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1、2015年百合外国语学校小升初考试文科综合真题及答案时间60分钟总分80分(语文部分)一、博学强识,基础知识及运用考查。(每小题3分,共24分)1、下列词语中加点字的注音完全正确的一项是()A.破绽(zhn)炽热(zh)含情脉脉(m)B.憎恶(zng)栖息(q)引吭高歌(hng)C.瓦砾(L)教诲(hu)呕心沥血(u)D.禀告(bng)埋怨(mi)玲珑剔透(t)答案:B解析:正确的拼音如下:A炽chB诲huD埋mn2、下列词语书写完全正确的一项是()A.躁热余辉迫不及待 B.报负遗憾谈笑风生C.融洽轻盈别出心裁 D.陡峭欺凌不容争辨答案:C解析:正确的书写如下:A燥热,余晖;B抱负或报复,两个
2、词不同含义,没有“报负”一说;D不容争辩3、下列加点词语运用有误的一项是()A.我想我一定是世界上最狠心的母亲,在孩子生病的时候,不但不帮助他,还给他雪上加霜。B.日升日落,花开花谢,这些司空见惯的自然现象中其实蕴含着大自然的真谛。C.在茜茜的教育问题上,虎妈总是振振有词,猫爸永远体谅有加。D.上周四晚上,深圳电闪雷鸣,暴雨如注,我被震耳欲聋的雷声惊醒了。答案:B4、请找出下列句子表达没有语病的一项( ) A. 那幅图片再现了身穿节日盛装的姑娘们围绕在熊熊篝火旁载歌载舞。 B. 那跳跃着鸣禽的绿林,以及时隐时现的山岚雾霭,立刻把游客吸引了过去。 C. 六月的南澳是旅游的好季节,山上林木苍翠,海
3、面白鸥飞翔。 D. 蓝天下,沙沙的浪声和波光粼粼的海面构成了一幅完美的图画。答案:B 5、下列修辞运用判断正确的一项是( ) A. 日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。(比喻、对偶) B. 老李考驾照屡战屡败,屡败屡战,最终还是成功了,真是“功夫不负有心人”啊!(排比,引用) C. 油蛉在这里低唱,蟋蟀在这里弹琴。(拟人、对比) D. 一旦冰消雪化,新叶便急不可耐地从干枝秃条上冒出来,怯怯地朝四处窥探一眼,然后,轻轻抖动小小的身子,亲热地互相招呼着,迎阳光、沐春雨,尽情舒展开来。(拟人、夸张) 答案:A 6、下面语句排列正确的一项是( ) 没风的时候,显得很丰满,娇嫩而端庄的模样。 枝根的,绿得深
4、;枝梢的,绿得浅。 一早一晚的斜风里,叶子就活动起来,像无数的彩蝴蝶落在那里,翩翩起舞; 窗外,有一棵法桐,样子并不大的,春天的日子里,它长满了叶子。 又像一位少妇,风姿绰约的,作一个妩媚的笑。 A. B. C. D. B. 答案:DC.7、下列判断有误的一项是( ) A. “河东狮孔”“日暮途穷”“道听途说”“夜郎自大”感情色彩相同。 B. “酿酒”“要挟”“酷爱”“心思”都是动词。 C. 我问那个卖牡蛎的:“应该付您多少钱,先生?”这个句子的标点符号运用是正确的。 D. 治学严谨的怀特森先生似乎根本不理会我们糟糕的心情。这个句子的主干:怀特森先生不理会心情。 答案:B8、下列说法有误的一项
5、是( ) A. 在笛福的笔下,鲁滨孙勇敢、乐观、不惧困难。在孤岛上,他积极地与大自然做不屈的斗争,用火枪和圣经征服了“星期五”,使其心甘情愿做了他的忠实奴仆。B. 我国第一部诗歌总集是诗经,而离骚是我国浪漫主义诗歌的源头。 C. 高尔基的童年用第一人称的口吻,叙述了主人公在父亲去世后寄住在外祖父家中的生活历程。 D. 书圣指颜真,画圣指吴道子,茶圣指陆羽。 答案:D二、文苑墨香:传统文化考查(每空格1分,共14分) (1)众鸟高飞尽,孤云独去闲。(李白独坐敬亭山) (2)孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。(李白黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵 ) (3)海上生明月,天涯共此时。(张九龄望月怀远) (4)横看
6、成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同。(苏轼题西林壁) (5)水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇(苏轼饮湖上初晴后雨) (6)青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。(张志和渔歌子) (7)如有儿童挑促织,夜深篱落一灯明。(叶绍翁夜书所见)(8)横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。(鲁迅自嘲 ) (9)春回大地,万象更新。贺知章远望柳枝万千条,碧叶凝翠,感叹春风的造化神奇:“不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。”(贺知章咏柳) 春雨过后,范成大目睹荒野青翠,更为墙边新冒出的邻家的竹笋惊喜不已:“舍后荒畦犹绿秀,邻家鞭笋过墙来。”(范成大四时田园杂兴春日 (10)“鬼狐有性格,笑骂成文章”是老舍对聊斋志异这部文学作品的评价,
7、它的作者是蒲松龄。三、探幽知微:现代文阅读能力考查(12分) 一个白雾蒙蒙的下午,母子面对面坐着,安安跨坐在妈妈腿上,手指绕着妈妈的长发。 妈妈在跟安安讲女娲补天的故事,妈妈很认真地讲着,讲着 “女蜗看到别人受苦,心里很疼,相救他们,所以去补天。可是安安,你记得人是谁做的吗?” 安安似乎有点心不在焉,妈妈就问:“安安,你怎么了?你在不在听?你不听我就不讲了啊!” 安安不回答,只是看着母亲的眼睛。 “女娲捏出了一个泥娃娃,然后,她对准了泥娃娃的鼻眼,这么轻轻地、长长地、温柔地,吹一口气,那泥娃娃,不得了,就动起来了。跳进女娲怀里,张开手臂紧紧抱着她的脖子,大叫妈妈!妈妈!女娲看见那泥娃娃长得就和
