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1、四川省内江市第六中学2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期中试题考试时间:1 2 0 分钟 满分:1 5 0 分第 I 卷 选 择 题(满分100分)第 一 部 分 听 力(共两节,满分30分)第 一 节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5 分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1.How does the woma n wa nt to go to the c ity c enter?4.Wha t a c tivity does the ma n suc c eed in b ook ing?A.Sa iling.B.Bik e riding.C.Ca r ra c ing.A.By s
2、ub wa y.B.By ta xi.C.By c a r.2.Wha t siz e shoe did the ma n wa nt?A.3 8.B.4 0.C.4 2.3.Wha t did the woma n b uy toda y?A.A b ed.B.A desk.C.A light.5.Wha t a re the spea k ers ta lk ing a b out?A.A tea m.B.A ma tc h.C.An a c c ident.第 二 节(共1 5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6
3、.When will the spea k ers go to the festiva l?A.On Thursda y.B.On Frida y.C.On Sa turda y.7.Whic h performa nc e will the spea k ers wa tc h?A.The 1 2:3 0 one.B.The 2:3 0 one.C.The 7:0 0 one.请听第7段材料,回答第8、9 题。8.Wha t is on the first floor in the house?A.A b a throom.B.Two b a throoms.C.A b edroom.9.W
4、ha t will the ma n prob a b ly c ha nge if he dec ides to rent the house?A.The fridge.B.The sofa.C.The wa llpa per.请听第8 段材料,回答第1 0 至1 2 题。1 0.Why did George dra w a horse for the projec t?A.Bec a use his fa mily 1 ik e it.B.Bec a use he went horse riding.C.Bec a use he sa w a TV progra m.1 1.Wha t d
5、id John dra w?A.A sha rk.B.A tiger.C.A sea lion.1 2.Who drew a b ea r?A.Ric ha rd.B.Emma.C.Sa ra h.请听第9 段材料,回答第1 3 至1 6 题。1 3.Where should the ma n turn left to get to the sports c enter?A.At the c a r pa rk.B.At the superma rk et.C.At student b loc k 1.1 4.Whic h direc tion should the ma n hea d to
6、 get to the lib ra ry?A.North.1 5.How muc h doesA.1.0 0.1 6.Wha t will theA.Host a show.B.South.C.West.it c ost to wa sh the c lothes a time?B.1.5 0.woma n do tonight?B.Ha ve a da nc e.C.2.0 0.C.Prepa re the c ostumes.请听第1 0段材料,回答第1 7至20题。1 7.When will Yea r 1 1 students go to work?A.In April.B.In M
7、a y.C.In June.1 8.Wha t is Mr.Ma rc ha nt in c ha rge of?A.Dea ling with sound.B.Providing lighting.C.Finding a c tors.1 9.Wha t should Yea r 8 students b ring forA.Some money.B.Food a nd drink.their trip?C.Pa per a nd penc ils.2 0.Who a re the listeners prob a b ly?A.Pa rents.B.Students.C.Tea c her
8、s.第二部分 阅 读 理 解(共两节,满分40分)第 一 节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAttra c tions in Wisc onsinWisc onsin Historic a l Museum3 0 N.Ca rroll Street on Ma dison s Ca pitol Squa reDisc over Wisc onsin s history a nd c ulture on four floors of exhib its(展品).Open for pub licp
9、rogra m.Admission(入场)is free.Open Tuesda y through Sa turda y,9:0 0 a m 4:0 0 pm.(6 0 8)2 6 4-6 5 5 5 www.wisc ons inhistory,org/museumSwiss historic a l villa ge6 1 2 Seventh Ave.,New Gla rusThe Swiss Historic a l Villa ge offers a delightful look a t pioneer life in Americ a s hea rtla nd.1 4 b ui
10、ldings in the vil la ge give a full pic ture of every da y life in the nineteenth-c entury Midwest.Tue.Fri.,Ma y Is-Oc tob er 3 1 ,1 0:0 0 a m4:0 0 pm.Admission is$2 0.(6 0 8)5 2 7-2 3 1 7 ww.swisshistoric a lvilla ge.c omArtisa n Ga llery&Crea mery Ca f66 85 8 Pa oli Rd.,Pa oli,WIOne of the la rges
11、t c ollec tions of fine a rts a nd c ra fts(手工艺品)in Wisc onsin.Over 5 0 0 0 squa refeet(平方英尺)of exhib ition spa c e in a historic c rea mery (乳品厂).While visiting,enjoy awonderfully prepa red lunc h a t our c a f6 overlook ing the Suga r River.Just minutes from Ma dison!Ga llery open Tue.-Sun.,1 0:0
12、0 a m-5:0 0 pm.Ca f6 open Wed.-Sa t.,1 1:0 0 a m-3:0 0 pm.Sun.b runc h with wine,1 0:0 0 a m-3:0 0 pm.(6 0 8)84 5-6 6 0 0 www.a rtisa nga l.c omChristopher Columb us Museum2 3 9 Whitney St.,Columb usWorld-c la ss exhib it-2 0 0 0 qua lity souvenirs移己念品)ma rk ing Chic a go,s 1 893 World Columb ia nEx
13、hib ition.Tour b uses a re a lwa y s welc ome.Open da ily,8:1 5 a m-4:0 0 pm.(92 0)6 2 3-1 992 www.c olumb usa ntiquema ll.c om2 1.Whic h of the following is on Ca pitol Squa re?A.Wisc onsin Historic a l Museum.B.C.Artisa n Ga llery&Crea mery Ca f6.D.2 2.Where c a n y ou go for a visit on Monda y?A.
