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1、大学英语四级试练习卷一、阅读理解阅读理解(一)The striving of countries in Central Europe to enter the European Union may offer an unprecedented chance to the continent s Gypsies (or Roman) to be recognized as a nation, albeit one without a defined territory. And if they were to achieve that they might even seek some kind
2、 of formal place一at least a total population outnumbers that of many of the Union s present and future countries. Some experts put the figure at 4m-plus; some proponents of Gypsy rights go as high as 15m.Unlike Jews, Gypsies have had no known ancestral land to hark back to. Though their language is
3、related to Hindi, their territorial origins are misty. Romanian peasants held them to be born on the moon. Other Europeans (wrongly) thought them migrant Egyptians, hence the derivative Gypsy. Most probably they were itinerant metal workers and entertainers who drifted west from India in the 7th cen
4、tury.However, since communism in Central Europe collapsed a decade ago, the notion of Romanestan as a landless nation founded on Gypsy culture has gained ground. The International Romany Union, which says it stands for 10m Gypsies in more than 30 countries, is fostering the idea of“self-rallying” .
5、It is trying to promote a standard and written form4. A. reply B. possiblility C.truth D. reason5. A. arm B. leg C. stomach D. body6. A. exercised B. examined C. protected D.cured7. A. lose B. raise C. burn D. keep8. A. lose B. gain C. keep D. burn9. A. Certainly B. No C. Fortunately D. Probably10.
6、A.raises B.reduces C.destroys D.keeps up11. A. how B. why C. nothing but D. more than12. A. While B. Once C. As D. Whenever13. A. weight B. muscle C. sweat D.strength14. A. over B. around C. throughout D. with15. A. effect B. use C. usage D. affect16. A. education B.sleep C. exercise D.rest17. A. on
7、e day B. a day C. everyday D. someday18. A. But if B. But C. If D. And if19. A.working B. walking C. exercising D.breathing20. A. enough B. much C. too much D. much too完型填空(二)Have you ever wondered what our future is 1ike?Practically all people 1_ a desire to predict their future_2_. Most people see
8、m inclined to 3this task using causal reasoning. First we _4_ recognize that futurecircumstances are _5_ caused or conditioned by present ones. Welearn that getting an education will _6_how much money we earn later and that swimming beyond the reef may bring an unhappy _7_ with ashark. Second, peopl
9、e also learn that such _8_ of cause and effect are probabilistic (可能的)in nature. Thatis, the effects occur more often when the causes occur than when the causes are _9_, butnotalways. Thus, students learn that studying hard _10_ good grades in most instances, but not everytime. Science makes these c
10、oncepts of causality and probability more _11_ and provides techniques fordealing _12_ then more accurately than does causal human inquiry. In looking at ordinary humaninquiry, we need to _13_ between prediction and understanding. Often, even if we dont understandwhy, we are willing to act _14_ the