8、湖中自己的影子一模一样。”“安安,你到底在看什么?” 小男孩圆睁着眼,一眨也不眨,伸手就来摸妈妈的眼珠,妈妈闪开了。“你在干什么,宝宝?” 宝宝情急地喊出来,“妈妈,不要动”一边用两只手指撑开母亲的眼帘。“你在看什么?” “我在看”安安专注地、深深地,凝视着母亲的眼睛,一个字一个字地宣布:“妈妈,你的眼睛,眼珠,你的眼睛里有我,有安安,真的”说着说着激动起来,“真的,妈妈,两个眼睛里都有” 11、联系上下文,理解下面加点词语的含义,说说它们好在哪里?(2分) 安安专注地、深深地,凝视着母亲的眼睛,一个字一个字地宣布 答案:“一个字一个字地”表现了安安对他的发现非常郑重的态度。 12、“妈妈,你
9、的眼睛,眼珠,你的眼睛里有我,有安安,真的”结合全文,谈谈你对这句话的理解。(3分) 答案:这句话的意思是说妈妈的眼睛里有孩子,孩子的眼睛里也有妈妈,表现了妈妈和孩子之间亲密无间的感情,孩子的幸福感溢于言表13、 “一个白雾蒙蒙的下午,母子面对面坐着,安安跨坐在妈妈腿上,手指绕着妈妈的长发。”第一段刻画了一个怎样的小男孩形象?这样的开头为故事营造了什么样的氛围?(3分) 答案:第一段刻画了一个天真浪漫、活泼可爱的小男孩形象,为故事营造了温馨、轻松的氛围。 14、童真的话语,道出母子之间的温情。生活中,妈妈给你端来一杯开水,送来的一个苹果,无不承载着妈妈满满的心意,请你联系生活中妈妈曾经让你感动
10、的某一个细节,谈谈你对母爱的感悟。(4分) 答案:(开放题)用具体的事例,围绕“感恩母亲”主题表达通顺、有条理即可。 四、文采飞扬:写作能力考查(30分) 15、回首童年,成长的路上留下一串串或深或浅的脚印,每一个脚印都是一个动人的故事,记录着我们的喜怒哀乐。请以“脚印”为题目,写一篇文章。 要求:文中不得出现真实的人名、校名,如果不可避免,请用xx代替。 字数不得少于300。(英语部分)时间50分钟 总分100分Listening part听力部分(20分)I. Listen and choose the best Chinese,Each will be read only once.听短
11、语,选出与你所听到内容相符的汉语,每个汉语仅读一遍。(5分)1. Lucky Dog A.幸运的狗 B. 幸运儿 C. 不幸的狗 答案:B 2. Big Apple A. 大苹果 B. 苹果公司 C. 纽约 答案:C 3. That is a lily. A .莉莉 B. 百合花 C. 一幅画 答案:B 4. Talk Big A. 吹牛 B. 说谎 C. 骂人 答案:A 5. White Elephant A. 一头白象 B. 白色陷阱 C. 一件无用的东西 答案:C II. Listen and choose the best response,Each sentence will be
12、read only once. 听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子仅读一遍。(5分) 6. A.Yes,Ido. B.No,Idont. C.Yes,itseight oclock now.7. A.Ijust got a new bike. B.Its broken,MayI use yours? C.It looks nice. 8. A.ItsJune 1st. B.Its Sunday. C.Its cloudy. 9. A.Ilike him very much. B.He is tall and hansome. C.I think he is kind,Illgive it to y
13、ou later. 10. A.Thatstall and handsome. B.It doesnt matter.You can get it ifyou want. C.Sorry,Iguess not.But you can get a copy in the library. III. Listen to the passage,and answer the questions. The passage willbe read twice. 听短文,回答问题,短文读两遍(5分) 11、A.Sheis 23 year old. B.She is 21 year old. C.She i
14、s 22 year old. 12、A.Shewas an actress in THE Left ear(左耳). B.She was a college student. C.She was a model. 13、A.Onceactor of the THE Left ear(左耳). B.The director of the THE Left ear. C.The father of Chen Duling. IV. Listen to the news and fill in theblanks.The news will be read twice. 听新闻,在横线上填写相关信息
15、,每空一词,新闻读两遍。(5分) Ten new songs composed for Beijings2022 Olympic Winter Games(北京冬奥)biddingcampaign were_(14)_in the Beijing on _(15)_Jiang Xiaoyu,deputyhead of the association,saidthat music is one of the important means to_(16)_Olympic spirit,Jiang said,adding that the music isan asset to _(17)_ Ol
