than just achieving financial success-it shouldalso be about making the world a better place and achievingpersonal fulfillment.In co
25、nclusion,striking the rightbalance between the practical and the idealistic is the keyto living a successful life.2022年高考满分英语作文题目及范文5Topic:Working in GroupsIn 2022,as the influence of the Internet continues to grow,more and more people are choosing to work in groups toachieve their goals.As an indiv
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- 2022年高考满分英语作文题目及范文 2022 年高 满分 英语 作文 题目 范文 20