11、basis of a demonstrated predictive ability. Whatever the primitivedrives _15_ motivate human beings, satisfying them depends heavily on the ability to_16_futurecircumstances. The attempt to predict is often played in a 17 of knowledge and understanding. If youcan understand why certain regular patte
12、rns _18_, you can predict better than if you simply observe thosepatterns. Thus, human inquiry aims _19_ answering both what and why question, and we pursue these_20 by observing and figuring out.1. Aexhibit Bexaggerate Cexamine Dexceed2. Acontexts Bcircumstances Cinspections Dintuitions3. Aunderest
13、imate Bundermine Cundertake Dundergo4. Aspecially Bparticularly Calways Dgenerally5. Asomehow Bsomebody Csomeone Dsomething6. Aenact Baffect Creflect Dinflect7. Ameeting Boccurrence Cencounter Dcontact8. Apatterns Bdesigns CarrangementsDpictures9. Adisappointde Babsent Cinadequate Dabsolute10. Acrea
14、tes Bproduces Closes Dprotects11. Aobscure Bindistinct Cexplicit Dexplosive12. Afor Bat Cin Dwith13. Adistinguish Bdistinct Cdistort Ddistract14. Aat Bon Cto Dunder15. Awhy Bhow Cthat Dwhere16. Apredict Bproduce Cpretend Dprecede17. Acontent Bcontact Ccontest Dcontext18. Ahappen Boccur Coccupy Dincu
15、r19. Aat Bon Cto Dbeyond20. Apurposes Bambitions Cdrives Dgoals三、翻译1、他用所有的积蓄为儿子买了一辆自行车。(savings)2、中央电视台新闻节目为我们学习英语提供了实践机会。(give practice)3、农民们如果要摆脱贫困还有许多事情要做。(get rid of)4、老师已经找到打破怀特太太家玻璃窗的那个学生。(find out)5、报纸的新闻板块是我们获知每日重要新闻的地方。(learn from)参考答案:一、阅读理解:阅读理解(一)答案祥解L B.他们是一个民族/国家吗?整篇文章环境这一点而写,文章一开始就提 出
16、中欧入欧盟的国家会给大陆吉普塞人一个机会,承认他们是一个民族一一国 家,虽然没有界定的领土(作为国家,应有领土)。吉普塞人的领袖人物也指 出其人数超过欧盟中许多现在有的和将来要入盟的国家。他们至少要在欧盟中 有一席之地。第二段提出,吉普塞和犹太人不同,他们没有可回归的祖居地。 他们的语言属印欧语系。英国人认为他们来自埃及及移民。最可能的是七世纪 时一些流浪的手工业工人和艺人从印度向西方流移。第三段涉及一种思想一一 以吉普塞文化为基础的无疆土的吉普塞民族应有个说话的地方一越来越为人接 受。国际吉普塞人联盟声称代表30多个国家的吉普塞人,做了几件事:展开自 我联合,提出语言标准和书面形式,在联合国
17、进行游说活动时挥动吉普塞国旗, 在布鲁塞尔设立办事处,六月在捷克首都布拉格召开会议。第四段集中讲到会 上选出了联盟主席。一群选出吉普塞的政治家一一国会议员,市长,地方政务 委员再次在布拉格开会,会议由欧洲安全合作条约组织召集,来讨论如何动员 更多的吉普塞人参政。第五段涉及联盟雄心勃勃的宣布要建立国会,但如何实际操作还未落实。后面主要是外界对吉普塞的态度。第六段描述欧盟委员会在 吉普塞作为最大的大陆少数民族,历史上遭到残酷的迫害,应赢得特别承认。19世纪他们横遭奴役,希特勒企图把它们和犹太人一起消灭。第八段讲了欧洲 会议中有人提出吉普塞在欧洲机构中应有一席之地,还提议一个常务委员负责 吉普塞事务
18、。还有行动筹建建立一所吉普塞大学。后面两段讲的是困难,第九 段点出。最后一段指出,现在说他们有人有钱可以组成(国家)为时还早,可 是吉普塞是欧盟中日程表上的一个问题,他们日益接近解决。从内部,外部情 况分析都说明吉普塞是一个组成国家的民族。全文都是环绕它是不是,该不该 承认为民族/国家而写,所以B项他们是不是民族是最佳标题。A.吉普塞要想组成一个国家(民族)。这只是文章涉及到的部分内容,中欧国 家想加入欧盟一事可能产生的结果。C.欧盟害怕它们成长。 D.他们是一个部落。2. A.最可能是在7世纪从印度流浪到西方。见第1题第二注释。B.他们分散在世界各地。C.可能他们源于中欧。D.他们可能来自国
19、际吉普塞人联盟。3. D.它们在这些国际组织,如欧盟,联合国中进行活动游说要取得一席之 地。见第1题第一段,三段注释。A.它们游说活动欧盟和联合国接受他们的要求。太抽象。B.它们活动游说在国际机构取得职位。C.他们游说作为民族的权利。4. C.它害怕巴斯克人,科西嘉人和其它要求分裂的民族会提出同样的要求。 见难句译注11。A.它可能会打开潘多拉盒子。此盒子在文章中只是比喻。B.鼓励可能会导致某些意想不到的结果。D.吉普塞的要求会加深欧盟分歧。B,D两项不够明确。5. A.吉普塞人属于不同的,而且常常是对抗的民族的部落,还没有共同的 语言和宗教信仰。B.他们领袖很腐败。C.他们潜在的团结来自被人
20、看作是低于人类(次等人)。 D.他们有点太讲究实效,B,C, D三项不是主要问题。主要问题 是A.项。 阅读理解(二) 答案祥解 1. A. 17世纪英国妇女地位。见上面文章大意。B.妇女服从于家族制。D. 17世纪妇女的反抗,都是A.内容中的一部分,不能作为最佳标题。C. 17世纪英国社会形式,只能作为背景出现。2. C.她没有做什么。英女皇伊丽莎白在位时期间在文化上并没有妇女做过 什么。这在第二段讲得很清楚。“伊丽莎白统治时期(15581603),文化 领域为强有里女皇所控制,她本人确实树立了令人难忘的妇女形象,可是她并 没有为其它妇女能够创作一些东西。”见前面列出之原因和下一道题的A.