16、ympic spirit.A total of 24_(18)_created 10songs and 70 percent of them were born after 1980s. 答案:14.released 15.Wednesday 16.spread 17.inspire 18.musicians Written Part笔试部分(80分)I.Multiple Choices单项选择。(15分) 19、Werelooking forward to_you soon. A. hear B. hear from C. hear of D. hearing from 答案:D 20、To
17、dayis _. A. the first of June B. June one C. the first June D.one June答案:A 21、Heis better than me_swimming. A. in B. for C. on D. at 答案:D 22、-_isyour favorite holiday? -TheSpring Festival. A.When B. What C. Whose D. Where 答案:B 23、Dontforget to turn off the lights before you leave,_? A. will you B. s
18、hall we C. wont you D. do you 答案:A 24、Onemorning he found _ schoolbag,Therewas_“s” on the comer of _schoolbag. A. a,an,the B. a,a,the C. an,an,an D.th,a,a 答案:A 25、Thereare _students on the playground. A. five hundreds and thirty-four B. five hundred and thirty four C. five hundred and thirty-fours D
19、. five hundred thirty-four 答案:B26、Theboy is only one year old.He can _ read _write, A. both,and B. either,or C. neither,nor D. not,but答案:C 27、Hewill stay here for_. A. some time B.s ome times C.sometimes D. sometime 答案:A 28、Wedecided not to go on a picnic because it was raining _. A. badly B. hardly
20、 C. strongly D. heavily 答案:D 29、Thisequipment has _ cover. A. a steel strong red B. a strong red steel C. a red steel strong D. a steel red strong 答案:B30、Didthe thieves _ into the car? No,they _. A.fell,didnt B. fall,did C. jump,didnt D. jump,did 答案:C 31、Iveknown him_ we were children. A. when B. si
21、nce C. for D. while 答案:B32、I_ her _ in the classroom yesterday when I passed by. A. see,singing B. saw,sing C. saw,singing D. saw,tosing 答案:C 33、Which sentence is CORRECT? A. Although he was late,but he didnt say sorry to us. B. He is too old to drive a car. C. There has many high building inShenzhe
22、n. D. Can you tell me what is your name,please? 答案:B .ClozeText. 完型填空。(12分) (A) Its a sunny spring day. Timo is walking in the park. Suddenly,he hears someone _(34)_: “Help!Help!” Timo runs _(35)_ the voice and findsa lady in a white wool sweater sitting on the ground. “What happened _(36)_ you?” Ti
23、mo asked. “Someoneattacked me and _(37)_ my diamond necklace.” the lady said,“I _(38)_ him from behind and tried to take my necklaceback. But he still ran away.” “Did you see his face?” Timo asked. “No. He _(39)_a mask,” the lady said. “Theonly thing I am sure _(40)_ is that he wore a black wool swe
24、ater.”Timo calls the police right away and they_(41)_ the park. After a while,the police find three men in black wool sweaters. Timo looks carefully _(42)_each man. Then he points _(43)_ one of them: “Look at your sweater. You arethe robber.” How did Timo know?34、 A. said B. saying C. screamed D. sh
