《房地产租赁合同中英文版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《房地产租赁合同中英文版.doc(13页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、房地产租赁合同出租人(以下称“甲方”):_,一根据中国法律成立并存续的法人,在_登记注册,其注册号 _号,法定地址为_;承租人(以下称“乙方”):_,一根据中华 人民共和国法律成立并存续的法人,在_登记注册,其注册号为_号,法定地址为_。甲方是附件中所述 场所(下称“场所”)之合法所有权人,同意按本合同之条款和条件将场所出租给乙方,而乙方因开展业务需要,亦同意按本合同之条款和条件承租场所,双方根据 中华人民共和国房地产管理法、城市房屋租赁办法和其他有关房地产租赁法律、法规,经协商订立本合同如下,共同遵守。第一条 前提条件 1.1 本合同之签订以甲方向乙方提供其有权按本合同所列条款与条件出租场所
2、给乙方的有效证明文件为前提。1.2 上述第1.1条所述之证明文件应包括:1.2.1 甲方的营业执照复印件;1.2.2场所的房屋所有权证复印件;1.2.3 场所的土地使用权证复印件;及1.2.4 场所的租赁许可证复印件。第二条 场所 2.1 甲方出租场所给乙方作办公室使用。2.2 甲方保证场所能够符合上述用途,并符合国家、地方有关消防、安全规定及其他规定。第三条 租赁期限3.1 场所之租赁期限为_年,自_年_月_日(下称“起租日”)到_年_月_日。3.2 任何一方如需延长第3.1条所列之期限,应在租赁期限届满前三个月以书面形式通知另一方。经另一方书面同意,双方重新签订租赁合同,但有关条款和条件应
3、基 本不变。若甲方欲将场所出租予第三方,在同等条件下,乙方有优先承租权。第四条 租金和其他费用4.1 场所之租金为每月_元人民币/ 平方米,每月租金总额为_元人民币。4.2 租金每_个月结算一次,乙方应在每_个月第一个月的十号前,将该期间的租金以人民币汇入甲方在银行(帐户名称为_,帐号为 _),或甲方以书面形式向乙方指定的其他帐户内。首期租金应于_时支付。付款日期以乙方向甲方提供付款凭证的复印件之日为准。4.3 甲方免费为乙方提供_条电话线,该电话线应不迟于起租日接通。电话费根据乙方的实际用量和电信局的收费标准按月支付。4.4 本合同规定的租金和费用在租赁期限内不得提高,否则,乙方有权拒绝支付
4、增加的部分。除本合同明确规定的租金和费用外,乙方无需支付其他任何费用。第 五条 转租 在租赁期限内,未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得向第三方转租场所。第六条 双方责任6.1 除本合同规定之其他责任外,甲方还应承担如下责任:6.1.1 在本合同签订后三十日内,到_房地产管理部门办理本合同的登记备案手续,以及办理使本合同生效并持续有效所需的其他手续。登记费用由双方平均承 担;6.1.2 在_年_月_日前将处于良好适用状态的场所及有关设备交付乙方使用,乙方有权对此进行检查;6.1.3 负责对场所及其设备、公用设施进行定期安全检查及维修,使场所及其设备、公用设施处于良好、适用状态,符合乙方开展业务需要。
5、在发现有损坏或故障发生或接 到乙方有关损坏或故障发生的书面通知后,应在两日内进行修复并负责承担维修费用及其他与维修有关的费用;6.1.4 在租赁期内,如须转让场所的,则须提前三个月以书面形式通知乙方,并应保证受让人继续履行本合同,但在同等条件下,乙方有优先购买权。如因场所的转让造成 乙方损失的,应负赔偿责任;6.1.5 负责与场所的保安、防火、环境卫生等事项有关之所有事务及费用;6.1.6 负责使进入场所之所有汽车通道和人行通道处于良好、适用状态,并承担所需费用;6.1.7 负责使与场所配套之电力线路、机械设备、煤气管道、水管、通讯线路、废水排放系统和其他公用设施处于良好、适用状态,并承担所需
6、费用;6.1.8 应乙方要求,保证对场所进行充足的、持续不断的电力、水等的供应,除另有明确规定外,支付所需费用;6.1.9 负责对场所及其设备的内在缺陷、自然损坏及其他非归咎于乙方的过错或疏忽而造成的毁损进行修复,并承担所需费用;6.1.10 自费为场所投保火险及第三方责任险;及6.1.11 在租赁期限内,如因场所危破维修,须乙方临时搬迁的,应与乙方签订回迁协议,保证乙方可按本合同之条款和条件在维修完成后继续承租场所,租赁期限按临时搬 迁之天数顺延,除双方另有约定外,应补偿乙方因临时搬迁所产生之费用和损失。 6.2 除本合同规定的其他责任外,乙方还应承担如下责任: 6.2.1 按本合同第四条之
7、规定,依约按时交纳租金;6.2.2 按本合同第2.1条规定的用途使用场所,未征得甲方同意,不得擅自改变场所用途; 6.2.3 合理使用场所及其设备、公用设施,保证其经常处于良好状态;如需对场所及其设备进行拆改、整修、扩建,须征得甲方书面同意;6.2.4 不得在场所内贮存有毒、易爆、易燃等危险、违禁物品;6.2.5 按时支付法律明文规定应由承租方缴纳的有关税、费;6.2.6 在本合同按第9条规定终止后10日内,应按本合同规定将场所腾空,交还甲方;及 6.2.7 严格遵守大厦安全保卫制度、消防管理制度以及其他物业管理制度。第七条 违约责任7.1 除本合同另有规定外,任何一方违反本合同造成另一方损失
8、的,应进行赔偿。如属双方过错,则应按过错比例各自承担相应之违约责任。7.2 如甲方并无法律资格按本合同的条款与条件出租场所,则须在乙方要求的期限内补办有关手续以使其具备所需的法律资格;逾期未能办妥的,乙方有权解除本合同, 甲方并应赔偿乙方因此所遭受的损失。甲方应于本合同终止后5日返还乙方剩余的租金和其他费用。7.3 甲方违反第2.1条约定,使乙方无法按其用途使用场所,则乙方有权解除本合同并有权要求甲方赔偿损失。甲方应于本合同终止后5日内返还乙方剩余的租金和其 他费用。7.4 如甲方未按本合同的规定将场所及其设备交付乙方使用,每逾期一日,甲方须按月租金额的百分之二向乙方支付违约金。如此违约金不足