21、B.C. 3. D.伊丽莎白女皇的政治活动。这文内没有提及。A.妇女亲情网对家长制进行抗衡。B.安娜女皇的政治活动。C.大多数妇女都受过良好教育。这三项在第二段中都提到。“首先,妇女亲情关 系,如母亲,女儿,他们的亲戚网,好友;安娜女皇单独的宫殿,她那对立的 化装舞会和政治活动都和族长制予以抗衡。”4. B.除了某些文本外,它也要求妇女服从。第一段,见上述内容。第三段 集中论述这一点。“也许,最重要的是基督教固有潜在激进性。它坚持主张每 个基督徒和上帝的直接关系,坚持人首先责任是服从她或他的良知。在圣?保罗 使徒书以及在别的圣经中有许多对家长制,妻子对丈夫的服从支持。可是有些 文本镌刻着一种完
22、全不同的政治观点,鼓吹妇女精神平等:”人没有犹太和希 腊之分,没有束缚或自由之分,没有男女之分,因为在耶酥基督面前,你们都 是一样。“A.它什么也没有做。不对。C.它支持妇女。也不对,只有某些版本支持。 D.它求助于上帝。它借上帝之名压制妇女。第一段:“因此,妇 女首先服从父亲,然后服从丈夫,体现了(象征)英国人民服从他们的君主, 所有基督徒服从上帝。” 二、完型填空 完型填空(一)1 .【答案】D因为大部分人不知道如何正确锻炼,所以,人们在训炼时常会遇 到麻烦。句中you表示泛指。2 .【答案】C 希望“邻近的脂肪消耗掉,在此符合语境;understand, know不 合逻辑,因为,即已”
23、明白“,就不会不符合事实真相;believe表示的是人 的得一种看法,而看法有对有错。3 .【答案】B下一句中再现了 burn这一词。4 .【答案】C truth本意为“真理”,此处引申为“事实”一一指实际锻炼时 脂肪消耗的情形。余者不合文意。5 .【答案】D余者不能概全6 .【答案】A根据常识可知,“不锻炼的肌肉会很快丧失力量。7 .【答案】D根据前一句“要重新获得力量需要48到72个小时可知,每隔一天锻炼一次可保持正常水平的体力。”8 .【答案】A本句意思是“为了一一体重,人们应该通过锻炼来出汗”。空格 处显然应该是“减少”。而不是“增加”或“保持”,更不可能是“燃烧”。9 .【答案】B表
24、示对该节首句看法的否定。首句看法的错误性可从下文推知。10 .【答案】B根据to prevent over heating可知,sweating的作用是降低 体温。11 .【答案】C loss是名词,故前面不能填连接副词how和why; more than “不只是,不合文意。本题应选nothing but,全句的意思为“这(即sweating)只是人体内水分的消耗”。12 .【答案】B意思是“一旦”,引起时间状语从句,余者不合文意。13 .【答案】A由To lose weight you should可推知,余者不在本节论及范 围之内。14 .【答案】C throughout the bod
25、y遍及全身。余者不合文意。15 .【答案】A have effect on 对产生影响“,合乎文意,合乎搭配。16 .【答案】C本节主要讲的是锻炼形式之散步。另从最后一节中也能得至U暗示。17 .【答案】B根据常识和语境可知,“每天”(而不是某一天)至少得散步20分 钟。另everyday是形容词,不能作状语。18 .【答案】A与上一句中minimum amount形成对比,if引导条件句。19 .【答案】C本节是上一节内容的继续,论述的仍是“锻炼。walking不能概括全面,应舍去。20 .【答案】C指出原因(运动)过量。enough, much表意不清,much too后应接其它词。完型填
26、空(二)1. A词义辨析exhibit展出,表现,exaggerate夸张,exceed”超越,胜过 原句意为:实际上,人 们会对未来的生活怀有(展示出)一定的愿望。2. B 词义辨析 context上下文,circumstance环境,inspection”检查,视 察,intuition 直觉3. C 词义辨析 underestimate低估,undermine破坏,undertake承担,担 任,undergo”经历,遭受。undertake a task为常见搭配,意为开始进行 一项任务4. D词义辨析选项C、D看似均可,但always显得有些武断。5. A篇章逻辑somehow不知何
27、故,以某种方式6.B词义辨析enact制定法律,颁布,inflect弯曲7. C词义辨析encounter指没有事先计划的、未料到的、短暂的相遇8. A词义辨析pattern模式,式样;design设计,图案;第一段中提到过人们 习惯用因果关系去推断,这是一种思考模式。9. B词义辨析absent缺少的,不在的;inadequate不充分的;根据文中意思应 选一个与occur意思相反的词。10. B词义辨析create创造produce产生,得到。原句意为学生知道努力学 习在大多数情况下会得到高的分数。11. C词义辨析obscure朦胧的,模糊的;indistinct不清楚的;explici
28、t外在的,清楚地;explosive爆炸 的;原句意为:科学使因果性和可能性的观念变 的更加清楚12. D 短语搭配 deal in 经营 eg:He deals in a small shop, deal with 处 理,安排13. A词义辨析distinguish区别,辨别;distinct清楚地,明显的;distort 扭曲,歪曲;distract转移。distinguish between为常用搭配,意为区别.和.14. B短语搭配on the basis of以.为基础15. C语法结构drive在此为名词,意为“动力”,空格后部分是对drive进行修饰,故选关系代词that引导定
29、语从句。16. A词义辨析predict预言;pretend假装;precede在.之前17. D词义辨析content内容;contact接触;contest争论,竞赛;context上下in the context of意为在.情况下18. B词义辨析occur发生,出现;occupy占用,占领;incur招致19. A短语搭配aim at瞄准,针对20. D词义辨析purpose目的,以图;ambition野心;drive推动力;goal目的, 目标。三、翻译1、 He used all his savings to buy his son a bike.2、 CCTV News giv