25、outing 35、 A. together B. after C. with D. before 36、 A. to B. on C. about D. for 37、 A. robed B. steel C. robbed D. got 38、 A. catched B. catch C. ran D. caught 39、 A. wears B. wore C. put on D. putting on 40、 A. with B. of C. for D. on 41、 A. enter B. closed C. surround D. close 42、 A. for B. on C
26、. at D. about 43、 A. at B. to C. towards D. over 答案:34-38 DBACD 39-43 BBCCB(B)Choosethe right answer from A,B,Cand D (请根据货币符号选择相应的币种)(2分) 44、_. A.dollar B.pound C.yen D.HongKong dollar答案:B 45、$_. A.dollar B.pound C.yen D.Hong Kong dollar 答案:A III. How much doyou know about literary works from China
27、and abroad?中外名著知多少?(请进行选择!) 46、红楼梦Dream in the Red_ A.House B.apartment C.Building D.Mansion 答案:D 47、飘_withthe wind. A.Gone B.Left C.Floated D.Flown 答案:A 48、傲慢与偏见_andprejudice A.Proud B.Pride C.Arrogance D.Ignorance 答案:B 49、傲三国演义Thestory of Three_ A.Countries B.Nations C.Kingdoms D.States 答案:C . 补全名
28、人名言 (3分) 50.、存在还是毁灭,那是一个问题。(选自莎士比亚戏剧)To be or not to be,thatsa question . 51、没有比人更高的山,没有比脚更长的路。(选自汪国真诗歌) Thereis no mountain higher that man. And no road longer than feet. 52、小时候,乡愁是一枚小小的邮票。我在这头,母亲在那头。(选自余光中诗歌) WhenI was a little kid,homesicknesswas a small stamp. I was here,my mother was over there
29、. .Fill in the blanks (24分) (A) Fill in theblanks with the correct forms of the given words. 请用所给词语的正确形式填空。(10分) 53、Ineed _(take) two buses to get to school 54、Pandaslive in the forests in _(center) China. 55、Weshould make a _(decide) now. 56、Jane_(wait) for me when I arrived. 57、Thebooks sell _(goo
30、d). 58、Thereis some coffee_ (leave). 59、Oneof the _(run) is from Class 2. 60、Lindaplays the piano _(wonderful). 61、Its_(danger) to stand next to a tiger. 62、Theplaces where endangered animals live are now _(appear). 答案:53.to take 54.central 55.Decision 56. was waiting 57. well 58.left59.runners 60.w
31、onderfully 61.dangerous 62.disappearing (B)How much do youknow about idioms?习语知多少?(5分) 63、Whateveris worth doing is worth doing _(值得做的事情,值得把它做好) 答案:well 64、Neverput _what you can do today until tomorrow.(今日事,今日毕) 答案:off 65、Youcan fool some of the people all of the time.(你可以一直愚弄部分人,有些时候愚弄所有人,但是你无法一直愚弄所有人) 答案:You can always foolsome of the people, sometimes fool all of them, but you cant fool all the people all the time. 66、Wherethere is a _,there is a way.(有志者事竟成)答案:will 67、Nevertrouble trouble until trouble _you.(别自找麻烦,除非麻烦找到你) 答案:troubles VI阅读:共5篇(1) 各国微笑含义(2) 家庭人口统计