9、以抵偿乙方因此而遭受的损 失,甲方还须就差额对乙方进行赔偿,乙方有权要求甲方继续履行本合同或解除本合同。如继续履行本合同,乙方还有权要求按逾期交付的天数将租赁期限顺延。7.5 如甲方未能按第6.1.1条之规定办理有关手续,须承担全部责任,包括但不限于自行承担政府部门所处以之罚款,赔偿乙方损失等,乙方并有权解除本合同。7.6 如甲方延迟履行对场所及其设备、公用设施的维修责任,乙方有权代为维修,费用由甲方负担。如因甲方延迟履行维修责任造成乙方或他人人身伤亡、财产损失的, 还应负赔偿责任。7.7 乙方逾期交付租金,每逾期一日,由甲方按月租金额的百分之二收取违约金;拖欠租金累计两个月以上的,甲方有权解
10、除本合同。7.8 未经甲方同意,乙方擅自将场所转租、转借、与他人调换使用,或进行拆改、整修或扩建、改变用途,或乙方利用场所贮存危险、违禁物品,或进行其他违法活动 的,甲方有权要求乙方限期改正或恢复原状;乙方逾期未能改正或恢复原状的,甲方有权解除本合同,如造成损失的,乙方还应负责赔偿。7.9 乙方因不当使用场所及其设备、公用设施而造成损坏的,应负责进行修复、赔偿。 7.10 乙方未按第6.2.6条规定将场所交还甲方的,须补交违约占用期间的租金。7.11 本合同期限内,任何一方需要提前终止本合同,应提前三个月书面通知另一方,并应赔偿两个月的租金作为违约金。7.12 本条所规定的违约金、赔偿金,应在
11、责任确定后十天内支付,逾期则按逾期支付租金的条款处理。第八条 不可抗力8.1 双方同意,不可抗力是指双方不能合理控制、无法预见、即使预见亦无法避免的并将导致本合同任何一方无法全部或部分履行本合同的事件,其中包括火灾、水灾、 地震、台风及其他自然灾害、爆炸、船舶失事、蓄意破坏、意外、罢工、战争、暴动、叛乱及其他类似的或不同的不可测事件。8.2 当不可抗力事件发生而使合同义务不能履行时,该合同义务应在不可抗力所造成的延误期间内中止履行,遭遇不可抗力的一方无需承担违约责任。8.3 遭遇不可抗力的一方应立即以书面形式通知另一方,并向另一方出具经当地主管部门出具的证实不可抗力发生和持续的有效证明。遭遇不
12、可抗力的一方亦应采取必要 措施,尽力使不可抗力终止,将损失减小到最低限度。8.4 不可抗力事件发生后,双方应立即进行协商,按照事件对本合同的影响程度,决定是否解除本合同,或者部分免除履行合同的责任,或顺延履行合同。如双方决定继 续履行合同,则除受不可抗力影响不能履行或双方同意免予履行的部分外,本合同其他条款应照常履行。第九条 合同终止9.1 本合同在下列任一情形下终止:9.1.1 本合同第3.1条规定的租赁期限届满而各方均不续约;9.1.2 双方一致同意提前解除本合同;9.1.3 因违约事件发生,任何一方按照本合同规定行使提前解除本合同之权利;及9.1.4 因不可抗力事件发生双方协商决定提前解
13、除本合同。9.2 本合同终止后,由乙方自费添置的设备和装修,乙方得拆除、搬走或按当时的状况返还。如有嵌装在场所之结构或墙体内无法拆除之部分,由甲方作价补偿后归甲方 所有。 9.3 本合同的终止,不应影响至本合同终止之日时,双方已享有的权利和应承担的义务,包括但不限于向违约方的索赔权以及支付本合同项下的有关已到期费用等。第 十条 合同的转让 在本合同期限内,乙方有权根据其经营需要,将本合同转让给乙方的关联公司、机构或其子公司或部门(下称“受让方”),但乙方应事先书面通知甲方。自乙方发 出此通知之后,受让方将取代乙方成为本合同项下的承租人, 并且应如同其自身签署本合同一样完全遵守和履行本合同。第十
14、一条 争议之解决11.1 在本合同履行过程中所产生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。如在一方向对方发出协商解决争议之书面通知后30日内,双方未能以协商方 式解决争议的,任何一方均可将争议提交在北京设立的中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。11.2 在争议解决过程中,除双方有争议正在进行协商或仲裁的部分外,双方应继续履行本合同的其他条款。 第十二条 适用法律 本合同的订立、效力、释义、履行和争议的解决,均适用中华人民共和国法律。法律未作明确规定的,可参考有关国际惯例.第十三条 通知13.1 本合同项下的一切信息传递,均以书
15、面形式进行。以传真或电传方式进行的,应同时以挂号信件寄至、或将信件亲自送至本合同末处所列联系地址,加以确认。13.2 一方改变其联系地址,须提前十五日以书面形式通知对方;如因延误通知造成任何后果,均由其承担。如造成对方损失的,还应予以赔偿。第十四条 文字 本合同以中文和英文写成。两种文本均具有同等法律效力。第十五条 其他15.1 本合同及其附件经双方的法定代表人或授权人签字并加盖公章后生效。15.2 本合同的各项附件,均为本合同不可分割的一部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。 15.3 对本合同及其附件的修改,需由双方一致同意,签订书面补充合同,并经_房地产管理部门登记备案。15.4 本合同任何条
16、款的无效,不应影响其他条款的效力。无效的条款,应由最能体现本合同签订时双方意愿的有效条款所取代。15.5 本合同任何一方不行使、部分行使或延迟行使其在本合同下所享有的任何权利,并不妨碍其在日后完全行使或部分行使该项权利及其享有的其他权利。如任何一方行 使了某一项权利,并不影响其再次行使该项权利或其他权利。15.6 本合同正本一式三份,双方各执一份,_房地产管理部门一份。 (此页无正文)甲方:法定代表或授权代表:签署:联系地址:电话:签署日期:乙 方:法定代表或授权代表:签署:联系地址:电话:签署日期:附 件场所1. 地址:2. 位置:3. 租赁面积:THE PARTIES:The Lessor