30、es us practice in learning English.3、 There is still much to be done before the peasants can get rid of poverty.of the language; it waves a Gypsy flag (green with a wheel) when it lobbies in such places as the United Bations; and in July it held a congress in Prague, The Czech capital. Where Preside
31、nt Vaclav Havel said that Gypsies in his own country and elsewhere should have a better deal.At the congress a Slovak-born lawyer, Emil Scuka, was elected president of the International Tomany Union. Later this month a group of elected Gypsy politicians, including members of parliament, mayors and l
32、ocal councilors from all over Europe (OSCE), to discuss how to persuade more Gypsies to get involved in politics.The International Romany Union is probably the most representative of the outfits that speak for Gypsies, but that is not saying a lot. Of the several hundred delegates who gathered at it
33、s congress, few were democratically elected; oddly, none came from Hungary, whose Gypsies are perhaps the world s best organized, with some 450 Gypsy bodies advising local councils there. The union did, however, announce its ambition to set up a parliament, but how it would actually be elected was l
34、eft undecided.So far, the European Commission is wary of encouraging Gypsies to present themselves as a nation. The might, it is feared, open a Pandora, s box already containing Basques, Corsicans and other awkward peoples. Besides, acknowledging Gypsies as a nation might backfire, just when several
35、 countries, particularly Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, are4、The teacher has found out the student who broke the window of Mrs. White s house.5、The section on news of the newspaper is where we learn important news of the day from.beginning to treat them better, in order to qualify for EU
36、membership.“The EU s whole premise is to overcome differences, not to highlight them, “ says a nervous Eurocrat.But the idea that the Gypsies should win some kind of special recognition as Europe s largest continent wide minority, and one with a terrible history of persecution, is catching on . Gyps
37、ies have suffered many pogroms over the centuries. In Romania, the country that still has the largest number of them (more than Im), in the 19th century they were actually enslaved. Hitler tried to wipe them out, along with the Jews.“Gypsies deserve some space within European structures, “ says Jan
38、Marinus Wiersma, a Dutchman in the European Parliament who suggests that one of the current commissioners should be responsible for Gypsy affairs. Some prominent Gypsies say they should be more directly represented, perhaps with a quota in the European Parliament. That, they argue, might give them a
