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1、常年法律顾问合同RETAINING LEGAL CONSULTANT CONTRACT本合同订立之双方为:甲方: 一家在中国上海市登记注册的内资企业,具有独立法人资格,依法独立享有民事权利与承担民事义务。地址:联系电话: 邮编:总裁: 乙方:x律师事务所 一家在中国上海市浦东新区司法局登记注册的专业律师事务所,具有独立法人资格,依法独立享有民事权利与承担民事义务的机构。地址:x联系电话:x 邮编:x法定代表人:x 主任合伙人、高级律师 甲方在此聘请乙方担任甲方的常年法律顾问,双方经协商并就此达成如下合同条款,以资共同信守:一、 提供服务的律师Section 1. The lawyer who
2、provide legal service乙方接受甲方的聘请,担任甲方的常年法律顾问。代表乙方的主要联系人为x律师,甲方的日常法律事务主要由该律师负责处理。同时乙方承诺,为甲方提供法律服务的律师并不限于上述律师,乙方将根据甲方提出的服务要求可指派具有相应专长的律师及时为甲方提供法律顾问服务。Party B accepts such entrustment and will assign lawyer x and lawyers to provide daily legal service chiefly. Party B also promises: 1) The member of lawy
3、ers who are assigned to provide legal service for Party A are not limited to the aforesaid two lawyers.2) According to Party As requirement, Party B will assign the specialized lawyer to give special law service for Party A without delay. 二、 服务范围:乙方可向甲方提供的常年法律顾问服务包括:Section 2. Service scope1. 以书面或口头
4、的方式向甲方提供法律咨询;Providing legal consultation for Party A orally or in written form;2. 代为审核甲方业务中涉及的各类合同、协议、报告或其他法律文件;Examining Party As contracts, agreements, reports as well as other legal documents;3. 应甲方要求参加甲方相关的会议;Attending relevant conference according to Party As requirement;4. 受甲方的委托并根据相关的法律规定,代为
5、调查、查阅、复制政府部门、机关的有关档案资料;Taking investigation and copying documents from relevant government agencies;5. 受甲方的委托,代表甲方发布声明、公告、律师函或向新闻媒体披露信息;Issuing statement, announcement, lawyer letter or disclose information to the media according to Party As special authorization;6. 应甲方的要求代表甲方与争议对方进行简单的交涉、协商、谈判、和解、调
6、解;According Party As requirement, Negotiating, intermediating with the opposing party on behalf of Pary A ;7. 为甲方每年安排一至二次法律讲座或基本法律知识培训。Providing one or two legal presentation per year. 这些法律服务可以通过电邮、传真或电话会议的方式进行Such service can be rendered by e-mail, fax or conference-call.三、 顾问费用Section3. The Legal
7、Charges for the Legal Service1. 双方商定,就上述第二条中乙方所提供的常年法律顾问服务,甲方应每年度向乙方支付固定法律顾问费用人民币叁拾万元整。Both parties agree hereto that Party A should settle the payment of RMB300,000 regularly for Party B per year as the fee for the long-term consultant. 2. 乙方应开具相应的法律顾问费发票予甲方。The aforesaid legal fee (RMB300,000.00 )
8、 should be paid rafter signing this contract, correspondingly Party B should draw an equivalent invoice to Party A.四、 乙方提供的其他法律服务Section 4. Other legal service provided by Party B1. 除本合同第二条中所述的乙方可提供的常年法律顾问服务之外,乙方可代理甲方参加各类法律诉讼及仲裁或为甲方办理法律见证或出具专项法律意见书或参加重大项目的文件起草及谈判工作。乙方对于甲方委托的上述事务应优先办理,双方应另行签订单项委托合同。I
9、n addition to the legal service detailed in section 2 hereinbefore, Party B can provide other kinds of legal service for Party A, which includes:1) Taking part in all kinds of litigation and arbitration for Party A as an agent;2) Giving legal witness or providing special legal opinion;3) Attending n
10、egotiation or helping to draft legal documents for special project. Party B hereby acknowledge that Party A has the preference to the above service, and both parties should sign another retaining contract for each special item.2具体案件的律师费用由双方参照以上标准另行协商确定,但乙方就办理单个案件收取的律师费不低于人民币5,000元。Referring to the a
11、bove standard, the lawyer fee for each case can be confirmed by negotiation, but the fee for any case should not be below RMB 5,000.3.涉及英文及涉外服务的,服务费另行协商收取。It shall be charged separately through negotiation for English service.五、 执业服务和商业秘密:Section 5. Practice Service and Confidential1. 乙方承诺将以律师职业道德和执
12、业精神来确保所开展的每项法律服务涉及的商业秘密、商业计划、方案等不对外泄露,内部仅限制在具体经办律师和助理等合理范围内;Party B hereby promises:To ensure not to give away the relative trade secrets, trade plans/schemes of each law service .The disclosure of the information is strictly within the range of the lawyers and assistants who take part in the law se
13、rvice by their profession moral and practicing spirit;2. 乙方承诺对法律事务中来往传递的合同、协议、资料、文件、备忘录、信件等妥善存档、处理或作适当销毁;To file, deal with, and destroy the contracts, agreements, data, documents, letter in tend, letters and so on during the law affairs by a done way.3. 乙方承诺在未经当事人同意下,对任何媒体、新闻机构、政府部门商谈中不得泄露商业活动中的有关信
14、息和事项;Not to give away relative information and proceedings to any media, news institution or government department unless Party B consents.六、 政府收费及差旅费:Section 6. Government charge and the fee for out of town service1. 乙方在常年法律顾问所包括的服务范围内,在上海地区办理的法律事务不收取差旅费或交通费,但涉及办理事项的成本费用,例如政府部门收取的查阅档案的费用等,应由甲方承担。Pa
15、rty B should not charge Party A extra traffic expense for the legal service within Shanghai region except for the cost, such as the fee charged by government for documents investigation.2. 乙方在提供本合同第二条及第四条所述的法律服务过程中,如涉及需出差至上海以外地区,则甲方应负担乙方律师的实际差旅费用,具体标准应按甲方部门经理(或以上)级别提供。If Party B have to go on errand
16、s for Party As legal service, Party A should provide the total cost for the lawyers, whose standard may refer to Party As department managers standard (or above).七、 其他:Section 9. Miscellaneous1. 本合同的有效期限为 壹 年,经双方签署后自 2015 年 月 日起正式生效。The duration of this agreement is One year, which will be valid fro
17、m after signing.2. 本合同正本(中英文)一式贰份,甲、乙双方各执壹份,具有同等法律效力。如因中英文版本而产生出入的,以中文版本为准。There are two originals (Chinese and English) for this contract, and each party should keep one original. If there is any discrepancy between Chinese version & English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.(此页以下无正文)甲方:Party A:授权代表:Legal representative/Person authorized:签章:Seal:乙方:x律师事务所Party B: Shanghai x Law Office法定代表人:xLegal representative:签章:Seal: 2015年 月 日5