14、Wisc onsin Historic a l Museum.B.C.Artisa n Ga llery&Crea mery c a fd.2 3.Where c a n visitors ha ve lunc h?A.At Wisc onsin Historic a l Museum.B.C.At Artisa n Ga llery&Crea mery Ca fd.D.BThe mea ning of the word“volunteer”ma y bit usua lly mea ns“one who offers his or her se:people c a n volunteer,
15、suc h a s ta k ing c a re of sic lSwiss Historic a l Villa ge.Christopher Columb us Museum.Swiss Historic a l Villa ge.D.Christopher Columb us Museum.At Swiss Historic a l Villa ge.At Christopher Columb us Museum.a little different in different c ountries,b utic es”.There a re ma ny different wa y s
16、 in whic hpeople,work ing in homes for homeless c hildren,a nd pic k ing up ga rb a ge from b ea c hes a nd pa rk s.Volunteers ma y work within their own c ountriesor in other c ountries.They a re often people with a strong wish to help those who a re less fortuna tetha n themselves.Volunteers don t
17、 expec t a ny k ind of pa y.At the root of volunteering is the idea tha t one person ma y ha ve the a b ility to offer servic estha t c a n help other people.Tra c y,a good friend of mine,however,rec ently c a me b a c k from Indiawith a new idea of wha t b eing a volunteer mea ns.She work ed for tw
18、o a nd a ha lf week s in one ofMother Teresa s homes in Ca lc utta.The following is her story.“I first hea rd a b out Mother Teresa in my high sc hool,we wa tc hed a video a b out her work inIndia a nd a ll over the world.I wa s so moved b y her spirit to help others a nd her endless lovefor every h
19、uma n b eing tha t a fter I gra dua ted from high sc hool,I too wa nted to try her k ind ofwork.So with two friends I flew to Ca lc utta for a few week s.”“I wa s a sk ed to work in a home for sic k people.I helped wa sh c lothes a nd sheets,a nd pa ssout lunc h.I a lso fed the people who were too w
20、ea k to feed themselves a nd tried to c heer themup.I felt it wa s b etter to sha re with them tha n to think tha t I ha ve helped them.To b e honest,I don,t think I wa s helping very muc h.It wa s then tha t I rea liz ed tha t I ha d not rea lly c ometo help,b ut to lea rn a b out a nd experienc e
21、a nother c ulture tha t helped improve my own understa ndingof life a nd the world.”2 4.Ac c ording to the text,a volunteer refers to a person who.A.ha s ma de a b ig fortune in life B.c a n a fford to tra vel to different pla c esC.ha s a strong wish to b e suc c essful D.is willing to help those i
22、n need without pa y2 5.Tra c y sta rted her work a s a volunteer.A.a fter she met Mother Teresa B.a fter she finished high sc hoolC.when she wa s touring Ca lc utta D.when she wa s work ing in a hospita l2 6.Why did Tra c y c hoose to b e a volunteer?A.She lik ed to work with Mother Teresa.B.She wa
23、s a sk ed b y Mother Teresa to do so.C.She wa nted to follow Mother Teresa s exa mple.D.She ha d a lrea dy ha d some experienc e.2 7.Wha t is Tra c yJ s“new idea”(Pa ra gra ph 2)of b eing a volunteer?A.Going a b roa d to help the sic k.B.Doing simple things to help the poor.C.Work ing in Mother Tere
24、sa s home.D.Improving oneself through helping others.CAmeric a n c ities a re simila r to other c ities a round the world:In every c ountry,c ities reflec tthe va lues of the c ulture.Americ a n c ities a re c ha nging,just a s Americ a n soc iety is c ha nging.After World Wa r II,the popula tion of
25、 most la rge Americ a n c ities dec rea sed;however,thepopula tion in ma ny Sun Belt c ities inc rea sed.Los Angeles a nd Houston a re c ities where popula tionshifts(转移)to a nd from the c ity reflec t the c ha nging va lues of Americ a n soc iety.In the la te1 94 0 s a nd ea rly 1 95 0 s,c ity resi
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- 2020 _2021 学年 英语 学期 期中 试题