17、 (Party A): _,a legal person duly organised and existing under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China (the PRC) and registered at _with business licence number _. The legal address of the company is _.The Lessee (Party B):_,a legal person duly organised and existing under the laws of China and re
18、gistered at _with business licence number _.The legal address of the company is _.Party A is the legal owner of the premises particulars of which are contained in Schedule (hereinafter the Premises), and has agreed to offer to Party B, and Party B has agreed to take up, a lease of the Premises under
19、 the terms and conditions of this Contract for the purpose of carrying on the business of Party B. Upon consultation, the Parties hereby, in accordance with the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Administration of Real Property, the Measures on the Lease of Urban Real Property and other rel
20、evant laws and regulations in relation to the lease of real property, agree to enter into this Contract and abide by its terms.Article 1 Conditions Precedent1.1The execution of this Contract is conditional upon Party A producing valid documents evidencing to the satisfaction of Party B, that it has
21、the right to lease the Premises to Party B under the terms and conditions of this Contract.1.2For the purpose of Article 1.1, such documents shall include:1.2.1a copy of Party As Business Licence;1.2.2 a copy of the Building Property Ownership Certificate relating to the Premises; and1.2.3 a copy of
22、 the land use rights certificate relating to the Premises;1.2.4 a copy of the lease permits relating to the PremisesArticle 2 The Premises2.1Party A shall lease the Premises to Party B for office use.2.2Party A guarantees that the Premises will be fit for the above purpose, and that it complies with
23、 the provisions of the State and local government in relation to fire prevention, safety and other rules and regulations.Article 3 Term of the Lease3.1The Premises shall be leased for a term of _ years commencing from _,(the “Commencing Date”) and expiring on _.3.2If either Party needs to extend the
24、 term stipulated under Article 3.1, it shall notify the other Party in writing three months before the term expires. Upon the written consent of the other Party, the Parties shall enter into a new lease contract, the terms and conditions of which shall materially remain the same.If Party A intends t
25、o lease the Premises to a third party, Party B shall have the preemptive right to take up the lease under the same terms and conditions as those offered to such third party.Article 4 Rent4.1 The monthly rent for the Premises shall be RMB _Yuan per square meter and the total monthly rent shall be RMB
