《保密协议范本(中英文).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《保密协议范本(中英文).docx(8页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、保密协议NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT工程名称(Project):合同编号(Contract No.):签订地点(Place of signing):签订时间(Date of signing):甲方(Party A): 乙方(Party B):鉴于甲、乙双方在 工程“工程”中相互披露保密信息,为了促进双方间的洽谈以及工程有关合同的签订与履行,明确协议双方的保密责任, 甲、乙双方经公平、友好协商,签订本协议,以共同信守。Whereas, Party A and Party B may mutually disclose the confidential information
2、and materials for theproject (the “Project”);Whereas, to facilitate the discussion, execution and implementation of the Projectrelated contracts by both parties and to clarify the confidential obligations thereof, Party A and Party B wish to sign this Agreement after equal and friendly negotiation.N
3、OW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows:名词释义 (Definition)1.1 披露方:指基于此协议披露保密信息的一方。The Disclosing Party shall mean the party who disclose confidential information under this agreement.1.2 接收方:指基于此协议猎取保密信息的一方。1 / 8The Receiving Party shall mean the p
4、arty who receives confidential information under this agreement.1.3 本协议中甲方或乙方基于本协议既可能是披露方,也可能是接收方。Both parties under this agreement could be either the Disclosing Party or the Receiving Party.1.4 保密信息:指不为公众所知的、披露方向接收方披露的全部信息、数据或技术,包括但不限于披露方的与争论、开发、生产、产品、效劳、客户、市场有关的软件、程序、制造、工艺、设计、图纸、专有技术、工程、流程、方式、硬件配
5、置信息、客户名单、合同、价格、本钱、争论报告、推测和估量、报表、商业打算、商业隐秘、商业模式、公司决议等任何或全部的商业信息、财务信息、技术资料、生产资料以及会议资料和文件;保密信息既包括书面认定为保密或专有的,也包括口头或视觉上亦或是以某些其他无形的形式赐予的、后经书面确认为保密或专有的信息,但前提是后者的状况下,仅当披露方在披露信息后 10 个工作日内以书面形式向接收方作出总结追认,则该被披露信息应视为保密信息。1.5 保密期限:经协议双方协商,商定接收方在该期限内不得向第三方透露其所猎取的对方保密信息,且不得将猎取的保密信息用于协议双方商定目的以外的任何用途。Period of the
6、Confidentiality: Both parties agree upon negotiation that the Receiving Party shall not divulge or disclose any Confidential Information having obtained from the Disclosing Party to any third party during the Period of the Confidentiality as defined in Section 2 below, nor shall it use the same for
7、any purpose other than the Permitted Purpose.1.6 学问产权:指任何专利、商标、有用型、图纸、计算机模型、有用模型、设计权、著作权包括但不限于对计算机软件的著作权、数据库权、制造、商业隐秘及其他保密信息、技术信息、技术隐秘、商号、商誉及全部其他学问产权和在世界任何地方类似或相应性质的权利,无论登记与否或能否登记,同时包括全部申请及为前述权利办理申请的权利。保密期限 (Period of Confidentiality)协议双方商定本协议保密信息的保密期限为:年月日起至年 月日止共计年,涉及学问产权的,其保密期限应截止到其法定有效期届满之日。The
8、Period of Confidentiality as agreed by the Parties hereunder is from tototaling up tocalendar years. As far as the Intellectual Property Rights are concerned, the Period of Confidentiality shall be subject to expiration of its respective validity in accordance with applicable laws.3. 保密信息的范围(Scope o
9、f the Confidential Information)3.1 本协议中保密信息涉及到的范围是:协议双方在洽谈、签订、履行工程有关合同过程中相互披露的保密信息及与合作工程相关的其他保密信息。The scope of the Confidential Information hereunder involves that disclosed by both parties to each other during the course of negotiation, execution and performance of the Project related contracts, as
10、 well as other confidential information in relation to the Project in cooperation.3.2 以下状况不属于保密信息的范围:The following is excluded from the scope of Confidential Information:3.2.1 披露之前已被公众所周知的信息;any information that has been known to the public before disclosure;3.2.2 经过披露方书面授权对外公布的信息;any information au
11、thorized by the disclosing party for disclosure;3.2.3 在没有接触保密信息的状况下,猎取方独立开发取得的信息;any information acquired by the receiving party independently without access to the confidential information;3.2.4 披露方向其他人供给但未限制其保密的信息;any information that is furnished to others by the Disclosing Party without restrict
12、ions on disclosure;3.2.5 接收方通过披露方以外渠道合法猎取且无保密限制的信息;3.2.6 应法律授权的任何行政机关、政府机构或法院签发的传票、质询或命令而必需披露的信息,但前提是在任何可能的时候接收方都应提前通知披露方且披露方可实行措施以将该保密信息披露程度降到最小。any information that must be disclosed in response to a subpoena, interrogatory or order issued by any legally empowered administrative agency, government
13、 body or court, provided however that whenever possible an advance notice will be given by Receiving Party to the Disclosing Party and that the Disclosing Party takes such steps as to minimise the disclosure of such Confidential Information.4. 协议双方的义务 (Obligations of the Parties)4.1 在保密期限内,接收方应对披露方披
14、露的及协议双方以任何形式所接触到的对方保密信息负有保密责任,协议双方的全部员工或参谋不管是否直接参与工程,均负有同等保密义务。Within the Period of Confidentiality, the Receiving Party shall be obliged to keep in confidence the Confidential Information disclosed by the Disclosing Party or accessed by both parties in all means. All employees or consultants of bot