39、 boost. There are moves afoot to help them to get money for, among other things, a Gypsy university.One big snag is that Europe s Gypsies are, in fact, extremely heterogeneous. They belong to many different, and often antagonistic, clans and tribes, with no common language or religion, Their self-pr
40、oclaimed leaders have often proved quarrelsome and corrupt. Still, says, Dimitrina Petrova, head of the European Roma Rights Center in Budapest, Gypsies shared experience of suffering entitles them to talkof one nation; their potential unity, she says, stems from “being regarded as sub-human by most
41、 majorities in Europe. ”And they have begun to be a bit more pragmatic. In Slovakia and Bulgaria, for instance, Gypsy political parties are trying to form electoral blocks that could win seats in parliament. In Macedonia, a Gypsy party already has some一and even runs a municipality. Nicholas Gheorge,
42、 an expert on Gypsy affairs at the OSCE, reckons that, spread over Central Europe, there are now about 20 Gypsy MPS and mayors, 400-odd local councilors, and a growing number of businessmen and intellectuals.That is far from saying that they have the people or the cash to forge a nation. But, with t
43、he Gypsy question on the EU s agenda in Central Europe, they are making ground.1. The Best Title of this passage isA. Gypsies Want to Form a Nation.B. Are They a Nation.C. EU Is Afraid of Their Growth.C. They Are a Tribe2. Where are the most probable Gypsy territory origins?”A . Most probably they d
44、rifted west from India in the 7th century.B . They are scattered everywhere in the world.C . Probably, they stemmed from Central Europe.D . They probably came from the International Romany Union.3. What does the International Romany lobby for?A . It lobbies for a demand to be accepted by such intern
45、ationalorganizations as EU and UN.B . It lobbies for a post in any international Romany Union.C . It lobbies for the right as a nation._D. It lobbies for a place in such international organizations as the EU or UN.4. Why is the Europe Commission wary of encouraging Gypsies to present themselves as a
46、 nation?”A. It may open a Pandora s Box._B. Encouragement may lead to some unexpected results.C . It fears that the Basgnes, Corsicans and other nations seeking separation may raise the same demand.D . Gyspsies, demand may highlight the difference in the EU.5. The big problem lies in the fact that”A
47、 . Gypsies belong to different and antagonistic clans and tribes without a common language or religion.B . Their leaders prove corrupt.C . Their potential unity stems from “being regarded as sub-human”.D . They are a bit more pragmatic.阅读理解(二)Social circumstances in Early Modern England mostly served to repress women s voices. Patriarchal culture and institutions constructed them as chaste, silent, obedient, and subordinate. At the beginning of the17th century, the ideology of patriarchy, political absolutism, and gender hiera