26、 _Yuan.4.2 The rent shall be payable every _ months.Party B shall pay the rent before 10thof the first month of every _-month period by remitting the payment into the bank account of Party A (under the name of _, account number is _) opened at _bank or to any other bank account notified in writing b
27、y Party A to Party B.The initial rent shall be payable by Party B on _. The date of payment shall be subject to the date on which Party B provides a copy of payment evidence to Party A.4.3 Party A shall provide Party B with _ telephone lines free of charge, which shall be available no later than the
28、 Commencing Date.The telephone fee _ shall be paid on a monthly basis subject to the actual use of Party B and the tariffs published by the telecommunication bureau.4.4 The rent and fees stipulated in this Contract shall not be increased during the term of the lease.Otherwise, Party B shall be entit
29、led to refuse the payment for the increased amount.Except for the rent and fees specified in this Contract, there is no any other fee that shall be payable by Party B.Article 5 Sub-lettingDuring the term of the lease, without prior written consent of Party A, Party B shall not be entitled to sub-let
30、 the Premises to a third party.Article 6 Responsibilities of the Parties6.1In addition to its responsibilities specified in other clauses of this Contract, Party As responsibilities shall also include the following:6.1.1 to complete within 30 days of the execution of this Contract the registration a
31、nd filing procedures with _ real estate administration department and other required formalities such that this Contract will become and remain valid.The registration fee shall be equally shared by both Parties;6.1.2 to deliver up the Premises and the relevant equipment for use by Party B prior to _
32、, and Party B shall have the right to inspect the conditions of the Premises;6.1.3 to be responsible for the regular safety inspection and maintenance of the Premises, its equipment and public utilities to ensure that they are in good and proper order and will be able to meet the requirements of Par
33、ty Bs business activities. In the event of damage or breakdown or upon receipt of Party Bs written notice of any damage or breakdown, Party A shall carry out the necessary repair work within two days and shall be responsible for the costs of such repair and other fees in relation to such repair;6.1.