15、h parties, whether or not participating in the project directly, shall be subject to equal confidentiality obligations hereunder.4.2 协议双方应将保密信息的传播范围限制在本协议商定目的以内需要知晓的人员,且不得将猎取的保密信息用于本协议商定目的以外的任何用途。Both parties shall restrict the disclosing scope of the confidential information to persons that need to
16、 know it for the purpose of this agreement, and any confidential information received shall not be used for purposes other than as provided in this agreement.4.3 接收方承诺未经披露方的书面授权,不得将保密信息以任何形式披露给第三方。Without a written authorization from the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall not disclose any c
17、onfidential information in any means to any third party.4.4 在协议双方完成合作事项之日起 7 日内,接收方应归还披露方全部保密信息资料;同时接收方向披露方提交一份由接收方授权代表签字并加盖接收方企业公章的、说明披露方所披露给接收方的全部保密信息资料已经全部归还或销毁的书面证明文件。5. 复制与归还 (Reproduction and Return)5.1 披露方披露给接收方的保密信息不得复制。Any confidential information disclosed by the Disclosing Party to the Re
18、ceiving Party shall not be reproduced.5.2 特别状况下,经披露方书面同意,接收方可以对披露方所披露的保密信息资料进展少量的复制。In particular situations, the Receiving Party may reproduce a few copies of confidential information and materials with written agreement of the Disclosing Party.5.3 如披露方提出要求,接收方应依据要求将复制的保密信息资料归还给披露方,或者在供给书面证明的状况下予以销
19、毁。At request of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall return any reproduced confidential information/materials to the Disclosing Party or destroy it by providing written proof for the destruction.6. 违约责任 (Breach Liability)6.1 消灭以下状况时,接收方应担当违约责任:The Receiving Party shall be liable for breac
20、h of contract in case of the following circumstances:6.1.1 接收方及接收方的员工等未经披露方的书面同意擅自向第三方泄漏保密信息的;when the Receiving Party or its employee discloses confidential information to a third party without written authorization of the Disclosing Party;6.1.2 接收方违反本协议第四条商定的;when the Receiving Party is in breach
21、of Clause 4 under this agreement;6.1.3 接收方的其他行为泄漏保密信息的。any other behavior of the Receiving Party that discloses the confidential information.6.2 消灭上述状况时,接收方应马上停顿其违约行为并实行措施避开披露方损失的扩大,同时,接收方应赔偿披露方因此所患病的全部经济损失惩罚性损失除外。6.3 接收方成认并同意,披露方的保密信息是披露方的贵重资产,任何违反本协议商定的披露或使用将对披露方造成不行挽回的损害及损失。鉴于此,接收方成认并同意,金钱补偿将缺乏以弥
22、补因接收方或其员工违约而造成的损失,披露方有权寻求制止令作为任何此类违约的救济。The Receiving Party acknowledges and agrees that the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party is a valuable asset of the Disclosing Party and that any disclosure or use thereof in violation of the provisions of this Agreement will cause an irreparable
23、harm and loss to the Disclosing Party.As such, the Receiving Party acknowledges and agrees that money damages alone are not sufficient remedy for any breach of this Agreement by the Receiving Party and/or its employees and that the Disclosing Party shall be entitled to seek injunctive relief as reme
24、dy for any such breach.7. 不行转让(No Assignment):任何一方均不得在未经对方书面同意之前转让本协议或其项下的任何义 务,除非经兼并、重组、联合或该方全部或实质上全部资产的出售。任何意图违反本局部的努力都将是无效且没有法律效力的。Neither party may, without the prior written consent of the other party, assign or transfer this agreement or any obligation incurred hereunder, except by merger, reo
25、rganization, consolidation or sale of all or substantially all of such party”s assets. Any attempt to do so in contravention of this Section shall be void and of no force and effect.8. 授权签署(Authority to Sign):各方在此声明并保证其拥有完全的授权来签署并执行本保密协议,且有权实施或导致实施本协议所涵盖的全部行为,同时保证代表该方签署本协议的人员拥有完全的权力和授权使该方受本协议条款之约束。9
26、. 适用法律及争议解决(Applicable laws and Dispute Resolution)9.1 本协议适用于中华人民共和国法律法规。This Agreement shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China.9.2 凡因本协议产生的或与本协议相关的争议,双方应先通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,由甲方所在地人民法院管辖诉讼解决。Any dispute arising from or in connection to this agreement shall be negot
27、iated for amicable settlement first of all, failing in which, the dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the peoples court at the place where Party A is domiciled.10. 其他(Miscellaneous)10.1 本协议壹式贰份,甲乙双方各持壹份,具有同等的法律效力。 This agreement is executed in duplicate, each party holding one of them andboth are of the same effect.10.2 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效。10.3 未尽事宜双方另行协商解决。Any matters not mentioned herein shall be negotiated and settled by the Parties separately.附件:诚信经营自律协议The Business Integrity and Self-Discipline AgreementAttachment: The Business Integrity and Self-Discipline Agreement