34、4 in the event that it intends to assign the Premises during the term of the lease, Party A shall provide Party B with three months advance written notice, and shall ensure that the assignee will continue the performance of this Contract.Party B shall be given the pre-emptive right to purchase the P
35、remises under the same terms and conditions as those offered to the prospective assignee.In the event that the assignment of the Premises causes any loss to Party B, Party A shall be responsible for paying compensation;6.1.5 to be responsible for the security, fire prevention, environmental health a
36、nd all such other matters in respect of the Premises and pay all charges incurred therefrom;6.1.6 to be responsible for maintaining all means of vehicles and pedestrian access to the Premises in good and proper order, and to pay for all necessary charges arising therefrom;6.1.7to be responsible for
37、maintaining any electrical wiring, mechanical equipment, gas piping, water piping, telecommunication lines, waste water discharge and other public utilities for the Premises in good and proper order, and to pay for all necessary charges arising therefrom;6.1.8 to ensure adequate and constant supply
38、of electricity, water etc. as required by Party B to the Premises and, unless otherwise specified, to be responsible for all necessary charges arising therefrom;6.1.9 to be responsible for repairing all inherent defects and natural damage and other damage to the Premises and its equipment not attrib
39、utable to the default or negligence of Party B, and to pay for all necessary charges arising therefrom;6.1.10 to take out and maintain insurance on the Premises against fire and third party liability at its own cost; and6.1.11 to enter into a repossession agreement with Party B in the event that Par
40、ty B is required to move out temporarily during the term of the lease due to maintenance work arising from wear and tear on the Premises, and to ensure that Party B may continue with the lease of the Premises upon the terms and conditions of this Contract after the completion of the maintenance work
41、 with the term of the lease extended for such period as Party B was required to move out temporarily, and unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, to compensate Party B for all expenses and losses incurred as a result of such temporary move.6.2 In addition to its responsibilities specified in th
42、is Contract, Party Bs responsibilities shall also include the following:6.2.1to promptly pay the rent in accordance with Article 4 of this Contract;6.2.2to use the Premises for such purposes as stipulated in Article 2.1 of this Contract and not to alter the use of the Premises without the consent of
43、 Party A;6.2.3to use the Premises, its equipment, and public utilities in a reasonable manner and ensure that they are maintained in good order; to obtain a written approval from Party A in the event that it is necessary to demolish, renovate and expand the Premises and its equipment;6.2.4not to sto
44、re any dangerous or prohibited goods such as toxic, explosive and inflammable articles in the Premises;6.2.5to promptly pay relevant taxes or charges required by law to be paid by the lessees;6.2.6to vacate and deliver up possession of the Premises to Party A in accordance with this Contract within
45、10 days after the termination of this Contract in accordance with Article 9; and6.2.7 to strictly comply with the security rule, the fire prevention rule and other management rules of the building.Article 7 Liabilities for Breach7.1Unless otherwise stipulated in this Contract, if either Party is in
46、breach of any provisions of this Contract, it shall indemnify the other Party for any losses suffered therefrom.If both Parties are at fault, the liabilities for breach shall be shared by the Parties in proportion to their default.7.2If Party A does not have the legal capacity to lease out the Premi
47、ses in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract, it shall carry out the required formalities in order to obtain such legal capacity within the time limit stipulated by Party B.If such formalities are not completed within the time limit stipulated by Party B, Party B shall be entitled to terminate this Contract and Party A shall compensate Party B for the loss it has suffered therefrom.Party A shall also be liable to refund the remaining rent and other fees to Party B within 5 days